New Picture From American Idol
Filed Under (American Idol,twitter ) by Admin on Thursday, March 10, 2011
Posted at : Thursday, March 10, 2011
From American Idol's official twitter page:
He's behind this door #GLAMMING as we speak @AmericanIdol and @AdamLambert fans!! :)

He's behind this door #GLAMMING as we speak @AmericanIdol and @AdamLambert fans!! :)

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Dayum. I thought I'd have a lovely new picture to add to my collection.
I believe they tape the show in the afternoon. So by now it's all done and we don't see it til tonight. I don't think Adam will glam up too much. But I know he will look great anyway.
YOU know you're a star when your name is on a sign and it's below AMERICAN IDOL! yeahhhhboyyyy!
I don't even want to imagine where your minds are wandering.
things that can go on behind those closed doors. It is telling you who's inside, but leaving a little to the imagination. why is American Idol doing this? Keeping the Kitty Kat Kurious! meow!
Closed doors can mean many things. He could be rehearsing, reading a book, shaving, taking a nap, drinking a cup of tea with honey, brushing his teeth, sharpening his liner, working out in sweats, or taking a nice long hot....
A mind out of the gutter is a terrible thing to waste.
Hope he doesn't get too glittery! I like the casual look the most.
wondering if you can slide anything below the door?
ES 46K? what could that possibly mean?
your beautiful in this way, cuz god makes no mistakea.s Adam's on the right track babby Adam was born this way.
ItsJoooory Jory
:D RT @corylive: At #AI watching my boy @adamlambert SLAY his rehearsal 4 tonights results show!! Gonna b FIYAH!!!
3 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply
I CAN NOT WAIT to see him tonight! I think he's gonna go hair slicked back and very little make up. It's American freaking Idol. He knows how to dress for any occasion. Love him love him love him soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!
Time to go watch the Adam Lambert show! He does need to be seen at least once a week for us fans, cuz we miss him all the time! MWAH! K
He is such a super star it's not even funny! SOOOOOOOOO off the charts and this might be the first time he's performed in front of J.Lo and Stephen. Hope they get to say what they thought.
I think he will bloooowwwwww them away.
Such a VOICE, such a BEAUTIFUL man, beautiful soul! Ugh!!!!!!!!!He's almost too much!
Here's a link to the East Coast feed happening RIGHT NOW on idol!!! I hope everyone can see it!:
AdamOfficial is trending on twitter right now!!!!!!!
Oh Ryan mentioned Adam...I think he's on next!
Or this one...
OMG, Watching Idol and couldn't believe the group sang MJ'sBlack or White,having an Adam flashback!Pia Toscano looks stunning, all in black, J.Durbin did a decent job Wed.and in group song. Oh how many more minutes to wait for our BB?! funbunn40
International Stream:
Other ustream for international fans to watch Adam on American Idol today:
No, Adam not on yet...doin eliminations...
....hoping for a sighting of the lower lip freckle (among other things).
Ok, Ryan just now said "Adam Lambert, LIVE, when we come back"!!!!
OMG!!!!!! Can hardly contain myself with so much EXCITEMENT!
WOW! What a performance! Adam you should be proud!
OMG can't contain my excitement in this side of the world. Emily (my companion in the MANILA GNT) and i both cheered last night at around 11:00PM when we heard Ryan Seacrest announce that Adam will be their guest. Youngest son was in the living room with us and he was equally delighted not because of Adam but because of our synchronized knee-jerk reaction to the announcement. He knows how we both adore Adam and he tolerates our addiction hahaha. There were occasions when he was watching MTV and when our Diamond Boy is featured, he would gladly give way and call Emily to watch Adam.
Now the anticipation makes me all jittery and i doubt if i can focus on anything else today LOL.
OMG! He is so handsome. Almost dead after the performance. OMG! So poweful!!!!!!!
I'm hearing that he did a great job. I hope there's a video soon.
And I even got a phone from a fellow workmate who sad she would watch and she LOVED him. And I got to say "I told you so."
We have a new fan!!
Love him!!
I meant to say who "said". I'm too excited.
I also meant to say "phone call".
He looked so handsome! His voice sounded as strong as ever. It was wonderful to see and hear him perform live again. Stayed home from dinner out with the family to watch this. SOOOOOO worth it! Smiling...
Think I've died and gone to heaven! Adam, Monte and Isaac looked so good. Isaac on the bongos taking up where LP used to be. Adam dressed down, clean cut, no glam looking sooo good! Think it was a smart move for tonight.We'll get more glam later. I think he was a little nervous. Had to be strange for him without the guyliner and not being on a stage for awhile. It was over too quickly. So glad I have a DVR! Wonder how he felt meeting Steven Tyler. JLo offered to show him a dance move that Adam didn't know. I'd love to see that!! funbunn40
For those who can't wait - Monte and Tommy on stage and Isaac too (do I have that correct peeps?). He looked drop dead gorg (well, duh). Vocals were beautiful (well, duh). Chit chat adorbs. No mention of how to buy Trevor Project track - yikes... well, let's hope it blows up anyway. I won't blather on and on ('though I could :)), cuz I'm sure it will be up before I hit "post comment" anyway, lol
goosebumps, handsome, very powerful voice
Holy mother of god forgive our sins but he is so freaking sexy and gorgeous...............................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I screamed when Ryan called his name.
My daughter was stunned cause I acted like a teenager indeed ha!ha!ha!ha! Nice to hear and see him again, totally amazing......
Mom from Toronto, Canada
Awww! So happy now!! Not only was Adam his usual stunning, sunny self, but, we got to see Monte, Isaac and Tommy again!
Spoiler alert! Just watched Adam on Idol - don't read if you want to see first hand
I am on the west coast of Canada so get the show here at 5 pm and then on another channel at 8 pm.
First of all, Adam looked absolutely gorgeous - took my breath away. Very casual, dark jeans, t shirt, jacket, hair back, not much makeup and the big beautiful smile just amazing.
The band members were all there, and Adam sat on a stool the entire time. Ryan was really excited and had the crowd pumped up with some young girls up in the balcony.
They all looked a bit nervous and Adam was off pitch a bit in the first verse (yes, I'm a voice teacher) and it sounded a bit frantic, maybe a bit fast for accoustic. Then he warmed up into it and the vocal got better, gave a big glory note near the end. The judges looked stone cold, no stand up and barely any clapping.
Steven Tyler looked totally uninterested. At the end Ryan attempted some banter with Jaylo about dancing together to the remix and she perked up a bit but the other judges stayed looking bored and Steven Tyler didn't even clap.
I was so mad. All in all, I didn't think it was Adam's best vocal and he didn't stand up or move forward during the chorus which would have been effective, but he did look absolutely gorgeous.
Just switched channels back to SyFy, that's all AI is going to get from me.
Adam looked gorgeous, the band sounded great, & the VOICE came & it was beautiful Adam all the way! Rock edge to it, so much control, so much control! Did you hear it?, & that wail of a rocker! OMFRG!!! I think a lil showin off was in order, & they(whoever you might want to interpret that towards)deserved it too! Watched the fans in the audience & Adam got a bigger applause than Diddy! woohoo!! gotta go watch it again! MWAH! K
ps didn't see tyler's reaction, but I don't give a shit, I love Adam Lambert & don't they forget it!
@funbunn40 - I thought he was a bit nervous too, at the beginning anyway... I am only little 'ole me in viewer/fandom land, but that's my opinion... didn't impede his performance 'tho, cuz, let's face it, Adam's most nervous delivery is better than many artist's most confidant one... not hatin', just observin'
MGF (who is slightly irritated at what's going on w/ Diddy right now...but imma keep it to myself I guess :))
)Ok, Where's JAK who didn't want any glitz & glam... Well you got your wish!! Beautiful, absolutely beautiful, casual, very LITTLE make up at all... natural swept back hair... jeans t shirt, jacket... and a gorgeous smile. Somewhat more upbeat than the tour, with Adam, Monte & Tommy(flock of seagulls hairdo) on stools and Isac on like synthetic drums. Little bit different ending...
Sounded great... looked BEAUTIFUL.
Sorry to say I have abone to pick with Ryan! He just asked a rapper who just sang to give the contestants some advice! Can't believe he asked him instead of our wise one who really knows!! The rapper had a platinum album, but I've never heard of him. Guess I need to get out of my Adam cocoon, but there's no place I'd rather be.. funbunn40
Up on You Tube!
I always get nervous before Adam performs, because, if does a good job, he does a good job, but with so many haters out there, Tyler, may be one now , people take everything about Adam & hold it against him,. I'm saying Adam is so good , he is expected to not be by ones who don't give a damn. & by GOD! Adam Lambert is AMAZING! MWAH!!K
@March 10 5:46PM - thanks for your post.
ps. closing minutes - AI throwing David Cook a bone, good for him, that's great
Adam looked the most gorgeous I have ever seen . He sounded really great and changed it up a bit from the glamnation acoustic. His whole band was there not just Monte. It upset me that the judges did not stand up for Adam not even Randy. Steven looked weird, maybe uninterested. Or could it be that now that he has heard the brilliant voice, and even though there is talent, the others pale in comparison.
? Adam's stage presence is undeniable. It went by too quick so will keep re watching.
JAK here, just took my HEART medicine, it was jumping like crazy. I assume he reads our site, like a good grandson he followed my instructions perfectly. So scrubbed up looking, not even one glitter....I like....classy casual.
Turned tv off after I taped it. My sweet husband called from 5 states away and said "are you all right?" He didn't realize he'd be visiting in a nest of Idol lovers. I told him I was fine and going to bed with my collection of Adam music and float in space.
He said, "Oh, like you do every night?" He knows me so well.
I will be worrying about him though, he's driving in snow......first time since he moved to Fla. in l955! He has to stay safe, I need him back home in one piece.........JAK
GOOD JOB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All we need is love love love love! Showin how it is done on the AI stage!!!!! Steven Tyler was tight lipped tonight. what was up?
Randy Jackson should have showed mad love for ADAM. what is the deal with these judges? J-Lo acknowledged Adam and called him Baby. Steven had a bad day and didn't comment on anything.
The Glam God delivered once again and it wasn't pizza. It was hot vocals and a hot band backing him up. He should've gave the contestants advice and not the entrepreneur Puff Daddy Diddy Dirty MOney. How many names can one rapper have?
great show from Adam. I thought Steven Tyler was watching intently and enjoying it!!
Paula Abdul was probably doing cartwells in her house after the performance. she loves her Jewish Glam God.
What was wrong with the judges? They acted frozen. I hope they were friendlier backstage after the show was over. Is there a curse on our boy? Can't other people see the talent and charm he possesses? Not to mention beauty.
Are we the ones who are bewitched or is it the ones who don't see what we see?......
Tis a puzzlement!..........JAK (again)
Maybe Steven wasn't feeling well or had a spat with his wife (Is he married?). I agree, I was sort of taken aback by Randy and Steven's so-so attitude.
Adam did start of rather subdued-who knows why, I suppose nerves, but then he kicked it up several notches and blew us all away. He looked great without makeup. You all know Adam. His last performance on AI he was full on makeup and stylin and stage set was full of lasers. He obviously chose to do the opposite this time just as he did week on week during season 8. Such a smart cookie. I found the youtube video of Adam and top 13 from season 8 singing with Santana. Catch Adam at 1:50!! I had completely forgotten about this thanks to my Glamily here!
@JAK NOthing wron with judges!!!!!
What did these judges want today?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They want AMA!AMA!AMA!!!!!!!!!!!!! And they wanted to see Adam with a lot of make up, and dancing, and moving, and fuck everybody on the stage and out of the stage.
Steven needs blast, fireworks, man-to-man kisses. WHo care if it AI or not. Lady GaGa performed on AI almost naked! For god sake, everybody were waiting for Fever or FYE. Taylor, JLo, and Randy don't care about Trevor Project. They expected to have fun and they didn't get it. Most important fact that Taylor didn't get it. Instead of FYE he got Trevor Project Commercial. Very sad, but for some reason I knew it and nobody wanted to agree with me. I know we still will buy a lot of copeis of remix of Aftermath today. But I don't think Adam got much more fans after this performance. It was big risk and he lost again!!:( I hope Adam never will read this comment. Cause he knows that I am right. But I don't like to pretend that I like something. I'm just gonna cry tonight. Because Adam didn't get Stevem Taylor as his fan and may be lost JLo, as his biggest fan
Night, ladies. And it will be not very good night for me:(
@delilah5 Yikes I don't think Adam lost again. Please don't sound so negative. There are plenty of people who I am sure thought this performance was great and he will gain new fans. He was subdued,but wasn't the complaint by a lot of people that he was over the top and too glammed up. Adam can never win with some people. He sounded great not as good as on tour, but on tour he knows everyone is there just to hear him. If the judges don't care about the trevor project they are very shallow and cold people and that is just an assumption you made. Adam will now get tons of money for this wonderful charity. I am sorry you are sad go back and re watch a few times tomorrow.
@anon 7:23pm I don't care about people. I care about legends like Steven Taylor. And he didn't get it. Only one rock legend (ROCK GOD)could understand this performance. But he is dead. Freddie would love it, crasy about it, and he would help Adam to make big hit.
But Steven Taylor is not Freddie.
Good gosh delilah5. You are entitled to your opinion, much of the world will love the stripped down version of Diamond boy where his vocals shine through and there is no makeup. This will definitely please some people. It's ok, really. There will always be a complaint by someone. Too glam, not glam enough etc. This is Adam. He keeps us on edge.
It's Steven TYLER. He is releasing his Memoir in May and will record a new album this summer. Interesting read.
delilah5, try a good night's sleep and look at things again tomorrow.
@daydreamin,&Fan4fun7Icon,@The DarkSide,&Cindy@Eva@glitzylady and all of you, my dear friends
Somebody just said, that I am probably drunk again,my comments are terrible, etc. I thought we can make any comments and have our own opinion.
I love Adam, but I don't like to read comments like this.
Have a fan, ladies
aw what a pretty
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