Perez Hilton Talks About Being Inspired By 'Adam Lambert'
Filed Under (praises ) by Admin on Thursday, March 31, 2011
Posted at : Thursday, March 31, 2011

QUESTION:Tell me about the charity aspect of your birthday this year. What gave you the idea?
Perez Hilton: I was really inspired Adam Lambert. I saw that he used the opportunity of his birthday to raise money for a charity that he believed in, charity: water. I knew that I wanted mine to be a GLBT organization in light all the teens committing suicide last year and the bullying that's still going on. Trevor Project is amazing and I've referred a lot of people there, but GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) hasn't had as much press so I knew they could use it more.
By asking people to donate for my birthday, I've raised $12,000, but even more important than the money, is the fact that I've been talking about it a lot, and making people more aware. If GLSEN is able to get in the schools and do their work, hopefully kids wont feel the need to call the Trevor Project because they're suicidal.
Source: LA Weekly
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Perez Hilton is a two faced trash talking piece of crap. He went on the Morning Dish radio show and felt the need to comment on the incident of Adam punching a hole in the ceiling at the restaurant where Gaga was having her BD party. He went on to say that Adam was not only beyond sloppy drunk but insinuated that he might of done something else other then just drinking. He then said he wasn't even invited, but then changed it to he came as a guest of Jake Shears (scissor sisters). The thing is he wasn't even asked about Adam he just offered this info for what reason I don't know, but claims to be a friend of Adams. I hope I never have a friend like that. Sorry, just had to vent. What he said (true or not) just pissed me off!!!
I don't trust that Jake Shears..
Hes a douche bag...
1:41 Oh shut your trap. You dont know shit about him.
I want to be negative for once on this blog. Perez is a lair and rubbish fame whore feed on trashing our Adam to get attention. Hate him.
Can it be that Perez is annoyed that Adam didn´t come to his Blue Party? It says that he was there but no pics of him. He is really a d-bag. I don´t know why Adam is so friendly with him.
Jake Shears seems like a really nice guy.
Does anyone know where I can listen to that Perez insult? I want to hear what he said about Adam. That's ridiculous!
Eva he IS. hes a class act. ;)
Yes, its too bad Perez couldn't keep it at the above statement. I posted the link for his little "dish" on Adam on the "Adam Lambert Compliments American Idol Contestants" thread. It'll be on the gossip sites soon anyway..They love that stuff. I thought he had turned a new leaf but apparently not..The comment about maybe being "on something else" was especially low. Oh well, Adam is the interesting guy that he is and always will be. He isn't a choir boy and never has been. As someone on Twitter said, it gives him a little "Rock Star cred.." and he never said he was "soft and sweet" either. This too shall pass. He's probably a little embarrassed tho I suppose. Perez just couldn't resist the scoop. Its what he does.
Oh well, here it is..
How is Jake a nice guy? Tell me more. I trust my instincts.
Honestly I hope Ad handles him in that special way that he does...quick, sharp, and outta there! WOOTS!
Oh and did I mention that P is a DOUCHEBAG??
K, Bye
1:55 Do your own research. Its not my job to educate the ignorant who like to throw "instincts" around as an excuse to bad mouth people they dont know.
Jake Shears did the "It gets better" thing? And he was great!! Honest and well spoken. And he´s very good looking too!
I´m so mad right now!
Perez: "What happens at the Gaga party stays at the Gaga party".
Did Adam go to Perez b-day party? If not, this could be some kind of revenge.
Is this why you like Jake?
2:28 is that why your "instincts" make you distrust him? #getthefuckoverit
So much negativity! Let's say something nice - I LOVE that picture of Adam!
I'm so sick of adam being degraded everywhere- via perez hilton- just heard interview. geez who the fu--k do you trust in this world, I wouldn't want to be famous if you paid me if this is the backstabbing treatment you get. I was starting to like perex. boy was I naive. I don't believe for 1 second adam wasn't invited, does anyone else?
Good lord it is just a butt!!! I love Jake Shears and his music.
Heard Perez's trash talk on Adam, and can only say with a friend like him, who needs an enemy. Dally didn't sound shocked by Perez's big gossip, just pretty much what happens at LA parties. Adam admits he put his hand through ceiling. Hey it's all Rock and Roll and shit happens. BTW, Perez will do and say anything to get his name in the news.
2:57 marry me?
I think Jake Shears is cute and Adam obviously thinks he's a great guy and considers him a friend. That's good enough for me. Have to agree with you, Urethra. Right now I'm royally p*sssed at Perez Hilton and left my 2 cents on GL link above. Can't believe what a low life he is! With friends like that you don't need enemies. What a jealous twit! Trying to contain myself. Good thing I'm not a chair thrower! funbunn40
@ 1:37pm - That was then, this is now. People can change - and it seems that Perez is changing thanks to our GLAMBOY - ADAM LAMBERT!!!!
This is 2:57..Sorry, already taken. LOL!!
Now how did this turn into a pissing contest about Jake Shears? (Hmm......anon @ 1:41pm)
Jake Shears (and the Scissor Sisters) have incredible talent. He does his share of charity involvement, they sing incredible songs, and hell: he's good looking too! No harm in that.
I'll be seeing him (and the Sisters) in SanFran in 16 days.... and I can't wait! Downright giddy if you want the truth.
I think anyone that feels like they need to make a blanket statement about someone they don't know (or apparently follow) should "think again" and not do it. It only causes grief.
I'm gonna venture to guess that anon @ 1:41 likely meant no harm and/or may regret her words, so for that I'm not going to hammer on about it.
Let's all take a deep breath; soon it will be the weekend!
Peace All,
Love me some Jake Shears! Another human being with layers and complexity (and TALENT) and the ability and desire to share it... what's not to love?
ps. @PRS - you go girl...Harder You Get (you know the rest ;))
Why do people excuse bad behavior as Rock and Roll? R n R is a type of music not a behavior pattern. As much as I love Adam I would cringe when he kissed Tommy, fondled his mic, smoked a joint and would shrug and give his naughty boy smile and say "its just R n R". That's not true.
There were some poorly behaved rockers sure, but if you want depravity in musicians take a look at RAP, how many have served time now?? Or should? Go back to the 60s they were stoned folk singers...the 50s Sinatra and company had nightly orgies in Vegas.
My dad was a drummer in a well known R n R band, wild and crazy music on stage, mass on Sunday mornings, R n R is a genre of music. RM
apparently PH wasn't inspired enough
perez hilton, a snake!!!
Perez is less than nothing not worth damaging my new manicure over!
I may have known your dad (DRM??) He was a great guy! The band was great, miss them. JAK
Really Perez? Is that all you got? What a douch bag that Perez is. The color of green is NOT a good look for you Perez dear. Actually no color is a good look for you because you are one ugly MF! It doesn't matter if what happened is true or not, what matters is Perez and how he couldn't wait to trash Adam and spread "his truth" of Adam around.......My gawd the girl is so jealous of Adam it is NOT even funny.
@March 31, 2011 8:04 PM ".......My gawd the girl is so jealous of Adam it is NOT even funny."
Yep! Truer words never spoken
I would send P. Hilton to space somewhere outside of the milkyway!! Bye bye!
2:28 Really? So I guess everyone in the world except Jake Shears showers with all their clothes on.
12:39 BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! I think I love you!
Perez is an out and out ratbag. Praises Adam on one hand and trashes him on another. I don't believe a word he says.
Perhaps his rubbish is all about Adam not attending HIS birthday party. Yeah, I bet it was deadly dull and boring without Adam there.
@5:04am, PH's bday bash boring... how could that be, Selena Gomez was in attendance aferall...
9:23 BAHAHAHA You made me spit my Coke!!! :D
Adam can pull off a casual jacket and jean look and totally make it debonair. ^V^illinatrixx^^
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