"Super Moon"
Filed Under (twitter ) by Admin on Sunday, March 20, 2011
Posted at : Sunday, March 20, 2011

For those who didn't understand Adam's tweet. Adam is referring to the phenomenon in which the moon reaches its closest point to the Earth for almost two decades. The moon was bigger and brighter moon than normal (Saturday and Sunday) as it reaches the closest point to the Earth since 1992. It is the first time since 19 January 1992 that the moon has come into such close proximity to the Earth. This type of full moon tends to bring a range of high and low tides, but experts said yesterday that there was nothing to worry about.
Photo credit: guardian.co.uk
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Adam love this tweet. He is so intelligent and of course with his astrology is right on this. Off topic go to Q104 radio and vote for Adam. He is against Nickelback. Adam is ahead but keep voting.
I'm in LA and unfortunately, I couldn't see any moon tonight...It was raining non stop. I wonder where Adam saw the moon tonight??? is he in LA?
Did you notice the wink ;) at he end? Moons are for lovers.
Maybe he saw it on TV. I wouldn't think he would have gone to Finland. Thats a 17hour flight. Maybe Sauli told him, he may have a clear sky.
@11.20 PM
Look a little lower on this page Sauli coming to LA. I don't know the time diff, but he could be here already.
Thank you Adam dear of the Tweet! The other day some of you mentioned the Super Moon. Now I know what it is!!! I´ve heard that astrology is both Adam´s and Sauli´s passion. One of them. They shared the subject in Helsinki.
OT (although still adam related)
I thought he would do so well on the Flecking Record Polls, he normally wins on there, and he only won 1 catagory, lost most stylish to Robert Pattinson for f**** sake!
We need to step up our voting for next time.
http://www.magnetmagazine.com/2011/03/18/what-record-are-you-most-looking-forward-to-next-week-14/ Adam is losing to Yellowcard in this poll! Let's vote! You can vote multiple times! ;)
I was looking forward to that moon, pretty sure I won't be around for the next....19 years!
My husband just grunted when I suggested we drive to the beach where it would be away from city lights so it would be nice and dark.
I also wanted to check out the shoreline, see if I could really tell a difference tide-wise.
No response.....I tried bribery "You know there's that great ice cream shop out there."
His eyelids flickered, but even that didn't work.
So at midnight I stood ALONE on patio and saw the moon reflected in the pool. IT WAS GREAT!!!
Then I came in and watched Adam walk down that staircase for the 200th time and sing MY SONG and I was "Feeling Good"!............JAK
Maybe their first kiss is under the full moon, hehe!!!!
Lol, Super Moon. That's cute. :)
Adam always has his mind in the gutter.
AdamsRAWR woow @adamlambert met PINK B4 she wrote WWFM n b4idol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4a2Pw4sFv8&feature=youtu.be SAW HER ON DA WAY 2 A CLUB
24 minutes ago via web
anon 12:13 gosh!
clean out the gutter is what my mom tells me!:-)
Oh My! For the first time in my short computor life this page has a photo of an almost naked girl about 3 inches from where I'm typing...She says her name is Lola and that we have 2 friends in common. I kinda doubt that.
She's asking "Want to meet me?" Then there are two blocks YES and IGNORE...I intend to run like hell..........JAK
We couldn't see any moon here in Azores last night because there were lots of clouds in the sky, it was raining and Icon was trying to post the 5th part of his P.P.R.R. (Ping Pong Rescue Report) in that same thread (Adam Lambert Spotted at «Bebe: The After Party» For Los Angeles Fashion Spring 2011). We've lost the 5th part twice, maybe because of the MOON, but we finally made post it this morning in 3 pieces because it was too long. It's there if you're interested, the 5 parts of P.P.R.R., and Icon has promised to post the LAST PART today, before midnight in Los Glamgeles, with or without moon in the Azorian sky.
Saw the moon in Cleveland Saturday night. It was super and for once we had a clear, cold night sky to see it in full view minus the leaves. Orion was there too:)
The Super Moon was gorgeous here on the east coast near Boston on Saturday night.
Most anything can trigger my hyperactive brain, this time it was moon so I immediately made a list of songs with Moon in the title, wanna play?
I'll start you off 1.Bad Moon Rising I gave up when I got to 17.....I may have an unfair advantage I'm older than most of you.
I don't believe Super Moon would ever be used!
How about the song MOONlight Bay? I'm old,too.
Adam said "Super Moon". at least somebody out there reads.
I think some Adam fans were called crazy the other day for talking about Super Moon. guess they know what they are talking about. heckling
I see a blue moon right this very moment and it is a pretty sight!
Look up in the sky!
It's a bird!
It's a plane!
It's Super Moon!
If it helps-Dark Moon-Moondance-Allegheny Moon-Moonlight Becomes You-Blue Moon of Kentucky (saw Elvis sing that when he toured with The Louisana Hayride------------------long time ago they played at my Air Force Base) This a warning, you have an old man snooping, I'm harmless, more or less.
Moon over Miami-Paper Moon-When the Moon Comes Over the Mountain. That's enough help, you're on your own. By the way JAK I like your brain!
does the moon have some Super power? MegaSarcaStiCa^-^*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@ SARGE and @ JAK
What if «Moonlight Serenade», «Moon River» or «Fly Me To The Moon»????? Thanks God I'm a «senior» lady(?) too. And in 20 years from now I'll catch you JAK, wait for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love Moonlight in Vermont by Ella Fitzgerald and Cajun Moon by Randy Crawford.
Adam's a tease. He puts it out there and lets everyone interpret what they wish. Tatiana, I love anything Ella sings, but Moonlight in Vermont one of her best. Google it.
Yes the moon has super powers, without it the ocean would have no tides AND it must be magic because the Druids held their ceremonies during the moonlight, Witches danced, wolves howled, lovers spooned or smooched or courted or necked or made out or hooked up.....and since it's magic lots and lots of songs have been written about it and without it the South would have no moon pies.
I could go on but we have to be wary of The Administration, the all seeing all knowing great and wonderful Wizard..........JAK
I had just tweeted Adam about the full moon and voodoo magic. Then a short time later he tweets "super moon." I know it is just a coincidence, but gives me a giddy feeling anyhow.
The Dark Side,
I love anything Ella too :)
Our beloved MOON has too power on our hair and the way our hair grows or not. Should have power on trolls too but... go figure it!
I didn't know the moon had anything to do with hair growth. I have always been a night person, maybe that is why I have enough hair for 2 people. Hair dressers hated to perm my hair, took to many rollers. See, Icon and I have something in common, we like the night.
Our beautiful Adam likes the night too, he said so in an interview. Look at the head of hair he has. Mine doesn't grow as fast as his.
Agree w/you on the troll comment.
I had no idea that the moon had any connection with our hair...does that mean it's the moon's fault that mine is straight and have to spend lots of money to keep it white and fluffy? It's my mother's fault it's white or maybe the non-stop worrying when I had two teenage daughters. That aged me. You know those hours past curfew when you sit and rock and pray "Please God bring them home safely....so I can kill them! JAK
ADAM y la SUPERLUNA La Luna mira fascinante al hombre amado, pero ella no sabe, que nosotras, ya lo hemos vislumbrado, envuelto en Nubes de Amor de Humanidad y belleza, ADAM va recorriendo el espacio que ya está de su lado, y el brillante, mágico, misterioso como la bella Luna,la abraza solidario y se entregan a dar Amor a todos sus enamorados, enviando sus destellos de Luz y desde el espacio infinito somos acariciados.
We saw this amazing moon here in Seattle! I was with my son (almost 7) and some of his friends. We were driving home from a fun-filled day and they all kept ooh-ing and ahh-ing out the window at it. I told my son a little factoid, and he kept repeating it: "wow, I can't believe this is the closest the moon has been to earth in 19 years!" ... as if he remembered when it happened, 19 years ago. :) Anyway - it was breathtaking. We were all mesmerized.
- Adam Fix
Hi there SARGE! Glad you posted! It's ok. You can come on out and post more!
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