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SYTYCD Poland Audition Set to ADAM LAMBERT's "Music Again" (3-25-11)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, March 27, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, March 27, 2011

Thank you Adamluv for the tip!


adamluv said...

Dancing/music starts at 1;17. Always enjoy hearing peeps use Adams music, especially of course when he's the one singing! Remember DWTS and their version of FYE? . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Great to see Adam's music used all over the world. That guy danced great. Maybe he can teach Adam to pole dance and Adam can add that in on his next tour. lol. Wouldn't that be sexy!

Anonymous said...

OT - I am waiting for pics of Sauli at the airport tomorrow. Bet he slipped into the US ahead of time and nobody saw..

Anonymous said...

yay,love to hear Adam's music in far away lands. It looked like that guys outcome was good too.

LP said...

@11:47 I think you are right, I think he has been here a few days. Thats a 17 hour flight, and he prolly has jet lag. He is small enuff to fit into some baggage any way. Prolly it wasn't Adam that picked him up at LAX.His birthday is tomorrow. that might be when we see some pics.

Anonymous said...

I do workouts to FYE's SFW and Pick U UP and relax to Loaded Smile.

Anonymous said...

I agree, think they are here and avoided those paps. Good for them.


Have a great year & wishing you & Katri much success with your new show!


glitzylady said...

For those wondering when Sauli and Katri are arriving in the US, this is from her most recent blog...sounds like they are leaving today..(?)

27 march 2011 @ 10:05 pm
katri's new blog

March 27, 2011 Writer: Katri Utula

Now we're leaving for the trip... :) Keep your fingers crossed, that everything goes well and the Tutka Roadshow really starts next week! ;)

We believe it, that everything goes well. See you at the destination!!!

The Dark Side said...

Understood nothing, but Adam's voice, but am so happy for this young man. Appears he won or is going on to another level. Good Luck to him.

Anonymous said...

Mary: Howe do you get your information so fast. Do you work in the industry?

LP said...

@ glitzylady I think Sauli is already here. He said in an interview that was translated, the he would prolly come earlier. Katrina is prolly trying to throw off the papps. I don't think she will be alone, they must have some people with them for their Road show.

Anonymous said...

We know Pete (the camera man) is traveling with Katri. How many others we don't know.

Anonymous said...

Loved the music,,,,,thought the dancer was talented and he looked a teensy tiny bit like Kris Allen's Polish cousin !....JAK

glitzylady said...

@LP 1:05 PM
That is sure a good possibility! We haven't heard anything from Adam since Friday night (I think..) he may be otherwise occupied. Just saw that item on Twitter this a.m. and thought I'd share!

Rebecca said...

very cool and man can he dance

Anonymous said...

Poland knows good music. My dad came to US at 7 yrs old. I am 1/2 polish. My mom, Engish, French and Canadian Indian. I am a Mutt.

OMG can you see Adam in tights working the pole.
Close your eyes and visualize. Heaven can't be this good.


Anonymous said...

P.A.S, I too am half Polish from my Dad. My Mom is a mutt, so I guess that makes me a mutt too!


Anonymous said...

It sounds like Adam might be attending Gaga's concert tonight in L.A. if one is to read into the lack of an ending to this tweet correctly:

Benihoff @adamlambert Great finally meeting you tonight, even though we've "worked" together when I was Lester Zizmore. See ya at Gaga...

Anonymous said...

sorry, me, daydreamin above.

Anonymous said...

There are so few purebreds left. I myself am a Irish-Scottish-English-Austrian-Slovakian retriever. But my puppies all look like champions! Their sire is a English-German-Hungarian hound....Talk about mutts! JAK

Anonymous said...

I'm Heinz 57 variety, Mother French,Italian and Norweigan, Dad English, Irish, Scot.My mother was a real beauty, auburn hair and green eyes. My Dad was tall, blonde, Gary Cooper type. When I was a 5 yr old, I told our neighbor that I was born in all of those countries! I've been watching TMZ, that I never watch to see if there are any Sauli sightings. Adam's getting good at subterfuge. Never saw him arrive from Bali! funbunn40

HK fan said...

Gosh you're all so exotic sounded, I'm so boring, just English....although I was adopted so always use to imagine I came from all sorts of unusual places.