OUT's Fifth Annual Power 50 - Adam Lambert Featured
Filed Under (news ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Posted at : Tuesday, April 12, 2011

43. Adam Lambert
With American Idol little more than a memory for Lambert, the singer’s 2009 debut album still managed to garner more than 800,000 sales, thanks in large part to singles like “Whataya Want From Me” and “If I Had You.” Whether fans will be around to gobble up his self-proclaimed “less camp” sophomore album when it drops later this year is another matter. Previously 5th
Source: OUT
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does OUT think Adam's fans are going to disappear by later this year? ha, ha
Hell ya, we will be around , first in line for a concert a mile long, first in line for pre-order album and then screaming and yelling when his new album as finally arrived. So there OUT-put that in your top 5 lol
They have a point. I can't promise that I'll buy the album. Didn't buy the Acoustic EP either.
4:01 then you are a troll not a fan
Oh come on. Somebody dares not to agree with your point of view, and you call her a troll? You're why Adam's fans get a bad wrap. Anon 4:01 made her point. I feel the same way. If the music appeals to me, I'll buy it. If it doesn't, I won't buy it just because I love Adam. However, I haven't really heard a song he sings that I don't like. I didn't buy the accoustic or the remixes, but I have everything else he has done, including his AI tracks. So call me a troll too, you narrow minded, tunnel visioned robot.
They have a point, but do they say that about every performer on their list or just Adam?
@4:03, I forgot to say that I didn't buy Take One either.
Why should even anybody care about what they think! They don't have Ricky Martin or Rosie O'Donnell on this list. Prez is no. 6 which should tell you how insignificant this list is.
There is a history between OUT mag and Adam. It started before Adam even left AI. You will have to go back and research it. It is the reason Adam gave the finger after his AMA performance.
For Adam to go from 5th to 43rd out of 50, after the last year he had is terrible. I think they were being very snarky with the comment of whether his fans will be around when he album drops is another matter. He has gained fans after his tour, and is international. Adam has had a very good year for his first year.
OUT may never give him a break and give him his due, no matter what he does for the gay community.
Adam is his own person and just wanted to do his music, when he started. He is always being pulled this way and that, and is damned is he does and damned if he doesn't.
Nobody has to buy music they don't want, but there is a back story to the 43rd place. I feel bad for Adam, because he heart is in the right place.
This is just insulting!!! First Adam is not going to lose the "voice" on his next album, and his fans are die hard fans. We are front and center with him all the way. Guess he's not gay enough for OUT. Anyone chocking on double standards here?
You either love him or you hate him! And I love Adam! Mwah !! K
How did he drop from last year's #5 to #43???
Perhaps they don't like Adams Elvis hair..
Wonder when the music industry is going to drop their expectations of album sales. So few are selling millions any more. These number are so unrealistic. Also, don't know why International figures of sales cannot be included with US sales for we know Adam has sold over 1 million world wide. BTW, Glaad isn't recognizing Adam either. And the recent NNN award went to Gaga who is not gay, but is milking the gay crowd for all she's worth.
Adam didn't want Take One album to be sold. He was told how to sing on it and it was not his style. He needed the money at that time. His acoustic CD is amazing as is GNLDVD/CD and of course FYE. I will buy his next album because his vocals are the best I have ever heard. So anything he sings appeals to me. I am a huge fan and will always support Adam. He is also a wonderful human being.
If someone didn't read that remark about Adam's fans as snarky then I don't know!! They have an agenda against him that's for sure. I think he is too together now to get affected by any of their remarks. He is confident in his fans which is good. Yes you have a choice about buying music but most of Adam's fans are crazy about his voice, ability and his concert tours where he changes up the music anyway. Also I think the majority of his fans enjoy diversification in music styles.
I think Adam was pressured to release the Acoustic EP by a small group of fans. The majority wanted a single release.
The point is they have no idea what is going to happen with the next album unless they can see into the future the media just writes stuff like this because negative is considered to be move exciting and sell able that is Hollywood 90% of the things write are negative that's why you have to have tough skin because what they write really does not matter its about the product.
To the blog owner
You should require registration in order to post on this blog. Idol blogs like mjsbigblog require registration to post, and people seem to be okay with that. This blog is attracting many Anonymous trolls who post negative comments to rile up fans.
I think Adam is proud of his acoustic songs and was happy the fans wanted one released. You can get the full effect of his voice from these releases. Also the CD could attract different fans. His voice is certainly beautiful.
I am a true die-hard Glambert. I will definitely buy his next album (probably 3 or 4 copies), because I know Adam always delivers - he never lets us down. I would pre-order right now, if I could.
Once infamous for using his gossip site to out celebrities and doodle droplets of DNA across starlets’ mug shots, Hilton took to the stage of The Ellen DeGeneres Show in 2011 to publicly pledge a sloughing of his bad-boy ways. The blogger made good on his promise and soon after teamed up with Dan Savage to transform the It Gets Better antibullying campaign from a viral phenom into a full-fledged political movement. Previously 26th...Perez Hilton number 20...This is a joke......he's a bully
Adam was "pressured".....I'd like to see that.
He's been in the business a long time and he's stubborn.....but if he had been pressured I would have been first in line to do it. And I would have insisted it include Sleepwalker, Broken Open and A Loaded Smile........JAK
GLADD,OUT and most gay organization seem to play it safe and recognize the "yuppie" gay.....they don't seem to recognize diversity in their community...have you ever seen any "Prince Poppycocks" at their dinners.
Why don't they mention Adam's charities....how much did Perez raise for his birthday charity..
I don't understand how a bully like Perez gets no. 20...
Its because the media is very negative and that is what sells people doesn't want to read good thing they want scandle and put downs that is why people in Hollywood have tough skin but really these things don't matter what matters is the product and how good it is.
Perez's birthday charity raised about $13,000.....just sayin
I really doubt that Adam gives a thought to how he rates with Out or Glaad or NNN. His goal in life is not to be the #1 Gay Person in the U.S.
but the #1 Singer!
No, that is the goal of his fans..I think he just wants to make a living doing what he loves and have the respect of his peers in the business. The Grammy nomination was a giant step toward that goal......Good Job!.....JAK
The media is not nice The media is not fair it has never been and it never will be you just got to keep you head high and the eye on the prize because at the end of the day its all about the music that is what people remember
no one really read this crap they read it once and forget about by the end of the day music is forever.
Adam's birthday charity over $323,000 and then there is Donor's Choice, his re-mix for the Trevor Project. his video for bullying....sold out concerts...most outstanding vocals to come along in a long, long time....etc., etc.....
Adam don't care what out says about him he is focused on making good music and that's all that matters.
Well, I can't promise that I'll buy the album either, so am I a troll, too?
If the album is good then it will sell bottom line if is not it wouldn't bottom line but i think it is going to be really good so we shall see i have alot of faith in adam and rca.
Adam supports the gay committee by living it...
no need to be loud and proud....just keep
singing BB...we love you...
Anon@5:57...whatever floods your boat....
JAK @5:48 Totally agree with your comment.I will support and love Adam as a singer, performer and person. He leads by example.
This site is free to anyone who has the intelligence and guts to say something interesting.
True fans will not affect with this nonsense.
How can people forget the name Adam Lambert???? I don't think so and it will never happens ha!ha!ha!. Those people who against Adam are just afraid to face the reality of how Adam conquer the world for a short period of time ha!!!!!!
He is very well known around the
world... Imagine that how can anybody top that???? With a complete package......
C'mon bet me on this I dare you....Ha!ha!ha!
Don't waste your time if you can't !!!!!!
Mom from Toronto, Canada
I liked floods better!
I think Adam next CD will be great and speak for itself.
ph is #6? Well I guess being a habitual liar can be powerful. What 5:52 said is so true.
What Out, GLAAD, and NNN trying to do is to box Adam. Adam said he doesn't like to follow conformity and that's what he's all about. He is like a sun that likes to shine over everybody not only to LGBT or straight community. TO EVERYBODY!
Perez Hilton makes your list by bullying others on his site. What kind of contribution he made to the It Gets Better campaign? That shows how irrelevant your list is.
Adam Lambert's It Gets Better video campaign not only was shown on majority of media outlets around the world, also a lot of youth were inspired to be positive about who they are as an individual. He dedicated proceeds from sales of one of his recent recorded track, Aftermath Remix, to Trevor Project. With support of his fans, he helped to raise more than $323,000 to Charity:Water. Not to mention other charitable organizations he helped out as well. His total contribution to all different charitable organizations surpasses $1 million dollars. He sold out more than 1.5 million of his debut album, FYE, around the globe with more than 4.5 million download of his single tracks around the world. He performed more than 115 sold out concerts around the world last year. In couple of days he'll have a million twitter followers. He got Grammy Nomination as best pop male vocalist this year. Music industry refers to him as Pop Superstar. I'm sure I missed his other achievements thus far since Idol. I assure you his 2nd album will be epic.
This is from the OUT site......
Odd that Adam will not be part of the GLAAD awards, since he was so much a part of it last year and even performed. Don't know what it takes to be a part of these things. Adam sure was involved in the It's Gets Better campaign, etc. Oh well. Maybe he doesn't care, anyway. He's got a full plate. The important thing is that his next CD sells well. THAT'S the bottom line.
So far with the people Adam is writing with I am pretty sure his next album will be a step up.
He's growing up in his music tastes, he's been telling us that. Expect something new. Glam was 2009 - 2010. I'm excited to see his new direction.
No one is suggesting that anyone buy an album they don't like....just that they give it a listen and then decide....JAK
Yeah Adam is working hard to make sure this CD is great Adam is a perfectionist so I have no doubt it will be
First of all 4.44 read PAS's comment at 4.36.
Second I will definitely buy Adams second album because it is Adams voice I love to hear, regardless of what he sings, he doe a wonderful job, whether a hea rt felt ballad or a rock song, makes no difference to me. The only music I dont enjoy is full on rap, some of the blends of both types of msic I dont mind eg. Black Eyed Peas etc. But hell I may even listen to rap if Adam was to sing it. LOL
Some people on this site are so serious and deep, remember folks "It aint that Deep".
Perez was #20....
GLAAD...doesn't really support the whole gay community...remember when Adam finish singing..he made a statement when he was leaving stage...the message was for GLAAD not only to promote disability(?) but also promote diversity.....GLAAD plays it safe..like anon@5:37 said...you don't see any Prince Poppycocks at their Awards dinner...
Any list that has PH ahead of Adam Lambert is a f***ing joke, unless it's a lying douchbag list and then, Adam wouldnt even be listed! And fans already saying they might not buy his next album - with fans like this, who needs non-fans. Couldnt be much of a fan if you think so poorly of Adams ability to produce at least some songs you might like on his next album. ????????Adamluv
THe only thing OUT got right is the picture they show of Adam...from the Grammys....HOT
I dont respect GLAAD at all since they so quickly and eagerly threw Adam "under the bus" after the AMA performance when they sided with ABC against Adam. They're cowards too. . . . Adamluv
Adam has very good taste in music and he is not going to please everyone, this is just impossible. But I have faith in him that he will put his whole heart in CD2 and we will get the best of the best out of him.
I bet GLAAD likes Perez too.......
I forgot GLAAD "threw Adam under the bus"...am I the only one that watched the whole AMA show where some of the female singers were also doing crotch shots, early in the evening...GLAAD had no comment on that....damn I thought I was over the AMA's...
Fans come and go. They flitter from one singer/band to another. Those who were fans for the moment will move on. Now ones will arrive. Others are in for the long haul. I will stay a fan because of Adam's voice, his heart and his soul. He has touched me deeply in a profound way that has changed my life forever. I will buy his next album. No doubt. For me now, my admiration of this young man is rooted in his kind persona, his personal strength, his understanding of what giving to the global good means and his ability to love, just love. It is beautiful. He is an old soul that teaches many what it means to be tolerant, strong, loving and kind. His music, along with his spirit, is the means to touch many hearts around the globe. I don't know what kind of music he will create next. Honestly, it doesn't matter. His voice is unmatched. His heart is beautiful. For that I will forever be his fan. I want more people of the world to learn of this beautiful man...not only his voice, but the important message that he sings of, speaks of, and models...and that is LOVE. He is on this planet to change minds and open hearts. He has just started to do that, and he is doing it beautifully. It is about the music, but my support as a fan supports more than his beautiful music. It supports his message as well.
Anon@7:01......you got that right...this is why he is #1 on my list.....
7:01 I agree heartily with your comment. Very well said. Thank you.
@7:01 well said, I feel the say way!
OMG. They are just lashing out at Adam at OUT because he lashed out at them after the AMA's, it's all just a big game of tit for tat.
At least he's on the list. Remember, as long as you are in the press, there is no such thing as bad news.
Adam could never please everyone. He is an entertainer and is passionate about his music. I think sometimes he is not gay enough for the Gay community and they like him but do not love him. Adams fams are very deverse and global. I feel sad for him some times; how hard it must be to feel so torn at times. He clearly knows who he is and I think he has as many straight friends as he does gay friends. I thought that statement was mean about will his fans still be here when his sophmore album comes out? As a fan I know where I will be listening and buying his CD's for sure. These list and these polls are so stupid I shirley do not let them decide who I like or dislike. He did make the list but in the end who really gives a shit right?
OT: just wanted to post this link to a good article written about Adam and Charity Water...
So true,anon@7:01. Adam Lambert's impressive vocal talent puts him in a league of his own. I get annoyed with the constant references to Adam being gay. He is a singer/entertainer above anything else and his lifestyle should have nothing to do with the music, with his stellar voice. Adam is one smart, confident, articulate, charming individual whose message of love, understanding, acceptance and respect is one we should all take to heart. I,too, will buy his next album and am anxiously looking forward to its release in the fall. From what I have read, he seems to be working with the best collaborators in the music business today. He had me at that first note on AI and I became a lifelong fan. Most of these polls are meaningless and Adam's true fans will stay with him on his journey to international superstardom.
Count me as one of the life time Adam fan from Canada!!!
im a life time adam lambert fans ill buy all his songs.love adma lambert.
Why are some of you guys b**ching and moaning about this stupid a** list. To be Honest im suprised that he even made the list. Everyone knows OUT dont like his butt. Adam dont like them either after the way they dogged him after he did that interview with them. I would not even associate myself with them after that, but hey you never know they might make amends when his new album comes out. Which Im defenitly getting.
I don't care about OUT, GLAAD, whatever they are.
I never knew about them before I became Adam's fan.
@7:01 and 7:35 I agree with you. Also, many people know Adam as a great singer, smart person, and golden heart boy. But some ot them even don't have any idea about LOGO channel, GLAAD,etc. and don't care about OUT or whatever they are. I think Adam gets new fans more and more everyday. Look at twitter ##. And these fans are for real. There are not just in-&-out fans, like GaGa's or Beav or Katy Perry have. I am sure about this. Don you know that JB lost in one day 20,000 fans just because he got haircut!!!! This is ridiculouse!
Some of Adam fans (like me:)can tell that
don't like Adam hairstyle, or cloths, or something else. But it doesn't mean that Adam will lose his fans because he shave his head:)
Also, I think that Examiner and all news online suposed to add "Grammy Nominee" to Adam name.
Because, again nobody knows about NNN or GLAAD, or Flecking Records! But everybody know Grammy's
Yes, Adam in his own league. I don't thank anybody wants to have duet with Adam. Because non of these singer has voice like Adam has and nobody can sing live.
P.S. I bought 6 copies of FYE, 3 copies of Acoustic EP and 4 copies of GNL. And deff wil buy few copies of the new album. I want to support Adam as much as it possible. Unfortunately, artist promotions and popularity depends from numbers of the sales
I can understand people not buying Take One or the Acoustic CD, those were not his debut album, but Adam's career basically depends on the success of his second album. If it doesn't do well, he may not even be around for the 3rd album. He'll end up like David Archuleta, who's first album sold around 765K and his second album only 67K. So his label dropped him after that. Please think about it. If you don't like it maybe you can give it to a friend or donate some. We really need to support him and shut up the haters who think his 15 minutes of fame are up. Here is the list of album sales for Idol alumni. Don't you even want to see him in the top 10?
@anon 8:11 PM Adam didn't want to release Take One. I think nobody even knows if Adam gets any money from sales. Actually, I bought Take One. I didn't know that there were some complications before Take One was released. Acoustic CD is fantastic and I think a lot of Adam's fans bought it. As a matter of fact 10,000 original copies were sold in few days!
Also, we can't compare Adam with David Archuleta because David is not international superstar!
4:01 Good for you announcing on this Adam website that you didn't by Adam's acoustic CD. Why are you here?
The acoustic CD is fabulous. Please do me a favor, and get off this site. We don't need your negative attitude towards Adam and his future. Follow someone else.
Adam has publically denounced the Take One album saying he was imitating other singers as this was the original purpose of the music. He asked his fans NOT to buy this album, and I respect his wishes.
Anyone who doesn't support Adam by spending money is a Troll and should not be on this site. If an artist is not appealing enough to you to spend a few bucks, you need to look elsewhere.
Being a fan means providing support. I would say unconditional support, but there are limits. It is impossible for me to envision something Adam might do or say that would alienate me. In the past two years, he has shown such talent, intelligence, grace under fire and a beautiful generous soul.
In many ways Adam's personality is as important as his talent. He has said he is not a saint but a decent guy. Yes, and he is a role model.
Honestly I am appalled at some of the comments here. To already say you won't necessarily buy Adam's next CD conveys a whole lot about you as a non-fan. You do not trust Adam's artistry. Shame on you.
Out Magazine is no friend of Adam's. Remember the terrible article the editor wrote about Adam right before the AMA performance. It's what pissed Adam off probably resulting in some of the things he did. Out implied he wasn't "gay enough." So Adam showed that he was most certainly gay enough and also told them to Fcuk themselves. Don't expect anything from the gay media. We've all seen what a friend Perez is, haven't we? Two-faced bastard.
Have all of you purchased your GlamNation DVD. If you haven't, you're missing an experience of a lifetime. To say it is brilliant is not sufficient. It's music perfection. If you were not able to experience a live concert, this DVD will convey why many of us went to concert after concert to see this beautiful man.
Who the hell cares about Out thing, you guys really take everything seriously... Dont pay attention of Out people.
Just read this article in Ecorazzi. I think this is more important for Adam than #43 in OUT! Still don't understand what is this OUT ABOUT:)
Very positive comment posted under OUT website:
What's with the snide comments regarding Adam Lambert? Anyone that can get fans to donate over 300,000 to a charity just by tweeting has a incredible strong fan base. And as much as you don't want to admit it he is the most recognized out male. We need to see more positive photos in the media of out men openly showing affection. Photos of Adam doing things with his current boyfriend such as going to Disney Land, shopping & just holding hands as they leave a club sends out a powerful message. Not to mention he's been on TV & radio around the world talking about his message of love & acceptance of who you are. Now this is a "out" role model. Please consider changing your caption under Adam, maybe list his accomplishments instead of your bitter remarks. Thanks for including him
7:01 is correct in what was said and it is well written.
Go over to OUT and see what has been written. A few people know that OUT is getting back at Adam, but as it has been stated here, we love Adam and plan on being his fans.
My above comment was to inform you that OUT has a problem with Adam that was why the 43rd place, and how difficult it has been for him to be what he wants to be. OUT statement was ment to hurt him.
I haven't heard anything about GLAAD not having Adam on this year.
This thread certainly went in many different directions. Where is @glitzlady when you need her. She would know the whole story from Rolling Stone, Detail Mag, to Out mag, they all were about the same time. OUT didn't get what they wanted from Adam. Hence the put down, instead of accomplishments.
How important is Out really? The magazine has a very modust circulation in relation to other magazines. No good deed goes unpunished apparently. Look at all the wonderful things Adam did this year for charity. The gay organizations seem to do an awful lot of award shows and fund raisers. This list reminds me of the rooms holding the groups of American Idol contestants ( ie group 1, 2, or 3). You look around to see who's in your room and know if you're going to make the cut just by who's in your group. A group with Perez Hilton at 20.has no credibility. What are his accomplishments? Bullying and smearing people and apparently being idolized by Out.
@Icon! HAPPY BIRTHDAY meow meow, happy birthday meow meow, happy birthday dear Icon, happy birthday meow meow!! Licks and RAKKAUS from Ida-the-ladycat (Aunt Sanni send her love too!)
Happy Birthday baby cat. Hope you have a lot of purrrsents. Toy mouse, ball with a jingle bell in it, string, catnip and your cake. Sending much love to you and your momma.
Hmmmm... That was a rather minimalist (and a teensy bit snarky) evaluation of Adam, seemingly as they saw his past year, minus pretty much almost everything he did accomplish, from his sold out world tour to his Charity Water total, to his Grammy nomination, to his amazing, dedicated, and fierce fans better known as Glamberts, AKA the newest Adam-proclaimed name "Rak Stars"( and whom OUT Magazine seems to imply may bail on him before the new album comes out..I hardly think so...speaking for myself anyway!)..Again, strange.. Although after the OUT editor wrote the very critical and IMO, ungrateful, editorial aimed at Adam , right after Adam gave probably his most open, honest, and soul-revealing interview ever, and just before the AMA's, that could have been the trigger which prompted Adam's "enhanced" performance on stage that night..Who knows..We do know that Adam was hurt and probably angered by the editorial, which was apparently the editor's comment on Adam's Details magazine photo shoot...with a "non-clothed" woman..and perhaps to some of Adam's candid answers in the interview.
Link to the article in Details Magazine. Minus the pictures..
.In the OUT Magazine interview, Adam also spoke candidly about liking to kiss women etc.. For anyone interested, the link to that editorial by Aaron Hinklin:
Editorial: http://www.out.com/detail.asp?id=26168
and the interview: http://www.out.com/detail.asp?id=26191
Well, on the plus side, at least he IS listed, which is good..He has had a steadily successful year, while by and large staying out of the headlines, which is fine (except for the Gaga thing recently..but not a big deal). I too remember his perhaps not so subtle comments at last years GLAAD awards after his performance, reminding the audience that there is diversity amongst the GBLT community as well..Adam has the capacity to call it like he sees it, and from what I see, he isn't going to let anyone tell him how to be gay: In other words, he is who he is and doesn't plan to fit anyone else's vision of who he is or what he should be: Perhaps his reaction to those who would wish to put him in a "box". I think some in the gay community don't quite know what to make of him either, just like the straight community isn't quite sure what to think, so in many cases just ignore him..or only react to the sound bites from gossip mags and TV, and jump to their own conclusions.
It is a shame that OUT chose not to give him a few more "props" in this synopsis, but as the saying goes "It is what it is" Really too bad, because in my opinion, Adam Lambert will eventually be an unwitting catalyst for bringing the two "worlds" a little closer, if each gives him the chance to do so, by just being himself, a very gifted and decent human being who happens to be gay, and proudly so.
And that said, I guess I'm not going to give too much "weight" to this list...We know how fabulous he is...Let's see what they have to say next year at this time..I have a feeling he'll be much higher on the list...
Let's give their power numbers and the magazine a reality check in power...if you were stranded on an island would you want a copy of Out and Perez Hilton (#20) to keep you company OR would you want to share that island with Adam Lambert (#43 previously #5) and his new as yet unfinished cd to be there with you? Something tells me that Adam and his cd would win without a doubt. So...who's got the power? and who's fans are going to be there pre-ordering Adam's cd? Yeah. Out's Power 50 is totally a non-issue.
Adam is an individual and unique and not going to be boxed in by any means. That is what I love about him. He knows his own purpose and his true fans love him for this I am sure!
I will buy his new album because I love his voice - however he dishes it up!! True fans will support their idols through thick and thin that is what I say.
I will buy whatever Adam puts out, unconditionally, to support him, because I love him, his voice, personality, character, his courage, honesty,his kindness and generosity, his willingness to help others and his positivity in all situations no matter how difficult they may be,....there's just no one like him. He is truly special and I feel very proud to be his fan and I always will be.
Well I think as a fan you should support the singer by buying his album. JMO. Adam doesn't make a dime by you reading this site or any others, If you call yourself a fan, act like it. No wonder his sales were so low on the Acoustic Live CD. It costs less than $5. Don't buy those cigarettes, watch that movie, eat out that meal or whatever your excuse is for not spending the money. If you don't like a single song on his album, then quit following him. Sorry to piss people off, but you aren't being a very good fan if you don't support him. I will buy at least two copies of whatever he creates just to support him. Geessshhh people. Don't be so selfish.
Adam appears to be having a great time enjoying his life, he is clearly in love, he is respected by his peers, he has a tremendous personality, he is incredibly talented, he is beautiful and he is strong and resilient. His real fan base are loyal and dedicated to his success. He is not beholding to anyone, but he is generous in complimenting and appreciating other talent. Haven't seen one other artist doing this. In their case, it's all about me, me, me...
Adam is doing more for the LGBT community than all the magazines and organizations. He is living the life. And I agree with above comment about Gaga. She is obnoxious about her support for LGBT. She is being self-serving. It's still all about her.
Adam has been a survivor. He is extremely experienced with his stage, theater and now recording and concert success. Keep the faith.
In the Details photo shoot, the girl had on a bikini the whole time and it was photoshopped out for the magazine spread.
this site is being ridiculously riddled with trolls lately.Why would someone spend so much time on a site of someone they don't like? weird man, weird
I've only read half of the comments here so far but enough for me to want to comment now.
Of course I'll buy Adam's 2nd album. I've bought all his music plus the GNT DVD/CD so far except for the Take One album. His FYE album is the most fantastic album I own and that says a lot because I'm extremely fussy when it comes to music. Adam is an absolute STAR and a global one at that.
I wonder if the winner or the runner-up of this year's AI will do an international tour on the back of his or her 1st album release. Somehow I doubt it and there aren't any contestants this year who'll entice me to attend their concert in the U.S. and/or abroad. None of them possess a unique talent imho and are definitely not in the same league as Adam.
The trolls on Adam's 24/7 site are probably insanely jealous fans of other artists (imo).
To Barometz @ 5:26
If you posted on this site even semi-regularly, you would know that we have Admin - not "the blog owner." You are riling up the fans talking about trolls. We've had them before and we'll have them again..they eventually put their tails between their legs and crawl away.
Bu bye, ta ta, see ya, ciao, adios, adieu, go way, get, scat, shoo, scoot, GOOD BYE!
A must read - 8th comment at 12:26 am on Celebrity Footage's Clip of Adam Lambert on the NNN's Red Carpet. Historical Hysterical
count me too as one of the lifetime Adam fan from Saudi Arabia.
It is pretty obvious that OUT is clueless about what kind of people we are. They have no idea that despite our diversities, what is uniting all of us is our unconditional and strong love and support for ADAM and more importantly our loyalty to this marvelous human being. I also find it weird that they had to include him in the list when they have the choice not to. Is it because this is their most effective chance to diss Adam and us? Can't they be more creative enough because it is so pathetic! How could one believe a list of the best with PH in it, it's just so ridiculous. IN OUT'S ATTEMPT TO PUT A GOOD PERSON DOWN, ALL I CAN SAY IS BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME! Their style may work for the haters and the naysayers but IT WILL NEVER WORK FOR HIS BELOVED GLAMBERTS WORLDWIDE!
No, we are not blind followers that Adam can do no wrong, but we are a throng of serious and dedicated fans who were all captivated by his magical voice. No matter what Adam sings will be music to our ears and even when he is just talking, we do pay attention. What more when he creates wonderful music. If we were able to appreciate FYE, i'm certain that it wouldn't be hard for us to get his sophomore album. Adam said himself that there was a lot of learning in the past years. I think that people in the know were able to share with him their sincere, honest and legitimate assessment of his career path and that opened his mind to make the necessary minor adjustments and changes he sees fit for himself. Adam is one very smart man who is business savvy and i trust his judgment. One thing i know for sure is that he will never sacrifice his artistry since creative juices are freely flowing in his body. He is capable of improvisations and still produce great music. I believe he can do it because he is versatile enough and was never a one-trick pony.
OUT DOESN'T HAVE THE SLIGHTEST IDEA OF WHAT AN EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMANCE ARTIST ADAM IS. This is why they will never understand our passion when it comes to the magnificent vocalist of this generation. It is their loss, not ours.
Right On!
IMHO,Adam Lambert is sure to be an iconic star for much of his life.. I can't say that I think 'OUT' will be around for long. The magazine is mindless,snarkey and doesn't support gays. The staff is highly critical,arrogant and intolerant. Unless they change their leadership they are going to lose their readership.. I know they lost me.
Why #43? IMO if OUT put him at 45 - 50 , then Adam might made headline "from top 5 to bottom 5" they can't take that! # 44? Too nice a number - so let's put him at 43! LOL.
CT of 11.04 - I'm proud to be Adam's fan too!
I'm not worried about the sale of Adam's next CD or anybody else's CD.......what bothers me is OUT and others can't bring themselves to say anything positive about Adam.....either they didn't do their research or they are really jealous because they can't box him in.....
I guess I am slow to realise, that the skit that Adam mentioned, is the skit he did with Nikka Costa. The dueling singers. It was so funny, I have watched it over and over, very cleverly done.
Only those who don't like the Acoustic Live EP are getting accused of being a troll. I will not buy it and send the wrong message that this is the music I want to hear in the future and I can't be the only fan who don't want it, because it's not selling. I have FYE album, GNL dvd and have downloaded few tracks and single remixes and I like them.
I for one will always be Adam's fan and support everything he puts out. He is a hugely talented and generous person. Unconditional love and support for the greatest star the world has seen in quite awhile. By the way I had a few people listen to his acoustic cd and they became fans because they couldn't believe how beautiful his voice is.
Anon 5:15, sorry for being nosy, but did you buy the remixes? :)
Hey, this is for you who worries a lot. Here are pics of Adam NOT holding a drink. Everyday-bert.
I think the trolls are anti gay - that is it I am sure!
Also how can a true fan not like his acoustic live CD and his voice on this?? This is Adam's gorgeous voice at its best and by the way if you like GN tour, during which he sings acoustic WWFM and Soaked, then why not his acoustic CD as they are the same thing - some of you are contradicting yourself.
Some of you people are NUTS! I'm an Adam fan, but I'm so glad I'm not like some of you. I have bought ONE copy of FYE and have gone to two Glam Nation shows. That's it. I must be a "troll" then? You all need to get off Planet Fierce and back to Earth. I have my reasons for not buying the others and so does every other fan who didn't. I will definitely buy his new music, because I love his voice and am curious to see what type of music he will do. But I will not buy the same thing or slightly different versions of it over and over. Like anon @ 5:08 said - it sends the wrong message. I have liked U2 for 25 years and have not bought every album or song. I have only bought the ones I liked, and I have never felt the need to "explain" myself to other U2 fans! I think Adam would do better to have more mainstream, casual fans and less nut cases.
Time has changed, Adam is on the verge of a digital era which I am not sure what effect will have on Adam. Unless he has a fanbase as big as Gaga of JB and then I don't need to worry about his sale. But his strong sale point is live concert, hope he made some money out of it.
Anon 6:46, just out of curiosity, did you buy Adam's GNL DVD, I think this is the best product from Adam so far and I also like the Acoustic CD.
Qut is so concerned about fans bailing on Adam, I guess most of it's readers have bailed on Out. The editor seems to be terrified of women and obviously has no respect for them. On the other hand, many women enjoy spending time with their gay male friends. It's time for Out to call out Perez Hilton on his lack of being a role model. Where are the pictures of him in public with a boyfriend?
Each fan has their own way of being a fan, and that is their business. Criticizing each other, particularly about who is the "better fan", isn't helping Adam at all, and just feeds into the idea that his fans are OTT and "nuts", instead of dedicated and "passionate",as Adam has called us.. I'm pretty sure Adam appreciates all of his fans, except perhaps the ones who feel they need to attack other fans for not being "true fans", whatever that means. For instance, some of us have bought more than one copy of FYE, GNT Live, the Acoustic EP, the Remixes, etc..but I don't think that makes us any more of a "true fan" than someone who has not bought every one available, for whatever reason..I have a friend who loves Adam very much, but literally cannot afford to buy his music, and I have gifted her with some. You sure can't say she isn't a true fan.. Remember what Adam tends to be about: love and acceptance....and not taking himself too seriously..Seems like we should apply that to ourselves as well.
I also get a little tired of the debate over the "acoustic" songs..Seems like someone has to bring that up every time there is any discussion of Adam's music. Adam has a beautiful voice, something I'm sure we can all agree upon, and I like the fact that he choses to highlight it from time to time by singing with just the guitar etc..But I also LOVE all of his full out, full band/orchestra music, and on the stage he just blows us away with his performance skills. No way is he going to sing "Fever" acoustically! And who would want him to! Getting back to acoustic, during the tour, one moment I will forever remember was when Adam sang Broken Open in Honolulu, which was a treat because he didn't include it much during the tour..It was exquisitely beautiful and simply presented. Adam and his voice. I looked over to the woman next to me, who had not heard Adam sing since Idol, a "casual" fan I guess you could say, and she had tears streaming down her face as a reaction to the sheer beauty of his voice, and the words to the song. Something for everyone..If you don't like a certain style, just listen to whatever it is you prefer, but please don't criticize others for enjoying something different, one way or the other. Adam's greatest asset is his voice..it's nice to really hear it once in awhile..I personally like ALL of his music and his various ways of presenting it. And I'm sure looking forward to his new album: I'm not going anywhere......
I am so glad Adam put out an acoustic cd. I play it all the time. I love the stripped down songs where you get to hear his perfectly controlled voice. The DVD/cd is a treasure too. I love the way they filmed it. The cd gives you a different version and of course the Ring of Fire, Voodoo, Down The Rabbit Hole, 20th Century Boy that wasn't on the original cd. Absolutely great. His current remix of Aftermath is my favorite remix. I wish it had been presented as a normal radio single because it is every bit as good (and IMO way better) than most of the music played on dance stations. Adam is an incredible singer and I am in line already for his next cd. Out is so misinformed. They probably listen too much to PH.
How come after this "Top 50" list on OUT we can see so many negative comments about Adam on this blog?
We never had so many negative comments before.
So, why are you here, trolls? Who care if you bought Adam's CD or you didn't?
Who cares if you think that Adam doesn't have any future?
Like I said previously, Adam is getting more and more fans everyday and they not gonna leave him in one day just because he had haircut!
How about if you just stay away this blog?
However,may be you are Adam's fans (sort of), as far as you know about Acoustic sales? Except, you don't know and I mentioned this detail already, that 10,000 original were sold in a few days. After this RCA made more copies. Because 10,000 or 20,000 or 30,000 Adam's fan want to buy this copy of CD because they didn't have chance to buy original!
So, better for you just stay away from this blog!
Seems, that you, trolls becoming very nervouse. Take a pill, and open GaGa or Beav blogs and make a nice comments about these "big stars"!
Or open PH blog! He will be happy to get more fans who hate Adam!
P.S. Don't care if you'll find the mistakes in this comment. Just don't want to spend my timt on this!
I think this page is rather scary. Do you really want people to buy something they will never listen to? I have invested 2 years to following this young man's career, I have donated several hundred dollars to the worthwhile charities that his fan site has made me aware of gladly.
I have purchased FYE and the acoustic album but I have not purchased any of the remixes....I don't like them and would never play them. Does this make me less of a fan?
I was thrilled when the GNT dvd and cd arrived in the mail and equally excited each time I watch it. I am a fan and supporter of his career and rejoice in his successes.
I presume the word fan comes from the root word "fanatic" , it probably isn't a good idea to slip over the edge......there has been criticism of Adam's "fans", even Adam asked that the more "vocal" cool it. Good Advice.....JAK
glitzylady, thank you for pointing it out that one does not(or cannot) have to spend every spare dime on endless copies of the same Adam product to be considered a fan. That kind of accusation coming from Adam supporters who echo his message of love and acceptance of differences and then turn around and call people trolls who don't or can't buy everything is contradictory.
To me, this says it all:
In the past 2 days, there have been two threads about Adam's work with Charity:Water, one from him and one from another source.
Both of these threads received only 17 Comments.
This thread about a damn magazine article had 111 Comments at the moment I chose to respond.
What does that say about all of us??????
Adam's true fans like to praise the Acoustic cd. They didn't like the FYE so much. It was too campy for them or in other words, too glam. I know this, because I have one year experience of being Adam's fan. I myself like the glam and the sound of electronic guitar, i.e. Sleepwalker and original Aftermath. Time for Miracles is also one of my favourites. I didn't like when Adam chose Purple Haze for encore, but again the true fans loved it. Robbie Williams is still my favourite artist of all time. I've liked him for over a decade, but I only have 3 of his cd's. His songs have the most amazing lyrics.. "Screw you, I didn't like your taste anyway.."
Correction: I have 4 RW's cd's. :)
this whole tread is a bunch of BS
@Anon 8:06 AM
What??????? You said:
"Adam's true fans like to praise the Acoustic cd. They didn't like the FYE so much."
I am a "true fan", and I love both...and praise both.I obviously only speak for myself here, but I think all of Adams fans are "true fans" in their own way, and have, and are entitled to, their preferences, but it makes them true fans nonetheless. I'm sure Adam appreciates us all, in our many forms.
Anon @ 8:04 AM, it says that some Adam fans are calling other Adam fans trolls, and a lot of those Adam fans don't like it. It seems those people are just as capable of the unjust judgement they accuse others of.
@anon 8:14am This conversation isn't about how many CD' each of us bought. May be somebody can't afford to buy any CD's. It doesn't mean that this person isn't Adam's fan.
Personally I am talking about people who actually agree with this OUT comment about Adam future If somebody didn't buy Acoustic or even FYE or doesn't plan to buy Adam's new album why we need about this?
Is this it? This what OUT meant "whether the fans will be around ..." is when the fans starts hating one another - finally Adam will be left out.....!!! Please let's kiss and make up. Let's do it for ADAM !!! Rakastan!!!
Honestly I never cared if Adam became #1 or #bottom in the magazines like OUT.
Wow! What an explosion here.
I just want to say that as a gay activist and member of PFLAG, ( which as far as I know has never dissed Adam in public) I just want to remind you guys that GLAAD, GLSEN and PFLAG are groups that support civil rights for Adam and others. As you know, Adam, my son, and many Americans are treated like second class citizens and these groups are trying to find the strongest pathway to attain these rights. Sometimes they make mistakes, but I strongly support the work they do.
The editor of OUT is a jerk.
Adam did a SUPERB job for the Trevor Project and It Gets Better. He doesn't have to be "over the top" like GaGa. He just has to be Adam!
If I ever get in front of a mic to talk about my journey as the mom of a gay son, I will be thanking Adam's lovely mom and also his honest interveiws as being such a great help to me! Then hopefully my speech will end with me presenting him with an award for all he has done for the gay community. A Glambert can dream, right?
I am SO looking forward to the new CD.
Don't know why they would question his popularity... It's actually kinda baffling. O_o I mean, have they seen his twitter page? He gains a few thousand followers every other day. His world tour was a mega success and his debut album continues to sell well even in this recession (steadily reaching platinum status, people). If anything, his popularity is rising. Not that anything OUT magazine says matter, of course. They've been blacklisted in my book for their little fight with Adam a while back.
@Glitzy; you must stop! Every time I read a comment and have a response, you say almost exactly the same thing I was going to! :) I guess us PNW'ers think alike!
Anyway...I was going to ask what the difference was between a "regular" fan, a "true" fan, and a troll (I don't mean the kind that come here just to Adam-bash). JAK and over 5000 others donated to Charity Water. I am barely hanging on to my home so I didn't. Does that make them better fans than I am? I am not big on dance-club remixes so I didn't purchase any of the re-mixes. Am I now a "troll"? Someone said, basically, "put your money where your mouth is" as far as supporting Adam. I wasn't aware that financial solvency was the basis for whether or not a person is good enough to be a fan. I support Adam all the time by word of mouth. This has frequently garnered interest in him from others, they check him out on Itunes or youtube, buy his music, and count themselves now among the fans. And guess what? I didn't have to spend a dime to "support" him!!
As for the OUT thing, I don't really care. I didn't know about them before Adam, and their opinion matters not to me.
Great comment V. I totally agree. I, too, don't have a money tree in my back yard. I need one, though; I have a kid in college. The two Glamnation shows that I went to were expensive as it was for my budget(distance and other things). I don't need to be told by other "fans" how to spend my money.
Perez is #20 not #6.
I have a gay brother, and I know the hurt he grew up enduring, he never left the closet. That is why when a gay mag etc, etc say or do things to Adam, I get defensive. I know Adam is a strong person, but it must be hard on him not to have the support from his own.
This thread should have been only about OUT's negativity toward Adam. People use the internet for news now more than ever, that is why I care what they say.
Jumping on each other should never happen. Remember each one of us has an opinion and a right to give it. I for one do not want to chase an Adam fan away from a fan site for Adam.
What we purchase of Adams music is a personal matter.
Like someone said lets kiss and make up, after all today is @ICON birthday.
This thread is like a tennis match. Please, please stop hitting the ball! We are all true fans if we love Adam and want all the best for him. In return he expresses his love by giving his music to us. We are all different but so worthy! Let us be kind to each other! Sanni
Darlin' SAD.AL Maybe Adam lost his carrier, but never his career! Ronnie
@Ronnie - I love you.. . . Adamluv
@P.A.S I am so sorry that your brother never came out. We have closeted relatives too. I just don't want to throw the 'baby " out with the bathwater here. I will never support the way the OUT editor treated Adam! But this is a political movement and Adam is in there fighting,too. Those organizations I mentioned are doing great things for our kids. There are still many suicides.
Are Finns as crazy as Americans? Wait a minute don't answer that! I don't really want to know.
I agree "be ye kind one to another"..RAKKAUS-JAK
Was that right--2 Ks ?
Here are a few videos from Finland. I think these fans will still buy his music in the fall. :)
(fans at his signing)
(fans queuing to go to his concert)
(the crowd at his concert)
And yes, rakkaus has two Ks.
This thread is very confusing. I don't like Out. Their statement about whether his fans would be around if the next cd isn't glam is crazy. It's all muct ado about nothing. We love Adam. We buy whatever products that we can afford and contribute to charities that we can afford to contribute to. I think all fans that love Adam are true fans. So...
hope another subject opens so this crazy thread can go away. Cheril
I came here just what on earth here is happening. Who is that SAD.AL? Is he/she a alien out from space. If you are be so kind and go back to the other planet. Enough is enough!!!
Girl from Finland
I forgot to write the previous message that everyone has the right to buy or not to buy Adam's upcoming new album in the autumn. Still could be a fan of Adam. I buy it if it´s my kind of music like his first one was. I don´t care what other say, as long as I know myself what I like listen and watching. I also hope my opinion doesn´t hurt anyone in this site. The point is, however, music.
Girl from Finland
@5:55 PM
Thank you for those links with passionate Finnberts. Now I think I´m going completely mad. I CRIED when I saw that line of people waiting to get in to the concert. It went on for ever, the whole street and round the corner, on and on. And this is in Finland, not in Adams home country. He´s a new artist with just one album out and so many people wait for hours to see him......now I´m crying again. Take a look at that video! Is it just me going bananas being so moved by this?
I love Adam's voice, so I'm buying whatever he puts out. I'm still listening to his album and still enjoy it. I'm addicted to his voice and him.
@Eva gulleputt kultamussukka dear! Puss ock kram! Sanni
@Sanni kultamussuka. Did you stand in that long beautiful line? Amazing! Puss, puss!
@Eva! Yes, I was one of them. Adam was worth of it. There were children with parents, teens, adults, older ones. No other artist gather such a variety of people from all ages. Sanni
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