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Whole Lotta Love (Jump Around Remix) by ADAM LAMBERT

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, March 19, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, March 19, 2011

A new remix of "Whole Lotta Love" ("Jump Around Remix") started making the rounds on Twitter today. Not sure if this is an official remix or a fan remix. But check it out below!
(Thanks glitzylady for the tip!)

Whole Lotta Love (Jump Around Remix) by ADAM LAMBERT by GaleChester

Here is the "Whole Lotta Love" Performance from American Idol:

Here is a performance from the American Idol Season 8 Tour:


choons said...

Love the remix!!!very clean selection of Adam's voice. Totally cool.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...


This if GREAT!!!

What a crazy week this has been! KW's stories are getting a Whole Lotta Attention, and I think he must have left by now?? His guy better hang his head in shame. He's getting rave reviews!LBS

Anonymous said...

Wow! Very cool remix of WWL! Don't think it's official...I'm sure Adam would have told us about it first. It is great though!

glitzylady said...

I posted this on a previous thread last night..but here it is again for any who are interested in downloading the MP3 of this remix into your media player on your computer: "Official" or not...its a lot of fun and a nice addition to my remix collection that Adam released last year, and the new Aftermath Remix. I'm sure that Adam is at least aware of this, as it was blowing up Twitter last night..and almost everyone (including myself) made sure to add @adamlambert to the tweet passing this on to our "followers" and to Adam himself...there were three Adam-related Top 10 Worldwide Twitter Trends last night as well: "WLL" . "Purple Haze" and "Adamjoybert". Note: this should automatically download to your default "music player" on your computer: mine is my iTunes acct..


Anonymous said...

I love his AI performance of Whole Lotta Love but this remix sounds fantastic as well, then again its Adam,why woulden't it sound great? I had stupid grin on the whole time while listening to this both songs. Adam, what have you done to me? Nothing gets done now a days.

Anonymous said...

@Glitzylady....yes it worked! I've got it on ITunes playing right now! Thank you so much! I love it. I also checked over at AO not only are they giving the link for WLL but also there is a link for all of Adam's AI songs that have been remixed! Unbelievable! Sorry I didn't get that link to bring here but it is on AO!

Anonymous said...

OK....try this link for all the Adam Lambert Remixes of his AI songs:
Hope it works for you.


Anonymous said...

What a great way to start a morning ! Fun mix !

Anonymous said...

Passionate Spectacular
You saw it!


glitzylady said...

Thanks! Wow! Going to give it a try now! (the AI remixes!!)

glitzylady said...

I couldn't get that link to work for some reason, but will check at AO..

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the link to WLL! Goozebumbs... Could not open the link to other remixes either and could not find it at AO. Maybe the content of the site outside of the US is different.

Anonymous said...

I love those remixes, had them on my computer and I can play them hard in my car. Also download the 2 hrs Australian radio mp3, awesome to hear DJ's having the same level of Adam love as us. So cool.

Anonymous said...

HOLY GLAMOLY! I had the grave misfortune of not seeing Adam on AI (no satellite TV) but if possible, I'm trying to make up for it now, and his performance of WLL on AI .... what can I say that hasn't been said before?! Well, he should've won AI on his performance of WLL alone!! My adrenalin is pumping way over the limit after watching that!! SO SUPERBOS!!! :D

Anonymous said...

Anon. March 20, 2011 3:43 AM

Andy and Adrian (Joyfm) are the Aussie DJs who had the 2 hour session with Adam. They are big supporters of him. :D

Anonymous said...

Thank U again! Got WWL on my Windows Media Player by going to Twitter, picked up the link from one of the tweets & downloaded the MP3 & I got it by some miracle!! I also hit on those 3 other re-mixes yesterday(Australian Show-something about a party).

I can't get it with the link either. I Googled Adam Lambert Remixes. Let me try again & I'll get back to you with more information. LBS

Anonymous said...
Try this link for download remixes

Anonymous said...

@Anon March 20, 2011 3:53 AM

How lucky you are! You can discover Adam Lamberts AI journey and you will be amazed for sure. I know you will ask the same question over and over again: How the hell did this guy NOT win? We know there was foul play and AI has not recovered after that.


Anonymous said...

It is on AO, @Joythemeparty.3/19/11. It will probably come up here today anyway.


Anonymous said...

It's awesome..!! WOWOWOWOW!!!

But I feel for today's artists with all this available technology... anyone can mess with their music... their voice... their livelihoods... $$??

DOES Adam get anything for this if it becomes a mega hit??? Don't know anything about it... does anyone know? Someone did a great job on this.

It's fabulous and well done... I love it...
I could listen on a loop! Wow...

Anonymous said...

Do we need to join/pay a fee before we can download the remixes?

Thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much. It worked!

Anonymous said...

LBS!! Thank you for the heads up! That's cool!! That made my day! Thank you very much LBS!
MWAH to YOU!!!! K

Anonymous said...

Not so crazy about the remix, but I love seeing the AI appearance again along with the vid from the AI8 Tour. And it only got better with Adam on the GNT as he performed WWL at all the venues. Kara said it all in her comments about Adam's performance. She practically jumped out of her seat she was so stunned at his rock god status. And the rest as they say is history. I absolutely love rewatching his AI appearances . They remind me of the exact moments I became an Adam Lambert fan for life. Since I did not have the opportunity to see a live performance(tickets were sold out), I look forward to the Glam Nation DVD to relive those songs I was only able to catch on You Tube. Can't wait for his second album in the fall. Has anyone's sophomore album been as anticipated as that of Adam Lambert? I know he won't disappoint, but until then I will have to be satisfied with FYE and listening to it over and over again.

Anonymous said...

DROOOOL! :p'''''''''''


Anonymous said...

YEP! Adam should have won! But let me tell ya, he did win! Look at Mr. Lambert now! Wow!
I watched the AI tour version of WLL, what memories came back to me. & then the DB medley, the moment he took off that jacket, did you hear the screams?!!! OMFRG!!!!
Back to the AIs8 show with the judges, loved Kara's reaction, Adam is definitely a Rock God! & Randy, I do hope Adam collaborates with Slash, hell anybody, Adam can sing anything!!!
That show will never be the same since Adam Lambert!! I know it, you know it, AI knows it, everyone knows that
Adam Lambert ruined it, for all future contestants! MWAH!! K

Anonymous said...

@Anon 6:16am
You do not need to pay for the remixes download. I listen to the one I like before download them and have them scan before open the download files. Anon 5:40am

Anonymous said...

I just love reading all these blogs re AL. I am such a big fan stuck down here in Perth Australia and have not met anyone else (yet)who is in awe of this man as much as me. I feel that it is all not in my imagination when I read these blogs and how others also just get it with AL. He is an artist like no other and deserves to be recognised as such.


Fan4fun (and Icon) said...

Oh my God, please forgive me! At my age I should just say «I'm too old for this sheet!» but instead... I LOVE IT!!! I LOVE IT!!! I LOVE IT!!! And I love it again! And again! So does Icon!
-C'mon, Icon, lest's dance it!!! Wow!!! What a good rainy Sunday!!! Isn't talking-baby?

Anonymous said...

Welcome Loulou, I do know of a lady who is a big fan of Adam's, who is in Australia also. have to do a lil searching where she is at.
How's the areas of flooded-damage, going? Australia, Christchurch,NZ, & Japan, the earth is sure taking a good beaten.
It was nice meeting you, MWAH!! K

Anonymous said...

It wasn't American idol it was "I can't wait till next week to hear Adam"......oh that smile that voice....droolingggggggggggggg
Oh love the re-mix....I don't usually listen to re-mixes but once again because of Adam I'm expanding my musical taste....LOVE U BB

Anonymous said...

Wow the remix is great. Adam you are truly a ROCK GOD!!!! IMO that does not sound like a fan made remix. This could be another great one for charity but would RCA need Led Zeppelin's permission to officially release it? @LBS you said it will be on AO later, so Adam should be tweeting about this. I'm just a little confused.

Anonymous said...

OMFG...loving it...the audio and the 2 videos

can't wait till next tour

Anonymous said...

I know Adam likes his electronic devices, techno sounds, & such, but some songs shouldn't be touched, for instance, WLL. It was alright, I do enjoy the AI's studio version of Adam's WLL, it's really good, & I like the studio version of Feeling Good & ACIGC!! Actually, anything Adam sings I really love, because it's his voice, it's Adam, he's talking to me when he sings.
Will have to go back & listen again, but I'm really happy for Adam that his music is gaining some popularity. MWAH!! K

Anonymous said...


Am I still alive, oh good. That's the ONLY remix I've EVER liked, no make that LOVED AND ADORED. I must have it....I will use all my resources. I am in the dark as far as understanding any of what you are talking about,wouldn't know a MP3 if it bit me, can't download (though it sounds vulgar) and the only tweets I'm familiar with are the mockingbirds in my backyard......I will have to go to a HIGHER POWER to obtain this...MY GRANDSON.

I immediately put in a phone call and left a message....CALL YOUR GRANDMOTHER BEFORE NOON OR YOU CAN KISS THAT NEW CAR GOODBYE AND FORGET NEXT SEMESTER'S TUITION....that should be sufficient to guarantee a return call.

I must have this it makes my heart dance. JAK

Anonymous said...

OK got some info. I typed in Adam Lambert WLL remix. This is what it said. In Melbourne Australia on theme party radio 94.9 a GLBT community station they are having a 2 hour Adam Lambert theme party. They played this remix of WLL. It said there is a huge international audience for this show and it is on twitter worldwide. So freakin exciting. You go, you amazing aussies!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Now I just typed in the radio station. It is called joy, a gay and lesbian station. Well we know Australia is far more liberated than the U.S. then.

Anonymous said...

Me again as in top 2 posts DUH did I not know what GLBT meant-- feel stupid now.

Anonymous said...

The Aussie radio show is quite good, just finish listening them. A lot of information about Adam, the Trevor project, remixes and songs from GNT live concert and you can hear a couple line of Adam's voice as well. Like the DJs to finish off the show with Fantasy spring WLL. I am just thrill to hear those lovely DJs talk about Adam for so long, it is exciting.

Anonymous said...


It won't matter if Adam gets any money from this's (hopefully) gonna skyrocket and that means more fans and means more singles and albums purchased and means more people worldwide
(in addition to we Glamberts) will be eagerly awaiting that second album! It's all good!!!!!

:) :) :) :) JAK

Anonymous said...

I started out 2 years ago wanting to adopt Adam and now I've branched out...I want to adopt AUSTRALIA!

How is it that they GET Adam and the US doesn't...YET?

Tis a puzzlement! ????????? JAK

glitzylady said...

You can do it! Because of Adam, I have become quite proficient (well, sort of anyway...) at a whole lotta things that two years ago I knew very little about: iPod, iTunes, Twitter (just the last year..), using my computer for more than email and internet surfing. Chances are, your computer already has some sort of media player installed that downloads will go to by default. I first downloaded iTunes (free by the way, you only pay if you buy music, movies, etc. etc. from them) to buy and download all of Adam's AI performances and his studio versions of his performances, and the videos! I then learned to "burn" CD's to play in my car, my home stereo, not to mention download to my iPod. Woo Hoo! You can also download, easily by the way, any other music you have on CD's that you own, to transfer to your iPod or "MP3" player. And this remix will download directly to that. I got this directly in an MP3 link from Twitter, when it first appeared on the scene, which is another excellent reason to join Twitter, also free, and very easy to join. That is probably my best source of new Adam info, other than here of course, and quite honestly where the admins of 24/7 get all of the info. 24/7 is also on Twitter and posts any new threads, such as this one to Twitter as well, which in turn is picked up by others. There are many sources you can follow, and the sky is literally the limit for what you can access out there now. News, sports, everything..Everyone and everything out there. I keep in touch with some friends that way too. And even have a few "interesting" people and groups "following" me, which is sort of fun. There are a few that frequent this blog who I follow as well. Until I got on there, I didn't realize its potential. So, just jump in with both feet! Its easy and fun. It took me awhile to learn all of the ins and outs on my own, but now feel I can keep up pretty well! Note: an MP3 is a digital audio program. This is the Wikipedia explanation of what it is briefly for those who aren't familiar: And there are programs out there to convert songs and other audio from youtube, etc., so that you can virtually convert just about anything to an MP3, to go to your music file on your computer and then to your iPod and also burned to a CD..

From Wikipedia: MP3
"MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 Audio Layer III,[4] more commonly referred to as MP3, is a patented digital audio encoding format using a form of lossy data compression. It is a common audio format for consumer audio storage, as well as a de facto standard of digital audio compression for the transfer and playback of music on digital audio players."

glitzylady said...

Okay,this is WEIRD! I just posted a comment here and when I came back it was gone..and I know it posted..hope it shows up was to JAK and talked about MP3's ,what they are, Twitter, etc...hmmm...wondering what happened to it..Will wait for awhile, and if it has disappeared forever, will try to remember what I said! : ( Bummer......

Anonymous said...


Thank you for kind gesture, but I'm gonna be fine. After SOS to grandson he text (texted?) his dad CALL GRANDMA SHE'S GOT A COMPUTOR PROBLEM AND I'M IN CLASS. I forgot that now-a-days some colleges have Sunday classes.

My Superior Son in Law, the Verizon wiz kid called me immediately. I explained my situation and when he stopped laughing he said "MA THE STALKER STRIKES AGAIN". My problems are over. All shall end well. Once again I'm rescued by handsome men. My cup runneth over. My joy abounds. My husband says I'm nuts. Once more all is right in my world....please stop me I'm on a roll!............JAK

Anonymous said...

GREAT HUH!!! I got soooo excited for you I wanted to call you up.Remember those days? We have to check that stuff more often.


Anonymous said...

Noooo. Never stupid here. It's a learning experience for all of us.

Welcome! I always liked Austrians, especially the accent, but I fell in Love with you all when Adam did his interviews. You are so liberal and
kind & sweet & funny and just delicious!! I want to put Australia on my bucket list!!!lol


glitzylady said...

Sounds like you have everything under control! ; ) My husband also thinks I am a little nuts, but then so is he..he has his own "interests' so we're even. And I am still trying to figure out what happened to my epic post! Maybe the admins thought it sounded like a commercial for iTunes, Twitter, etc. Oh well..maybe it will show up again..Again...weird!

Anonymous said...


I am seriously on a quest to have those Old pictures of Adam tongue diving that are in your face every time you Google Adam Lambert!!!
They are from his private stash, & were not meant for public consumption.

When he does this on the stage, I am the first one to laugh & get a kick out of him. These are
IMHO offensive & are used for the sole purpose of degrading him!!
He has certainly tried his best lately to keep his displays of affection private. Why can't they?

There is a remark above the check in the box...the pictures is acknowledged ....but they ALWAYS COME BACK.

Do you agree they are a detriment and would like to see them removed? If so, how the H... is it done? They remove spams don't they. Maybe,Adam and his management don't find them objectionable,
but I can assure you ,there are thousands of people not buying his music because of these images.

Lets band together as good Glamberts do & see what we can accomplish.

Feedback Please!!


Anonymous said...

What fabulous memories these videos bring back! ANYONE who hasn't yet been captured by Adam's spell needs to be shown his AI performances and his AI tour performances. I first heard him at "Mama" and I saw him on both tours, AI and GNT and I'm hooked for life. BYW he has to have lost at least 20 lbs. since Idol, don't you think? Nobody's hotter.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, wrong country...meant Aussies.

Anonymous said...

im from kuwait ,i want to buy adams every album and pay money to hes charities,but its not available in my country and not available either in adamofficial website.

i can pay easily,im rich and imturning 19 soon.i want to help too.

glitzylady said...

Off Topic:
Not to be intrusive into Adam's private life, but just saw this. Sauli will be back in LA for his (Sauli's) birthday, which is in a few days, traveling for his "On the Road From the US" show with his co-host Katri.

20 march 2011 @ 04:27 pm
katri's new comment!

Katri Utula says:
March 20, 2011 at 4:17pm
"So we, Sauli and I, are in LA on Sauli's birthdays, so hopefully we have some time to celebrate before the work starts. ;)
The last Finland-Tutka will come tomorrow Monday!"

Anonymous said...

That remix is brilliant!
Had me bouncing around my office.
Want to BUY it!

Anonymous said...

Creativa Fam4fun e Icono les deje un mensaje en el hilo
ADAM LAMBERT Manchado "Bebe:El after Party"
Mis cordial saludo.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:45 am

If you are in fact REAL I sympathise. I would imagine smuggling in Adam's music would lead to pretty SEVERE punishment.....take heart, your part of the world is rumbling if you are 19 you may see some changes coming. Good Luck,,,NOSY

Anonymous said...

IMO, the rap tympany is too prominent. A bit abrasive. Especially throughout the first forty or so bars. Fade it, at least more sporadically, behind Adam's vocals because Adam's vocals are the only reason I'm listening to this remix. Do this and you'll have a DJ winner.

Anonymous said...

I've posted this before, but it's been a long while ago - and it's so appropriate for this thread. It's one Glambert's passionate reaction to Adam's intro and beginning of WLL on the A.I. tour. It still makes me deliriously happy - just like seeing that huge "A" on the jumbotron still gets me excited.


p.s. @ JAK, I keep checking Entertainment Weekly's Review thread to see if you ever got the "Adam in Grease" photo and the lovely San Diego News article where I found it, or if you needed more help finding it. Did you?

Anonymous said...

I don't think You can buy the remix anywhere. They are very good and I never think of myself like those remixes but my brain get stuck after I heard them. I wish to buy them too if it can benefit Adam's pocket.

Anonymous said...

Whole Lotta Love this remix is amazing
one is left speechless ..... can only be
Perfect words!

Anonymous said...

Question for anyone in the know: Will Adam, AI band, or Led Zeppelin make any money off the remix? If not, are they OK with this? Don't understand the remixer's role in music industry these days. Seems to eclipse the artist who actually sings or plays an instrument.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

Sweetie.........JAK here

Found it...saw it! I wanted to hug the writer. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Did you miss the Glizyladys post or are you just being respectful of his private life!!!!YAKYAK HAHA!!! So sweet spending each others birthdays together.This is the worlds' worst keep secret.
Be quiet talking about romance here.
Katri also said they would be at the American Idol Show, their 1st stop, and to watch carefully.

Oh! Does Adam have blond hair in that Greese picture? If so, I finally found one after a lot of searches.

Nobody wants those pictures taken down?Think I'm a prude?


Rebecca said...

wow memories

Admin said...

glitzylady - Your 9:57 comment has been posted! ^_^ Sometimes Blogger automatically marks a comment as "spam" when it's too long.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Anonymous said...

To tell you the truth, to be Adam fans, we need to embrace his past, get hold his present and look forward to his future. It may take fans some time to get pass those images on the net. It took me about a week but then I fell in love with his music and voice. Now, I only see them as a part of him being honest and OTT, nothing to worry at all. There are lots of open minded people on the net searching for good music and Adam is definitely an excellent choice for them.

Anonymous said...

Loved, loved the remix, wasn't sure how to download, now I will, thanks glizylady! i love how you know what's going on with adam, don't know how but you do and look forward to your posts. BTW- Adam should be at 1 million twitter followers if he continues on this path, the fans are doing it for him!


Anonymous said...

I love this remix! It really showcases Adam's voice. (and I usually don't like remixes..)
Also, thanks glitzy for the hot tip of Sauli coming, yay!

glitzylady said...

@Admin 1:02 PM <3
Awww!! thanks for retrieving my post! Although, I have to admit..there might be some might think it was "spam" anyway!!

Anonymous said...

I personally LOVE this remix. Even though it's not official, I feel that this was done in a very nice manner.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam's pure voice. This remix is so over produced and robotic...better for Beiber or Kesha than Adam. JMO. Don't jump on me. lol

Anonymous said...

@LBS I'm LB -gets alittle confusing at times. I agree with you on this matter. It's been there so long i never notice, but your right the new people will, but on the other hand the new fans like the fans he won back on idol aftermath, I'm not sure they even do the internet thing. Just sayin' if your into the twitter.internet ect maybe you just overlook that stuff (not sure) when I google adam I just go right to the new headlines, then twitter, then here + have my google elerts on e-mail. Those pictures have always bothered me and yesI'm sure adam doesn't want them there. I'm with you!


The DArk Side said...

Will have to listen to this again, and again. Wow, I am not crazy about remixes, but love the ones Adam does. And if he didn't do this, he should have .

Anonymous said...

Awesom and it shows the world his vocals that is all that matters. They may now buy in the future right?

Anonymous said...


Saw,read and saved your most informative post which magically appeared out of the nowhere into the here. I'm going to ask my computor geek squad to teach me bit by bit v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y. Many thanks JAK

Anonymous said...

@non 1:35pm I agree with you about remix version. And it doesn't sound as professional created remix. Probably, Adam fans made it.
For some reason my favorite is Hamilton's version "Whole Lotta Love" It sounds more aggresive and I love it, absolutely.

glitzylady said...

Just to clarify..Pretty sure this is one of many "remixes" or perhaps even actually a "mash up" ( two songs..the other one is "Jump Around" another band), and I'm assuming unauthorized. I've learned this since I originally saw this on Twitter...@Kentucky Fan had some points that are very valid to ponder, and I'm not sure of the answers, although I did look up "Remix" on good old Wikipedia and they were a little vague on most of the legal aspects..The GOOD part about this "remix" or any other one, in my uneducated opinion, is that it may very well introduce Adam to those who may not have listened to him before. Remixes like this one and a million others out there are designed, at least in this case, to be played in clubs as dance remixes, with heavier beats, perhaps faster, etc., so that people can dance to them . Many current songs have apparently been remixed as well, some "official" and authorized to be sold, benefitting the original artist, etc., others just "fan remixes".. From what I read, I would assume that if someone was actually charging people to buy this, they would have copyright issues, royalties, etc. to deal with. Any one with "Garage Band", for instance on their computer, and some skills (I don't have a clue personally) can do a remix.., at least the basics..and post it on a website or on You Tube, to be downloaded for free, and converted to an MP3, like this one..So, guessing Adam isn't making a dime from this, but perhaps is getting some notice from it..don't know. I don't think it takes away from his music personally, but do see where @Kentucky Fan is going on this topic. The music world is indeed very complicated these days..For instance, I would never post anything to download for free that Adam would be cheated out of residuals from..that would not be right..although it does happen all the time now. Some big ethics issues and legal questions. The internet is very useful, but can also be a big problem for musical artists out there..Music given away for free..not good...Not sure what will be done about it either..

Anonymous said...


I love your passion...."lets band together".....If this is a call to reunite the Musketeers I'm your man (well, old lady) and I'll bring my only cane! JAK

PS I had a good giggle at your Austrians boo-boo. Though I quite like their accent too, it's so very THE SOUND OF MUSIC-ish. Love, JAK

glitzylady said...

Well...............................I am spam AGAIN! Huh.......Well, I did post another comment re the remixes..."official" versus "fan-made"...suppose it will re-appear at some point. Was addressing some questions from @Kentucky Fan, etc. Hope it reappears! Sorry Admins..not sure what's happening!

Anonymous said...

Adams voice is pure and addictive...... A world wide star indeed. Love it and hopefully we can see u perform again in another stations.

Can't wait for you again my dear..

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

I always remember that line from Simon "problem is, nobody can top that now!" So true

Anonymous said...

I like all of Adam's versions of "Whole Lotta Love" just not a fan of the remix. It's one of those songs that remix/WRONG. Loved Adam's hair in the video from AI tour. That again PLEASE Adam.....

Anonymous said...

I am not a fan of the remixes either. Give me any of Adam's performances on AI, the songs from the GNT, AOL Sessions, or his appearances on the talk shows. He is in a league of his own and to me is the best vocal talent in the music industry today. I love to see the internet or print pictures of Adam with the latest hair style, clothes, just the overall look. At times just reading something about him or looking at his latest fashion statement makes my day (as long as it is positive). Glad to read that he is working on his sophomore album and will just have to be satisfied until its release with FYE and the GNT DVD. And a few other tv talk show appearances wouldn't hurt either until then.

Anonymous said...

@LBS: I agree with you about the tongue diving pictures on google main page. I have noticed other sites have canned them.

I love this WLL remix, very catchy with excellent beat.


Anonymous said...

Don't rememember where else I posted this but They Just Added A 3rd tongue diving one. That's what I get for opening my big mouth. Revenge.

Glitzylady!!! A direct message from Admin.!!!Wow!
Adam tweeted about Joys show and thanked them for their support.
Did you ever see the Lambossed Adam Lambert Obsession Fantasy Springs One Year On? That's where they mentioned the missing videos.
When does the downloading get illegal?I am going to burn my favorites to a DVD & CDs before they say this video is no longer availabe due to 3rd party etc. Sure, these downloads are killing the music industry, everything has changed.

Are you all aware that artists get nothing if their songs are played on the radio, only the writer is compensated. That's why they all write a line or so & promote the ones they have
contributed Aftermath & the other singles that get released. LBS

Anonymous said...


I don't mind. You can have all my posts, I embarrass myself a lot.


Anonymous said...

Thank you friend. We are the lost generation that weren't born with a mouse in our diapers. We are doin so good though, and the best part is getting those kids all nuts trying to fix the "Messes That We've Made". That's the best way to get them to come over for brownies.

I have been trying to find your post about your accomplishments for an hour. I do all that stuff,but you did confuse me about the 9 or something.I don't remember,,,,,,,it's that short-term memory thing. What did ya say?