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Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen in the background

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, April 11, 2011

Posted at : Monday, April 11, 2011

In this picture, you can see Adam and Sauli in the back at the NewNowNext Awards.

Thanks to mlwpeace!


Anonymous said...

that sure looks like one fun award show.

Anonymous said...

Aww they are adorable (:!
So happy for him!

Anonymous said...

I think Sauli and Adam are a good fit. Adam is very comfortable with him, as is Sauli with Adam's friends and family. As I said before Adam glows when he is with, or talking about Sauli.
They are a match set.


Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli are indeed a gorgeous couple. They've been together for a few months now . Sure looks serious to me. Sauli should interview Adam on his own show That would be so much fun . Then Adam could introduce Sauli to American TV by having him join in on an interview Maybe on Ellen .Saulis such a star already I'm sure he'd be comfortable on tv and hes so cute fans would love him!

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, Adam and Sauli are match made in heaven. They are so happy and so in love. I wish everything good to them and to their love and relationship. They are a lovely, happy and cute couple.

Adam's and Sauli's fan from Finland

Anonymous said...

You realize of course if this romance fizzles that there are going to be HUGE NUMBERS OF BROKEN HEARTS?????? mine included.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Agree JAK, but on the positive side...Well I'm sure Adam could turn that into on heart-wrenching ripper of a saaaaad song we could all have a good cry over and love.... and maybe get the damn thing on the radio!


Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli seem like such a good fit and really have a lot of similiarities and common interests. It makes me smile, seeing their happiness and enjoyment of each other. Even with the fame and outside distractions, Adam still is attentive to Sauli while taking care of business. His arm on Sauli's shoulder while talking to Paula and his body language clearly shows his regard and care for Sauli. Sauli in turn is supportive in what Adam needs to do and blends so well with Adam's friends and entertainment media and artists. He seems so positive, good natured and unafraid to express his creative, humerous side, which has to be so attractive to that similiarity of Adam's personality. They both look so happy and I hope life will be good for them. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Yes, so many of us have "invested" in this relationship and yet there are also many who think this is the wrong timing for him to have a serious relationship with his career just taking off.

I don't think you "time" these things....I was only 19 when I met my forever guy, he was a month away from being 19! I was only in second year of college and he was in air force and had no car and about 10 bucks!

Definitely not the right time, yet his are the only lips I've kissed in 56 years....the last time about 10 minutes ago when during a commercial he swooped in for a sneak attack kiss.

So. to hell with timing!.................JAK