Adam Lambert Behind the Music Special on Vh1!
Filed Under (news ) by Admin on Friday, April 1, 2011
Posted at : Friday, April 01, 2011

From Adam Lambert Fan Club:
BREAKING NEWS! Coming soon! An ADAM LAMBERT Behind the Music Special on Vh1! mjsbigblog reports that Kris Allen was interviewed today (April 1, 2011) by VH1 for an ADAM LAMBERT Behind the Music special! Publicist Page Jeter tweets, “VH1′s Behind the Music @adamlambert with Kris Allen interview at @tru_hollywood!” In other words, Kris Allen sat for an interview with VH1 today for an Adam Lambert Behind The Music special. Jeter assures us, “it is no april fool’s joke, people. there will be a Behind the Music on Adam Lambert. filmed at @tru_hollywood today! get excited!” The Tru Hollywood Supper Club is located at 1600 Argyle Ave in Hollywood California.
Source: Adam Lambert Fan Club
Thanks to Adam Lambert Help!
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This sounds pretty cool.
Can't effing wait!! Adam has become part of pop culture so quickly. Someone record this in HD please :>
I wonder what they're asking Kris Allen....
Seems odd, Kris Allen doesn't live here, He lives in Nashville.
I think they interviewed different people, one of his friends Carmit (I think I spelled it right) was also interviewed, how cool for Adam! I also read A&E has talked to Adam's "people" about doing a Private Sessions show on him as well. Have to watch out for more news on this!
I think Kris lives in Arkansas but is in L.A. at the moment.
I'm confused! I didn't follow.
I was actually reading some comments regarding this and it is so funny how delusional the KA fans are. I think the publicist first tweeted that KA is being interviewed by VH1 and the fans were all like "yeah KA is the most talented, he is relevant, he is the best there is to music, he is here to save the music industry, he will be bigger than Daughtry" blabla.... and then the VH1 publicist retweeted again and this time she included Adam's name in her tweet but she wasn't specific and the fans were like why are they interviewing Glambert, is he there being interviewed about KA, how he kicked his ass in the AI finale...Blabla....and then she tweeted for the third time with a detail saying KA is being interviewed for an Adam Lambert Behind the musci VH1 special and they are like, Lambert doesn't even have enough music to appear on that show, how are they going to fill a 1hr show with his music, are they going to talk about his sexuality???? The KA fans are the most delusional and funny people. They still think KA is relevant. The guy is tweeting from his dogs account, modeling his dog. The dog gets more attention than him. What does it say about him? Pathetic!
Can this be true? Didn´t Kris Allen say he didn´t want to answer questions about Adam a long time ago? I can understand him on that point. It must be frustrating to be the winner of AI, have your own career and music to promote and people keep asking about the guy you beat. Remember Seacrests first question to KA in his radio interview: "How is your boy?"
I feel sorry for the KA fans. They worry about him not getting the promotion he deserves, just like we do about our man.
Kris has always liked and respected Adam and the feeling is mutual. It's fans on both sides that always started trouble. The two of them have always been fine and I believe each of them wishes each other well. They were roomates on Idol. Their parents liked each other. I always loved seeing them together. You could see how much they really like each other. I wish Kris well and like his voice. They just are very different types of entertainers. Adam is unique and exciting. Kris is pleasant and very laid back. He has his fans and Adam has us! Lucky Adam!!!
Does anyone know why Adam was ignored by the Glaad Awards Show this year?
@Eva & Anon: 1:08 AM
Good comments, both are good people and they are friends. I hope a fan war doesn't start again. We have debated that to death. Guess we will have to wait to see what VH1 has done. I hope it is good for both guys.
@Anon 11:10 PM
The last that I heard, Kris Allen was living in LA, but I could sure be wrong! Could have been awhile ago. More opportunities.
@Anon 1:14 AM
ABout the GLAAD Awards: I looked up the categories and it seemed like there was no category that Adam would fit into this year...believe it or not! I wondered that too...
I agree with you: please no fan wars! Things got so bad here awhile back that the admins had to take extreme measures and remove all comments for review and then institute a delay for review for a few days... I would hope we wouldn't see that here again. So ridiculous and old news. Adam would not condone any bashing. I think Kris Allen is a nice talented guy and they are friends. I just happen to prefer Adam. Can you tell??? LOL!
GREAT news & I ADORE the photo! :D
Off Topic:
New Interview with Sauli and Katri about their US Roadshow: It is also on the previous "Adam and Sauli Bound to You" vid thread, with some excerpts that are fun to read, posted there as well.
Here is the translated to English version! : ) (Translation by @Riinukka on Twitter.) Thought it might be easier to read for those who don't speak or read Finnish like myself.
GGGGGRRREEEEEAAAAT News!!! Was Hoping they'd do one of these... can't wait!
This is cool.
Listened to Kris Allen's "Alright with Me" a ton the other day, LOVE THAT SONG, check it out peeps, really good.
Thanks for link glitzlady, rushing rushing this Sat. morning but will check out this weekend. Thanks to all who post links here, I appreciate it!
ps. the other night I got totally sucked into AML video after AML video on YT (c'mon peeps, y'all know how that can happen, I know you've all been there done that ;)... that's what I get for taking my iTouch to bed with me, lol) and anyway, at one point I came across Simon's comments just after Adam's "Cryin'" performance, when the voting was going from 3 to 2 for the finale, and the other 3 judges had pretty much gushed over BB (understandable :)) and Simon warned people to make sure people VOTED for Adam and not just assume... and when I think of the topic of this thread, a Behind the Music Special, I call to mind those words that Simon said " deserve it based on talent..." and they ring so true... it's just that simple to me... Adam's incredible talent is just so obvious, deserves recognition, any and all recoginition, at any time for any reason! He is deserving, it's so simple.
I couldn't open the "Cryin" video but here it is again:
@ 6: 11 am,
Very well said dear....... Simon was right and a good business man... He knew that Adam will be a WWS star indeed. Adam deserves all the recognition and it shows how the music industry is being corrupt in their country.
No matter what they think of Adam, It was proven from his GNT TOUR that the world has accepted this incredible young man.
More power and can't wait to see you live again ADAM....
Mom from Toronto, Canada
OT,came across an interview the other day that I hadn't seen taken backstage at SYTYCD in Australia link is really cute when he makes a couple of gaffs including wanting to be big down under!
and this is worth a read, //
This is great news. I agree, no fan wars. Kris has a good voice and a nice guy. Adam is totally a once in a lifetime talent, so unfair to compare anyone to him. I always thought that the friendship Kris and Adam have is very sweet. Looking forward to this show.
I always watch Behind the music on the music channel in Canada. It's good that they promote Adam's music, not the gossip. Lots of famous musicians have done that before and they show their songs. It happen I just watch Jennifer Hudson recently and the program get repeats all the time. Can't wait and excited for Adam.
Kris Allen always seemed like a class act. I bet he will have only good things to say about Adam and their time as friends. Allison and Kris respect Adam and he loves them as well. American Idol was where they all got their break and they will always stay in touch.
how cool can't wait to see it
@HK fan April 2 6:46AM - thanks for links, the review/article was - gaaah, I can't even... so great. THANKS. Back to RL. MGF
Fantastic news!!!! Hope we will find the date of the show very soon.
Actually, I can't forget any of Simon's comments about Adam, even his comment about "Ring Of Fire":):)
It makes sense that Kris gets interviewed about Adam. They are friends even though they don't see each other. Adam has the bigger profile and Kris presumably was asked, among others, to talk about Adam. It doesn't hurt Kris to do this. They all need publicity. I like Kris, but his fans need to face the fact that he is on a different level than Adam. Kris's fans sound kind of snarky to me, but they are supporting their boy, just like we do. As for the GLAAD award, the LA version is in April, and perhaps Adam will attend and be in the audience, even though he may not perform. I'm so excited about the VH1 show. Love you, ADAM! You're the best!
That was amazing to watch again, The Cryin' video and the comment of the judges. Paula can barely speak, as always, after hearing and seeing Adam. Also loved seeing Leila, Eber and Neil just bursting with pride and joy. And he proved them all tto be right, he is a WWS like no idol before.
Lizard Eyes
Has this little blurb been posted yet?? I think at least one of the pics has been in a previous thread. (Not worthy of it's own thread or anything, but nice... AML out supporting his friends, nice.)
Cam lookin' so fine (you'll notice that once you get past feasting your eyes on BB... it takes a minute ;) I know I know). Great bone structure.
MGF (weavin' in and out of RL today... damn you Adam Lambert)
Kris knows the reality of the situation. When he was chosen for the top 2, his jaw dropped and he almost fell over. When he was named winner, he said, No way, Adam deserves this. Gokey placing 3rd instead of Allison might have been more crucial than we realized at the time, with a lot of Gokey's votes going to Kris. The same thing happens in politics.
I agree that Kris is a class act. After winning, he had to try to promote himself as much as possible to please his fans. But he knows Adam is talented. It's more his fans that want to deny that. Also loved how Kris went along with the "bromance" scenarios for fun.
Another really enthusiastic review of Adam's GNT Live DVD/CD from Pop Republic
@MGF I also re-watch Adam's journey on Idol every once in a while, kind of need my fix, also watch his Upright Cabaret performances, then of course his GNT videos. I try to do this every so often on a Sunday, when I know I will be home alone. I truly scratch my head in amazement that he didn't win the title of AI, but like Adam always said he got what he wanted and that was to stay on the show as long as possible and to get a record contract. He not only got what he wanted but parlayed that into his own World Wide Tour off of his first CD. I would say that in itself is AMAZING and in my book makes him the WINNER.
Oooops! Looks like that link has already been posted above for Pop Republic..Its so great tho, it bears repeating! LOL! Never too much support and praise for Adam I always say!!
PS How could I forget, also watch his Zodiac Show performances. Love all sides to Adam he is exciting.
Just Jared's quick take on night out with Uh Huh Her. Good quick clean positive in and out post, yay.
Just read the pop republic review of Adam and his tour. I think the best review I have read. One person at a time is finding out the true unbelievable talent and performance ability that Adam has. Iconic as Paula said!
YIPPEE!! AHHH and it's the If I Can't Have You Adam picture!! Ranks right up there with the Tracks of My Tears Adam, Black or White Adam, Whole Lotta Love Adam, well you get the picture!! The good news and the pic. made my day! Thx!
everyone said it best Please no fan wars!! It is bad for Adam.
Even though Adam did not win AI during season 8, he used the show as a platform for his music. He is a dynamic performer both musically and visually, probably the best vocal talent in the music industry today. I would guess he is still friendly with Kris and his wife, but they do not keep in touch constantly. I am sure that Kris only has good things to say about Adam, he's just that kind of nice guy. Can't wait to see the special on VH 1. It's always a better day when there is something new and interesting to view or read about Adam.
HK Fan thanks for the link for one of the best reviews of Adams CD/DVD and his GNT, seems Rob Manser is a Glambert, ha, ha. "Once I'm in I own your heart" so true. Love to hear how people fell in love with Adam it always makes my day.
On my previous post I wasn't dissing Kris Allen, I also love the friendship between him and Adam and think he is talented and sweet. I should preview my comments, after I posted and re read it, I was afraid some my take it the wrong way. I believe in sending out good Karma, that is also one of the reasons I love Adam so much, he is so positive and loving.
Hi IreneRose - just FYI, I didn't take your comments as a dis to Kris Allen (and mine up above weren't meant so either)... so hey friend, let's both you and I throw some of that good Karma out to Kris and I'll post a link of this lovely display of Kris' beautiful talent, while still keeping us on-topic to our BB :)... Kris' "Falling Slowly" behind a sweet photo montage of the GNT:
I think this has been posted here before.
@MGF Thanks for the link but I will have to watch it later, my son just called and I have to pick him up from the Ferry, so running out now but will get back later this evening.
Adam Fix
Answered your question on Twitter Updates page.JAK
Hola, mi creativa Fan4fun, en dias pasado te deje un mensaje con Icono, donde te daba las Gracias de nuevo, por las traducciones, en verdad me siento muy afortunada y agradecida, por brindarme tu valioso tiempo, no siendo el español tu idioma materno, dejas ver tu gran deseo, de seguir creciendo en el área del idioma, donde tiene una excelente habilidad con el lenguaje, como lo demostraste con tu ingenio en el manejo de los personajes y situaciones en la Historia sobre el Secuestro y Rescate de Ping Pong. Y tu generosidad al colaborar con el prójimo, eres bella por dentro, como ADAM, Icono me aseguro, que tambien eras bella por fuera, que lindo! y le creo.
Fan4fun, me otorgas un honor, que amable eres! de poeta, que no me corresponde, que pena! nunca he escrito poesÃa, los comentarios que hago son consecuencia, del Arte Maravilloso e incomparable, de nuestro genial artista ADAM LAMBERT, que inspira a todos sus fans a valorar más, lo hermoso de la vida, uniendo a tantas personas a través del Amor, como sabiamente lo dirÃa nuestra querida amiga Bing.
Espero que Icono haya disfrutado del enlace que le envié de su canción preferida, Sonámbulo para que lo viera contigo, a lo mejor lo hizo con Ping Pong..... Seguimos con nuestro ferviente deseo, de que la Paz, el Amor y la SabidurÃa espiritual y musical, sigan envolviendo a ADAM por siempre, y lo guié con éxito en sus próximos objetivos de vida.
Un saludo cordial.
That was me,LBS, about the Glaad Awards.Some more of it is coming up in April. Agree about the categories,but could have been a presenter.
Has anyone seen the Showbiz Tonite on HLN? I mentioned it on older posts & don't want to go into it again.It probably will repeat all weekend,watch if you can. Good,bad,or otherwise our boy is sure getting noticed with the big shots. They really do like Adam on that show & tried to put humor in the situation.
LBS(PH is going to have a lovely mushroom dinner
Two questions about Adam's career: 1) Was he the first Idol contestant to HEADLINE his own FIRST tour after the Idol tour? (I know other contestants did tours, but did any of them HEADLINE their FIRST non-Idol tour? If so, which ones? 2) Did any other Idol HEADLINE their own INTERNATIONAL tour right after the Idol tour? Besides Adam, were there others who did this? Thanks for helping me. I'm in an argument with someone about this.
Adam was the first off american idol to headline his own tour and so soon.This is either nationally or internationally. A very big deal especially since just about all concerts were sold out and just unbelievably awesome.
12:23pm, Adam is the first and only AI alum to headline his own 1st US and World tour. All the big Idol stars, Kelly clarkson, Carrie unerwood, Daughtry , they started as openers for other bigger acts.
Thanks for the response to my questions about Adam's career. I WAS RIGHT! I knew he did things that no other Idol contestant has done. I hope lots of people realize this, when they say he's nothing special or what's the big deal. HE IS A BIG DEAL and deserves the recognition. I pray for a long and prosperous career for him.
Adam Lambert has really done quite well for himself since AI. His GNT started here in the states and then he went international with much success. The dvd is getting positive reviews and is letting everyone else know what an awesome performer Adam is both musically and visually. He is in a league of his own and I, too, hope he will have a long, prosperous, successful career. Waiting anxiously for this VH 1 special.
Such great news about Behind the Music with Adam Lambert! VH1 has always liked Adam and supported him. Remember when they initiated their Unplugged Series? Adam got the starting spot with that series and it was wonderful. I think it's cool that KA is being interviewed about Adam. They have been loyal to each other and are still friends. Their career paths have taken them in different directions, that's all. Of course, I believe, Adam's career has skyrocketed way above Kris' but that's because Adam's mega talents cannot be denied as he has proven many times over and he is now a worldwide superstar! Congrats, Adam, on the VH1 Behind the Music Special. I can't wait to find out the air date.
I always had a secret hope that Kris would convert to gaydom and that his marriage was just a coverup and that him and Adam would get together!!! They are so adorable together!! hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! I have always liked Kris alot and have always felt him and Adam had each others backs. Instant friends.
Yes Adam is the SUPERSTAR IN AMERICAN IDOL. No one can top what he did for a short period of time.
Who ever comes along will not be the same anymore.
He will continue to shake the Music Industry.
He came from outer space indeed.....
The whole package that no one can break!!!!! No one at all!!!!!!
I like him too!.........JAK
be still, my beating heart! i am so excited to hear about the Behind the Music special. Wish they would tell us the date so that i can breathe again.
What a great thread this was! I have been on a figure skating gala (I have seen Evgeni Plushenko LIVE) and came home to this.
@MGF Thank you for "Crying"! He was more handsom than ever that night, wasn´t he? I could watch those performances on repeat.
@HK Fan
Great links. An interview I have never seen, so funny (Big down under!! Yes Adam, we know!) And that review! WOW! Was it a man who wrote that?
It´s a rollercoaster with that Lambert man. And Boy, do I enjoy the ride.
This sounds a little April Follery to me. But Kris is in LA as he was at Idol on Thursday, so maybe it's true. He is also a friend of Adam's, but this all seems a little OTT to me. Hope it's the real deal.
Just finished the POP REPUBLIC Review. If I never read another review, I can die happy.
I can't see what I'm writing because of the tears that keep welling up.
This is written by a true music journalist who totally ,to even his amazement,"went gaga" over Adam.
It is beautifully written and an ABSOLUTE must read!!!! The comments are fabulous too. Have to go back, I couldn't finish all the comments I was so moved.
Thank you Glitzylady & HK fan!
Love,Love those Aussies!!Without ever having seen this post I wanted to go back to the New Zealand and Australian interviews last nite.I can't get some of them, they show a black screen.Found out what I wanted about the necklace, but not the interview,which I loved.
So, thanks for the "big down under" it was great!
Don't remember it.
LBS......Sun:11:00- Showbiz Tonight Adam & Gaga
April 1, 2011 11:36 PM ... I was thinking the same. I was reading some of the comments on MJsBlog and exactly what you said. there are people saying adam is riding Kris's coattail and getting publicity LMFAO. And there are some saying Adam hasn't accomplished anything to appear for the VH1 special. Here are some of the funny comments that had me Roll my eyes:
Planet Fierce says:
04/02/2011 at 5:58 am
Music has been nothing but fluff pieces. This episode is going to be another one. To me, he doesn’t deserve one. He hasn’t done anything
sf3456 says:
04/02/2011 at 2:53 am
I watched the E! True Hollywood Story and I’ll watch the VH1 BTM when it comes out, as well. Hopefully I’ll learn something I don’t already know…
Good luck with all that. What other story can this guy possibly tell that wasn’t already on the E! True Hollywood Story? I’m just saying he has not done anything to warrant an episode of Behind the Music. Like I said, remember when that show used to mean something? They profiled artists and bands who gone through stuff. Now, they just want to pick any damn body to feature on the show. Probably for ratings. What kind of trials and tribulations has he gone through to get a Behind the Music?
About that A&E: Private Session thing, like I said, I don’t know anything about that. But I saw that Avril has an episode coming up so yeah, they’re running out of people.
girlygirl says:
04/01/2011 at 11:19 pm
The whole VH1 thing today confused twitter! The posts went from “oh, Kris is doing an interview with VH1…cool” to “Kris and Adam are doing an interview together?” or “why is Adam at Kris’s interview?” to “Adam’s getting a Behind the Scenes show? Why is Kris at Adam’s interview?” and “why are they interviewing Kris about Adam?”The last question is the one that I don’t get — why wouldn’t they interview Kris about Adam? Got to figure Adam’s run on Idol is going to be a big part of the show, and who better to ask about it (besides Adam himself) then Kris? Makes perfect sense to me.
sf3456 says:
04/02/2011 at 1:52 am
Well, A&E: Private Session already tweeted that they are talking to Adam people about doing a segment on him. So I guess they think he deserves one too.
I don’t even know what an A&E: Private Session is. But after clicking on the link and looking around a little bit, I guess they’re running out of people, too.
tripp_ncwy says:
04/02/2011 at 10:13 am
If I was Kris’ mangagement I would have only allowed him to participate if I secured something in return from VH1 related to album #2 & the first single.
Although Kris seems to be a nice guy he is not good in interviews and he has said some bad stuff about Adam such as when asked about the AMA kiss he said, apparently Adam was not allowed to do that on IDOL but now he is doing it showing you his true side blablabla....
Want proof? Wait till I get links to those interviews...
anon 5:56 pm again:
Here are some of his interviews
TMZ crack me up though, look at the title of the video: Kris Allen -- Success is a Roller Coaster ...
and at the bottom it says: Kris Allen's is huge ... at theme parks around the U.S.
@Eva April 2 3:51PM - re figuring skating gala, lucky you!! I do love me some figure skating BFF ;). In fact, I'm taking my daughter to the rink tomorrow... but we just skate for fun - NO triple toe loops or triple salchows or double axels or anything, LOL!!!! Oh btw Eva, your "double signing" for loyalty the other day in that other thread was HILARIOUS, and thanks :).
Kris is nice and quite talented, but the facts speak for themselves. Adam HEADLINED his own national and international tours right out of Idol. He has a huge world-wide fan base. He's edgy gorgeous and has a fabulour personality. Why wouldn't shows like Behind the Music want him? He's great, that's all there is to it. I don't wish Kris ill at all, but his success has not been as great. Adam is the star here.
April 2, 2011 7:28 PM I don't wish Kris ill at all, but his success has not been as great.????? Are you kidding me? Kris has been playing at theme parks and Dog shows. What are you talking about? *rolls eyes*
Kris fans are delusional and jealous. Have they been in a coma for the last year and a half? They should support Kris with all their heart, like we support Adam, but for Pete's sake, face reality. Adam is on his way to the top and the TV people know it.
anon April 2, 2011 7:34 PM ... I just chuckled at your sarcasm..LOL... The best post ever!
@MGF Thank you for the POP REPUBLIC review link! This article is brilliant!
I didn't have chance to read all of these comments about Adam and Kris journey. But some of the comments are very strange. Kris won AI, but Adam became international star. Everybody know about it. Who care about Kris except his fans?
@sf3456 If you think that nothing interesting happen with Adam sence E! show, why are you gonna watch VH1? Also, why we need to know about your plans "to watch or not to watch" BTM?
@anon 7:34pm Love your comment!LOL
Can Behind the Music be watched on the computer? Or do you have to have the channel on your TV? I sure want to see this!
Speaking as a completely unaware person, never heard of Private Sessions or Behind the Music, I feel nevertheless compelled to say that any interview or "story" about Adam is only as good as the person who writes the questions or script.
We think we know everything because he is asked the same same same questions over and over to infinity.
I'd like to hear Adam discuss early stage work, the formation of The Citizen Vein, maybe do a song or two with that hard rock beat that they wrote.....some are pretty good. I'd like to hear how he met Carmit Bachar of the Pussycat Dolls and hear about his early friendship with Danielle Stori and Alisan Porter, both talented singers and how his bond was formed so strongly with Lee and Scarlett Cherry (who I believe sang on Broadway). I know they were in European company of Hair together, that's old news. How did they become so close that they named Adam the godfather of their new baby boy Riff?....and why is Neil teaching political science in Korea??? That really puzzles me.
Just for all our sakes, talk about something that we fans can't answer with him word for word.
Adam's not boring the hosts are and if I hear AMAs again I think brain will explode...JAK
Love you JAK! What a great post!!!!! You are amazing person! And you are forver young:)
Thank you but I'm getting too old to stay up playing on this keyboard so late every night. It's 3:25 a.m. so I'm folding my tent and calling it quits for the night! Bye! JAK
Thanks, HK Fan for the links to the "big down under" interview (hilarious) and the PopRepublic review. I think that may be the best review of "Adam" I've ever read! Mr. Manser really gets Adam!Just a fantastic review! It made me feel just wonderful and so appreciative to be Adam's fan.
They are interesting questions, but most of them can be answered. Carmet,Monte,Scarlet & Lee are all from the Zodiac days.Alisan and Adam go back to the Ten Commandments & the Zodiac.The whole full circle story. Daniel & Adam were neighbors & went to school together. There are further details on line,but it would be interesting for others to hear them. They all fit into the ironies of his life.
If you have VHI channel I presume you can see it on TV. If not, it will be on line eventually.
I misunderstood you. You were speaking as a person who knew nothing of these people or events;correct?
I want to know what happened on the tour behind the scenes,the mishaps & the ordeals of being a rock star traveling the world & interesting experiences, funny,frustrating,sad,good & the bad. Adam & Neil both were writing journals.
@ Eva, So envious of your seeing the ice skating gala!That was my #1 passion before Adam! Plushenko is in IMHO, the #1 skater in the world. Like Evan Lycachek too.Love pairs and ice dancing. Hope we'll see more routines done to Adam's music!..The Pop Republic interview and NZ mini one made my day! It took the sting out of the Gaga party negativity! I like Kris Allen, always thought he was a good guy. His fans wish he had the success of Adam. Can't blame them too much for their envy and disappointment. Adam is untouchable in the talent, charisma dept.Kris will say nice things about Adam, as Adam says about Kris. Both decent, sweet guys.
Oops, forgot tag above. funbunn40
The ice skating gala was fantastic. Stephan Lambiel, Plushenko, the German world champions, Sarah Meier and Shizuka Arakawa (olympic gold 2006). She was amazing. This is totally off topic, but I have to give you a link to the music she performed to. It´s a Queen song, so perhaps you´ll forgive me. It´s an Australian singer Mirusia Louwerse (and we love Australia, don´t we?)
Is this VH1 Behind the music really happening? I´m beginning to think we are fooled again. Not a word about it on VH1 web site.
we just wait and see then my dear.... @ Eva
I hope it will come true ha!ha!ha!
Glitzylady, MGF, HK all your links were AMAZING-especially the POP REPUBLIC review link! !! What a great thread this was! Keep it up!
@JAK, me too up wayyyyyy too late!! Nighty night!
@LBS GREAT questions!!!
I posted this on another thread, but am going to post old vid of Kris and Adam singing with Queen on the finale...all one has to do is listen even just a little to see who blows who out of the water. I think Kris did a great job, don't get me wrong, but when you hear Adam, mouths drop:
Adam could have easily blown Kris out of the water with that performance and did in a very subtle way, but Adam has always I think, been very aware of his power and respectful not to deliberately try to overshadow anyone with whom he's performing. Even in interviews with Kris, he never tried to take over them, always politely giving Kris his time in the spotlight. These little nuances don't go unnoticed. Adam is a most unselfish, generous performer. You don't generally see this behavior in a profession filled with so many giant egos. This is not meant to take anything away from Kris. He has a very pleasant voice and is a great guy too. He just has a more laid back quiet way of performing, but Adam owned this Queen performance. funbunn40
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