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Adam Lambert: I Want This Chair!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Adam tweeted that he wants this chair....
Adam Lambert's photo: I want this chair!
Adam Lambert on WhoSay


Anonymous said...

I don't blame him, I love it. I like old style furniture with a twist. Buy it Adam, I sure you will find a place for it and get alot of comments on it.


Anonymous said...

Buy it Adam!

The Dark Side said...

I would buy it for you, but pretty sure I cannot afford it. But, it's the thought, right?

Anonymous said...

Go for it Baby! You will look so gorgeous in that chair!
Who makes it I wonder?

Anonymous said...

Damn!!! Just missed my chance! I HAVE that chair, only mine has tapestry roses on it. My grandmother preferred them to skulls!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Too scary of a chair for me.

choons said...

Off Topic BUT I heard a rumour that Adam may host the MMVA's (MuchMusic Video Awards)in Toronto on June 17th!!!!! I saw him perform there last year - I was only a few feet away from Tommy and Adam!!
Hope this rumour is true.

Anonymous said...

Hope this is NOT a rumor - Adam hosting the MMVA's would be insane!! Maybe he could bring this chair with him if he buys it - he could be his own KING of the MMVA's in a king sized chair!!

Cheril said...

Love that chair too (for Adam). I think it fits him perfectly.

Anonymous said...

Saw in paper the O awards are going to be here in Vegas. No place, time etc yet. I am sure the big casinos will want them.


Anonymous said...

Wow! A mahogany Queen Anne Chair reupholstered in damask with a needlepoint scull. Adam, you never cease to amaze me.

Anonymous said...

hmmm, you will have no competion from

Anonymous said...

Cool chair, it would look wild in a music video. Hey, OT, but who can tell me how to access the pic Adam tweeted about that was "racy"? It seems to have been removed from everywhere. Why is that? Women celebs can tweet their twats and Adam can't pose? Makes no sense!!


Anonymous said...

Don't tell me the rumor, i am living in Toronto!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Adam, I just bought that chair!

But I am willing to give it to you my love, you just have to come to my home to pick it up! haha.

Anonymous said...

Its not needlepoint, it is tattooed leather.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused- Is this chair for sale? Or does he just want it? Personally. I like the soft, sinkable, ultra-want to relax in chairs. I hate antiques- I love all modern stuff, but it's nice to look at not to sit in IMO. O.K. BB go get it lol

Anonymous said...

Here is a nice long behind the scenes interview from the making of the "Whatya Want From Me" video. Most may have already seen this:


Icon said...

Great chair! I love it too! Buy it sweet Adam and pleeeeease let me scratch that skull... let me, let meeeeee???? Yay! Another piece of furniture for my sharp and well trained glambert claws!
Meaw-ha! Meaw-ha-ha!!!!

Adamluv said...

I think Tommy's taste is wearing off on ADAM. lol! ..... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Okay if it's true my gosh I'll be there and watch Adam again live and this time he will be the host???????? I'll cross my fingers indeed......

Toronto will rock with you Adam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

It's like the Chair is saying: Hey we humans

are all the same on the inside -

Statement Chair !!

Love from Kelowna BC

Anonymous said...

It's not a sitting in's a looking at chair.......strictly ornamental. Mine is miserable and so low I can't get up off of it without help. I keep it for sentimental reasons but I'm sure after I'm gone my girls will haul it off to nearest antique shop.............JAK

Anonymous said...

I adore antiques so I'm loving the chair. Maybe it's a reproduction. Whatever, not so sure about the skull design but it certainly has the "Adam look" to me. :)

Anonymous said...

This is a very beautiful chair; the intricately carved, high-quality wood frame of the chair gives it its character, the shape too, the skull not so appealing to me. How about a potrait of Adam instead...the chair will fetch a soaring price.
-lam my

Anonymous said...

Adam has excellent taste in everything. This chair is awesome and adam should buy it if it's for sale. Maybe he could feature in in one of his future videos.

Anonymous said...

That chair has your name all over it.Make yourself happy and buy that beautiful chair.

Iliya said...

What do u say we set up a "fan action" and buy it for him for some occassion or just as a gesture showing how much Glamberts love their Idol???
Just a thought...

Anonymous said...

Loving this chair -it's wicked, and SO Adam!! Get it, boyfriend!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

To person wanting to see Adam's deleted pic on Twitter - if you have the Details magazine, it's one of the pics of him and the model.

Anonymous said...

This chair is so Adam! Maybe he could use it in the next tour, singing about unrequited love or death of a past relationship! lol Wonder where he saw it. He's resourceful and will buy it if he loves it that much. funbunn40

coloforadam said...

If it were mine to give, you would have it on a silver platter..... for all you bring to us!!