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Adam Lambert Introducing Robyn at NewNowNext Awards!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, April 11, 2011

Posted at : Monday, April 11, 2011

Updated with Youtube version:


Anonymous said...

No doubt Adam has TV and film in his future. He is a natural!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for posting. Watched 1 and half hours on live stream since don't get it on T.V. As soon as adam was coming on, they shut down the live feed, talk about some pissed off people coming from the live chat . logo needs to get thier act together better.

Anonymous said...

I could just listen to him talk all night, just introducing people. Second only to hearing him sing, of course.

Anonymous said...

He's magic, always poised and confident! Great job, as usual.Glad he had time with Paula to catch up. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

So natural frot of TV.
Girl from Finland

HK fan said...

Can't watch it, bummer. Anyone have any youtube links?

Anonymous said...

he looked and sounded great. who is Robyn? I probably heard her music before but don't recognise the name.

Anonymous said...

Sauli so cute standing there, big smile, eyes lit up.

Anonymous said...

For some reason, all I noticed were - the eyes, and that long, toned arm pointing towards the stage at the end of his introduction!!

...I saw his lips moving...don't remember any words... My mind just goes blank when I see Adam speak/perform/do anything!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

would someone please get the spirits of ammonia, Adam Fix is at it again!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have trouble with the links. I even tried one for out of country. But since this is not my computer I don't want to dig for links.
Saw Adam intro and that will have to keep me happy.

I am still saying glamshit to myself.


Anonymous said...



Oh, thank you, Anon. 10:31...! Where am I? I think I might have blacked out. Oh, to think what would happen if I met Adam in person! Would have to have an (glambul)ance on standby.

- Adam Fix ;)

glitzylady said...

Adam just has it ALL, doesn't he????? Looks, charisma, poise, charm, panache, voice, personality plus, "je nais se quoi", that certain something that just makes him irresistible and appealing on a very large scale. ...HE should be the one hosting this whole show...But I'm holding out for him doing something even bigger and mainstream..Perhaps the Grammys, the Emmys, the Tonys, or even the Academy Awards....He could also do a great strut down a runway, as he did here, looking very model-ish..I suppose I'm getting a little ahead of myself, but I guess this was a start! And he just looked REALLY good here! @Adam Fix already stated it very well......

Anonymous said...

your welcome Adam Fix. I am a Glamamedic, everything was under control.

Anonymous said...

For those outside USA I found this on youtube

Anonymous said...

Here is a youtube link:

Oh my can that guy speak in front of a crowd. I'd be stumbling all over my words just from nervousness. Sorry Adam, but you can get a crowd movin like no one else my dear! Never heard of Robin...I better check her out now.


Anonymous said...

Thank u Cassie and daydreamin for the YT link. The only way I can watch it :)

Anonymous said...

Just posted on another link (Angry Birds Picture). Yes, Adam was so handsome and poised and confident and relaxed. He's absolutely perfect( and he wasn't even singing!). You can't take your eyes off him. He'd make a great host on any show. I thought he was supposed to be in skit too? Well, if he was, it wasn't broadcast...darn!

Anonymous said...

There is the one and only Adam ..he has such a great voice singing and him

Anonymous said...

Someone asked who Robyn is. She´s a Swedish popsinger. Adam likes her and even tweeted her. I think she sings like a 12 year old and don´t understand her fame at all. But she is a nice girl with strong opinions so I kind of like her anyway.

Eva (from Sweden)

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Cassie and daydreamin for posting the links to this video, not available in my country. WOW! Adam was GLAM AWESOME!!! :D I hope he has his own show one day. He is sooooo good at everything!!! :D

Anonymous said...

The show was okay and I probably would never had watched it if Adam wasn't appearing. So I sat there for an hour and an half waiting for glimpses of Adam and then he finally came out in the end and did his introduction. Was it worth it?? OH YEAH!!!! A few minutes of Adam each day is like a ray of sunshine. Anybody know if he is going to make any more TV appearances? I wrote Oprah and said she should have him on again before she ends her show.

Anonymous said...

He's so handsome!

Anonymous said...

Adam is so comfortable on TV. He has just everything wonderful wrapped up in one beautiful package of a man! Could listen to him sing or speak all day.

Anonymous said...

He is a natural for TV or any stage he graces. Good looking, well spoken, fun, funny, talented and born to entertain us!

Anonymous said...

Agree w/ comments here and will just add a holy hot hell and JFC! I watched this live EST last night and dang, he is... everthing. So proud to be a fan, so so proud! I gotta get out the door but I've just watched this like 10 times :). He's so COMPETENT and yet sexy at the same time, 'ya know peeps... it's such a killer combination!

@Cassie/April 11 11:54PM - A week or so ago you posted a "mini" fanvid to Jessie J's (LOVE HER) Sexy Silk - been meaning to shoutout to you and tell you I LOVE THAT ONE, you got good taste Cassie, :).

Back to RL... have to save the other threads for later :(...


Anonymous said...

@MGF - Thank you, I'm amazed you remember it was me!

Anonymous said...


Have you seen this skit with Nikka Costa. Hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Thank you @Cassie and @daydreamin for the link, that I was able to see Adam´s terrific appearance too!!!
And @Eva thanks to Sweden(;D) for Robyn, so that this introduction happened to us!!!

Anonymous said...

@anon 7:12 AM (with link)

Hey thanks, that was truly HILARIOUS !!!! HAHAHAA


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Hey Cassie. Great link thanks. Appreciate how you are keeping me in touch with all that is AL!


Anonymous said...

Loved his introduction of Robyn. I wish they would post the skit he was in too.

Anonymous said...

Paula was wetting her panties looking at her Jewish glamboy. He is lookng mahvelous!

Anonymous said...

@anon 10:25AM Did Paula tweet you about such special and amazing detail? This is discussing and dirty.
Don't like this kind of jokes at all!

The Dark Side said...

Too bad they don't have him hosting these shows. He has what it takes and much more. btw Examiner has the entire introduction on in one piece.

Fan4fun said...

@ Adam Fix

Hahahahaha!!! (GLAMBUL)ANCE is priceless! Would they be kind and run over this fucking troll SAD.AL when driving you to Paradise?

Adamluv said...

@Fan4fun - very funny!!!!!!!! Also kept meaning on telling you how much I enjoyed the PingPong rescue story. Hope he continues to be alright! . . Adamluv

Fan4fun said...

@ Adamluv

So glad you enjoyed Icon's P.P.R.R. too! He's doing pretty fine, is now in his new «suiss cheese» bed taking a nap. Tomorrow is his 1th birthday, his coconut white cake is ready to cut and eat. Let's see how PongPong will behave during the party. Hope he doesn't bring Icon an egg as a gift.

Anonymous said...

OT Fan4Fun, if I neglected to tell you, I'm sorry but I can't remember if I told you or not, but I really enjoyed the "Ping Pong Story" also! That was really a fun read. Happy Birthday Icon in your suiss cheese bed!


Icon said...

@ Aunt daydreamin

Thank you, aunt! You are one of my favorite aunties in Paradise, always giving my mommy good links and tips. You are a «LINK Researcher»... Well I always search something to LICK, that's the difference between us. Aunt, I'd love to have all of you here for my party tomorrow, in my suiss cheese bed or in my panic room, to bite off with me a piece of my «coconut Hello Kitty white birthday cake! A cat can dream ... or can't?

Anonymous said...

I replayed this video so many times, I think I broke it. Duh, not winning.