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Adam Lambert is 1600 Followers Away From 1,000,000!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, April 22, 2011

Posted at : Friday, April 22, 2011



Anonymous said...

Oh lordie just how must handsomeness can I take......

Anonymous said...

I just joined twitter and followed him. I want to be part of this huge thing. Can he reach it by tonight?

Anonymous said...

Sing for me "pretty"

Anonymous said...

Oh! How I miss GNT.....

Anonymous said...

Make sure you have insurance folks!!!!!!!!

I can't breathe I need water!!!!!!!!!!

Where's my daughter I need water!!!!!! Ha!ha!Ha!

So hot in here !!!!!!

Even my laptop is getting hotter now Oh! No!

Almost a million!!!!! You a magnet young man!!!!!


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

One of my favorite pictures. Love you Adam. hope it gets to one million by tomorrow and there are even more people loving you too that don't have twitter.

Anonymous said...

Now will everyone following Adam PLEASE download aftermath remix for the Trevor Project!!!! Only around 5,000 downloads so far. We can do this and make Adam proud and help a great cause.

Anonymous said...

That is one sexy pic! You would think people would be begging him to represent them. Adam could sell anything with his looks and charisma!
I can't understand why GLEE hasn't had him on unless it's Adam's schedule. Gwenyth makes me ill for some reason. Maybe it's just me. I see movies in his future as well. In the meantime our sweet Adam is doing just fine for himself. Love to read/see everything about him!
Happy Holidays to All!

Anonymous said...

I'm determined to be his 1,000,000th follower.

I'm going to press follow at around 999,991.

Anonymous said...

Have you seen this video yet?? Listen and act!


LP said...

Adam doesn't need Glee or anything else right now to distract him from his album. He has said he doesn't want to go on glee, because they would want him to play a gay person.He is getting enough off track, with Sauli,which is fine he needs that, and it completes his circle of life. Having a zillion friends, does'nt make up for one lover.I think he is truly happy now. I am sure he is trying to see if they can blend their lives, which is going to be so important if this is a long term relationship.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I´m now on twitter an follows Adam.


The Dark Side said...

I signed up for Adam's twitter months ago and accidently put a wrong number into my account. Have not been able to retract that number, or use twitter ever since. Going to buy new I pad and think I can fix it at that time. Anyway, hope my previous signup counts.

Adamluv said...

@Eva, Queen of the Links - that was fun especially with the Sister Act connection. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

O T, I just don't get it, maybe it's my insecurities, but whether you like Adam's style or not, his voice , his passion, his true love for music , one cannot deny the fact that he is one of the world' s greatest vocalist of all time. Adam is an inspiring human being on this earth, & wants nothing but love for all of us.
I am so tired of people giving credit to those(gg jd jb , etc) who don't deserve it.
At the moment when Adam sang ACIGC, on AI, I knew with God & theHoly Spirit, that Adam Lambert was a very special human being! I really did feel this spiritual connection with God & Adam . So why is he judged every day?
Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

Sorry about my rant, I just wanted to congratulate Adam on his one millionth follower on twitter!! It will be here soon & I may miss it while I'm at work
Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

@LP Wice words.

Anonymous said...

I have a question. What is the big to-do about the number of followers you have on twitter? Is it just a popularity contest? Does having huge numbers mean you are more successful? Do you gain some sort of boost?

I really don't "get it" enlighten me.......JAK

Anonymous said...

The more followers on twitter, the more you can sell. Celebrity on twitter is a must for their career, it is a trend for publicity and connection to fans.

Anonymous said...

Also, twitter is the first place to get the newest news from your favorite celebrity.

Anonymous said...

How many followers are enough?

Anonymous said...

Eva, thank you for your always wonderful link.

Anonymous said...

It is up to 999,628 & probably higher since I've
been here.

Did you see Adam on the Grammy Forum? It plays a big part in his career & he's extremely good at it. He can really stir them up.It is a blast,no
kidding. Fast news. TV news quotes Twitter.
You can follow anyone you admire in the world.
LBS (going back to the party)

Anonymous said...

Does President Obama tweet?........JAK

Anonymous said...

Hi JAK, my fave gramma of all times! Yes - Obama tweets.

In addition to what ppl mentioned, above, Twitter is a way for a star (Adam) to talk directly to the public, which can be good for shattering rumors...or starting them, if he choses! :) Or calling ppl to action (charity:water).

Personally, I can't keep up with Twitter...there just aren't enough hours in the day and I'd rather be here, at 24/7, but you can always jump on Twitter and jump off again. You can search a person or a topic and see what ppl are saying. The re-tweets kill me, though. Sometimes, ppl will re-tweet something (which can get it trending) but then you have to wade through the same re-tweet over and over.

Loved the Gaga story.

- Adam Fix