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Adam Lambert Tweets New Picture and Britney Spears

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Adam Lambert's photo: Mustache Mondays.
Adam Lambert on WhoSay

Adam also tweeted a youtube link to Britney Spears' "Hold it Against Me" Breakdown by Brian Friedman.


Anonymous said...

Adam should make a Pop song like Britney with all the awesome dancers and blow up the Pop divas on stage. Very good muscular body moves.
WTH Raja doing in the restroom?

Anonymous said...

What is Raja doing? Shaving her legs using hand soap?

And yeah, I hope that (body conscious?) Adam learned during his tour that he could definitely do a dance video.

Anonymous said...

saw this on twitter! adorable!

Anonymous said...

Britney is the best. She is the only real US pop star, after MJ.

Anonymous said...

Britney is my favorite pop star, love her <3

Anonymous said...

Raja was at Mustache Mondays, along with Adam and friends, last night.

Hard for Adam to sing with Britney, when Britney is all autotuned. Adam can really sing don't need autotuning.

Anonymous said...

I find Briney's video boring and repetitative.
Adam is so much better than this - wonder why he is tweeting that he likes it, is he trying to get into the friendships with Gaga and Britney? They never tweet to him..
These are so lame imo. There is really no music, just dancing and visual effects, the whole song is a couple of notes repeated over and over. Yawn.

Anonymous said...

No one said Adam and Britney should sing a duet. It's the Christina fans who want Adam to duet with her. Christina is a diva. I saw pictures of her house she's selling and I was surprised it looked just like her image. Not very trendy or cozy.

Anonymous said...

The North Americans are on a crusade against pop music now. Are you going to demolish your pop records too? I remember there was a Disco demolition night.

Anonymous said...

Britney's Hold it against me are top 5 radio and digital download song in Canada right now since its launch. People like it because it is catchy, easy to sing and to remember. It can also dance your ass off.
Actually Adam did sing POP before idol This is original,not remix Pop goes the camera, very nicely done.

Anonymous said...

Gasp! Was there really a Disco demolition night?

Sacrilege....Disco was the best ever to shake your booty to.......There has and always will be POP music. Because it just means what's popular NOW! Some people like current trend some don't.
It's always been that way. Pop was once Boogie Woogie, Jitterbug, Swing, Charleston, The Twist, Hustle, Rock, etc. and on and on forevermore.

P.S. I really like Adam's Pop Goes The Camera.

Anonymous said...

Some POP lasts......Rock is still rocking..JAK

Anonymous said...

Here is Brian Friedman's response to Adam:

@brianfriedman: @adamlambert Thanks for posting my vid of class... Your followers are so sweet! Glambert leads by example xoxo

So true Mr Friedman, so true!

Anonymous said...

These dancers kicked ASS!! Fun to watch. Cool of Adam to tweet/give them exposure. That's our boy!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Britney fans trolling this site.

Hello! This is an ADAM blog!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic dancers! Terrance [Adam's dancer GNT] is another very strong, precise artist. I thought he was impeccable. I wonder if Adam is keeping up with his exercise bike and body rolls! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

The video made me anxious for Idol to be over and So You Think You Can Dance to begin. I have so much respect for the strength and dedication it takes to become a really great dancer.

In the long long ago far reaches of time my aunt was a Broadway dancer, quite successful too. When WWII started she enlisted in the Marines!
Dancers are tough! She retired as a Major! JAK