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Adam Lambert's Interview With Broken Records Magazine

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, April 15, 2011

Posted at : Friday, April 15, 2011

Thanks to Adamlamberthk!


Anonymous said...

is this a magazine from the US? I love to collect magazines that have articles about Adam.I have a great one from Japan with beautiful pictures. Magazine Cafe Emails me about these magazines every now and then.Expensive but enjoy them so much.

Anonymous said...

@anon 8:26PM Just Google it! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Written interviews rarely seem to have anything new to say about Adam.....same questions and answers. Now when he's talking into a mic with someone like chatty Michelle he comes alive and the interview sparkles with fun. That boy is a talker!.................JAK

Anonymous said...

Our little chatty wonder. I could listen to him forever and ever! GOD!
So I can't read this interview and can't find it on the magazine's web site.
Help me! PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

This is an old interview, isn't it. They are talking about starting the GNT.

Anonymous said...

To read article click on Thanks to Adamlamberthk right under the the magazine page...that takes you to another page with article showing again, click on picture two times to enlarge enough to read.

Hey!....look at me helping someone instead of having to be helped...I am learning something!


Anonymous said...

I want to change the subject (again:)
I just found my votes for "FansGlam army, and F***Yeah, Adam Lambert' polls on Gaga's, Britney and Rhianna's polls!!!
I always knew that something is going on with Adam's votes on almost every polls we vote for him.
Finally, I just found that Adam didn't get my votes today. But GaGa got it and Beav got votes with twitter picture of Adam kissing Tommy!
Amazing, somebody has this picture on twitter account and vote for Beav! All of these polls are false. I know some of you, ladies, vote for Adam. However, did you check the number of votes?
I check Billboard votes today, it wasn't change since morning,same as on twitter follows.
I don't know how they do it on all of these polls, but Adam can't get all our votes.
When somebody said few time about some kind of conspiracy against Adam I wasn't so sure about it. But when I found my twitter account picture on GaGa's and Britney's polls, it made me very mad!!! I sent e-mail to O Music Awards twice and asked them what is going on! However, they rejected to reply on my e-mail.

Anonymous said...


Seems there is alot of dishonesty today, in almost every field. Glad you caught this diservice to Adam. I sat and voted one time, I forget which one it was for, but the other guys figure kept going up, and Adams went down. I thought how can that be possible, I voted like 100 times.


Anonymous said...

when i'm looking for Adam's all video on yt they show about 56k and 2 month ago they shoewd over 230 k , how come and mjsbigblog erased all archive with Adam's concerts
for the votes in bilboard what poll is about , i don't know

Anonymous said...

The only thing that we can prove that Adam fans are still around is to buy his music and watch his sold out concerts..... For sure these can't be deny at all.

We just voice out our support in his management that we are not going anywhere but to continue our undying love for our Adam.........

Don't give up folks!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Most of these polls are all a set up I reckon. AL is around for the long term and most of this stuff is for the short term and for short term artists!! I am happy that Adam's light burns slowly but surely increasing more and more each day. I have faith that he is going to be one of the biggest superstars ever!


Anonymous said...

Let them do what they may. We are dedicated Adam fans. "We" have the power to make him a superstar. So let's keep this uber talented, sexy, intelligent man on top shall we.


Anonymous said...

I'm always suspicious of these polls, too. I know it feels good to win, but what is it actually winning? Just bragging rights for certain fans. Toronto Mom is right. Our best vote for Adam is in record sales and sold-out concers!

Anonymous said...

Not sure about the accuracy of these polls either. The best thing we can do is expose others to Adam's magical voice. Give an extra couple of the acoustic cd to people you know both who love or maybe not sure about Adam. Also the GNL cd/dvd, etc. I emailed a bunch of people about the U.K. station featuring Adam. That was so beautiful to listen to.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:38 AM,

Thanks dear because you are one of the true fans that understand what we need to do.......

Like what Yvette said we have all the power to this for our Adam and we will........

Just carry on dedicated fans and everything you give is a blessing indeed....

Let's ROCK!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

some polls are fun and true and some are total rip offs. I am still whining about that Time Magazine poll and sending in Adam's name for People's Choice Award. I don't argue with these people, I just don't vote and give them hits and that's what it is all about.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, delilah5, for enlighten me about the voting polls. I too was suspicious about it. As some of you said, buying Adam's albums and attending his concerts is really the best support we can give Adam -- we all want to see him be a very successful artist and be around for a long time -- I truly believe it will happen. Love him, and his fans!! JC from MN

Anonymous said...

hey! The IIHY mv is a couple hundred away from 19 million and twitter needs about 10 thousand. I hope everyone is signed up for twitter, no excuse because it is so easy. You can figure out more once you get in there. katie@kackypants

Anonymous said...

I'm still gonna vote, because I want to keep Adam #1 in F*** Yeah and Aftermath polls.Amount of votes didn't change form yesterday but Adam got my voters visits on Fan Army than Beav. Don't know how it is possible:) And he got some Beav' fans visits for Remixes and F***Yeah!:)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I wanted to say that "Adam got more visits of the Glamarmy fans, than Beav"

Anonymous said...

@ JAK, You're getting good! I still don't know how to post links, but can cut and paste to read them. Grandaughter in Fl. will give me another lesson this fall when I go for the winter. I bought Adam's aftermath for Trevor Project, downloaded it, was charged for it and I can't find it in my laptop! At least Adam got credit for it even tho' I don't have a clue where it is in never neverland! That's why I love to have the cds! At least I can get to the great links posted by our resourceful peeps! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ Fan4fun, You and Icon have kept me laughing all week! I bought a magazine because Adam was in it, but it's in Japanese and can't read a word of it, but Adam looks great! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Shameful admission,,,

I have no idea what cut and paste only cutting and pasting has been duckies and puppies and valentines in my kindergarten classes!.............JAK

Anonymous said...

Would love to read or to listen to some newer interviews with Adam. I guess he is busy at this time working on his new album and making some appearances at awards shows and at clubs. He should do another Ellen show or Leno to talk about Charity:Water donations from his fans, the Trevor Project and the remix of Aftermath. He could perform the acoustic version of Aftermath also. He could also give an update on the progress with his second album. Just get him on any of these shows to keep up the interest in him and his music. It's a long way until the fall and the release of this new album. Maybe his management will release one song earlier as did Britney and Gaga before the actual album comes out.

Anonymous said...

You are kidding, of course it's Adam & Allison. Not a Casey fan at all. Not into jazz. Haley is growing on me a little.

Anonymous said...

Wow Gerard, did you not read over what you wrote? I'm sorry but this article is so bad and timeline of it is so weird...he started writing his second album at the beginning of Glam Nation? What?
"along" is suppose to be "alone" and it's not "Adam Lamber" it's "Adam Lambert"

Anonymous said...

re: 2:42 PM

I was curious about that too...thought maybe it was translated from a foreign language. So I looked up Broken Records Magazine....nope it's homegrown, just a sloppy proofreader..if any.

However they do seem to be real Adam lovers. They had a poll, sexiest male singer...Adam beat them all. I think it's a very small readership
product. But a kind word about Adam is always welcome..................JAK

Anonymous said...

THIS Interview is old from right before the Glam Nation tour started! THE POLL for SEXIST MALE in Rock at BROKEN RECORDS is still going on right now:

Anonymous said...

I should add WHOEVER WINS The SEXIST MALE in MUSIC POLL at BROKEN RECORDS will be put on the COVER of their magazine!! Please VOTE:

Adamluv said...

Just voted! Thanks for the link.