Adam Lambert's Response to the Lady Gaga Party Rumors
Filed Under (news ) by Admin on Sunday, April 3, 2011
Posted at : Sunday, April 03, 2011

Adam Lambert talked about Lady Gaga's birthday party in a new interview:
"That party was really fun. I had a lot of, a really good time. I was invited by a friend. I came and, you know, who hasn’t had one too many at a party? (laughs) I was trying to raise the roof, you know? It happens. Whatever!”
Thanks to Monica Smitte!
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There! Thank you Adam and keep on going! We love you our man! Ronnie
LOL I love this answer.
Whatever...shit happens...
So there.No biggie. Here is a celebratory gesture from one of your over protective fans.....OOOOOPS. Honey, come fix the ceiling!!!!
Hey it happens, yes it does to one and all! nuff said!
Just talked to an Adam friend of mine and she said, ABC news the other nite said that Adam had been kicked out of gagas party. I bet they wont go back and retrack their story, assuming they even know it's not true. Good lesson for everyone to not always trust what you read/hear about people even from reputable sources. Peeps will believe what they want to believe. . . Adamluv
Adam is the first to own anything he does. He let loose, probably no more than anyone else, embarrassed himself a little, like the majority of us have done in our lifetime, but because he's gay, incredibly talented, good looking and really well liked among his peers and wide circle of loyal friends, he's targeted by the likes of an envious, snarky, pulp fiction writer. Adam's not a debauched drug addict, alcoholic, violent perpetrator. He's a 29 yr old man that lets loose once in a while, not hurting anyone but himself if he occasionally self indulges. The hysterical scrutiny is overblown IMHO. His tireless work ethics and responsible interviews, honoring every performance and multi tasking to me are far more telling and news worthy. Guess the envy and sense of entitlement of some media comes with the territory. So many vultures so quick to judge and pounce on any negativity. Hold your head up and take 2 aspirins in the morning, sweet boy! Life goes on... Looking forward to the complete NZ interview! The DJs seem like great, decent guys and the NZ fans are fantastic and supportive!! Hugs, y'all!! funbunn40
Ha!ha!ha! There you go folks......
If Lady Gaga wasn't satisfied with Adams behavior that night, for sure she'll be the one to ask Adam not to ruin her party right?????????? Lady Gaga likes Adam liberated and just having fun as normal people.....
Jealousy kills that's all ABC again????????????????
Mom from Toronto, Canada
I think ABC will look for ANY justification for possibly violating Adam's civil rights by not permitting him to perform live on their network, beginning right after the 2009 AMAs. I refuse to watch ultra-conservative, homophobic, hypocritical(i.e. Chris Brown)ABC period, not just GMA or DWTS.
I can just see them saying--see, you can't trust that Adam Lambert. He's unpredictable and here is proof he can go out of control. If Adam is ever extended an invitation to perform on their network, I hope he turns it down.
Kentucky Fan
"It's not the first time, it's not the last time. Our souls will be ok." Love these lyrics from Soaked. We can ALL identify.
ABC can eat sh...and die as far as I am concerned. Oops.
@lmb, you tell it like it is, sista! . . Adamluv
Did GAGA throw you out?
@lmb 2:56 PM
LOL!!! re ABC...(oops!) Please continue...!!
And yes, I can DEFINITELY identify with Adam..Maybe another reason I like him so much (let me count the reasons...nope, too infinite number actually..) As I have said before, I would have loved to have been at that party, or any party, with Adam there (as if...).....and I'm glad he had a good time..He deserves it.
Everything is fine now, but some fans can't stop hating. So frustrating.
You are using Adam as an excuse to hate someone.
Is this the only picture of Lady Gaga and Adam together? I'd like a new pic of Adam and Gaga, shaking hands or something. :D
Your welcome!
Happy to help the site and made things clearer!
Love u guys,
Xoxo (:
Kentucky Fan, I wouldn't call ABC or any of those network "news" shows "ultra-conservative". They are just plainly incompetent.
abc adam bashing channel
Just another pebble on the pathway of life.JAK
I adore Adam Lambert and can not wait till his next album. He's a freaking genius!
Let's move on!
Lady Gaga is defending some 13 year old girl who´s being bullied on YouTube. That´s great, Gaga. How about defending a fellow artist being constantly bullied and bashed in media? That would look good in my book. But I guess you don´t want to be bothered. Do you think it will hurt your image if you did?
Hey, this interview is not complete!!! Aren't we suppose to get more tomorrow. Wasn't this just a tease or am I misinformed?
ABC - adam bashing channel! Anon - that's a good one! . . . Adamluv
Just curious... why did Adam attend the bash when he was actually not "personally" invited by the celebrator? I understand that he was invited by a friend to join her but as famous as he is now, he should have not gone in the first place.
Don't worry guys, I still remain a big fan of Adam and I don't care what they say about him!
~ Beatrice
Just wanted to mention that this was a surprise party and Lady Gaga was not not involved with the guest list, from what I understand. It may be that the guest list was flexible to a certain degree, but that is just speculation on my part. It was only PH who made reference to that anyway. It might be that it was made to sound worse than it was and was not necessarily a breach of etiquette.. Adam went as an invited guest of The Scissor Sisters and Jake Shears, LG's opening band and was allowed in. He was not a stranger to her. I guess your guess is as good as mine, really! And yes, love that guy!!!
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Yesterday's news. Fame is a bitch. Boring. The only one who was peeing himself over the whole thing was Perez Hilton. Why is this still being discussed?
7:19pm you are so right!! Has everyone got their GN Live cd/dvd? Your missing out big time if you haven't got it.So get it!!
I love the way Adam handles rumours. He's always honest about what's happened, and like here, he manages to see the funny side of what's happened. Also, notice the way he doesn't say anything about the ridiculous rumour of having been thrown out of the party. I think it's wise of him not to go there as it would only stir up the rumour pot.
In my opinion, the whole fist-through-ceiling incident just shows that he's human. We are not machines, we're people, and yes, sometimes accidents/mistakes happen.
With Adam's response, this should be the end of this story. Let's move on to the good news: Adam's success with the GNT dvd sales. And then we have the VH 1 Music Special to look forward to. It's all good with a little bit of fun and partying thrown into the mix. We are all human and yes, we make mistakes, say or do the wrong things at times. Stuff like this happens and most of us just get away with it because we are not celebs so it isn't a big deal. Tomorrow is another day and life moves on. Maybe Adam has new material or ideas from all this for the songs he is writing. Wouldn't that be interesting.
The DVD is out of this world. I'm getting a bunch of copies. I think I'll be wearing it out. I went to several of Adam's great concerts. For those people on this list who were unable to attend ot maybe didn't have the best seats, I promise this DVD is better than having front row center without all that crazy crowd noise. And the pace of the actual concert was likt this--Adam got after it. Not a bunch of talk or fillers, just fantastic music.
I think Best Buys has the DVD, and Walmart for sure plus probably a lot of other places. Buy it. You won't be sorry. It will put a smile on your face.
@Beatrice Darling, it was wrong comment, in the wrong place, aslo, in the wrong time.
May be you have your own opinion, but, personally, I don't like this comment od yours!
Adam is honest and nice person. He said he was invited by his friend. Have you ever been invited for the big big party by your good friend? I think you were never were invited and I am feel sorry for you.
P.S. Again, wrong time, wrong blog, wrong comment. Don't touch Adam, please.
Cool, delilah5. You say is so much sweeter than I seem to babble out!!
Elli at anon 7:47:
Maybe Adam doesn't say anything in this interview about getting kicked out because he actually was. Believe me I'm desperately hoping that he was not kicked out by the current biggest pop star in the world! But we have not had a straight answer on this from anyone - Gaga's reps, Gaga, Adam's reps or Adam. And I ask why. I don't care if he was drunk or sloppy - we've all been there - I just pray he wasn't kicked out by one of his business peers. That's not good for his career!
Sorry if this has already been posted, but here is a video of Gaga singing at her birthday party "that night":
If anyone is interested, she was just here near me at Google a few days ago and gave a very interesting lengthy interview. She is actually quite funny.
Anon. April 3, 2011 11:34 PM
Gaga's reps have said that Adam was NOT kicked out of her party - they didn't have to do that so how much MORE proof do you actually need?? Please move on, just as Adam and his diehard fans have moved on.
So many people attend the party, can't believe no one say anything? all scare? There are competitors in the music industry. I thought some of the big names are very R&R, look like Adam is the only one can claim the title. Long live Rock and Roll. . Many years ago, its called extreme fun. I suppose now with all those tight ass people around, no more fun is allowed. it is no big deal. Move forward.
Adam has done nothing so significantly wrong that he should explain it to anyone, if he doesn't want to. The real problem are the tight ass fans, who take this too seriously. Only thing that can hurt Adams career are the maniacs who think that attacking media they are doing something good for Adam. It actually looks like you are defending Gaga. Here in Europe there are all kinds of criticism about Gaga in the media and it's ok. It haven't affected her career either. Stop being so afraid of Gaga, it looks ridiculous from here.
anon5:02 I think most fans here have treated this with humor and support for Adam. I can't speak for ALL Americans like you do for Europe, but my ass ( sad to say) hasn't been tight since about 2000...but I am a fan!
Folks! Our Adam the Wildheart is looking towards the future. Leave this behind and follow him! Ronnie
Hi my English speaking friends. Could you explain what "radiate love" means. I know what the word radiate means, but not in connection with the word love.
Does it mean dangerous love? Or brilliant love? or what?
It just means "spread love" or "let love shine around you." This is something Adam does every single day. PH sure doesn't. This whole incident will become just a blip in Adam's long career. We'll look back on it and laugh. One thing Adam is NOT, is boring! Love ya, Adam!
@ 8:42AM, To radiate love is to spread it out in every direction. Imagine warm sunshine filled with the energy of love bathing everyone it touches with it's warmth and light. Don't know how else to explain it. Hope it helps. Adam is going to be just fine. Perez just embarrasses himself with his insecure, envious nature. Adam will handle him intelligently and hopefully by cutting him out of his life, no longer giving this mean spirited little man the time of day. funbunn40
Would it be possible to direct that radiating love towards Washington D.C.? Specifically towards Congress? A little warm sunshine filled with energy, light and love in the House and Senate would fill my heart with love..........JAK
@ JAK, I would love to see anything positive radiate towards Washington to get any sense of cooperation. So tired of the super-inflated power hungry egos that continue to "fiddle why Rome is burning." I remember the unity of America during World War II and the patriotism and respect for the office of President. I still believe in the separation of church and state and "United we stand, divided we fall. Wish the energy spent tearing down our pre. would be spent working with him to solve the problems. So easy to criticise when there are so many personal agendas and not regard for country as a whole. I shouldn't let myself get started on a very volatile subject, as I have too much to say not appropriate for this site. Adam always lifts the mood. Just have to picture his radiant smile and loving heart and all is right in the world! funbunn40
@funnbunn40 ... I agree ... ADAM always lifts my mood as well. Whenever the pain gets too hard to bear ... I don't bother with pills ... I have an album of "SMILING" ADAMS downloaded on my computer so I set up a slideshow ... click on my media player & listen to his GOLDEN voice .. or go to Ytube & go back in time to pre-Idol & Idol vids + Idol tour vids + GNT vids ... pop in my GNT DVD ... sit back w/silent tears streaming down my face as I 'BASK' in the JOY & Warmth of ADAM's RADIATING LOVING SMILE!! Sorry ... got a little carried away!! Light 'n Love from a PROUD Glambert shut-in
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