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Alisan Porter Performs "Whataya Want From Me"

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, April 16, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, April 16, 2011


Anonymous said...

Nice song but it is not "Whatya Want From Me" that Adam performs

Anonymous said...

Okay there is a bit of it in there,very little

Carlos said...

Those 40 seconds of WWFM really blew me away.. She's great.

Anonymous said...

Alisan has an amazing voice and I prefer her to sing WWFM a bit softer with guitar. Her song is kind of old fashion, need to make them current to go further in the music business in her generation.

Anonymous said...

I have the DVD "Ten Commandments" musical with Adam and Alisan is in that ...amazing voice

Anonymous said...

I don´t know if you find this interesting or not. I linked to it yesterday on the Haley/Casey thread but no reaction, so perhaps not.
Anyway I give you the links again:

A small radio station in NZ with this 15-year old Liam McEwan has a weekly Adam Lambert show, playing his music for an hour. It is music from pre-Idol, AI, and FYE. As I understand it, you can listen to this broadcasting in US and Canada too, but I could be wrong about that.
UK, NZ, OZ plays Adams music on radio, not just singles on their playlist, but whole shows devoted to his music. WHEN is this going to happen in his home country? Things are happening around the world with this amazing artist. America is worrying about pink nail polish on little boys.


Anonymous said...

And now the Idol recap from Chunkey on Homeplanet. Always hilarious!


Anonymous said...

Alisan Porter sounds almost country.

JILL! said...

@Eva.....Right on girl! Hitting the nail on the head for sure! When IS the US going to give Adam the recognition he SOOOOOOOOOO deserves!?!
ADAM has huge airplay in OZ and is part of our everyday life here. Promotional work is far more important that the trivial moments of 'pink nail polish'! We're talking International Star here!

Anonymous said...

The UK is not giving him the recognition he deserves either. IT WILL HAPPEN!! I have faith.

Anonymous said...


Angelina Kalahari is trying to get him airplay in UK in her shows. It´s a beginning.

NoAngel on Adamtopia has done it again. You must read this!!
Scroll down to
IBert: for all your stanning needs*


Anonymous said...

I just want to say that America is trying to change other countries behavior especially in human rights????? But in their own country they couldn't do it!!!!!! It's just slap on their faces.... Not all Americans are idiots but they know who they are??????? Acceptance is the only answer that's all!!!!!!!! Just put eye drops so that your eyes will see clearly!!!!!

Just my opinion and please fans in U.S.A. we all care!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

i like alisan porter, i think she has an amazing voice, hope he will record an album soon.

Anonymous said...

On topic....Ive been a fan of Alisans since I saw her sweet face in the film Curly Sue years ago....then rediscovered her in video from The Ten Commandments...she and Adam were THE STARS as far as I'm concerned. I wish Molly Malones weren't all the way across the U.S. from me. I'd love to drop in and hear her sing and I like her band.

Off Topic to MOM FROM TORONTO, semi adopted daughter..............
I say Amen to your we are not all
idiots but their numbers are increasing alarmingly. Canada is starting to look awfully good to me (and I speak the language..even a little French if I should end up in Montreal or Quebec).........JAK

Anonymous said...

I think Alison Porter is very talented. She can sang, as Adam says. I would buy her CD. Yet people with little or no talent get famous and their songs jump to #1 on the charts. It is frustrating JAK and Mom from Toronto. I agree with your posts.
I do think Adam and his talent will prevail, we just need to patient. His next cd will be great and no one will be able to ignore him.

Anonymous said...

Hey Adopted Mom Jak,

You are always welcome to our humble place in Toronto..... I will assure that you will experience less of cold if you compare with other Provinces here in Canada... I've been in Montreal and the Old Quebec City and it's beautiful indeed.....but really cold.....

Vancouver City is the warmest indeed......


Just to let you know I worked in Belgium and France for a couple of years but unfortunately, I didn't strive enough to learn the language.


Anonymous said...


I have been to Vancouver----briefly on a cruise ship on my way to Alaska----same with Montreal,
Quebec and Nova Scotia. Cruises are an easier way to travel when you get older.

Note: Our graduation gift for grandson a few years ago was a whole family trip (plus his best friend from high school) to Canada.....they saw wonderful things......but biggest thrill.......
they saw their first bright red phone booth! They had only seen them in movies!!!!none in their life experience. They both crammed in and we have their smiling delighted faces in our photo!!!!!!!!! :) JAK

Anonymous said...

@eva- I agree, america is embarrasing with our 15th centuary thinking. OFF TOPIC: dr. drews topic the other day was can prayer make you straight- issues like this need to be adressed to maybe wake up america more. back on topic- nice job from alison.

Anonymous said...

Amazing songwriter and singer, however her version of WWFM this time is shrill. The first part of the performance is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Eva @ 5:32am, your post about the IBert stanning needs is so funny. I had to send it to my kids to add to my "obsession" explanations. Another good was great!


Anonymous said...

Eva - the NoAngel link is so great. I was laughing out loud reading it in my office (I know - but no one heard)...
Thanks! Cassie

Anonymous said...

When Adam tours again(can't be soon enough except I need to save money to afford more venues) I wish he would tour with the Canyons. I love Alison Porter's voice and to me SHE is the perfect duet with Adam instead of all the stars people WANT to hear him with. Hear that Alison/Canyons look no further and Ferras too.

Anonymous said...

I like her music but the WWFM part is terrible. She sounded out of tune today on that part to me.

Adamluv said...

Cant believe I didnt know they were back at Molly Malones! Ugh! I would have so been there. Saw them there every Tues. nite in Jan. and they are fantastic. Usually when they sing this song, they put down the guitars and the 3 just sing! They are beyond good IMO! Cant believe they have no CD yet, but last time talking with them, they said they were in the studio working on it! Randy Jackson was there one nite and he is a hugh fan of theirs. Gave Allisan just a wonderfully long and affectionate hug. Randy was very friendly and talkative and took lots of pictures with the fans. The band also has another guitar player and a drummer. The guitar player has a hugh Afro, and is constantly moving, dancing, smiling the entire time he's performing. You can tell he's having the time of his life and his excitement and enthusiam are contagious! I would so love to see/hear them tour with Adam!!! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@Cassie @AG

NoAngel writes every sunday on Adamtopia and she is hilarious. So good! I could use the IBert any day.


glitzylady said...

At least you live in the general vicinity! LOL! As I've said several times, very jealous. One of these days! May be doing down there for an unrelated event coming up but not sure of the date yet....and hoping maybe it coincides with some other show, like The Canyons, etc...

Isn't Randy Jackson The Canyons' manager??? I was thinking that's the case, but I could be wrong..

Since I've heard Alison and The Canyons open twice for Adam (in LA) I can attest to the fact that she really has a fabulous voice and the band is great too.. Sometimes video sound just doesn't do voices and music justice.....

Anonymous said...

I'll be sure to check it every Sunday.
What makes it funny is the truth in it. For me it's especially the home-neglecting part. Fortunately I don't have any kids to neglect. I'm sure they'd be running around the house hungry and dirty...:) And for some reason it's comforting to know I'm not alone in this maddness, it's a phenomenon,so maybe some sociologist will find an explanation to it some day...

HK fan said...

Really enjoyed Alisans voice in the first part of this video, but didn't like the WWFM part, too screamy.

Anonymous said...

@Eva Thank for the link! Can stop to laugh!

Anonymous said...

zowie, her and her group are very good.

Anonymous said...

Nice song set but not keen on Alisan's WWFM. No one sings it as well or better than Adam. :)

Anonymous said...

Randy Jackson is their manage, I heard him say it after he saw them and Adam in concert.

Have you noticed that Adams friends have all expanded their talents, after Adam went on Idol?
Even Monte, who played for other headliners, now being his own headline. Great for all of them, so talented are Adams friends.


Anonymous said...

@Eva 5:32 AM (April 17)

He hee for the "No Angel" link on Adamtopia. That´s how it is. Very funny indeed!! Thanks so much again "Du Harepus".


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