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'American Idol' producer Ken Warwick Mentions Adam Lambert in New Interview

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Here is an excerpt from his new interview:

"Have record companies made mistakes?" and "Did the right person win?" Then Warwick drew a comparison between season 8 winner Kris Allen's and runner-up Adam Lambert's successes since they left the show:

"Kris Allen hasn't really broken," but there is "always a hell of a buzz around Adam Lambert."

Source: Pat Ryder From The Examiner


Anonymous said...

ah yes, Adam the hoopla king

Anonymous said...

That's so true! There ain't a week without a buzz. Very quiet on Allen's side. Our Lambert is far too striking for that. Sanni

Anonymous said...

The whole panel at that time said that Adam "set the bar" for AI. No one said that about what's his name Kris.
Adam won.

Fan from Day 1
Kelowna BC

Anonymous said...

Kris and Adam are two totally different types of individuals in so many ways including their style of music. Adam did set the bar so high during season 8 that he spoiled it for me and other contestants in future shows. Middle America and the South love a laid back Kris Allen while those people who love an edgy, stylish, charismatic, dynamic performer prefer Adam Lambert. There is always a "buzz" around Adam because he is the consummate performer with an amazing stage presence and the ability to connect to the audience. But his impressive vocal talent will just blow everyone else out of the water and he has that "IT" factor that defines success and fame.

Anonymous said...

I'm not convinced that the AI winner this year will break 'big'. I certainly won't be buying the winner's album no matter who it is because none of the remaining finalists' voices appeal to me.

The judges - I don't agree with these comments either. A new set of judges next year would be a very good thing.

Waiting patiently for Adam's 2nd album. :-)

Anonymous said...

Okay, AI! 21st century songs!
Ladies, what is going with AI?
You know what I am talking about if you watched Idol today!
James Durbin! All judges proclamed his performance as a performance of the night! And he was just second performer after Scotty, who actually was pretty sexy tonight.
The drummers, the outfit which didn't fit his image at all! "Muse" song with screaming (again)!
Only one person who can change this show is Casey. Because for some reason they let Pia to go.
But everybody know after today show that James Durbin is gonna be next American Idol and Casey will be runner-up.
JLo, Steven, and RANDY!!!!! told JD absolutely same comments like Simon made to Adam after "Mad World"!
Tell me that I am not right. I know that everybody has wright to win! However, why boy with Autism has more chance to win AI than boy with different sexual orientation?!
And I still don't believe that nice little family boy from little town, Kris Allen,won AI because he is American Idol for real. Tell me that I am not right. Adam is American Idol and icon forever!
And this is very funny and this is very sad.

Anonymous said...

I don't think any of the changes made for Idol were particularly beneficial. I like Jennifer and Steven when they're singing but not when they are judging. I wonder if they have one season contracts?........JAK

Anonymous said...

I thought James Durbin's scream was horrible!!! People used to say Adam screamed, no he sand high notes on pitch. No matter what James does he gets praise and what he did was ridiculously over the top. wonder what Simon would have said. I miss Simon actually. I thought Haley was really good but the judges found something negative to say. James ruined one of my favorite Muse songs and if he wins he does not have the talent charisma, sex appeal or personality of Adam. He won't last, I am sorry just get annoyed at the judges biases this season.

Anonymous said...

I meant sang not sand,

choons said...

then let's vote for Casey! only votes can change things - it would be great if Casey won.
let's upset the AI apple cart.
Or not - prob. no one really cares anymore after Adam.
Adam has grabbed my heart and done a runner.

Anonymous said...

@choons I know we can't compare Casey and Adam. But I think if Casey will win he will have a big future.

Anonymous said...

I agree, let's vote for Casey. He is an original. James just tries to copy Adam and he is not up to it. I really don't like him as a singer and he acts like he is going to win. No one is as good as Adam. Someone like him only comes around once a century. Elvis in the 20th and Adam in the 21st.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for that wanna be James to get kicked off. He's trying so hard to pull everything from Adam's playbook, but he just seems fake to me. He has a good voice but he oversings everything he gets his hands on. IE, the Muse song he sang tonight; it was good to start with, then he had to go a screw it up by trying to be as shrill as possible. I still can't believe the judges went gaga over it. He relied on his theatrics, also stolen from Adam, cane, shoulder pads, boots and all.


Anonymous said...

@justpeachy. Now I remember! "Strut"! James had very cheap copy of Adam outfit which here weares for Strut! Actually, Steven made the comment about JD that sometimes very cheap outfit can look so good:) I think it was very sarcastic!
I think the show designers could have better imagination:) After all they help everybody to find right outfit. Did they do it with purpose?:)

Anonymous said...

I think the producers have been lurking around the blogs. There have been alot of comments lately on how the judges aren't doing their jobs. It's hard to critique when they've actually been pretty good (IMHO), but I agree the Durbin scream is getting old.

I rather like the format this year. I think we get a much better idea of what type of artists they are.

Can you image what season 8 would have been like if they were using this format? Maybe we would have seen Adam levatating (as Adam has mentioned in an interview with Ryan Seacrest last year) LOL.


Anonymous said...


I don't know about this year since they changed things up since Season 8 with Adam.......but that year what you wore was strictly your own choice. Each contestant was given a clothing allowance (I seem to recall if wasn't much) comment was made that Adam spent his own money for his special looks. Showman that he was and still is.

I do remember that Anoop, Danny, Michael, Scott and Kris looked pretty much the same every week with few exceptions. Adam made the outfit "fit" the song.......he chose the staging and lighting and sang his heart out!That's what made him so special......................<3.....JAK

Anonymous said...

@JAK When I am talking about designer group support I menation all contestant, except Adam:)
I am sure all his outfits were his choice and ideas! But it doesn't seem for me that some of season 9th and 10th contestants have enough imagination or TALENT to create their own image and presentations without help.
Probably, Adam is only one who did everthing by himlself. I remember that he said in one of his interviews that these boots he weared when he sang with Kiss he had for long time:)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, "mentioned" not "menation":)

Anonymous said...

@delilah 8:03pm

I agree with what you said, you are right! Sad but true. I vowed after the fiasco with the voting between Adam and Kris (I was shocked and disappointed at Adam's loss to the point of tears) that I would never vote on AI again. I didn't vote on Season 9, and now, for Season 10, I'm beginning to think I might start voting again. I feel offended that people think JD is as good as Adam! Are they kidding? There is no one as good as Adam. It's obvious (in my opinion) that he copies everything that Adam did and gets such praise constantly from the judges. He may be a very nice kid but he's no Adam. The only way to change the direction this season seems to be going is to vote. So I'll vote for Casey because he is always original and creative and musically talented (not necessarily the best vocals though).

glitzylady said...

Just my opinion about Season 10 AI: I personally don't think anyone is actually saying James is as good as Adam (absolutely no way..) ..but I do have to give him some props for being interesting and livening things up..and I do like a point. I like Casey because he has a fun and interesting personality, is talented, and not your typical Idol contestant.. In reality I think all of the top 12 or 13 are good in their own way, especially compared to last season ( AI 9)..which was mediocre at best. ( I do have to say I liked Crystal Bowersox and have her CD, which is good, IMO. )

That said, I see no one who compares to Adam, and I have only a passing interest in Idol this year (but more than last year I suppose.) My husband was very unhappy when Pia left, as he has a little crush on her (I can relate to that..LOL!!). He still watches and votes, amazingly enough. I have yet to vote at all this year. Adam is my "muse" and I only have time and money and energy for one of those!! He just has "IT" and that's enough for me..His aura draws me to him and there is nothing I can do to resist. Which is pretty obvious! LOL!!! At this point, the discussion of who should have won Season 8 is moot, and doesn't matter in the least (even tho I'm still pissed about it..) because Adam is doing so well and will continue to do so...He won. ; )

Anonymous said...

I have said this before. James can sing but he is no performer or star and certainly does not have the x factor!


Anonymous said...

When Ken Warwick says that this year's idol will "break big" I think that's just wishful thinking......after all he is the producer and has to push the show and contestants.....JAK

Anonymous said...

You know what suprises me, ladies? Non of us made any comment about the funniest thing which happened yesterday. Casey kissed JLo!!!! He kissed one of the most beautiful women of the world!
Don't we like to talk about kisses?
I think this was the best moment of the night!!!!
I don't know, I love this boy. Can't believe that he is so young. And this is not about his facial hair:) It is about his maners, sence of humor,and something very special about his smile.
And he kissed JLo, and she liked his lips:D

Anonymous said...

All of the remaining contestants are talented, but I don't think any one of them will make it big in the music industry. I am not particularly invested in any of the individuals this season. That's just me. I think Scotty should head for Nashville where he will be very successful for someone so young. The others will have to work very hard because they seem to lack a certain stage presence, charisma and the ability to connect to the audience. When Adam was on AI, he set the bar so high that no one will ever be in his league of musical and visual performer. And, I thought the girls along with Paul McDonald group song at the beginning was horrible last night. He especially just ruined it!! I guess the right ones were voted off. Finally, the judges don't add anything new or critical to the panel. Steven is a one noter with "that was just beautiful." None of the judges is particularly articulate and didn't JLO keep on saying "you BOUGHT something to that song" or am I wrong?? Too critical?? Oh, well, that's just my educator background coming in to these comments. Too many reality shows now on tv all looking for the next great singing talent. It's overload already. Everyone thinks he or she can sing and wants that 15 minutes of fame and beyond. We are a society consumed by all these so called reality shows and it doesn't say very much about us and our values here in America. I'd better get off my bandwagon before I go too far off the subject.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:36 - I agree with the comment "I don't think any one of them will make it big". I had never watched Idol but was at my daughter's home and her daughters watched the show during Season 8 when I first saw Adam -- and was hooked! His voice just captivated me and I've been a complete fan ever since, putting up with the teasing from my family as a result. He's simply got it all - the "IT" factor, along with that incredible, amazing voice - and no one since even comes close to that. Certainly not Durbin.

tess4ADAM said...

OT ... I'm still reeling from the news that MY FAVORITE soap has been cancelled on ABC (only watched it on SoapNet tho') ... Thank God for the NZ station that features the ADAM LAMBERT HOUR ... nothing but ADAM music from pre-Idol up to GNT ... I'm in heaven ... here it is: ... the Liam McEwan show ...

AS far as I'm concerned ... I'd like to watch "The Voice" and see what kind of talent will show up ... hope Christina Aguilera is more discerning than JLo ... is there NO one who CAN'T sing according to that woman ... although she sure likes the LIMELIGHT ... and doesn't seem to mind criticizing Jacob just like she did Pia. I'm not voting for anyone EVER again ... I'm still hurt that ADAM had to take a "back seat" to not one but TWO lesser talented Idol WINNERS ... ADAM is FAR better than either Kris OR Lee ... WTH does 'Kris Allen hasn't broken' mean? Oops! looks like we shot ourselves in the foot? Sorry ... Ken Warwick should RETIRE ... it's definitely time ... just like everything else he says ... makes NO sense to me!! .. JMO ... Love 'n Light


tess4ADAM said...

OH! Yeah! Just slipped my senior mind ... James D. absolutely RUINED my fave MUSE song ... WHEN is he going to get a style of HIS own ... he even pumps his fist into the camera like ADAM when he sings ... sorry but he is beginning to ANNOY me ... and I'm usually such a sweet OLD lady ... LOL


Anonymous said...

Anon 9:36 am

I think J-LO is saying "you brought something to that song"....which I would suppose means you "felt" it or "improved" it or gave it an added dimension???? I don't see anyone improving a song..................................JAK


While I'm guessing interpretations......I think Ken Warwick means Kris Allen hasn't "broken through" as a hot entertainer yet! I think he's dreaming if he thinks that's going to happen. I don't believe Kris has it in him to ever be hot. He's sweet and cute like a puppy but HOT---NOT!

I've discoved that sweet old ladies often develop "spunk" as they age. I'm much braver than I ever was in my youth!!!I like being fiesty!..................................JAK

Anonymous said...

To the AI audience, the magic has come & gone(in s8). I'd say vote for originality not fake wannabes . You know what's true & what is not. I hope AI show will put an end to the misery. Cuz Simon will be back on America x factor in the fall. Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

AI10 has just reached top 24 here in Sweden. It was Beatles theme and it was horrible. I´m sorry, you´ll probably hate me for bashing the top show in America, but what a mess! The judges are not judges, they are cheerleaders. James and Stefano yelling through a Beatles classic, James missing his high notes by miles and JLo and Steven Tyler couldn´t find words for their adoration. The Lusk kid was way out of tune and Steven Tyler was amazed. WHAT IS THIS? It´s a joke. The show has lost all credibility IMO. It was lost on final night of season 8.
It becomes more and more obvious that the purpose of AI is to promote AI, try to save what´s left of it. They sound desperate in claiming this season to be the best in Idol history and that the winner of S10 is going to make it big. Really? Where is this brilliant shining star that will knock us off our socks? I don´t see him/her. Casey is a bit different from the rest, so if I was forced to vote (luckely, I´m not even allowed) I give my vote to him.
I miss Simon. I would really like to know what his opinion would be on the Beatles massacre.


Adamluv said...

@JAK, you asked about the contract and Lopez. She currently has a 1 year contract for $12 million and is now asking for $20 million to return next year. Might be off a million or so but you get the message. Dont watch, dont care. Looking forward to Simon and the X Factor in the fall. That I will watch. ...... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I don't think James Durbin is trying to copy Adam. If you read about his background, he too was in Children's Theater groups and has been singing with a rock group class around Santa Cruz. He, like Adam, has THE PERFORMER GENE. And they both gravitate to rock and roll.

I am a fanatical Adam fan, but I am judging James "on his own". I love the fact that he sees the whole picture, the set, the musicians, and the presentation, just like Adam, and I think its his background theater training.

I don't think James has the melodic range and pure voice like Adam, but he has that PERFORMANCE ART down just like Adam did. And while he does go off key at times, the performance is "killer" and for the first time since Season 8 I am looking forward to seeing what James does every week.

There's room in this Adam fan's heart for loving what James Durbin brings every week.

Anonymous said...

Personally I adore Scotty. The judges are always talking about "find out who you are and if it ain't broke, don't fix it." Scotty is and always has been a country singer. He knows who he is and his vocals are spot on. For the judges to criticize him for staying in his "comfort zone" is slapping him in the face for knowing who he is. Not truly a fan of country but a big fan of Scotty. He and his deep voice have my vote. The judges are drooling over James and Casey far too much.

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for Casey because he's good, he's likable and he's a Glambert.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:16, I am in agreement with you. I do not like Casey. Not at all my type of singer. Good on him for being a Glambert though. I love how James always surprises. I thought his rendition of Muse's song was quite good.