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The Cutest Little Glambert!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, April 15, 2011

Posted at : Friday, April 15, 2011


Source Gagashine1


Anonymous said...

My God so cute!!! So cute!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My five year-old son really likes Adam's music (he doesn't understand the lyrics as he doesn't speak English, but appreciates the music).

It was quite funny that when he had fever and I stayed home with him, I had FYE on and he kept playing Fever over and over again... :)

And my daughter refers to Adam as Mum's "favourite boy"... (after my own son of course)


Anonymous said...

That face was meant to be smothered in kisses! What a cutie! His grown up face too! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Eyes baby eyes!

Icon said...

@ Fan4fun

Mommy, if I lick his nose he sneezes?????

Anonymous said...

Who could believe this little ginger head one day would be on stage singing like this:


Anonymous said...

A darling boy.

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!!! My heart melts with his gorgeous smile....

You are the World Wide Star!!!!! My Dear!!!!!!

Love, Love, and more love for you!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Nice...a break from those 100 plus comments

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sparkling eyes and a smile that lights up the world.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert of a beautiful child to a gorgeous man!!!!

HK fan said...

such a gorgeous picture...
@Reborn (new name, welcome),
talking of fever, on one of the FOX adverts being played regularly on TV here at the moment, Adams Fever is playing in the background..

Fan4fun said...

@@@@@ Hey, GLABERTWITTERS and 24/7 Adm.!!!

Would anyone be kind and «twitt» sweet Adam
***** HAPPY WORLD VOICE DAY!!! ***** ?

What? Don't you know?
APRIL 16 is the international «The World Voice Day» !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fan4fun said...

Here you go, try this link:

«The theme of Voice Day 2011 is «We Share A Voice» and reminds people of the value and significance of vocal health in everyday life.»

«World Voice Day (April 16) encourages men and women, young and old, to assess their vocal health and take action to improve or maintain good voice...»

Anonymous said...

how is little Adam wearing his own t-shirt! did he know the future and made one ahead of time! hehe so cute!

Anonymous said...

Hey, remember how KW described Adam the Viking with copper hair? Here it is!......NOSY

Where is KW? I miss him!

Cheril said...

The past meets the future. So darn cute.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so cute and you can see his sparks in his little eyes. Beautiful then and stunning now!!!

Off topic:
Poland X-factor

Cute boy with nail polish but with a very nice voice. Singing start around 2min. I always like the Europe vibe song.

Anonymous said...

Look at that gorgeous ginger hair! Looks like his mommy took such good care of him! What a little darling....and now he's a big darling! Love you, Adam!


Anonymous said...

Adorable ADAM, before and after!!!


Anonymous said...

There is nothing in the whole world cuter than a little red-haired boy. (Especially when the little boy happens to be Adam.)

Anonymous said...

So adorable, my oh my and all grown up to be so dammed handsome, love him :)

Anonymous said...

Yes everyone tweet Happy voice day to Adam if you have twitter. Beautiful little boy and now a beautiful man inside and out.

Anonymous said...

That little cutie pie grew up into....a cutie pie!!!

Anonymous said...

Adorable picture of Adam. He is adorable today.


coloforadam said...

'Thank heaven, for leetle boys....for leetle boys get bigger everyday...'

Anonymous said...

OMG! This picture has more comment than Soundbath! Probably you don't have any idea what they are talking about! Sorry, I forgot, they talk in English! This is like second language in US:)

Anonymous said...

Sad sad sad SAD.AL you are truly sad. :(

Anonymous said...

o mg g soo cut i bet ui can gitt cutere though in a week wih a little 3 year old bo 1 arm and says adam lamber is my idole i can o that

Sarah said...
