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E! Online: Adam Lambert was NOT booted from Lady Gaga Party

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, April 1, 2011

Posted at : Friday, April 01, 2011

Thanks glitzylady for the tip!


Anonymous said...

Well there you go then doubters, I for one never beleived all PHs crap.

Anonymous said...

ya just can't have any fun anymore,Adam will have to go as Dusty from now on. I am glad another source came forward. Thank you another source.

Anonymous said...

Now everyone please get a good sleep..... The story was false and rubbish so the story is closed.

Oh! No! where are you doubters cut your tongue or fingers yuk!!!!! ouch!!!!!

Sorry trolls can't get the real story eh????

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

I like the fact that it was Gaga's people who came forward to set the record straight. Good to know that Adam was not "kicked out" of Gaga's party. On the other hand, I'm glad that all the rest of it is true! LOL

"Coz all the girls and the boys wanna know, how far this bad wild child's gonna go!"

Anonymous said...

I second that Jadam. Have to have faith in our man. This news came from GaGa's rep. I did't think she would let Adam be totally hung.
Perez juiced up the story, and all the media ran with it. That show how you can't believe what the media says either. They don't check facts. They could have checked with Adam, if what Perez said was true. Shame on them.


LP said...

I still think they have 2 events mixed up, Her BD was Friday or Saturday, her concert was Monday. Sauli was with him for the concert. she did have another party after her show, they often do.Jake Shears also was celebrating his new book, and he invited Adam to that party. I think scumbag Perez, got everything mixed up. He wasn't there, he had his own BD party Blue Balls or something.He's just mad that Adam didn't go to his party.I am glad it is all straightened out it's old news, it was a week ago.

Anonymous said...

Makes me wanna go to every online article and comment... But refuse to give them more hits

Anonymous said...

Proof that Perez is a jealous douche undeserving of anyone's attention.

Anonymous said...

PH liar liar pants on fire. I feel childish right now and liberated on what I already knew was the truth. They would have had to send GaGa home if it was because of drunkeness. PH you are lower than low. Even though I believe alot of people were smashed it was a party for goodness sake. Adam is about as honest as any celeb I know. We love you Adam.

Anonymous said...

...THANK you E on Line. I hope they put it on the tv show too. It was so upsetting to find the original PH story here, and then see it in headlines...Us magazine-- AND earlier today one of the MAIN headlines online when the main page came up ={
geeeee amazingly the "source" was ALL from that maggot-blogger PH. It was so annoying I didn't even post about it here... but on ANOTHER much more pleasant thread the next day...

It seems very appropriate here now, so here's a paste from that thread

"I'm not hiding my head in the sand...just not too thrilled that PH is taking such glee in spreading venom and showing himself to be the snake he is."

Granted It seems Adam WAS Tipsy, and did put a hole in the ceiling... but the way this SNAKE was soooo gleeful and kept harping about the situation, even when the radio hosts didn't think it was a big deal shows this snake's real skin... (how many has he shed so far??) He'll never change and is confirmed now as a real jerk, and the snake he's known to be. Really does seem There's unrequited something, or jealousy, and probably hissy-pissed Adam didn't go to his party...

Smart Adam to just softly diffuse the situation with a very SIMPLE comment and NOT blow it up worse. That's one of the things that made me admire him SO much after the firestorm of the AMA's... and any scandalous--or what interviewers THOUGHT was going to be scandalous but fizzled when Adam just completely diffused the situation with a simple honest mater of fact answer. We could all use a lesson in that area...

I Do hope this time ADAM himself learned a lesson too about drinking, public behavior... and this venomous creep. The fans naysayers AND haters get their info from this jerk AND what they hear or READ...

Thank you E on line for the more positive spin and Admin for posting it.


Anonymous said...

Can't play video, what is the gist of the clip/report?

Anonymous said...

Hate to put reality in the picture, but E online didn't have any new info. They just chose to side with Adam over trashmouth. Doesn't matter. It is old news at this point.

Anonymous said...

It said that Adam was not thrown out of the party. He did act a bit wild and was drunk and did punch a hole in the ceiling. They said he did tweet about it, the punch. It shows what a liar PH is. He overplayed the whole thing and now PH comes out looking like the total jackass he is.

Anonymous said...

Thank you E! Online for broadcasting the truth...I support Adam always but was concerned for the bad press (went all the way to UK headlines). Good for GaGa's people for setting the record straight....maybe now this truth will get to all the websites posting the lies of PH. Adam, stay away from Perez! He's not your friend!

Anonymous said...

E!News(tv) aired short clip which was different version with on-line. It was like check 'true' or'False'. They said,"GaGa's press rep said Adam was not escorted out of the party. the rumor is False"

Anonymous said...

You people on twitter, go tweet a few well-placed tweets in twitterverse

Anonymous said...

Hopefully postings will state what Gaga reps said. You know how they like to throw the negative trashy stuff out there not the positive. At least we all know the truth and really I never believed he was kicked out. Adam we love you,stay away from PH. He is like a poisonous snake.

Anonymous said...

Thanks @Cindy. I'm familiar with that E/tv segment, think it's good actually that item was in that segment, short & to the point, no elaborations. Thanks for info @Cindy.

coloforadam said...

Adam = Super Talent & Gorgeous
Perez = Not

Anonymous said...

I think Adam does have to realize that everything he does and wherever he goes and with whom, will be scrutinized, written and commented about from now on. We had all the good news about the success of his GNT dvd sales and then there are all these stories about his "drunken and loud behavior" at Gaga's bd party. We don't want to read stories about his supposed outrageous behavior a la Lindsey Lohan which will destroy any success and fame he has achieved so far. Adam Lambert is one talented, smart, charming and self-confident individual who doesn't need this negative publicity to give more ammunition to the nay sayers out there. We all like to have a good time every now and then, but when you are in the public eye, nothing is private any more and the most innocent or unimportant situation can be blown totally out of proportion and ruin the good reputation anyone has achieved. It could be in sports, politics, the entertainment industry or any profession even teaching. A picture, video, text message, tweet or a written statement can ruin or destroy a person's image even if it is not true. Let's hope this is the end of this story and that Adam gets back to working on his album and his relationship with Sauli(if this is what he wants).

Anonymous said...

gaga was probably amused by all the rambunctious behavior. ^V^illinatrixx^^^

Anonymous said...

Anon@ 8:12--@ Cindy

Thank you sooo much for the info!! So It DID make the tv version. =) I didn't get to see it yet, AND that clears up another question I had about where did the "Gaga's people, or rep" mentions come from (scratching head) as it's NOT in the clip shown here. Aaaahhh, Alrighty ... now it makes sense. Much appreciated.

Thank you also to anon @ 8:19


Anonymous said...

Initially I thought Maybe PH is playing An An April Fool's joke on Adam & his fans, a bad one by the way if it is :(

Ha1 Ha! like I said earlier PH totrally exeggerated for his own selfish benefits aka Gossips!!! he's not just a nast guy but an URGLY one too according to my husband!!!

Yay for Adam!

Anonymous said...

He was just having fun and carried away that's all folks end of the story....

Please don't think that he is stupid enough to waste all the hard work he encountered and get famous around the world?????!!!!!!

He is old enough and he deserved to enjoy his life as long as he is not harming anyone...

Adam is fearless not to be push by anyone indeed...

Carry on Adam and enjoy your liberation.....

The true fans stick together with you....

Mom from Toronto, Canada

coloforadam said...

OMG - Anon 8:25pm, how self righteous can you be from your lofty perspective, eons from his life? You really think you need to tell Adam Lambert what he "needs to realize?" You think he doesn't know that and live that, every freakin' day?? Do you have any idea what it is like to literally live in a pressure cooker, being threatened and shunned - in ways we can't even imagine. Is it really coincidence that he let slip the first VERY minor crack in his armor that we have seen in months, the same week that that STUPID People magazine page came out? Do you remember how we all felt when we saw what they singled out about his career since Idol? Can you even begin to imagine how he feels this week? But... he is always gracious and positive and intelligent in his responses? It's a wonder he isn't turning over furniture and punching something, every minute of every day!!!! Words from Broken Open - "I know the battle of chasing the shadow of who you want to be"..... you think he writes riveting, shattering lines like that, in a vacuum, that he doesn't live that pain all the time. If you truly are a fan, anon. 8:25pm, you are the worst kind - you have heard NOTHING he has said and seen NONE of the courage and character that defines his beautiful face. I can only guess at your age and wonder if your life has been such a testament to wisdom and discretion.

Rock on, Adam - safe and intact, always.

Anonymous said...

I agree that now Adam is in the public eye wherever he goes. He might be wise to save his evenings of getting trashed for behind the closed doors of his own home.
And I think he does want to show off for Gaga and prove he is a wild, rock star. But he's older, more attractive and more talented imho.. and has nothing to prove

Anonymous said...

A lot of people drink because of unhappiness or stress. Maybe hanging out with Sauli will bring more joy for Adam.

Anonymous said...

To 8:53, you make some interesting points but I don't think Adam is living in "pain all the time". I think he can relate to people who are overcoming obstacles. It seems he has grown thru a difficult time and is quite comfortable in his own skin. He has often said he is happy with his career and his heart if full. I think it's just part of his character that he likes to go out and enjoy partying sometimes. Big deal, lots of us do.

Anonymous said...

This story has made so many headlines over the last couple of days, 78 so far if you google Adam, and so far not one has picked up the Enews story of being thrown out as false. It would be nice if at least some of them reported that they'd got it wrong and apologised.

Anonymous said...

Cindy and everyone else. The TV version DID NOT SAY "Gaga's Reps". The E! online version did not say "Gaga's reps " Where do you guys get that Gaga's rep were the source. This mis-information is what starts these messes!!! I would be really happy if it was confirmed by her reps - but the truth is WE DO NOT KNOW who the source of this new information was.

Anonymous said...

I knew it was rubbish!! Was hoping that Gaga would have her people step forward and set the record straight. Gaga herself also spoke up against Eminem when he made a nasty comment about Adam. She defended Adam as a friend.

It's about time PH is finally the one on the hot seat and guess what -- called out by the superstar GAGA herself!!!

Adam explained what happened upfront. He is always honest -- ALWAYS!!

Yep, he is and will always be under the scrunity of the press, etc. But, he will continue to work hard to ensure he has INFINITY in the music business. So glad this was broadcasted to set the record straight!!


Anonymous said...

Ok so my post is too long so I have to divide it up into 3 parts goes:
Part 1:
Anon 8:25, I totally understand where you are coming from and I understand that you are concerned about Adam's career (which many of us fans have had a hand in building)
I applaud your honesty and loyalty to Adam but in this particular case, I don't think Adam has done anything wrong or harmful against himself or anyone else.
The concrete facts about the situation simply indicate that Adam went to a party, maybe had a little too much fun and punched a hole in the ceiling of the venue, which Adam himself acknowledged.
This was an isolated event that did not affect his progress in working on his upcoming album, judging from what he tweeted today.
If you analyze the situation keenly you will realize that the only problem was Perez's slanderous and sadistically twisted rendition of what happened.
We already received confirmation from one of Gaga's reps that he was not kicked out of the party, nor were there any tweets/previous reports about him showing up "uninvited" and completely trashed as Perez indicated along with all the other inflammatory bullshit he pulled out of his ass.
So you see, Adam's behavior was not conducive to any real or potential threat to his career. You only think that because somebody (Perez) projected his jealousy and negative energy toward Adam to MAKE IT SEEM LIKE his comportment was overly inappropriate and out of control which indeed can have very serious consequences. But in this case, everything surfaced after the fact and so altered our perceptions of what happened...the actual event itself becomes irrelevant because what people focus on is the story that was being told about it, so the boundary between what really happened and what Perez said became totally fudged, ergo your judgment of Adam is based more on the lies that Perez told than on what actually happened.

So now, we move from what actually happened, to Perez.

Anonymous said...

Part 2:

It is one thing when "the media" organizes a collective effort to sabotage someone's career (by amplifying or highlighting certain activities over others like they have done with Lindsey Lohan and Britney Spears) but it is an entirely different STORY when ONE INDIVIDUAL is constantly looking for ways to taint the person's image and spreading lies that then get picked up by other media sources. THAT is what actually happened. The media outlets were going on solely what Perez had to say about what happened. HE was the source of the negative press, whereas in the cases I mentioned above, this wasn't the case. Perez knows exactly how the media works and was well-aware of the consequences of his actions. He probably meant for that story to spread like wild fire and once it did would distort people's perceptions of not just Adam's actions, but of Adam himself as a "celebrity".

Furthermore, as we have seen, this is not the first time Perez has done this to Adam.
Right after idol he posted some unflattering pictures that circled certain spots on Adam's face and neck where he seemed to have acne and wrote "gross" in big yellow letters.
When Time for Miracles came out, he mistakenly (and I think purposefully) indicated that was Adam's first single and didn't give it favorable marks, probably so that when it didn't sell as well as a REAL single he could bash on him for putting out a single that "tanked" and so forth and in fact many people on that gossip site of his did JUST that and even after several fans indicated that song WAS NOT Adam's first single off FYE he didn't bother changing his statements.
Then when last year's VMA nominations were announced he was VERY quick to point out, via twitter of course that Adam had been "completely shut out" of the nominations. Not exactly flattering...
and finally his most recent rant where not only did he accuse Adam of using drugs, showing up to the party uninvited (implicit in that is the idea that Adam wasn't important enough to be there or that Gaga didn't care to invite him), plus all of the details about his behavior (and gaga's purported reactions) and then finally getting kicked out. Now I may be wrong but I think many people that have commented on here didn't actually listen to the interview and just went off the comments from others. It was a really unflattering account and even though its unpleasant to listen to you should listen to it to see what I mean about Perez especially given the reactions of the radio hosts as others have mentioned.

Oh and there was one (fairly) recent interview in which he insinuated that Adam "gets around" or sleeps around or was posted here on this site. A totally unnecessary and vulgar comment.

Anonymous said...

and finally (LOL) Part 3:

Clearly Perez has it out for Adam and is doing everything that he can (without making it too obvious, only this time he couldn't contain himself) to give Adam a bad rep.
A lot of posters seem to think that he was upset because Adam didn't go to his bday bash (although I think there was one source that reported he WAS there at some point) I think its more than that.
His jealousy runs deep and its been like that since the beginning IMO...
I am not trying to lecture you as I think everyone is entitled to their opinion, I'm simply presenting the facts to you in a certain way so that perhaps you might see a different perspective on what went down :)
Nor is it my goal to make up any conspiracies, but once there's a distinct pattern its simply too naive to dismiss it as coincidence, especially since in that same interview Perez had the audacity to say he takes his friendships seriously.
Truth is, NOBODY but Perez felt the need to go into such gory detail about Adam's supposed behavior or even the party in general because it ruins the illusion that Perez himself is so desperately catering to.
So while I don't glorify or even condone Adam's behavior (he's a human being with flaws just like you and me) I still see no reason to apprehend him for something that is out of his control.
He was just trying to have some fun like everyone else. The fact that he is prone to having his every move put on public display for all to see is not so much of a problem as it is having some envious INDIVIDUAL manipulate those actions in a vile way that can be detrimental to his career.
But as with anything else he ultimately does have the power to confront Perez and call him out on his bs, or just ignore him and move on which he seems to be fans all we can do is show our support.
Having said that, we should imho be careful about having our judgments clouded because we too put opinions on display for others to see.
Just sayin.
Good night to all. Hope we can focus on the positive from now on :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ahh, I just realized the vid did not say one of Gaga's reps but simply "a source"...sorry about that :P
stillm that's good enough for me over Perez any day.
Anon 9:30 pm: 78 headlines??? shit!
Adam should maybe do a little damage control for the "on the fence" peeps.
Just sayin.

Anonymous said...

@9:43 it did say GAGA REPS on Enews tv version I just watched it.

I knew perez was a liar. lol who would have thought.

Anonymous said...

PH is such a jerk! Saw these twitter comments on another site. Note what PH says - even tho he wasn't the one being asked about remaining friends!
@crazy_AL_fan julia @adamlambert Is @PerezHilton still your friend?

@PerezHilton @crazy_AL_fan @adamlambert To me he is!

Anonymous said...

and....let's not forget the interviewed perez with ryan seacrest during idol time...perez claiming that adam is gay...just before the finale...and all those pictures adam and old BF kissing during idol...could've been perez too. jeez, perez...why you hate adam so much ? is it jealousy ? i am just waiting for the day when perez cannot lick gaga's ass he's licking it deep..and he wasn't even invited to her party !! LOL
= gaga's monster+

Anonymous said...

Even E can't get simple facts straight. It was the night before the concert. If Adam really did get booted out....why would he still go to the concert....I would have used the tickets.

How can you possibly do anything in this world more outrageous than Gaga? Too much press over this typical Hollywood partying.Gagas behavior was o.k. but an unintentional silly thing gets all over the place. Geez, I've been to class reunion parties that were wilder than this one.

Since Perez was at his own birthday party and probably Drunk, his story would be kicked out of a courtroom & disallowed as hearsay.

Adam's tweet about Rock N Roll was about the Idol show. He did say #sloppy & that added more fuel to the fire. There is no sense of humour anymore,just trash & bash.


Anonymous said...

This just might be good subject matter for Adam's new to tell who your friends really are...

adamluv1000 said...

To 9:43 - On E's website it reads GaGa's rep notified us that Adam was not kicked out of the party.

Anonymous said...

Too bad people remember the announcement of bad behavior and don't read the retraction of false information....Human Nature! Sad! Nancy

Anonymous said...

The gossip mags will not print the true story. That would be to admit that they printed a lie and not checking facts. So in the public eye Gaga kicked Adam out. Gaga could go out and defend him, but I don´t think she will. He´s not important to her. I would be happy if I was wrong.
It´s not a surprise that the gossip reached UK. They only write about Adam when if it´s something negative. This story has not reached Sweden. Not even his fan site has mentioned this.


Anonymous said...

What I would like to know is why did Perez tweet Adam and just say "HA", after he did that radio interview.


Anonymous said...

Any trash/negativity about celebrities to make big bucks!!!
See what they did to MJ, ALL THE LIES ABOUT HIM:(

That's the entertainment media for u, trash will spread like wild fire!

So just ignore! PH is a DBAG!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know why the media are so hard on Adam, look like everything he did was bad and he has to find a way to prove them wrong almost everytime. We are living in a world feed on negativity, how many has written about his GNL DVD debut #1, it is so unfair.
Adam Rock! PH suck big time.

Anonymous said...

Showbiz Tonight was just on saying Adam got kicked out of Gagas party & was heard to say Whataya Want From Me? Then Brook said, no he didn't and they laughed.


Anonymous said...

Oh,Oh they are doing it again in every detail.Making jokes but still lovin on Adam.
They did PH interview & Adams Tweet & a discussion. He didn't make their most provocative person, too late in the week, the snake won over Adam.

CB & Rihanna made the most provocative with votes to come.

If Adam still associates with PH again, then I will have to believe these are publicity setups.


glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:06 thru 10:12 PM
I just wrote a long and detailed reply to your very detailed, well documented and well thought out post, and I accidentally lost it, so will just say this:

I agree.

Its too late at night to start over anyway!

Anonymous said...

Never underestimate Adam Lambert. He is so real, out the box and full of class!

Anonymous said...

I still think Gaga saved her own ass. Instead she sacrificed Perez, so typical of her. Everybody else suffered from this except Jake Shears.

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't need to explain anything to anyone.
People need to have more faith in him.

Rebecca said...

thank you E! for telling us what we already knew

Anonymous said...

Jake S is slimy. Just my opinion. Gaga looks like Cruella de Vil in that picture..

Anonymous said...

" Babylon back in business. Can I get a witness?.."

Anonymous said...

to those who are concerned about the "retraction" not getting coverage in the blogosphere/twitterverse... tweet about it!! Go comment on a few articles (NOT CRAY CRAY LIKE), it is something we actually have a little bit of control over/influence on, just a little, but that's something. Tweet, comment appropriately about the Enews story!

Bing said...

T0 @ANON with the 3 extensive posts thank you so much for going out of your way to express your thoughts. I highly appreciate the gesture plus the other things that person has done to Adam.

Adam has more dignity than PH and our diamond boy has proven time and again that intelligent and classy people don't stoop down to the level of someone like PH. You are right, focusing on the positive would be the next best thing to do. Adam is old enough to take care of himself and should he err, it is the most normal thing in this world. I trust him enough that i threw away all my fears a long time ago. I wouldn't want to waste my energy worrying about Adam because as far as i know he is doing well.

Again @ANON thanks for your very well written comments.

Bing said...

Ooooops i'm sorry but what i meant to say was that i appreciate more info about what PH has been doing to Adam that i'm not really aware of.

coloforadam said...

Guess I'm out - defending someone like 8:25pm is nauseating .... telling him what he "needs to realize" and warning him not be like Lindsey L. and telling him to get back to recording when it was a Sat night and he has been working so hard on that new album ... how is that "honest loyalty and concern"? What about positive reinforcement? - i.e., 7 months on world tour with Not a single neg incident? Wow, Adam!!! Recording day and night with some of the greatest music producers in the world for the last 2 months - Amazing, Dude!! What about finding time for family and friends and charities and fans and health and romance, in the middle of the crazy world of fame? You are truly inspiring, BB!!

Anonymous said...

You have to see the big picture. Gaga and Scissor Sisters' Jake are like royals compared to Adam and Perez. Not to mention Sir Elton John. I once saw a document about Elton John and in the middle of the interview he suddenly got angry to his old mother who was also there. It was both hilarious and embarrasing at the same time.

Anonymous said...

correction: tv documentary

Glamitup said...

I wanna party with ADAM!!!!

Anonymous said...

@coloforadam April 9:07AM - good on 'ya. Like you said way up above - "intact".

Anonymous said...

Adam don't worry. We still your big fans forewer. Love u......

Anonymous said...

And @Anony w/ the 3 posts - good on 'ya as well. (Good writer too peep, enjoyable to read your writing/vocab etc. alone. MGF.

Anonymous said...

It's a rocky road, but Adam's talent and naturally good personality will take him to the top! One crazy party will not stop his career from blossoming. He's just too damn good. He's so UN-BORING, and I dont' mean just 'cause he parties hard. He's UN-BORING because he's intelligent and quick-witted and interesting, unlike so many celebrity dullards. GO ADAM! WE'RE WITH YOU ALL THE WAY!

Anonymous said...

umm I think Adam should get on Perez good side. Send him flowers and a card apoligizing for not showing up to his B- day party. This dude looks like he can make or break you!

Anonymous said...

The GaGa bd incident was right away on both of our main Finnish music channels NRJ and Voice. They told the news with humour and announced then, like every other day during past weeks: "and next Adam Lambert's Sleepwalker" (the other channel announced Aftermath). That was all. Today I noticed in my nearest shopping center that GNL is selling well! Every shop had the CD on their shelves but only some left! I love you Adam Wildboy Lambert! Sanni

Anonymous said...

I'm surprized no- one mentioning he was on show-biz tonight last night. I felt they didn't actually believe he was kicked out either although didn't say it, just played PH interview. They did say he would of won most provative celebrity of the week but he lost to NY cobra snake instead and teen mom video fight. They did say it seemed totally out of character for adam. Lets see if the press clears this up -betch they don't- so sad.

jacki said...

Not sure why so many "Fans" are taking PHs word for what happened. No-one else at the party is agreeing with Perez. Notably gaga's lovely violinist has tweeted that Adam was a "sweetheart" at the party. A SWEETHEART!!! NOT a 'DRUNKEN ANIMAL' - A F'N SWEETHEART!!!

Doesn't sound to me like anyone had any problem with Adam at the party. He just had a few drinks and jumped up down too exuberantly. So let's tell him he can't have fun and he should "learn" from this and never do it again. *sheesh* Never do what exactly???

There are no photos, videos, tweets or other reports to back up any of PHs embellishments.

And Gaga's management have dismissed PH's claim re kicking Adam out too - so if he lied about one thing why on earth would you assume he's being honest about the rest.

Poor Adam. (shakes head in disbelief)

And as for someone posting that ADAM should apologise to Perez.... WHAT THE HELL??????? Is the world totally insane now?

Anonymous said...

This whole thing is so funny! If I was at LAdy Gaga's birthday I'd like to be a bit crazy myself! Good for you Adam! Long live the rock and roll spirit and keep the party going MY MAN! I love Adam, he's such a nutball but when he needs to be he can be serious. A party is a time to have fun, not be worrying about "what people will say". I think it was great publicity:)
Poland Loves Adam

Anonymous said...

I HAVE mentioned the Showbiz Tonite on HLN 3 times. It will repeat all weekend probably.Watch it. They tried to put humor in it and said they had never seen Adam out of control.They like him & made it easier to digest than we his fans have.
They talked about everything,played the PH interview too, & Adams tweet.....a lot of time spent on it.


LBS going to tweeter now.

Anonymous said...

I don't have the guts, but you can also call HLN>

Anonymous said...


I see nothing about ADAM or GAGAS press intervening, only that they refuse to comment.


Anonymous said...

I think it's the glamberts that are mostly upset.

Anonymous said...

I mean mostly the Glamberts were upset about what Perez told. Adam probably understands Perez's humour. But it was fun, that Gaga was forced to give a statement through a spokesperson. :)

Anonymous said...

I want to party with our Wildboy !! Fun !! Fun !! Fun !! I'm going to tweet his innocence right now.

Anonymous said...

Don't be surprised if you see Adam & the prick out together again. Could very well be the jokes on us and they love the publicity, good, bad, or otherwise. It's happened before.


Anonymous said...

Wow, really, you accept this as undeniable proof? Talk about confirmation bias. There is no evidence for either side yet you crucify one party for disagreeing with you, and glorify another for taking a minute to say an unnamed source said it didn't happen.

Thinking like this is extremely dangerous, the same cognitive processes lead to genocide.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert upstages Gaga! Whether the story is truth or fiction, when you have enough clout to do that, you must be doing something right. Rock on, Adam!

Anonymous said...

Gaga is the Godmother of Sir Eltons Johns baby..

Anonymous said...

@Poland Loves Adam, Apr2, 12:17 PM
Hooray for your comment - and nice to hear from you! You should post more often.

I remember writing the following quote the first time on this site - and you replied that it's your favorite, too:
Anytime anybody pulls you down
Anytime anybody says you're not allowed
Just remember you are not alone
In the Aftermath...

GGD Gal, rocking & rolling (on the floor & laughing)

Anonymous said...

It's almost too bad Adam is such a nice guy. If I were him, I might be considering suing for libel and defamation. The things PH said were fabricated and malicious. And obviously done to get himself some media time. What better way than tell lies about Adam, knowing the press will jump all over anything negative about him, and to piss off Adam's fans?

I feel shame for, in a earlier thread, saying "if this is true". I should have known better. I can't apologize for it because I don't have absolute, blind faith in anything, but I should have realized that PH is a wicked, evil human being and doesn't care who he hurts or how he does it.

@Anon parts 1-3: are you an attorney? Your thoughts are arranged and articulated like a closing argument. A good one.

Thank you 24/7 (and Glitzy!) for setting the record straight.

I know, let's move on from this now and start a campaign to get Adam a guest spot on his (and my) favorite show...True Blood! lol!


Anonymous said...

From Hollywood "Seems Adam Lambert not tossed from Lady Gaga bash" and a few lines below it says: "Gaga has not publicly commented about the incident. And without further confirmation…it’s just a game of “Telephone.”

That seems like a compromise to me. Although there's no evidence that Perez lied, the Glamberts keep roaring.. :/

Anonymous said...

I find that "Telephone" reference funny, because I've tried working in a telephone exhchange, but it wasn't a job for me. I think I wasn't curious enough. :)

Anonymous said...

If Adam were wildly dancing on tables and chairs at GaGa's party(as has been "reported"), it confirms my belief that Adam could have been cast in the role of Angel in Rent. Particularly if he were wearing his high heeled boots. Very hard to do!!! LOL

I have a feeling he's learned something from this, whatever went down :)

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

A lie has speed, but truth has endurance.

Anonymous said...

A lie stands on one leg, the truth on two. Whatever did or did not happen, let's get past it and move on. It's all good right now with the success of Adam's GNT dvd. He is working on his next album with some terrific collaborators and Sauli is in town to spend some time. So let's be happy for the good stuff and forget the negative. If you believe everything you read or see about a celebrity that is unflattering or so ridiculously untrue or outrageous, it could make you crazy and lose faith in that person and the picture you have of him or her. Just sift through the bad stuff and look on the brighter side. As I always say: "And this too shall pass." You are still No.1 in my book Adam Lambert!!

Anonymous said...

Terrific post, anon. 3 part poster. You covered it so well, stating the obvious with logic, not bias. I salute you! funbunn40