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New (Old) Picture of Adam Lambert and Lady Gaga?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Many people have already seen the picture of them posing together (below) but not this one (above).

Thanks to Danilo85!


Anonymous said...

And these pics were taken before the famous AMA performance..

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping the shoulder spikes will now remain in retirement.

Anonymous said...

The first pic is new to me. Lady Gaga's look is very telling! She has a crush on Adam for sure!

Anonymous said...

See, how much Adam has learned and matured in some ways since AMA? How much hard work he put in to make himself a place in the industry just within a year and half? Amazing!

Anonymous said...

I really like the shoulder spikes. The Blondes have made Adam some amazing fashion pieces. I hope they continue to do so. I think Gaga looks a bit jealous.

Anonymous said...

The shoulder spikes are yesterday....tomorrow is another day!

Anonymous said...

Adam's suit is a nice color, but the pants do not fit right. Adam had alot of shoulder deco at first. Not so lately, like everything else he changes things. As long as great music comes out of him, I am happy.

Anonymous said...

The spikes and gloves are't totally new accessories. They have been around in the rock scene for decades and there will always be artists who wear them. The Blondes have many customers in the music business.

Anonymous said...

If anyone wants to know Cheeks opinion of Gaga, here it is. The guy can write:


Anonymous said...

I agree with Cheeks. She does need a major work pause. So talented but off in a strange dark direction. Not fun.

Gaga doesn't have a crush on anyone except herself. She is extremely self indulgent during her concerts. No likie what I'm seeing these days. Guess all that world fame and $$$ will do that to you.

Anonymous said...

Gaga is appreciated, because she writes her own music. Also Kesha. It doesn't matter what the songs are like. The main thing is that it is self-made.

Adamluv said...

@Eva, WOW - didnt realize what a talented writer Cheeks is! Very interesting and eye opening article. A must read!!!!!! And to anon: above, just because someone writes their own music doesnt mean it's good??????? Any artist who says about themselves "I have 1 of the greatest voices in the industry. I consider myself to be 1 of the greatest songwriters" is a total ass. Her words from Vogue mag. interview. .... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Nice pic of GaGa.......and Adam ..of course

Anonymous said...

I really love all of Adam's songs that he has written and co-written. It's just that Keisha fans and lady popstars in general don't have very good music. it is just catchy and teenagers probably like the easy to remember vocal's and repeating and repeating chorus. ha ha

Anonymous said...

I will agree with you but am too cowardly to sign my "name"!

Anonymous said...

to 2:10 - I agree with you about the pants. I have always thought those didn't fit right. (I'm sure Adam is not a custom fit haha)
Isn't Gaga in her early 20's? She looks about 40 these days..

Anonymous said...

I could write as well as Kesha Blah blah blah what lyrics. Now this place is gonna blow, lets see, tick tock. Such deep meanings. Sorry not talented. Yes her music is catchy and fun especially for teens, but she will not last long.

coloforadam said...

Adam admires both of these young women for their talent and verve - that's the defense on this site ... they are his friends and perform in the genre he loves. Tick tock snark - 3 hours.

coloforadam said...

....and, why do you suppose those pants didn't fit right?

(dirty thought)

Anonymous said...

I just looked at this pants. They are deff don't fit:D
I think it suposed to be taylor made outfit. Isn't it?:)
@coloforadam agree (dirty thought)

Anonymous said...

Loved Cheeks article, he has a talent for writing. I left him a comment to say I agreed with him.
Did you notice the snarky comment from someone obviously directed at Adam, but someone else soon put them in their place.

glitzylady said...

Had to scroll back up to investigate why the comments about the ill-fitting pants...........I see what you mean about the I don't think the pants are the "problem".

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to Cheeks article about GaGa. I agree as well.

Today seems to be a naughty day on every thread. Adam´s pants and a faint idea what´s inside, licking and kissing here and there. Well huh you all girls and Ronnie too!! @Icon the teen-glam-cat was also interested about the subject!!
Ok, it was Adam himself who started this erotic tsunami here!!! We can only "blame" him.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with Adam's pants in this pic? I think they look fine, ditto the spikes.

Snobbery re singers writing their own songs has been reprised. Geezuz trolls, take your ill-informed remarks elsewhere.