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New Tweets 4-16-11

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, April 16, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, April 16, 2011

Then Adam retweets someone's tweet:

For those who didn't get this, Lady Gaga released her new album cover today:


Anonymous said...

Scary Gaga!!!! Sorry but Adam was really hot up there!!!! HHHHmmmmmmmmmm... Burning up!!!!!


Anonymous said...

That cover is worst than the one for FYE

Anonymous said...

There was rumor that Adam was in New York with Sauli and wishing he was in warm LA. Then someone tweeted that they spotted him outside the yogurt shop (I think in LA..) Keeping us on our toes haha
ps. I am liking Gaga less and less as the months go by

Anonymous said...

Adam has his mind on something else with the statement "gives a whole new meaning to burn rubber". I laughed so hard. He must be a ball to hang out with, laugh a minute, I bet. He has a good sense of humor, that I like. It's a little twisted.
Where ever he was I hope he enjoyed himself and took pictures to show us.
GaGa lost me about a year ago. She is pushing the envelope to much for my test. Madonna did the same thing for awhile, than she backed off.

Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Burning rubber? Can't breathe. Still laughing about "frozen sloshing." That man is a trip I'd like to take.

Anonymous said...

Adam's tweets are never boring. He must in love with his motorcycle. Gaga's new song Judas create lots of buzz but I really sick of her being so self-center and take away all the music spirit. I think FYE is a very nice cover.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

That's Gaga's album cover?!!! 0.o

Wow. I wonder if she took influence from Adam.

Anonymous said...

Leave it to our Adam. He has got them all stirred up on twitter. The above remark about the rubber was the best LMHO.He must be bored w/o Sauli. They asked him to be funny & this is what he gave em.

Anonymous said...

Gaga get your bony ass off Adam's cycle!!!!

glamitup said...

Gaga cover is just stupid. That's all I have to say about that!

Anonymous said...

Aah, yes, sweet Adam. He does like to tease his Twitter fans. Just loves to play with our minds to amuse himself when he gets bored. And, we are loving every minute of it.

Adamluv said...

Anyone who thinks gaga is an original artist go see this - even I was surprised. Sorry!!! Just realized I dont know how to leave a link but hope you'll take the time to type it in and see it. Again, my bad.. . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I think I misread that tweet about 88o in LA. Is it cold in N.Y.???? He wishes he was in LA?

Would somebody who is better at this Tweet than me (& who Isn't) get the one that says Adam copulated with a motorcycle 9 months ago & then
.................. don't want to give it away.


Anonymous said...


OK I am going to learn how to get those links back here if it takes forever.Never had an advanced computer class but I find if you google the right words or sites, you get everything & more & highlighting & clicking that arrow & (you don't have to drag it)& clicking the address bar is a big acheivement for me.

I see most of these stories on line before they get here, & it's frustrating not to be able to paste the links.

Going to paste & copy school now. Bye

Anonymous said...

@Adamlkuv your link works just fine and truly shows that GAGA is all cut and paste. Not much originality going on there.

Anonymous said...

TeeHee. Adam does keep us entertained. Slaloming, sploshing, burning rubber.

Everybody copies his style. Miley with that video Bird in Cage thing, Britttany with her new video, and now Gaga's bike.

But, now with Adam's tweet , the copy is exposed.

Anonymous said...

OMG GaGa is turning into a Borg. too bad she's not as good looking as 7 of 9.

Anonymous said...

achievement(i before e except etc.) I know the rules!


Anonymous said...

Wow!!! That's a whole lot of Gaga copy, can't believe she copy almost exactly the same from other artists. i thought she has a designer team. So the new Gaga cover simply 1/2 copy from our Adam?

Anonymous said...


I'm completely lost....don't anyone bother to

explain....I'll just enjoy Adam photos!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

OT ... Sitting here listening to Acoustic Adam ... what can I say that hasn't been said already? He treats my soul and my ears!!


Anonymous said...

Never a dull moment in the World of Glam. Adam is the best tweeter! He sure knows how to get a rise out of us, if you get my drift. I'm not a huge Gaga fan, but she's ok. I know Adam really likes her. Looks like she got a little inspiration from our boy.

LP said...

I wish Adam would let us know if he went to New York. If the papps don't find him this weekend going to any Hollywood night clubs, he most likely is out of town. I love him and Sauli being together, they look so happy. Does anyone think he has changed a bit, since he met Sauli, not quite so glam and certainly very happy. He seems to want to show Sauli a good time, and might be spoing him, Adam is so generous with people he loves.

LP said...

I meant "spoiling" LOL :)

Anonymous said...


Thank heaven you explained....I was afraid "spoing" was another word I am ignorant of, like sploshing and slaloming!

Please, I beg of you all...don't explain them, I'm too old to know!!!!!!!!

At this moment here in my town Gaga and The Scissor Sisters are shaking up The South! I think Gaga is talented but I don't like to watch her....but I do like to watch Jake Shears....he can MOVE!

I hope Adam was careful with the bike, they can cause bodily injury...and heart palpitations!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam has such a quick wit. He is so sexy, even his tweets are, burn rubber,yeah baby!!!!Always will amuse us fans and keep us interested.

Anonymous said...

I love love Adam on his bike! Can I be the head ?? Gaga is good but yeh it is a known fact that she "borrows" from others - many acts do though and this in itself is not bad - only when it is blatantly done so. Even David Bowie had his inspirations! Is she is inspired by Adam then YEEHAH!! A mutual inspiration I am sure. Let's not forget that Gaga did give our Adam one great song in FEVER though!!


Anonymous said...

Gaga is going to burn out if she keeps ups this pace. I have a feeling they're going to carry her off the stage from exhaustion. Her Bad Romance was genius, but since then, I haven't been impressed. Loved Telephone but she lost me with that stupid video. I respect her and the immense creativity. But she is struggling with her own demons. I guess it's all good since she's predicted to make about quarter of a billion dollars this year!!! Maybe money can buy you happiness.

Anonymous said...

Update: Adam likes Gagas cover. He thinks its "Campy" and said "I Like Campy - Got It". He was lurking tonite & it was fun.


Anonymous said...

The motorcycle picture wasn't original to Adam either.
People tried to get him to say what State he was in, but he wouldn't answer.


Anonymous said...

Remember that interview that had quick short answer choice questions:

Interviewer - "Business or pleasure?"
Adam - (without hesitation) "pleasure"

Bet he's with Sauli haha

Anonymous said...


Easy to know what state WE are all in....STATE of ADAM ADORATION......a lovely state.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Adam can like the cover if he chooses. I don't think it is "campy". She had a chance to make a statement about being " born this way", and did not. To me this is a serious subject, for alot of people. But I didn't like the video either. My Opinion.


HK fan said...

that Lady Gaga copy/paste thing is very interesting, bit of an eye opener really.

Anonymous said...

@adamluv. After years on the computer I just learned to copy and paste. It's fairly easy just hightlight the link on your top browser-hit ctrl-c key- then come back here and comment and hit ctrl-v. it should paste here.

Anonymous said...

Couple days ago I listened to ABBA after a very very long time. As I was listening to every single tracks in my mind I was saying to myself over and over again that OMG GAGA sounds so much like them. Gaga is a total copier from her name to her looks to her music. So many people were telling me couple years ago that she is copier and that stock in my mind. Sooner or later people will know it and she will fade out. She won't be another Madonna that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

Go to this link and see how many different artists she copied and paste. They should add Adam's motorcycle pictures to this list too.

Anonymous said...

She WILL fade out eventually and then relax in one of her many mansions and count her billions.
She has already made several run of the mill fortunes! thanks to me.....never a penny.

I think a lot of Adam's admiration for her is that she has the GUTS to do as she pleases, take it or leave it.............................JAK

Anonymous said...

Gaga will make $100 million or more this year. It's a done deal. If you go to YT to watch any video, Gaga's Born This Way is offered next.

Anonymous said...

I love Gaga as much as Adam- but I don't know what to say about the cover..

Anonymous said...

Gaga is going after fame and money and going downhill fast, what will you do after retirement so young? Counting bills and rot? Can't understand those pop stars, there are so much more you can do in life. And I think Adam is going into a different direction, a more meaningful lifetime career that definitively last longer.

Anonymous said...

Gaga said she wants to start a family. I think she has a man already.

glitzylady said...

I have, and like, both of Lady Gaga's first two albums, and I wish I had gone to see and experience her tour when it came through my area (Seattle), because I heard it was very, very good..As far as her next album, I guess we'll see. I like "Born This Way" and appreciate its focus and meaning, but not sure what I think of "Judas" her newest song...Have only listened to it once. She is certainly successful, no doubt about it, and it always amazes me that she is actually very young, just turned 25. She seems older to me. I think she also does some very positive things for the gay community, but she does seem a little more out there lately..but it remains to be seen where this all leads for her in the future.

I am hoping, like everyone here, that Adam has a long and brilliant career ahead of him..His options are many: singing, acting, modeling, TV, eventual spokesperson for any of a number of causes, Broadway, perhaps even some sort of Ambassador, as Angelina Jolie has become, and if he becomes interested in something outside of show biz..The possibilities are endless if he plays his cards right..Oh, and "Promoter of World Peace through Love and Tolerance for All"...Just to name a few..! I know this sounds a little like putting the cart before the horse, but in the future, who knows! In the meantime, waiting for that new music..enough for him to concentrate on for now...

Anonymous said...

When Gaga first come out, I have such a high hope and finally someone on the pop world does a descent job. But I am not sure anymore. Well, I still have hope on Adam, my eyes will be on him in the future.

Anonymous said...

Gaga is allowed to do pop music, but Adam should do something else? I smell conspiracy.

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, yes! Unlike so many other singers, Adam's future possibilities are almost endless because he is more than just a singer. He is a media personality, an actor, an advocate, a spokeman (whether he admits it or not), a social activist, and has potential is other areas of show business. BTW, there's a thread somewhere about being "more talented" if you play a musical instrument. Well, Adam has two instruments: his voice and his body. He doesn't need to strum on a guitar. It doesn't suit him at all. In fact, it would detract greatly from his stage presence. Adam, we're with you all the way!

Anonymous said...

If they tour together again I'll bet he keeps his hands off of Tommy's guitar!

Anonymous said...

The cover is certainly Lady Gaga. I'm not crazy about her new song; to me, except for the beginning, it sounds similar to her other songs. I like Just Dance and Bad Romance, and Born This Way is OK but not this one.

Anonymous said...

I think Gaga is a great entertainer and can really sing, but lately she seems to top herself to the extreme and think she will crash and burn if she doesn't dial back a bit. She seems on the road to collapse with pushing the envelope so hard. Loved her first 2 albums also and Born this Way, but Judas I'll skip. I think she is searching for meaning in life and seems very unsettled and driven. funbunn40