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Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen Leaving Voyeur 5-21-11.

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, May 27, 2011

Posted at : Friday, May 27, 2011

And more pictures of Adam and Sauli at the American Idol Finale:

Source: Adam Pictures


Anonymous said...

Sauli is such a cute little fart. Vry cuddly

Anonymous said...

Sauli holding a baby:


Anonymous said...

Aaaaahhhhh, these photos are BRILLIANT!!!!

Adam looks soooooooo HAPPY when he's with Sauli. Love to see our BB smiling. :D

Anonymous said...

YAY! Kris Allen is asked by Jim Cantiello which past idol alum he is most excited to catch up with and he says "Adam"!! I wonder if they chose to sit one behind the other at the AI finale?


Anonymous said...

12:59 AM
Well Sauli isn't THAT little, if u look at pics where Adam doesn't have high heels:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link. Kris was chattier than I remember him to be. The hug in the end was NOT the kind of hugs he chared with Adam.


Anonymous said...

New tweets from the guys:

Tommy - Howdy, Moscow!!! :)

Monte - Greetings from Russia! We're here!!! @adamlambert @tommyjoeratliff @IsaacTheCarp

And then - Who's getting pumped for tomorrow!?-Moscow 91'-Pantera-Cowboys From Hell @adamlambert @tommyjoeratliff @IsaacTheCarp

Pantera Tour In Moscow (Behind the scenes) @adamlambert @tommyjoeratliff @IsaacTheCarp


Anonymous said...

Tommy - "There are a bunch of fans in the street screaming the lyrics to "If I had you"... So fucking cute!!!!"
And someone wrote back - "Tommy.we r here and u see it.just open ur windown and say hello to us"
Sounds exciting!!

Anonymous said...

Of course Sauli looks drunk again. Can't wait til Adam comes to his senses and dumps this moocher.

Anonymous said...

So excited for videos from Moscow. Adam looks beautiful and so happy with Sauli. Thanks Cassie for updating us on the tweets.

Anonymous said...

sounds like they had a good trip over and the guys are siked up, the crowd is really in to them. What kind of place is the Voyeur?

Anonymous said...

5:11 I don't think Sauli is drunk, maybe two or three drinks. So what???? And by the way I have seen Sauli in drunk and then his eyes doesn't look like that. They are happy and have fun. That's enough for me. I love these pictures smiling and relaxing.
5:11 Do not get bored while waiting for their break up because it seems that they are seriously and so in love. Have a nice day anyway :)
Girl from Finland

Anonymous said...

Love the lollipop that Adam is holding ;)

And obviously Adam *likes* holding Sauli's hand. I also think that Adam has a bit of a size difference fetish ;)

Anonymous said...

Listening to Земфира right now... That is Zemfira... Talgatovna Ramazanova :-)
Oh, those Russians... I mean, Bashkirs...
So excited for our boys!
How do we say "Suz526" in Russian? I'd vote for cloning her!


Anonymous said...

If you get on a good mood when you drink then booze is ok. Can't stand people who have problems and start to argue after a few drinks.

Anonymous said...

feeling just like this:

Anonymous said...

5:11 AM - What's wrong with you? You don't need to live their life. That's not yours. You'd know Sauli is not a moocher if you knew him at all. I've said this some other place too and say it again that this Sauli-haters chorus (especially in US) sounds ridiculous here in Finland where we know our guy. And is Adam some angel who doesn't drink at all. Or is Sauli teaching him bad habits? I just can't believe that. Well, happy waiting for you.

Anonymous said...

Adam in Russia

Tommy has pink hair


Anonymous said...

love for Adam from Iran.

Anonymous said...

From twitter

BertFolieadeux julia
by AdamLambert_INA
Russian MTV crew was at the airport and filmed Adam's arrival and interviews Russian fans. It's going to be on Russian TV.
18 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply


Anonymous said...

@navika - Wow! Thank you! Did you take these photos yourself? Tommy's not only got pink hair, but is also completely shaven on both sides. Nice!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:11 AM What's your problem? Sauli is a sweetheart and kind person. Not bitter and mean like you.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:11am, Adam would not like anyone to diss his friends, particular Sauli is very important to him. If you can't stand their picture together, go somewhere else.

Thank God we have Russian fans on tweeter, can't wait for the concert.

Anonymous said...

Just saw the great pics of Adam & Tommy in Russia! It made me cry because ever since Adam was on idol I supported him cuz I believed in him, we know he has the most beautiful voice in the world, & when he was not awarded & to be recognized for his gift, I , we , have been fighting everyone especially the people of US, to give Adam the chance , to acknowledge him , & now he is in one of the most powerful countries in the world!! I hope that even if he may not be the rocker for them, that they will hear his voice! He's a one of a kind , a true blessing in this world! I cry because I am so proud of him, he's worked his ass off to be where he is at now!!
Just saw abc announcement of gaga on their morning concert , something is just not right about all of this. Is Adam going to be punished all his life for being who he is? For being true & honest? I feel some people (abc) are not going to hear Adam , give Adam a chance abc! I beg you!
Adam, be safe, have fun, & kick some rock n' roll ass!!! Always have love for you!! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

I hear you @Iran !! Love back at ya fellow Glambert!!! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

@8:18 who cares about abc they are not the only channel in the world. get over it.
Sauli and adam are a very cute couple and im happy that they are happy.

Anonymous said...

I don't know where some fans have got the idea that Sauli is living with Adam. I think he only visits him, possibly very often. I'm sure Sauli's employer has arranged him a place to stay in LA.

Anonymous said...

@8:28, I'm expressing my feelings for Adam!! YOU GET OVER IT!!
MWAHHHH!!!!!!! K meowwwwwwrrrrr!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I didn't mean to address my comment 8:48 to anyone on this thread. The fans on twitter are assuming that Sauli is staying in Adam's house.

Anonymous said...

5:11 AM - You can dance with joy! Sauli is soon in Finland to see his family. So you can breathe. He is not teasing your angel guy, who is in another country!

Anonymous said...

@8:59, have you ever noticed how preachy a lot of Adam's obsessive fans are about people being open-minded? But the second someone voices an opinion about Adam that's different than the one their obsessed about, they demand that the person bend to their view or hit the highway. Doesn't make sense.
You have every right to gripe abut ABC if you want to. You're right, THEY need to get over it.

Anonymous said...

@8:59- I also agree with you and have been pissed at ABC for two years now. It does hurt our adam because they have alot of musical shows, award shows, ect on thier station.

The Dark Side said...

Pretty sure Adam will be on many shows and networks when his new CD comes out. Has no new music to showcase at this time. The Russia trip is dealing with his growing international fan base. It's all good.

Anonymous said...

Yes 8:59, Adam's older dowdy women fans are preachy and try to control him. Can you imagine what it would be like to have them as a mom. Whew. Adam is so lucky to have such great parents. Adam looks so happy, and for me, that's what it's all about. When I looked at some of the picture of Adam on tour last year, he seemed introspective and melancholy. I'm sure he missed being in love, so so happy Sauli was there for him. Sauli seems to be a really good guy. I know Adam would not fall for a phony.

Anonymous said...


That pic of Sauli holding the baby is SO SWEET. Thanks for posting.

To all:

Another snarky thread. What is happening to this site? Yikes. We were going through such a nice phase for a while.

Truth: Sauli is shorter and smaller than Adam. I do NOT think the comments about Sauli being shorter is an insult to Sauli. He is a sweetheart. I think most all of us are loving him. But Adam does seem to tower about 6 inches over him and maybe even more when he had his hair high and heeled boots on...and he does have a larger bone structure. I am sure no one means it as an insult. I personally think Sauli is cute and happy he and Adam have found each other.

Truth: Adam and Sauli seem to enjoy evenings out. Let's not make judgement of how much they had to drink. No one, but they know. The pictures simply show that they are happy and seem to be enjoying themselves. I remember those fun loving days!

Truth: ABC has not invited Adam back. They may reconsider as he becomes a more dominant force in the music industry. He will succeed with or without ABC. He is doing just fine now without them. :)

Truth: According to an above statement, Sauli is in Finland now. A great opportunity for him to reconnect with family and friends. I bet he misses them. I hope that Adam has been able to arrange to meet Sauli after his concert and meet the friends and family of Sauli...and all the other beautiful Finns.

I just don't understand why people come to this site to hate on each other. We can disagree. We can do it without being insulting. Are we all getting a little cranky, going through withdrawl, not seeing new Adam concert videos daily?? :)

I am on this site ALL the time. But I may decide to rethink that. This infighting and snarkiness is getting a little old.

Have a nice day all. I am going to a happier place. :)


Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert ^_____^cute:
really cute

Anonymous said...

Girl from Finland ?

Anonymous said...

How can Adam's older, dowdy, preachy women fans try to control him? I don't understand this statement. Adam knows who he is and what he wants. He has one mother and that is all he needs and I am sure she is not controlling his life. I am sure that Adam appreciates all of his fans no matter what their age, but I don't see how they could control his life. They may express their opinions about something he does, the way he looks, etc., but that doesn't mean that Adam is going to change for them. He is his own person, out, about, and proud and seems to be very happy in his new relationship with Sauli. Only time will tell how long it will last, but for the moment Adam seems content.

Anonymous said...

If Adam had to read every interview, artcle, comment, blog site, etc. about himself, especially those which are negative and critical, he would go over the edge. He had a tough time in school and then once he came out, he worked his way into the music scene through various venues until he decided to try out for American Idol. And the rest as they say is history. He has said he doesn't want to become the poster child for the gay community, but somehow he has esp. with his appearance at the AI finale holding Sauli's hand. That was a major leap for him and it just shows how comfortable and happy he is with this relationship. I just think he has to keep his family and friends close to him and trust their opinions and reactions amid all the negativity and criticism that may come his way. Fame brings fortune and success but it also brings the opposite too which can destroy a weaker individual. Adam is strong and knows who he is and hopefully all the obstacles put in his way will be outweighed by the devotion of his fans and the success of his music. Rock on.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:11 AM; I don't think Sauli looks drunk at all. His smile is big, lovely and happy. They are coming from Markus Molinari's birthday party, I suppose? So, they both had a few drinks what I saw the earlier pics. But I think they are both just happily drunk. And is that our business at all? Calling Sauli a moocher is very insulting when you don't know him at all. How well do you actually know him, really? Adam has known him almost 7 months, so he probably knows better than you with whom he is dating and sharing his life at the moment. I'm sure Adam and his band are great in Moscow tomorrow!

Rebecca said...

thay are so adorable together just love them together.

My Life

Anonymous said...

The ABC/GMA/Gaga thing really irks me. Did they not see her performance on Idol the other night? Talk about pushing the boundaries. Oh,but wait.....I guess we should assume that they turn the other cheek when it comes to women and their 'in your face' exploitations.

I'm getting sick of the hypocrisy,however,and avoid any programming as much as I can from that network.

Hope Adam and the gang have a blast!!!

Anonymous said...

The View talked (at length for them) about Gaga's performance on Idol Finale and how their Standards&Practices didn't even allow them to show much of clip blah blah blah

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I am the first one to mention Adam's pants. Love love love them and the baby blue jacket is so hot.

Some of you up this thread think that Sauli visits Adam at his house??? Are you crazy? These young men are in love. Adam wants to wake up in the morning and have Sauli there with him and surely Sauli wants the same. Dollars to donuts they are living together.

Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight, Adam is a misguided fool who does not understand that he is being used by a short drunk Sauli and being led astray.
Adam is in danger from dowdy, preachy, old women who are attempting to control his life. Plus, these older women are undoubtedly terrible mothers.

Okay, that's clear. May I apologize for my futile attempts to run Adam's life in California and now in Russia from my home here in Florida.
Fortunately he seems to be smart enough to tear himself from my old wrinkled clutches.

And wonder of wonders he also seems able to see beauty in a nice young man who does not appear to be ruining his life, but enhancing it every day.

Russian fans please disregard the nincompoops
(oh dear how does one translate that?) that express themselves in such negative terms. We all love Adam and are filled with joy that your country has invited him to come and party...JAK

Anonymous said...

A message to the Finberts = Please don't judge the USA Glamberts by some of the hateful remarks you see above. I think at least 99% of us love Sauli because is making our BB so very, very happy. As for the remarks about Sauli being small or short - that's a good thing. Adam told us that he was looking for a partner who was "younger, smaller and very, very cute." He has found his man in Sauli and we are very happy for him.

Anonymous said...

The craziest thing said in this thread is about Sauli not living with Adam. Well you might think it is hedonistic but my husband to whom I have been married now for over 20 years also moved in with me immediately after we met when I still lived in Amsterdam, he had no money and we fell madly in love.I sure wasn't going to send him to a friend's house....
Anyway whatever anybody thinks about Sauli, Adam will not give a shit!
Also if negativity rules your heart you sure won't be receiving a lot of love in return.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

Lizard Eyes, do you know Sauli lives with Adam? I know there are fans who's priority is to find out just things like that.

glitzylady said...

@Sister @JAK and some others.
Thanks for your reasonable words. I have been coming here for over a year, and for the most part enjoy it. I have been called "The Voice Of Patience" by @Fan4Fun, but some of the comments on this thread and others really test that patience sometimes. Thank goodness my words aren't posted instantly as I type, because my "title" would have been gone a long time ago. And people would be saying, oh my, the words she knows.. as in @$%#^$#. LOL!!! I also have to laugh when some commenters talk about some of us being naive..nope, just diplomatic, and keep some opinions to ourselves.

I appreciate and agree with @Sister's points above. And @JAK's as well. One of the things that absolutely infuriates me, is the BS attitude that Adam's "older" fans (ie: middle aged women) are always 1. mothering him 2.exclusively want him to sing "acoustic" songs (BS) 3. want him to stop partying (also BS) 4. want him to wear less make-up, have different hair, lighter, darker,shorter, longer, Etc..Etc.....The list goes on. I fit into that broad category, and have many personal "Adam friends" who are also in there with me, and none of us have any things we think he should do differently (well, maybe do more concerts in our hometowns..). Sounds like age discrimination to me. I and my friends are fans of Adam Lambert BECAUSE of who he is, what he has done up to this point and are excited to see what his next album/music is like. I don't want him to "change", but I am very excited to watch as he grows as an artist, and as a human being. I love following him as he evolves in his music, his relationships, and his artistry. It's too bad that the negativity and nit picking takes over sometimes. Its to be expected out there in the "real world" of the uninitiated and sometimes bigoted. Some people just don't know him, and/or don't understand what we do about Adam Lambert, that he is to be respected and admired for who he is, and not hated for who he is, or what some people assume he is. I would love it if the age discrimination sometimes voiced here in this blog would disappear as well. I've been to my share of concerts and every concert goer, young or old, is there to hear Adam sing and see him perform. That is what is most important, along with his personal happiness, and success to the degree that is important to him personally. Everything else is secondary to me. He is indeed a grown man and makes his own decisions. Once in a while he might make a misstep, but who amongst us has not.

One more thing, and then back to real life: I think Sauli is a real sweetheart. He is attractive, warm, loving, funny, discrete, and not at all a gold digger, ie: just after Adam's fame and money. I don't know him personally, but from what I've been able to learn about him, he seems to be a wonderful partner for Adam..We'll have to wait and see where it goes from here, but they seem to be very much in love, and I find that quite beautiful. Let's celebrate that and be happy for Adam and Sauli.

These are just my opinions: feel free to differ.

Anonymous said...

Yes I know!

Lizard Eyes

glitzylady said...

@Anon 3:58 PM
I think its a fair and realistic assumption that Sauli is living with Adam, although no one knows for sure..Doesn't really matter. I could say I speak from personal experience about that but that would be giving away way too much personal information. LOL!!! Even if he has his "own" place, doesn't mean he spends a whole lot of time there...also maybe from personal experience.. ; ) This isn't the 19th century. Just sayin'. (Can't imagine they would spend even one night apart....and be in the same city...)

Anonymous said...

Thanks. I didn't know for sure whether they are living together, but now I know that they are.

Anonymous said...

I handed the baton back to you on another thread (when I thought your were gone for a while and then you returned)...and I am so glad I did!!! *literally rolling on the floor - tears coming down* You are hysterical! I do think though, in addition to the apologies to the Russians, we need to include the Finns, the Iranians, and the...well, I am sure there are others. JAK, I have to say you rock!

I hear ya! Sometimes my posts require pre-editting as well! LOL There is a lot of ageism here. You are right. There are a lot of -isms in general being thrown all over this site. And lots of assumptions about people from different generations, of different lifestyles, and from different countries around the world. I think we all need to be more conscious about that. I always appreciate your posts. :) And, I couldn't have said it better on this one.

I was pretty done with this site earlier today...but well, as you all see, can't get rid of me. HAHAHAHAAAA.

I finally came out from behind the cover of Anon, a few months back, and really enjoy the direct responses from others. I think it makes each of us just a little bit more accountable for our words here and creates more of a sense of community. Certainly we are still hidden behind a computer, but somehow adding Sister to my posts makes me think 2, 3, or 20 times about what I am saying. I would like to challenge everyone who posts as Anon to consider taking a name of your choosing to sign to your posts. There is an amazing internal shift that takes place when you do.

I think we all should remember Adam's words before we hit the Post Comment button...and that is "It's all about Love". If it doesn't come from a place of love, why post it?


laurieb said...

I have struggled with all the negativity surrounding Adam with news articles, blogs and fans of others.This has pulled me in so many dif directions as to what following Adam means for me. I come to Adam sites to get away from all that nonsense and to enjoy reading how Adam affects people, the same as he does me. I will fight for Adam, when and if it is called for, but his loving Sauli and Sauli loving him is NOT something we should be debating about. Because I love Adam Lambert, I will cry for him when he is sad and hurt, cheer for him when he is happy and content, and feel pride for him always because of who he is and and how he lives HIS life. What I wont do is judge him, for his choices and decisions.I am merely an observer to this phenom of a human being and am glad he is allowing me to be part of this wonderful journey.

Anonymous said...



Beautifully said. Thank you for that wonderful comment.


glitzylady said...

I second @Sister's comment.
Thank you for saying it so well. I agree with every word.

Anonymous said...

I think men that suck lollipops are sexy! I always like it when they lick....

Anonymous said...

Now this is more like it, everyone playing nicely together. It amazes me how quickly a thread can turn mean spirited....I left the Adam arrives at Moscow Airport thread cause it was getting too political and anti religions for me.

Now in real life I love a good political or rousing pro-con religion dust up, but this doesn't seem the time nor place.

I'm going to take my migraine headache to bed in a dark room with an ice pack and I think a cd of Elvis love songs.......they always leave me happy and feeling 20 or 30ish....Nite!....JAK

Anonymous said...

OMG - best pictures ever!! To see Adam and Sauli holdings hands and expresing their love so freely - I'm speechless.....absolutely beautiful. Love you guys!!!!! MMMmmmmmmwaaaaahhhh!! Go Adam go....... Thank you to all the beautiful Glamberts for joining me in respecting Adam's freedom of you all : )

Anonymous said...

The photo of Adam, and photos of Adam with Sauli are just GORGEOUS and they both look so HAPPY!!! <3

Remember folks, "good things come in small parcels". :)

I think it'd be rather strange if Adam and Sauli are not living together. They're grown men, not young teenagers. I am so thrilled for them in their love, for as long as it lasts, and wish them all the very best life has to offer them.

Anonymous said...

@11:12 STOP lumping people into categories. Naivete doesn't become you.

Anonymous said...

Sister, kudos to you for saying it all so well..there is something to what you said. If you put your tag name to your post, you do think more about how what you say will affect your readers here. Ugliness evaporates!


laurieb said...

Thank-you sister and glitzylady..