Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen Lunch at Real Food Daily
Filed Under (news,pictures,Sauli Koskinen ) by Admin on Thursday, May 19, 2011
Posted at : Thursday, May 19, 2011
Photos Via JustJared:
"Adam Lambert grabs lunch with pal Sauli Koskinen at Real Food Daily on Thursday (May 19) in Los Angeles.
The night before, the 29-year-old singer and Sauli visited Kat Von D’s tattoo parlor, High Voltage Tattoo, for some new ink."

"Adam Lambert grabs lunch with pal Sauli Koskinen at Real Food Daily on Thursday (May 19) in Los Angeles.
The night before, the 29-year-old singer and Sauli visited Kat Von D’s tattoo parlor, High Voltage Tattoo, for some new ink."

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"Pal" Sauli Koskenin..really? LOL!! sounds like someone Adam would go bowling with! Just funny...And they both look great as usual.
Adam's tweet about this (I suppose...) (Bottom to top...)
Don't get me wrong- not upset... Just sharing. :)
@purplegirll the funny thing is, these last two were a actually kinda cute
@isitreallybilly at first it was flattering. Now I'm like , "who the hell wants a boring picture of me walking to my car?
Man these paparazzi dudes are getting pesky. it's like having a rat problem. Anyone know where to get traps?
Men all the same, feel much happier after they eat. LOL. Prolly slept in and just had first meal of the day. Great pics. I don't think Adams day starts until the crack of noon, unless he has appointment.
That's a big tat..Look @ Adam's vein above the new tat..It looks like he had blood drawn or's so bruised.I sure hope he doesn't get an infection w/this new some people do.Well,I don't like it,but I guess Sauli does.Did any of you see Idol tonight?I like Scotty a lot,think he will win.Haley looked so shocked when she didn't make the top 2..Adam was disappointed,but said it was still"all good" cause he can't wait to hear more music from her( or somthing like that)
OMG Adam looks hotter every time . I know the paps are irritating, but he is very famous now and goes with the territory. It's the price of fame and he is only going to get more famous,a pain but worth it. Selfishly I like seeing these pics.
They seem pretty happy and pretty pretty!
That is NOT a small key, that's a key to the Tower of London tattoo!...........JAK :-(
Is that a pack of smokes that sauli is carrying? Hope not :(
Wow, do they look great and so happy. I looked at these pictures and just smiled too. It must be so annoying for Adam to just go out to lunch and have somewhere there taking your picture esp. now that he is with Sauli. At one time he probably went to Whole Foods, Real Food Daily, the local CVS,etc. and nobody bothered him. Well, all that has changed and his life will never be the same esp. with the paps around. That is the price one pays for fame and success unfortunately. And since we are such a celeb obsessed society with twitter, camera phones,the internet, etc. nothing is private any longer. It is great for us who want to see Adam and know what he is doing, but it must get to him esp. if he is only going out to lunch or shopping. Adam mentions something about pesky rats and getting traps, but it seems at times that he is in the trap and is the bait for all the gossip mongers and papparzzi out there.
his tat doesn't look too gawdy at all.
It does look like a pack of cigs that Sauli is carrying. A lot of Europeans do smoke, maybe more than Americans do. This is not good for Adam, you know second hand smoke,etc. I am sure being around smoke is not good for his voice either.
Adam walks down the street like a super rock god, how can anyone resist looking at him? He looks so happy with Sauli and that's most important to him.
I think in this case Adam is more amused than anything...It is probably still sort of funny for him to be just walking to his car and have people taking his picture..and he DID say these guys were kind of cute..I'm guessing the only time it really bothers him is when they are rude and say nasty things to him. Other than that, its business as usual for him these days. As we have said before, when they stop taking his picture, we start worrying..and I think he would too. LA is full of paparzzi, they know where the celebs hang out, and so we get the pictures. Not all bad!!! And he's looking very good...
Adam is looking mighty fine! Really does have the swagger of a Rock Star! C'mon, if someone as tall, dark and handsome as Adam walked right by you, wouldn't you just stare at him (just even for a second 'cause you don't wanna be rude?). Well, I know I couldn't resist...he's just so gorgeous. I like the tat, it is large but not overpowering...wonder what it symbolizes for Adam?
Haven't watched Idol yet but after reading a couple of these posts I think I know the outcome.
glad adam did not have the whole arm tattoed it does not suit his sweet face.
What is that mark above the tattoo? Bruise? Bulging vein. Omg, I need to do something better with my time. Lol
Hope Saule is not smoking in Adam's house...
don't want anything to happen to BB amazing voice...funny you eat healthy food and jog....and then you smoke...WTF
"Who wants a boring picture of me walking to my car????" MEEEEEEEEEEEE
I also noticed the bruised vein above Adam's tatt. He has a pretty good sized knot and it looks like the vein was punctured if blood was drawn. He may be getting physical and dental checkups while back in LA before traveling again. He obviously is happy with his new art work ans looks very happy. The papps can get pesky and it must get old. They must be staked out at every corner in Hollywood. He's really a good sport and makes the best of it. Sauli is a good sport too and is so good natured. They make such a cute, happy couple. funbunn40
If I saw someone walking down the street toward me looking like that, I certainly would do a double take. He looks great. Saw the tattoo, now I want to know what it symbolizes or means to Adam. Adam looks very happy and it probably has a lot to do with Sauli and his life in general which is moving along on the path to rock god superstardom.
Love that he stills has Mustang...hope he keeps it...reminder of how he killed AI....
I've seen older pics of Sauli smoking. he may still have the habit. If so, maybe Adam can help him quit. It's not easy. Years ago when I smoked, my husband never nagged, just said,"The kids and I are really going to miss you when you're gone." That was my turning point to quit and I did. I had a battle plan that really worked. No patches, gum, etc. just had to mentally attack it in stages. I have a plan for you, Sauli, call me! funbunn40
I smoked for many years before I quit and no one in my family or my friends smoked. I quit cold turkey and never looked back. Secret, you gotta want to quit!!! That said, none of my business if Sauli smokes, chews or whatever. Freedom of expression. btw Adam, the paps take your pictures because I suppose, yes we want to see a picture of you walking to your car. Really! and they don't have a patch for that!!!
Agree with 7:53 pm
Well, Adam, it's not just you walking to your car, it's those LONG legs walking to your car..
Adam was asked in an old interview about smoking. He said, "ICK!" Even if Sauli smokes, I can't see Adam starting. He respects his vocal chords too much. As for the new tat, I think it's just the beginning. He has said he wants a sleeve, and this skull-key thing could be what he'll build off of with more tats. As for the paps, I think he usually enjoys it, despite what he says. He has a healthy ego and likes to be seen. The paps follow him cuz he's gorgeous, fun, interesting, etc. etc. We should all worry if they STOP following him.
I never enjoyed kissing a smoker, bleh. Hope it's something else in that package
Does anyone else notice the GB isn't as obvious?
I think it's being well looked after, haha
Great pics of two very handsome men. Yes they do look happy together. Adam now has a friend he can take home, and not be all alone. He has many friends, but they have their own lives. Sauli is better than taking home a puppy,LOL Hopefully he Sauli will quit smoking, but Adam would be the last one to ask him to stop, he would say everyone has a right to do their own thing. We will all see how this turns out after the album is finished and where Sauli fits in when Adam tours. Hope not like the last boyfriend, when they separated because of tours.
Yeah, that must be a packet of cigarettes Sauli is carrying. I'm surprised Adam doesn't seem to mind considering he doesn't like cigarettes. Maybe Sauli doesn't smoke in the house and cleans his teeth before they kiss. Oh well, I guess they'll work it out and as they say, love conquers everything.
does Sauli have a job? he's up the ass of Adam Lambert in every pic. people need to get over their love affair and talk about the American economy or something. geez
Adam doesn't have time for a boyfriend. He is famous and will stay on the road. No time for a love life when you are playing Rockstar. all the groupies around he won't be commited.
Adam needs a chick to lay him. squirm worm squirm.
Adam was cruisin with some chick in the Pacific Palisades.
Suli Kooskinoodle.
Adam needs a good set of female hands on him one time. rub him right!;-)
The key tatoo could stand for the key to unlocking his heart; now so happy with Sauli, his heart is truly open to let in and give back even more love and joy; quite related to his infinity tatoo.
-Lam my
talk about the AMERICAN ECONOMY..No Bloody Fear I'm ENGLISH...
some of you guys making me laugh with bursting veins and smoking..Adam has had a few spliffs in his time...he knows the score regarding looking after his voice...he aint dumb..he knows his limits...stop
Glambrit IOW UK
Sudam Koskibert or Adauli Lamskinan.
Just looking at the pics again, and noticed how close all the cars are parked on the street. I can't back into a parking space like that. I guess I would have to take the bus, or not live in LA. It is possible that these pics were taken by a fan, most cel fones have cameras. If they asked Adam would say fine take any pics.
I'm Polish like a sausage. dip me in mustard and devour me gently.
I'll have Kooskinoodle with meatballs. sounds good!
did adam get laid before he went out for food? his hair is a damn mess or the wing is very strong. Damn I'd do it!
his hair has wings!!! I'd still do it!
fuck off troll before 24/7 throw you off!
I'll have an order of Lambchops with Kooskinoodles on the side. yum eat up!
anon 9:22 kiss my ass you troll!
where's all the duminators at? this place is full of trolls. call the exterminator!
Typo: tattoo
-Lam my
Men have more of a sex drive than women, known fact. If you get two men together well!!! I leave it up to your imagination LOL
the key could stand for a key to my house. he can put his key in my hole anytime. you hear me Adam? turn your key in my hole!
anon 9:28 that is gross.
its time for 24/7 to pull the plug on the lowlife troll
I'm getting turned on by all the nasty on this site. more more more!
I wonder if he would come clean my carpet?!!!!
fuck this site! nite nite biyatches!
Adam...seriously, you really need to ask 'who wants to see a boring picture of me walking to my car'....don't you know us by now?
Is this site some kindergarten? Playing with "funny" names and sexual fantasies. These comments are so childish that there must be very young trolls here. Am I wrong when I thought this site was for Adam's fans? Doesn't look like it anymore.
They are so happy together. Two wonderful guys. This is True Love.
Brad and Drake smoked.I wonder if Adam likes it.
Anon 11:17 PM Yes, they look so happy!
They certainly look happy together and I like how open they are nowadays.. Adam calling Sauli as my guy and boyfriend.. Can´t stop smiling a goofy smile when I look at this photos..
And yes Adam, here´s another one who really enjoys watching "boring" photos of you walking to your car.. Only hope that paps aren+t too rude..
And Sauli, oh he is handsome as hell. Only if he were taller he could be a male model. I actually find him better looking than Adam, although Adam is more masculine. They make such a great couple..
Pollution in those major cities in US are much worse to your sinus than second hand smoking for gods sake !
What comes to the scent of tobacco, i loved it when i sat on the lap of my dad ( i dont smoke ) when i was a child (father never smoked inside the house )and i still do.
Sligo lambert ^________^ cute:
adam always cute and handsme yes and every time pretty
Sligo lambert ^_______^ cute:
I love adam styl and clothes ^^ i know in just jared ppl love he
In Finland it's normal that if you smoke you go outside to smoke also in winter time.
Anon 3:14 AM That's right. Its rude to smoke inside. How it is in USA?
looking good Adam and Sauli..just saying there are no boring pictures of Adam ..ever!
Love the photos!!!! Sauli watcha smokin??? Maybe for dessert you could pick some cherries ha ha-- check out the sign!!!!!!!!!
they don't go together. It is like mutt and jeff.
Second hand smoke is very damaging to health (and Adam's voice). Whole cities in the USA ban smoking now (except outside or at home), i.e. Frankfort and Lexington, Kentucky. Is Sauli living off Adam? What is it that he does, exactly? Don't find him attractive in the least. He also seems to drink a lot. Have been trying for a long time to find something about him to like, other than Adam does seem very happy. Not a Sauli fan. Sorry. I do realize there is no accounting for taste. :)
Kentucky Fan
Such a hypocrites, its so common that men go to titty bars and next day to the church.. such a hypocrites.. everything is well with our lives right?
Troll city.
Kentucky Fan you don't know Sauli but I do and I love him.
Kentucky Fan; You don't have to be Sauli-fan. He's not your boyfriend. Sauli is on vacation at the time. He made on April webshows for a Finnish newspaper. He made long days and was not drunk at all. I think Adam drinks too when they go to clubs. Sauli has said that when he meets a person about whom he sees that he/she does not like him or his values and thoughts, he wouldn't care less. Such people are air to him. And Sauli's father said once that a person who can't get along with Sauli, must look at the mirror. Well, you can't like everyone. But you can't also fortunately choose people with whom other's date. On the other thread you were worried if Sauli uses Adam's money/suppors him. Don't worry. Sauli's father might borrow him some money if he spend all he got from his jobs in Finland and in US (Tutka Roadshow). And on the other hand, is that even our business?
8:20 AM; There's a mistake, sorry. I meant that Kentucky Fan was worried that Adam supports Sauli (not the otherwise). Well, I must say that the more I've seen Sauli in older and new videos, the more I've fallen in love with him. From BB 2007 there are many vids where he was drunk, but he said afterwards that they got drinks only in weekends and had parties like many young people in the weekends do. Like paps pics, these vids seem to interest people more than those where he is sober. I specially like the one YouTube -video where Sauli bakes rolls (buns?) with his friends. That's called: Saulin ja Riitan pulla-akatemia. Yeah, it's a fact that you can't please everyone.
6:12 AM: But they are together. That's a fact. No matter how funny you think it is. And this moment is important for them. Nobody knows the future. If the looks of Sauli does not please you, maybe Adam sees him otherwise and sees also the inner side of a person. Adam is a wise man. And Sauli has said that they are quite similar people and have similar thoughts. And I've seen in many vids that they like to laugh and smile a lot. I think that is more important than length of your legs.
To all concerned: I am very happy that 29 year old Adam is in love at his age. All 29 year olds should be in love. Very heartwarming. It would make me very sad if Adam were lonely or had his heart broken.
Kentucky Fan
I don't think Sauli is a heavy smoker. Besides, Adam smokes pot and the US fans fully accept it. Sauli should be able to smoke a regular cigarette every now and then, without anybody judging it.
I find Sauli very hot in these pics! His jeans are so tight that the cell phone nearly falls out. I have seen Sauli many times in a club and he´s got CHARISMA I can tell!
When Sauli was living in the BigBrother house his pal Niko could not keep his hands away from Sauli. And Niko is very STRAIGHT boy with a woman. It was Niko who wanted to kiss Sauli every little while.
I´m so happy for their love! And to hear Adam call Sauli "boyfriend" made my day!!
New Pants Honey??????
@Kentucky fan
You're entilted to your opinion re Sauli......would just like to add that I don't agree with it, I find him very attractive with lots of charisma...
May 20, 2011, 6:14 AM, Kentucky Fan - You say: "Have been trying for a long time to find something about him to like...". About the looks: Don't you like the blue, dreamy eyes? Or even smile? About the personality: Don't you like the facts that he laughs a lot and doesn't take things too seriously, that he gets along with all kind's of people very well, that he tries to find always funny aspects about things, that he loves to dance and sing (although he's better dancer than singer:), etc.? If not, it's your loss. In YouTube there are lots of great vids about him (and Adam). For instance Bubbly (with Niko), Lambski Bound to you and Jungle Drum. They give on hint about his character.
I love to see any pictures of Adam...even "boring pictures of him walking to his car"! I especially love candid pictures of him like these when he looks so happy - and so hot!
Anon 6:12 PM Yes and don't forget that he loves to hug and is a kind person so I find it also very strange that Kentucky Fan doesn't find anything about Sauli to like.
So cute! Adam loves also to hug so I guess there is a lots of hugging.
9:28pm - that's where my imagination goes on a regular basis and ..... it is so surprisingly mesmerizing!! He does not seem to mind these pap shots. I really think the parking ramp experience was different - their way to the car was blocked and those damn ramps feel spooky anyway without snarky creeps leaping out and backing you into a corner. I thought he was actually pretty nice about what must have been kinda threatening.
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