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Adam Lambert Likes Lady Gaga's 'Judas' Music Video

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, May 6, 2011

Posted at : Friday, May 06, 2011

Watch Lady Gaga's music video for 'Judas' below:


Anonymous said...

"Bound To You" (AdamxSauli) video is far more better than this Gaga's music video.

There are things money can't buy.

Anonymous said...

nice video- how about the voice-seems like no substance always provocative video from GAGA.

Gagafan said...

Lady Gaga is the ruler of the universe.

Carlos said...

Meh. She doesn't even acknowledge Adam so I won't even pretend that this is a great work of art.

LP said...

Thank God, GAGA is not the ruler of the universe. I am so tired of her musical satires about religion. She has no respect or taste .Sorry Adam It was totally in bad taste.

Anonymous said...

Gaga has no sense of balance between bad-girl, good-girl. She always wants to be the shocking bad girl and it gets old quick. The songs all sound similar, the dancers look similar, same movements, etc. I hope Adam gives us a better balance of music and video styles. He's capable of so much more than what Gaga is spewing out.

Anonymous said...

Gaga's Judas video cost 10 millions to film and it is very costly to make such video like this, should be much much better. I think it is more artistic than BTW if excluding the the religion and the death theme, that means nothing left to talk about.

Anonymous said...

Madonna did this all decades ago in "Like a Prayer".
Adam is such a fan boy when it comes to Gaga so he looks at her differently then most of us.
We all understand don't we......

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

Adam has not forgotten that she gave him "fever", so she will always be his friend. I hope he isn't waiting for another track from her, he can do it so much better and classier.They wouldn't even play "fever" on the radio"too risky"

Anonymous said...

I just drowned in the swamp of the gagaish religious symbolism... She does 'vomit her mind', doesn't she? But then again, don't we all? However, I think she's copycatting herself, of course, all great authors (read: egos) quote from themselves. :-)
Well, I'll see you all in the next life!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

can not believe how fast Adam's #'s are dropping in the ultimate idol at Q102....

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I think both the video and the song suck big time!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

There is a weak spot inside our Adam what it comes to certain ladies in the music business. He praises them to heaven. Some GaGa music is very clever and captivating. Some not so. This GaGa thing is something we/I do not know or understand about Adam. But fine, she's important to him in a way or another. I'll respect that. Ronnie

Anonymous said...

Sorry Adam, I don't like GaGa anymore. She started out with some catchy tunes, now they all sound the same and mocking religion is old hat, Madonna did it long ago. She doesn't seem to have it together any longer. Shocking folks only last so long.

The Dark Side said...

This video has it all! Sex, men, the usual underwear shots, hot motorcycles, Hell's Angels,or their look a likes, Jesus baptizing Gaga, Judas doing not sure what, 2" fabulous sculptured nails, FU to religion in general, and not that hot music. Still pretty spectacular, which what Gaga goes for. What was the rush getting this video out, the last one still newish. Oh well, she's got the dough to do it, but why???

Anonymous said...

I respect Adam and his opinions. He's certainly entitled to them. Perhaps he's trying to make up for her birthday party fiasco which, by the way, she never came to his defense. However, like so many comments above, I'm so not a fan of Gaga. Agree that some of her first videos were entertaining, but I think she's going too much for shock value now. Ah well, she'll probably end up with a #1 hit again. Go figure --

Anonymous said...

Don't like the song. She has an incredible voice,but this song does nothing to showcase it. The video is just like all her others.....she's half-naked. **Yawn**

Sorry Adam....I don't agree with you. I still love you and appreciate you for supporting your fellow artist,however. I just wish others would reciprocate the nicety.

Anonymous said...

All Gaga's music is sounding the same to me these days. I think Adam does respect her creativity and performaning on the edge. I am sure he also appreciates that she gave him Fever.

On the other hand, when he tweets any celebrity name it goes on their twitter feed and that means lots of that celebrity's fans who follow the feed are seeing his name. I am sure he loves Gaga, but he is very clever and stategic, and I suspect that nothing he does regarding promoting other artists and songwriters and producers is without thought to his increased visibility too. He is a smart cookie. He is unselfish in promoting his artistic friends, but I think the "big names" are tweeted more strategically. Part of why I love him. He's really smart. Just my humble opinion.

Anonymous said...

I'm ONLY guessing, but if was a rush to get this out' my guess would be as close to Easter as possible... 10 million? Really? I never understand her videos... they do seem to have all the same moves. At least in this one she had interesting costumes and LOOKED prettier than she did for Alejandro. WHAT the hell was that?? Spanish inspired Abba-sound-alike (Fernando) but with German looking Gestapo characters, and was it the intention to make her as UN attractive as posible?? Job well done if that was the case.

Anonymous said...

When you are putting out forgetable music you have to push push push......they don't stay popular long..........POP is right now!!!!!
It passes pretty quickly.

Gaga was an interesting novelty but now my interest has disolved. She has talent but is coasting now......needs to set aside the "side show" and write some real music again. She is a capable person.

She needs to remember that Elton gave up his goofy glasses and outfits (though they were fun for awhile) and became a serious composer of some classics that will last.

Adam has said he's moving on from Glam Nation into something new....can't wait for Act II.
Now as to his tweet, he said it was" a work of art." The production value is really good, talented dancers, costumes, sets, all show what
money can buy. So assessment was reasonable.

In my opinion he complimented what he could honestly. But if my untrained ear could hear big chunks that sounded like past songs surely his ears could. I've noticed that in her last three songs!

Maybe it's hard to move on when you are still making LOTS OF MONEY!!!!!!..............JAK

Anonymous said...

I wonder if her popularity with the young crowd would falter if she just stood on stage and sang a ballad without the outrageous costume and crazy stage props. How would she ever be able to leave this circus act that she has created and still bring in millions? I think part of her appeal is her outrageousness.

Anonymous said...

Go to q102 Ultimate idol and VOTEEEEEEEEEEEEE

FOR ADAM......he's up against Clay A just one

more week to final...GOOOOOOOOOOO

Anonymous said...

Apparently Gaga will mentor next week's AI. Here's the article:
What's nice about this article is the last sentence:
"I'd think the Scotty-Gaga meeting has the potential to be the most awkward Idol-mentor moment since Randy Travis met Adam Lambert."

Anonymous said...


Oh, that's funny.......Randy and Adam were a mismatched pair weren't they? Maybe I'll watch.
Gaga and Scotty boggles the mind!........JAK

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


I left you a "story" on Adam and Raja thread!
........................................JAK :-)

Anonymous said...

Boring crap as usual!

HK fan said...

@Cassie, I also just saw something about that this morning on VH1, only glanced at it, but I thought they said she would be 'dropping' her new song. That would make 3 in it seems as many weeks, yet Adam hasn't had one since last July!!!
As to this video, I prefer it to the last 4...and the song sounds better until the break in the middle where shes in the big bird bath the the 2 guys. But all her songs follow the samesound and format, as do her videos, they all have her dancing in her undies doing the same moves regardless of the theme of the song, weird hairstyles, weird makeup and lots of blokes. No doubt it will sell millions...

Anonymous said...

i can't get gaga and never will.

Anonymous said...

What does the video matter if the song sucks? And I agree with the person above who said it's so PRETENTIOUS. Are we supposed to be shocked at the sacreligious imagery? YAWN. Madonna did it first. Bad enough her last song sounds like a ripoff of Express Yourself. Gaga needs to get over herself. She's not some revolutionary genius, just another pop singer. She's a legend in her own mind.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert escénicas en Quebec

"Adam will Perform at the festival of Sainte-Agathe, Quebec, Canada on July 29th, Confirmed That her boyfriend, Sauli, has-been signed to work in the Finnish Radio (Aalto's) based in Los Angeles as''entertainment reporter.''It Expect the Finn is to cover the news related to celebrities and events, as it is familiar with the red carpet. The Good News Is That the dog couple spend more time together! :) As for the Festival in Quebec, where, Adam act .. is a musical event of five days will feature major artists and major fireworks display in an ideal location as it is des-Sables Lake, near a beach Called Tessier. Tickets Are Not for sale Nearly three months in advance of the event, so fans of Adam's friends with the Opportunity to Attend Must purchase passes 48 hours before the show or get onsame room ... I is ready for a Capacity of Between 5.000 and 10.000, Depending on the show. We Have the intuition That Suz526 make Every Effort to Be at the concert to Give Us, Once Again, images and videos you all wait with anticipation"
Spanish English Translation

LP said...

After re-reading Adams tweet to Gaga, he has a point, the video was good. It was the singer and the religeous disrespect, and no brain attached to an ugly face, that I didn't like, otherwise it was as Adam said awsome. She should have donated the money she spent on it to one of Adams charities.

Anonymous said...

I respect Adam's opinion always but I don't seem to understand the "art" in this video. The song is boring to me. I can see with the amount of extras, dancers and costumes that it must have cost huge amounts of money to produce. I like the song Born This Way much better. It had an easier message for most people to relate to. I don't see why GaGa has to get in to religious themes in a pop song. That's just my opinion though. I would definitely not buy the song or video. Sorry, Adam.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well, if this was ever shown here, sorry, but I don't remember seeing it. A terrific interview from a year ago:


Anonymous said...

Gaga's ship has sailed if you ask me. Not enough substance. I agree with above comment that I don't think she'd make it if she just stood there and sang. She doesn't have the vocal chops. Adam DOES, of course. Also, as far as Gaga coming out with so many new songs so often and Adam has nothing new since last year... Well, give me Adam's QUALITY over her QUANTITY any day! More isn't always better. I'll wait for Adam's new cd, knowing it will be quality singing. There is depth to Adam's personality that really touches people.

Anonymous said...

Yea, I agree with most posters here. I think she has an amazing voice, but would love for her to dress normally and just sing. I liked her antics in the beginning, but they didn't seem so
OTT compared to lately. Don't get the religious stuff, nor the lack of clothing. Maybe she grew up in a closet and was forced to read the Bible aloud all day and night, so she is rebelling...


Anonymous said...

GaGa is trash. GaGa's video is trash. Point made.

Anonymous said...

Adam has so many good songs on his FYE cd, why doesn't his mgmt. release more? What is the criteria, anyone know? Thanks

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

GaGaSpOrKcHoP Vania.M
by toptweets
You havent experienced TheMonsterBall this shows 30,000 Monsters with their PAWS UP So Put them UP HIGH N REMEMBER

Anonymous said...

Gaga has been pioneering to a degree and not lets forget Fever is rather good - but she will have a challenge to continue to deliver because she is known for going outside box - this song is rather dull and sound very similar to others. I think she needs to jump off rollercoaster for a while and reassess cos she is going to factory chain route. She needs to take lead from AL and focus on vocals and good songs now.


Anonymous said...

Yes,this video sounds like"Bad Romance" somewhat( I used to like that,tho)plus some of her other songs( & Madonna's past hits) Maybe Gaga has read some blogs,& decided to go with a third single for her Idol performance.I guess she'll make a new video,too..hope it's very different if she does.

Anonymous said...

Not all that crazy about the song - the chorus sounds similar to "Bad Romance" which I love - but the video is definitely a work of art so I understand and appreciate why Adam commented in that vein. Not keen on the religious slant though.

I'd be more than happy if Adam collaborates with Gaga again. "Fever" is one hot track and should've been released as a single imo.

Anonymous said...

I find GaGa funny. Her Catholic girl education and upbringing has so much influence on her music and it's very funny. The Catholics have made billions $$$ making people feel like guilty chumps for so long (while many of them get away with crimes) that it's time Someone like GaGa stick it to them!

kathybags said...

I think it was bad!!!i was also wandering what was going on with American idol and Hayley singing that GA GA unrealest single.J ENNIFER LOPEZE seemed annoyed with the bad advice given to Hayley!!!Was GA.GA. using A.i. for promation?,or is she worried about Hayleys voice? BEING BETTER THAN HERS It smells fishy to me.I hope it goes well for Haley

Anonymous said...

I hope Gaga isn't romanticizing the criminal Hell's Angels :/

Anonymous said...

One of GaGa's 'Little Monsters' here! GaGa is GaGa, totally unique, out the box and an amazing entertainer.
Plus GaGa has her album due out May 23rd and a tour has been mentioned.

Anonymous said...

When GaGa performs she brings it all to the stage! She is amazing! When Adam performs he
too does the same! Just pure brilliance.

Anonymous said...

OT.......some topics won't let me comment

I get this message....service unavailable...error 503

anyone else with this problem???

Anonymous said...

Could some sweet Gaga's Monster advertise Adam's Glam Nation Live cd/dvd on Gaga fansites, too. Thanks. :)

Anonymous said...

I didn't watch the video. GaGa scares me.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that performers including Gaga, Pink, Katy Perry, Rihanna, Bruno Mars to name a few, keep putting out song after song with a video, and yet Adam Lambert seems to have stopped with anything else from his FYE album? Is it management, lack of money, lower than expected album sales...what is it? Here we have the greatest vocal talent in the music industry today(in my humble opinion), and his career seems to be at a standstill. I know he is working on his second album and just recently finished his GNT international dates, so what is the reason?? Gaga is just too pretentious, too over the top, too repetitious and I am tired of seeing her in a bra and panties as her costume. Where is the music industry headed nowadays? Some of these videos are just too much with the almost nude dancers, their gyrations, the sexual references, the language,etc. Is this what music is all about today:if it is I guess you can count me out.

Anonymous said...

They put out song and after song because they're the big dogs right now and their record companies know they'll sell millions. I so agree that Adam is under-promoted. He doesn't seem to be panicky about it, though. Or else, he's just confident that his new cd will do well. He doesn't seem to be in a frenzy about putting out song after song. Don't know whose decision it is, his own or his "management." Realistically, he's not at the top of the heap, like Gaga, Bruno, etc. even though his talents beat them all. All we can do is buy the new cd by the millions and prove the non-believers wrong. I'm confident he'll have his day at the top of the heap.

Anonymous said...

@10:34 AM & 12:16 PM! I think Adam is heading or aiming to be a MUSICIAN rather that a popstar. Like Adele and Sia etc. He concentrates to the second album and gives a couple gigs (Russia and Canada) during the recording process. He doesn't seem to be desperate or worried of the popularity. I agree, the quality counts, not quantity. Ronnie

HK fan said...

maybe thats RCA strategy, keeping Adam 'rare', nore like Michael Jackson, fewer songs, appearances etc, so that when he does do them they have a greater impact. I mean just look at the comments on here, how many of us are now getting very fed up with Gaga etc, doing more of the same all the time. We don't want that for Adam.

Anonymous said...

I think Gaga would lose fans if she toned it down, they like her the way she is.

Remember how disappointed some Glamberts were when Adam said he was leaving the glitter and OTT glam....that he had it out of his system.

Some still won't give up on the Adam-Tommy fantasy. I'm sure he's lost some fans because he's making a change.

Too bad for Gaga and Adam if fans only like them if they remain status quo. People (celebrities included) should get to grow and even take on a new persona.....................JAK

Anonymous said...

i agree with anon 10:34 adam's absence make the people to forget or they pick up another artists to support.

Anonymous said...

I liked Gaga's Bad Romance and Born This Way, even tho' the latter was very reminiscent of Madonna. Speechless showed her vocal skill and is one of my faves. This video, however seems repetitious, same dance moves,abundance of male dancers and shock value has worn off. The religious and death aspects are too obvious, trying to be provacative, and just seems more on the offensive side, falling flat, seen it before. It gets harder and harder to top the outrageous and it finally loses any impact. I also think Adam is loyal to friends and savvy in business and agree he gets noticed when promoting other artists on twitter. I also think Fever was a great gift from Gaga, as it was a good song and Adam loved performing it. I think Gaga will eventually settle into quality music, but is "making hay while the sun shines." When you have enough financial stability you can afford to do what you want. I think she's still searching for her identity and has a lot of insecurities. She has a lot of loyal fans that will continue to support her as we do Adam. The talent is there. Just my thoughts.. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I like carping about Gaga, but I also like to think that she's testing our level of humour. I still believe the birthday party incident and Perez gossiping about Adam being kicked out was meant to be a sort of publicity stunt, but it went wrong. The fans took it far too seriously. In my opinion, there's nothing more ugly than blind hatred.