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Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen: Maxfield Date

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, May 17, 2011

From JustJared:

Adam Lambert and pal Sauli Koskinen head to Maxfield for some shopping on Tuesday (May 17) in West Hollywood, Calif.

Source: JustJared


Anonymous said...

sauli looks so small or Adam looks extra big in these pictures.It looks windy. Is Maxwell near LA?

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine these two boys walking toward you? I think I would faint. LOL Gorgeous, both of them.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know how tall Sauli is? I would guess about 5ft 8?

Anonymous said...

That looks like a GQ man.

Anonymous said...

See the heels of Adam's boots? I think Sauli is about 4 inches shorter...(without the heels)

Honey said...

Sauli isn't that short, but with that outfir Adam must be 6'3. They both look very rock star-ish, but I love the way Adam always goes a little further than a normal fashion users with his sheer shirt, printed pants and heel boots.

They look kinda miffed, but it looks like this "photo-op" lasted only a second.

Anonymous said...

Just Jarid article short but nice, I think I like his work. Comments start off nice then get snarky. LMAO.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is 173-174 cm:s long. He doesn't look so tiny in all pics with Adam. Must be Adam's boots and camera situation that makes this illusion. Adam is much bigger, though. Lovely guys!

glitzylady said...

Just saw this photoshopped and clever picture on Twitter...Not sure who did it so can't give credit..but they DO like a little like a couple of fashionable super heroes! (I think the background is from Adam's Time For Miracles vid??? Not sure tho..too tired to look it up..) LOL!! And OMG!!! Love Adam's look in these pictures, hope the paps were nice..Adam and Sauli don't look very happy..but I DO hope they know how much I love seeing them and how GOOD they look...

Here's that other picture:

Anonymous said...

Sauli is actually shorter, 171 cm ( 5'6). They added few cm to his model portfolio height, otherwise he would have been way too short for be booked :)

Anonymous said...

Sauli looks (extra) small in these pictures, because he is in the background.

Anonymous said...

Re the heading. They live together in the same house, so u can't anymore say they are dating.

HK fan said...

@anon 12.55
yes you can, I know lots of married couples that still have 'date nights'.

Anonymous said...

There are quite mean comments about Sauli at Just Jared -site (concerning thes pics). It allways amazes me how people can be so mean and hate someone they dont't know at all. I know, I must ignore them, but it just hurts.

Anonymous said...

Adam is 6'-1" so with the boots, he's got to be 6'-4" or so.
That shop is called Maxfields. Amazing clothes for men and women. Always super quality but with an edge.
That shop is right on the edge of west hollywood and beverly hills. Unbelievable clothes.
Do not pay any matter to what blogs say about these two fantastic guys.
Believe your eyes!
Two gorgeous, wonderful guys that majorly care for one another and who are trying to live a creative successful life while also trying to be normal.
You will always see Adam in front, heading straight into the pap fire, almost to protect his loved ones.
He could kick those cameras right out of their hands in one fell swoop, and i'm sure he wants to, but will not.

Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert ^_______^ cute:
adam so handsome cute

Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert ^____^ cute:
i love he stayl

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli look wonderful together. Anyone notice Adam's pant? Is that new? He looks huge here with Sauli. You know, that's how sexy rock God, everything is HUGH. LOL!

Anonymous said...



I can't handle Adams sexiness anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need my medication shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is so freaking hot and a ROCK GOD BEAUTY!!!!!!!

Adam if I die right here in front of my computer I promise I will hunt you forever ha!ha!ha! Enough is enough but I can't!!!!!!

Why I'm so obsess with u ha???????? You are like drugs and no cure.

YOU OWN MY HEART AND SOUL damn it!!!!!!!!

Love u forever!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can just see him strutin... ...what a "hunk of burning love"

Anonymous said...

A gorgeous confident man. Love his outfit.GQ eat your heart out. What a cover this would make!

Anonymous said...

Escaping apocalyps?

..or just an ordinary car explosion

Is it Batman and Robin or Neo from Matrix

Anonymous said... gives out lots of info. 31,000 copies of GNL dvd have been sold. It's 50,000 to get to gold. Let's get Adam's DVD to gold. I would have thought with all his fans a lot more would have sold. It is such an awesome DVD, reliving the concert or getting to watch it if you didn't have the chance to see him live.

Anonymous said...

Buy the fantastic DVD everybody. Let's get Adam his GOLD. Best money I ever spent.

Anonymous said...

I can easily picture him with a long leg supermodel wearing the same leggings on a stroll down Melrose. that is hot!

Anonymous said...

Adam needs a leggy female that can pull off those rocker looks!:-) he needs to test the waters a little. Kesha would devour him in that outfit.

Anonymous said...

isn't Adam smitten with Ellen Paige. dates boys fantasizes about females.

Anonymous said...

he wants the best of both worlds...

Anonymous said...

I bought 2GNL DVDs. & yes it is fantastic! Best DVD ever! The DVD/cd was a very smart business move. But yet why haven't more fans got it? From those who do have it, trust us , it is a DVD worth the investment. Well, Adam is worth the investment.
Love Adam in these pics. He looks very cooool!!! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

A lot of leggy supermodels come from southern Brazil..

Anonymous said...

the mention of the word "woman" causes squirming on this site. funny!

Anonymous said...

Adam has a favorite song titled "Woman". how ironic is that?

Anonymous said...

so many women that wanna feast at the table of The Glam one. he needs to let his guard down and admit he likes it.

Anonymous said...

Thank God for paps. My soul is full when I see such gorgeous-ness. Adam is used to it and handles it well. (Enjoys it, I'll bet.) Let's hope and pray that the paps NEVER lose interest in Adam. That would be a bad thing.

Anonymous said...

Who are you people? I thought we'd settled Adam's orientation. And Sauli is Adam's type and adorable. Don't you think if Adam wanted a woman he'd have one or 500! Leave him alone!

There's the chimney sweep ragged coat again but the pants are new......what is that pattern....
mould? Well it looks better on Adam than growing up a damp wall!

I like the "don't mess with me now" look he's developed in self defense. Even celebrities need
off duty time. Stay safe sweetie!.......JAK

Anonymous said...

Adam has women secretly. shhhhhhhh don't tell.

Anonymous said...

You think that a woman who slept with Adam wouldn't sell the story for millions ?????

She'd be on every news channel and in every magazine telling all the details!

She'd be the next reality Star!!!!!

Get real!...............................JAK

Anonymous said...

7:19 AM; Why does he need an equal? For you to be happy when watching pics? Once again it begins. The talk about how Sauli is not good and good-looking enough for our precious boy. Adam is 29 years old MAN. What if they are equal inside? Sauli told last week that they are quite similar persons and think very much same way. It's allways Sauli's looks that is not enough for people. He is tiny, yes. He has not long legs, yes. But he is warm, nice and lovely personality. Why isn't that enough for you, if it's at the moment enough for Adam? Why don't you respect Adam's choices? Are you real fans when you only want to see Adam with some long-legged women or over-gorgeous-handsome men? I don't get this. OMG! Yes, I'm annoyed. And the hateful comments about Sauli in Just Jared -site, oh boy! Perhaps I must stop reading all this stuff and forget all about Adam, too.

Anonymous said...

What we think is completely irrelevant. Adam decides what Adam wants and needs. You all can't possibly believe your opinion matters ??? Wake up !

Anonymous said...

Adam & Sauli look very gorgeous together! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

Maxfields is on a stretch of Melrose in West Hollywood that is much more exclusive, and a bit more deserted, than the seedier part of Melrose that is further east.

It is super-expensive, features avante-garde designers like Rick Owens, Thomas Wylde and Yohji Yamamoto - and it's frequented by celebs and industry types who are making a lot of coin. Nobody lesser even walks in there, and like most of L.A., you will likely feel quite conspicuous walking in to browse unless you fit their "rich hipster" profile.

Must be weird for Adam to walk in to these places, knowing that he can afford some of these exclusive (over over-priced, IMHO) threads, and that the staff will fawn over him, when just a few years ago, he was likely shopping the thrift stores further east on the "honky tonk" stretch of Melrose. He definitely deserves it.

Kinda like that scene in "Pretty Woman," where Julia returns to the shop in Beverly Hills, only now she's toting the high-limit credit card, lol...

And yes, ladies, those of you who are imagining Adam fantasizing about sleeping with women, you're gonna likely have to get over it. I think he's great friends with a lot of women, and loves women. But not in the way you're hoping.

Anonymous said...

he could've bedded a woman when they were both drunk and she can't remember all the gory details. haha

Anonymous said...

Adam needs a woman to share his boas with? not what ya think.

Anonymous said...

Troll u seriously need to snap out of it. I'm saying this cuz people do care about you . Just think about your loved ones, I think they need you more than we need your hateful remarks here.. Please reconsider your path in life.

Anonymous said...

Seems funny that they dress up more to go shopping , than to go to evening out at clubs lol.

Anonymous said...

Sauli marry me! Who is that dude with you?

Anonymous said...

'Hubba hubba ring-a-ding-ding
Check out the legs on that good thing.'

OK, so I took a little poetic licence there but hey, Adam has a mighty fine pair of pins! :D He's mighty fine all over actually. <3

Anonymous said...

Once and for all, Adam has said he LIKES guys who are shorter than he is.

I'm 168cm tall and that's 5ft. 6in. but I'm not a male unfortunately. :-(

Magiclady said...

My Gawd! He is such a beautiful man! and Sauli's kinda cute too. Love them as a couple and just want Adam happy!

Anonymous said...

What is this all about? So mean people saying ugly things! Are you Adam fans, really? If I was Adam, I would not be very proud of you. Get a life people! Adam and Sauli have their own. And Sauli was at least a week ago "very happy". I must admit that I would like to marry Sauli if he was free and I wasn't a woman (well, and if I was a bit younger, LOL).

Anonymous said...

anon 9:23 that's really stupid.

Anonymous said...

I don't know where people got the idea Sauli moved in with Adam. just because he's in L A doesn't mean they live together. sounds like wishful thinking to me.

Anonymous said...

anon 9:45 stupid much?

Anonymous said...

all the lovers of Adam Lambert live with him. he even asked Allison Iraheta to live with him, but she declined.

Anonymous said...

kesha wants to move in but she would have to share a bed with Adam Sauli and all the pets. snakes included!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it hot in L.A.? How can these two wear black and jackets in that kind of weather? I'd be in shorts and sandals, but I'm not a rock star.

Anonymous said...

Okay 9:52, you must be joking. Allison and Adam? Please. You have a vivid imagination on all counts.

Anonymous said...

Sexiest couple ever!!! I can literally feel the chemistry between them...Sauli is quite a hottie!

Anonymous said...


Thanks JAK for keeping it real.

I have loved so many of these recent threads because they have been so respectful of both Adam and Sauli, and their relationship. Returning to the "be with a woman" talk is both delusional and disrespectful.

As JAK said, we have settled Adam's orientation. And, in fact, Adam has settled on HIS orientation. And his choice of men is ... Sauli.

If we adore Adam, as we profess, then we should respect his choice of partner as well. I think they look great together. Beautiful couple. This is what makes Adam happy. This is what makes Sauli happy.

So, let's just hold that thought and return to what is important...those very, very loooong legs in those very, very tight pants. OK then.


Anonymous said...

doesn't he have a boa that constricts?

Anonymous said...

AI quoted in Latina magazine of Adam asking her to move in with him. I know what I saw. get over it!

Anonymous said...

This thread is too silly for me, must be the last stages of insanity before the end of times Saturday. Bye.............JAK

Anonymous said...

I saw four people getting into a black car on Melrose wearing blue wigs, leather jackets, and man purses.

Anonymous said...

There's a troll out and about today. Nothing else to do except post inane rubbish. Can't get your kicks here, troll. Try somewhere else or better still, go back to your sandpit with the emphasis on pit.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's probably a clayplate or a dumbinator.

Anonymous said...

Adam said the woman of his dreams would be a combination of Bill Kaulitz, Chace Crawford, Leonardo Dicaprio, Ellen Paige, and Meagan Fox and with the voice of Xtina and the fashion sense of Boy George.

Anonymous said...

none of the above anon 10:16

Anonymous said...

This is really disgusting thread at the moment! What kind of a person gets satisfaction making such stupid comments about Sauli, Adam and women (Kesha etc.), boas. OMG! Must be very young or/ and very sick person and must hate Adam a lot. And 9:54 AM: What I heard there's been a bit rainy in LA (is that true?). And 9:48 AM; I don't know if they live together, but Sauli said last Friday, that they have some routines, they go together jogging etc. Of course this can mean that Sauli lives in hotel, too.

Anonymous said...

Just IGNORE this loony, folks.

GORGEOUS photos! <3

Anonymous said...

the rain in LA is washing out all the duminators.

Anonymous said...

@ 10.31AM

I may be wrong but I think there's no doubt that Adam and Sauli live together. I think we'd be naive to think otherwise, and I wish them all the love and luck in the world. :)

LP said...

How did this all start today? Unless you were there you do not know why Adam and Sauli are not smiling.There are certain papps that are rude and intrusive, that would wipe the smile off of my face. Another surprise, it seems that some people have just realized that Sauli is shorter than Adam, DUH. IMHO Sauli is very good looking and has a loving and funny personality, and on top of that ADAM LOVES HIM, and Sauli loves him back. ENUFF SAID!!!

Anonymous said...

if it's stupid don't read it.:-)

Anonymous said...

10:09 AM/JAK; I agree. I'm going too. This is terrible. Isn't there any moderator? Waiting for Saturday. Bye, bye!

Anonymous said...

Adam caught pitchin' woo on twitter.

Anonymous said...

terrible thread! I agree! boo hoo!!!!

Anonymous said...

Im sure these two guys are sharing sweet kisses and are having hot sex all the time. And don't give a fu*k about rude comments, least I hope so.

Definitely the hottest couple in Hollywood at the moment. xoxo

Anonymous said...

if snobs shop on Melrose, I would be the biggest snob there!!!

Anonymous said...

Two guys, great looking, out for the afternoon to do some shopping....that's it. They seem to be happy. Anything else is strictly speculation. Stop building all these scenarios/stories around some innocent pictures. Sure it's Adam and Sauli and we all love to see pictures of him or both of them together and that should be enough.( The weather in LA has been cooler and a bit rainy according to a forecast I heard.) Let's get away from these nasty, dirty, sexual references and just let it be. People using/making these references are just as bad as the papparazzi with their cameras chasing after Adam and his friends.

Anonymous said...

@1035 they do have these things called hotels and apartments. You have no idea where Saul or Adam lives or if they live together and neither does anyone else. Everyone assumed Drake would move in with Adam too but it never happened.

Anonymous said...

Well huh 90 comments while I was away in my "real life". Adam´s pants and boots are so cool!! It´s funny how Adam changes within no time from CUTIE to HOTTIE.


Anonymous said...

how many hands does it take to style the hair of Adam Lambert? 3

Anonymous said...

To the troll, @9:10, let me please correct your simple sentences. What you said should actually be thus said. "SK (Sauli) has gotten a SD (Sugar Daddy). Figure out that one". Please, troll, use 'a' in front of a consonant and never end a sentence with 'out'. You are giving away your simple education, therefore, your opinion does not bother us! And, no, I am not an English teacher. I just love Adam and Sauli.

Anonymous said...

No z in trousers! Will everyone who loves Adam just move to another thread and leave the idiots to talk to each other?

Anonymous said...

anon @12:39 Yes, it is actually better for me, but why did you have to go and say 'ya' instead of the correct word, 'you'. Stated almost almost perfectly but you had to ruin it with the 'ya'!

Anonymous said...

anon @12:53 Actually, 'FU', as an acronyn, is very acceptable. It is just the 'ya' for 'you' that is so tacky when writing or speaking. I have to now get back to work. Make it a great day and don't forget to post something nice about Adam!

Anonymous said...

To 8:55, reading your comment I immediately thought about that scene in Pretty woman with Julia Roberts as well, haha

Wonder how Adam's shirt got torn tho... hmm (mind playing out various scenarios - didn't think he would take his coat off so didn't care,
got torn in the car during a passionate moment, etc)

I have trouble understanding how someone doesn't see Sauli is HOT! I think he is extremely good-looking! (in every way) Plus the icing is that he is also a sweetheart.

Anonymous said...

(1) Adam told Alison that if she wanted to attend college in LA, she could live at his house to save money. Just helping out his "little sister". She decided not to go to college, so declined. (2) The weather in LA has been in the 60's and cloudy - so the clothing is appropriate. (3) Adam has described his ideal man as smaller, younger and very, very cute. So Sauli fills the bill. Let them be happy - without negative comments.

HK fan said...

Very strange comments on here.
re the Glamnation DVD, agree with above poster that it should have sold more. Even if only 1/4 of Adams twitter followers brought it thats still 250,000. Could all of you on twitter send out tweets reminding people to buy it (is that how it works?)

coloforadam said...

Adam has that "just leave me the "F" alone look. Sauli is like, "whatever". These photos are SO intrusive.

Anonymous said...

Trolls suck

Anonymous said...

Well guys. Adams
getting his tat!

Anonymous said...

a girl should have rolled down the window in her car and said "hey baby"! and see what he would have done. that would have been some funny shit!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

well! i just wanted to say..TALL DARK AND VERY VERY HANDSOME:)
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

Trolls suck on pacifiers.