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Adam Lambert Saw 'Bridesmaids' with Sauli and Tommy

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, May 19, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, May 19, 2011

Trailer for 'Bridesmaids'

Adam also tweeted about the paparazzi following him around:


glitzylady said...

Aww.."My boyfriend"..sharing with the cute..Just have to love this guy!

Anonymous said...

Cute post from Adam about going out with his BOYFRIEND and TommyJoe. Love it!!! And, thanks, Adam, for letting me know Bridesmaids was good. It was on my list of movies to see -- now I will for sure go and see it because of your recommendation!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam Yes! calling Sauli as your boyfriend is a small step for mankind but a huge one among glamberts.. awww.. can´t stop smiling..

Anonymous said...

I like pics of you walking to your to check your clothes, hair, guy and what you have been up to......I know I need a life but yours is so much more interesting!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam and his "boyfriend" - how sweet.

The movie looks a hoot - and using Dirt Deeds Done Dirt Cheap as the promo song .... well done! :D

Anonymous said...

You need to be polite to the paps Adam or they won't be polite to you .... just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

Fierce Adam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's why we are also fierce because of you my dear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No one can mess it up for you to go all the way on top!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL! It's always good to know you can walk to your car Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam, wear something with the finger up when you walk to the car next time. Got to admire him calling Sauli his BOYFRIEND, he just want to show everybody how thrill he is now. Lots of young gay teens and Tommy cray cray fans are watching . American, Adam Lambert has a boyfriend! Ha!Ha!Ha! Yeah!

Anonymous said...

Being selfish here but love seeing a picture of you walking to anything!Know that can be annoying but you are famous now and this comes with it. If they didn't want a picture of you then you need to worry. Love how he tweeted his boyfriend and yeah want to see that movie too.

Anonymous said...

Vote on billboard fan favorite poll. Type Adam's name in the other box. This is an important vote as it is televised on abc of all stations.It will show the fan support Adam has even though they did not put him on the list.

Anonymous said...

Just love this man. Even adore his dorkiness (yummy)

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think that every opportunity you have to get on a camera and show what you have got is an opportunity to sway a heart and mind in your favor. If you want to make a name for yourself, and Adam, you have indeed said this is what you want to do, then I would go with the flow and let your charm shine whenever those cameras go. Unseen is unknown. If I were Adam I would like at the paparazzi as part of the job and exploit their presence to their fullest example. Also, i know Adam thinks that there must be something missing in fans who idolize him. But that is not the case, artists eptiomize the best in ourselves merely by their existence. Simply by allowing their fans to project their better selves onto the person of an artist, fans learn who they are and what they value. So idolization is not an expression of pathology as Adam seems to fear, but it is a learning tool in order to grow and develop human beings and to encourage them to better themselves. This is something that the very great artists have learned; this is why they just stand and are still and centered and wise and graciously allow it to happen. Adam's current inability to grasp that is not only an expression of his what I believe to be unfounded fear that idolization might be a bad thing, but also there still remains instilled in his psyche a sense that perhaps he may not be worthy of the respect and admiration he is receiving. I know that seems counterintuitive because Adam comes across as so confident, but way down deep I think it is there. So maybe, if Adam took a look at these dynamics with the paparazzi more closely, he might learn to feel more comfortable with where he is right now as a star, and that would probably be helpful to him in terms of developing greater maturity as well as his fans. Just some thoughts for what it is worth. Yes, people just love pictures of Adam well dressed and looking handsome, and that is OK.

Anonymous said...

It is supposed to be "look at the papparazzi" and extent not example, but there seems to be an autospell feature on my computer messing up what I say! Sorry about that.

Anonymous said...

he took his boyfriend and fantasy boyfriend to the movies. that makes a great threesome!

Anonymous said...

how many bridesmaids is Adam having at the wedding?

Anonymous said...

Tommy should take a chick to the movie and not attach to Adam like this, probably can't resist Adam's fame. Just saying. Strange mind!

Anonymous said...

@6:16 AM If you follow Tommy's tweets, he is a very interesting man in his own right. I think it is more likely to be Sauli who can't resist Adam's fame. (What is it that Sauli does exactly? Is Adam supporting him financially?) This does not mean I think Tommy should be Adam's boyfriend. Tommy & Adam appear to be just what they say they are--very good friends. Tired of all the flack Tommy gets for no good reason. It's childish. He seems like a really good guy who has been working very hard lately with Monte et. al. I for one wish Adam would collaborate with his own band for some song writing. There's a lot of talent there.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

Tommy can certainly go to the movies with Adam and Sauli. He's a friend. Doesn't need a date if he doesn't want to. Paps are essential. Adam is slow to realize this. If they stop coming and caring, he'll realize it real quick. Adam will learn to embrace this part of fame, if he wants to keep himself out there for fans to see. AND YES! We want to see him "just walking to his car." YES< YES> YES

Anonymous said...

Kentucky Fan; I don't think Adam has to support Sauli. Sauli was working in his father's firm before he came to LA and he made also webshows for two years with his hostess Katri in Finland. He has had some other jobs too. So I believe he had some savings, although he likes shopping. In LA they made webshows from LA, Las Vegas and NYC for a newspaper. He must have got salary from there, too. They continue till the end of May. And now he has some minor job in LA for a Finnish Radio station. So, don't worry, Sauli has some money of his own even though he isn't as rich as Adam. His father seems to be a nice guy, so maybe he can borrow money to Sauli if Sauli needs..) And Sauli is quite famous (in some circles) as himself here in Finland. I dont't think he has any aims to be famous in US.

Anonymous said...

Tommy and Sauli probably get along well. I think Tommy, Sutan and Terrance understand Finnish mentality.

tess4ADAM said...

Guess this would be considered OT but here goes ... ADAM's E! TRUE HOLLYWOOD STORY is being re-run on Mon. May 23rd @ 9 AM ... if you want another 'walk down Memory Lane' ... for all you Glamberts who have the time or haven't had a chance to see it the first time.

I see no reason why ADAM .. Sauli .. and Tommy .. can't go to the movies or clubbing or whatever else they want to do. Girls go out with their BF & BFF all the time ... why not three guys? Why must Tommy have a date? Three guys go to the ballgame (football .. baseball .. hockey. etc.) with NO dates or romantic involvement ALL the time. WHAT'S the BIG DEAL?? Sorry ... I can't understand some of these comments here ... what does it matter WHO is working or not? THAT is NONE of ur BUSINESS!!

Yes!! I agree that I LOVE seeing pics of ADAM too but those paps can get a little OTT at times. AND ... they're NOT always respectful with their questions ... ADAM needs a little space to BREATHE too ... JMO


Anonymous said...

Kentucky Fan; Sauli and his working partner (with whom he made the webshows) are now on holiday in US. Is it forbidden to meet friends and have free time on vacation (even if one of them is Adam)?

tess4ADAM said...

Oops!! Made a mistake on previous post ... meant to say ... THAT is NONE of 'our' BUSINESS!! Didn't mean to single anyone out ... sorry ... and the time for E!THS is 9 AM EST ... Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...

Tommy should get a great woman and take her out. he deserves that.

Anonymous said...

Tommy and his girl should take Adam to a movie.

Anonymous said...

Kentucky Fan - Are you Adam's heir or why are you concerned about his money?

LP said...

Anon 7:51
You are quite right about Sauli. He has been working with Katri for the Roadshow, the last one I looked at was Monday, and they were at Hoover Dam and Grand Canyon. Not sure if they are finished yet, and they most certainly were paid for their work. As you say he has been picked up to do a morning radio show for Finland but based in LA.
I think Adam has heard just about enuff of the adommy junk. He very clearly let us know that Sauli is the boyfriend, and that they are both friends of Tommy.
Yes Adam we love seeing you walk to your car, it may seem ordinary to you, but it makes for a better day for us , knowing you are O.K.

glitzylady said...

As I said in a previous thread, I just think Adam finds the paparazzi amusing more than anything else, and probably still finds it slightly odd that they take pictures of him in such ordinary circumstances. He's lived in LA for years and up until Idol, went about his day without cameras following him, so guessing he is still not quite used to the whole thing, even though you'd think he would be by now. I don't think he minds, as long as they aren't rude and disrespectful. They can be extremely nasty on occasion (to get a reaction..) so I would suspect he is a little wary and never knows what to expect from the paps. They are a fact of life in LA so just the way it is. And as we have said before, the day they stop following Adam around is the day we have to start worrying about his career. I think he is always nice to them if they are nice to him.

Anonymous said...

was Adam hand feeding them Carmel corn? I want a bite!

Anonymous said...

Aquarius and Aries Do NOT mix.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Scorpio and despise Aquarius, Libra, and Aries. all of them are assholes. I can only deal with my own kind.

Anonymous said...

I'm odd man out again in relation to paps. I think he is perfectly willing to chat and pose when he's carpet......award shows, etc. I think he should be able to end a pap attack with one smile and a wave off. Of course the vultures won't be happy with that and if he gets stern they start the name calling....a furious photo of Adam snapping would bring a lot more dough.

I'm sorry the "they have to earn a living too"
argument doesn't work for me....they've chosen a shitty occupation if they consider being
intrusive a legitimate part of their job description.

I don't think a celebrity owes anyone 24/7 access to their lives and I don't think it's necessary to be successful. My admiration for Adam doesn't hinge on my being able to see him go shopping or get a tattoo. Of course I love seeing his photos, but he doesn't "owe" me anything for being his fan. I hate the expression "the price of fame"...why should there
be a price? I don't think being constantly on
view will win him more fans. Personal singing and interview appearances and dynamite songs will do that.

Adam needs to have a semblance of a normal life to be mentally healthy. Can you even imagine if your every move was spied on....I'd become a recluse. I think you would feel smothered and how could you have a normal personal relationship? I don't think he wants to be idolized, just successful. He's kept his much loved circle of friends and family he should be given space to enjoy them.

Whew! I guess that's it.................JAK

Anonymous said...

My sister and I are going to the show tonight and it's my turn to pick, so I just picked Bridemaids. Last week she picked Thor and it was very good too.Darn now I am hungry for carmel corn too.Adam is becoming comfortable calling Sauli his boyfriend it takes a while to reach that milestone.

Anonymous said...

9:13 a.m.

Your statement is proof that stupidity is a pre-existing condition..............JAK

Anonymous said...

geesh 9:13am this is 9:19am a Libra and I just gave you such a good critique of Thor.Were you dropped on your head when a baby? LOL

Anonymous said...

I just thought it was so "cute" to read that Adam, Sauli and Tommy went to see BRIDESMAIDS, a chick flick. It looks hilarious in the previews, but I didn't think guys would go to see it. But then it's Adam, and we do expect the unexpected from him. I don't think they are the type to see HANGOVER II. But it was a night out and seemed like fun for him and his boyfriend and Tommy. Love to see that reference to boyfriend; he's not afraid to use it. And it seems that little by little another person (the reporter from CNN, forgot his name) decides to come out and declare his true sexuality at the age of 45. Would like to think that Adam's admission to being gay had some little bit to play in anyone's recent "coming out" and declaring the truth. All of his fans know exactly who and what he is and adore him for it as the super talented performer that he is. Sorry, that Haley(his choice) did not get into the top 2, but as we have seen with Adam, you don't have to win AI in order to be successful in the music industry.

Anonymous said...

I have always found Libras to be very charming.
Scorpios drive me nuts! haha Each to their own.
I don't think any of it means much anyway - there is much more going on to make up an individual

Anonymous said...

@9:30 AM The CNN weekend news anchor who came out last Sunday is Don Lemon. This is especially courageous because he is a little older and black. (Much of the black community is not known for being gay friendly.)He is a lovely man. Next to Anderson Cooper, he's my favorite CNN newscaster. Don's on-scene reporting of the tornadoes in the South was especially genuine & very touching.

And.....he follows Adam on Twitter :). You can follow him on Twitter at @donlemoncnn. He has just come out with a book about his life. He was very affected by the Rutgers student who killed himself. Can't help but feel he was affected by Adam, as well. I think Adam's courage to be himself (even at potential risk to his career) has made a lot of people think about following his lead to finally come out of that closet.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

Kentucky fan - Are you Adam's relative? You sound like an over protective mama who is afraid that his son has chosen some bad guy who's only after his innocent boy's money and wants to get famous going with a famous bf. Adam is nearly 30 years old man and what I've seen and heard he has a good instinct about the people he let's near him. To share his deepest secrets and so. All that we fans are out of. You don't like Sauli, thats OK. I suppose Adam doesn't care about the Sauli-haters thoughts; he knows his guy/boyfriend best and that's all that matters at the moment. Don't they say that love is blind?:)

Anonymous said...

anon 9:24 fuck you. is that stupid enough for ya? eh?

Anonymous said...

Scorpios are the best! we will tell you off!

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:57 AM If someone is innocent it's Sauli not Adam.

Anonymous said...

Libras can kiss my Scorpio ass. I will never have another Libra.

Anonymous said...

Adam will cheat on Sauli with a big breasted drag queen. you just wait!

Anonymous said...

Adam's friend is having a birthday today? Booze night for A and S. xD

Anonymous said...

My concern re: Sauli (It's good to know he is out there working, also.) is that love relationships stand a better chance in the long-run if the 2 partners are coming from a more equal power stance. One-Up matched with One-Down doesn't work so well--especially if those roles stay fixed. Eventually One-Down starts to resent One-Up.

@8:16 I got really tickled at your comment. In no way could I ever envision myself as Adam's heir LOL. However, it does remind me that I need to be doing my own will. It's on my To-Do List, but I already may be too late if the Apocalypse happens tomorrow like they say ;).

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

@9:57 Although I dont have kids, yah, maybe I am being a little over-protective of Adam through wishful thinking :). It would make me very sad if Adam were lonely or had his heart broken. I am a realist, though, and am quite aware he is a grown man who won't give a hill of beans what we think about his personal choices or decisions--as it should be. (Indeed, I have a feeling Adam has been extremely independent from childhood :).

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

10:25b AM - And Sauli will cheat Adam with Tommy. Ha! Oh, you crazy trolls, enjoying?

Anonymous said...

anon 10:53 Adam will cheat with tommy while tommy is cheating with a girl.

Anonymous said...

I do have a fun story to share: A very sweet, sensitive heterosexual male friend of mine thinks Adam's boyfriend is cute. :)

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

anon 10:53 Adam will cheat with Tommy while Tommy is cheating with a girl while the girl is cheating with a lesbian while the lesbian is cheating with the bisexual while the bisexual is cheating with a straight man while the straight man is cheating with a straight woman while the straight woman is cheating with Adam.

Anonymous said...

Sauli isn't cute. I don't get it? Drake was dreamy in a weird kind of way.

LP said...

Why are so many of you so concerned that Adam has, at last found his soul mate, and help mate. Adam wants love in his life, he has said it enough times, BUT that person must love him back. I am sure that Sauli is not after Adams money or success, in fact he seems to be embarrassed by it, and tends to stay in the background, unless Adam pulls him forward This is a new chapter in Sauli and Adams life.
Let them enjoy each other, I am sure there is a lot of joy and laughter in Adams rented house now.
Sauli said recently that they think alike and like the same things, I wish we could all say the same things about our mates. :) And Sauli is too cute, so there.

Anonymous said...

Adam needs a woman, so she can feed him great meals and run his bath water after a hard day at work. She can share makeup tips and hairdryers and flat irons and fashion tips. They can wear matching Rick Owen boots. His with a wedge and hers with a higher wedge. They can gossip about gossip girl and attend the most glamourous red carpet events. He needs a glam princess.

Anonymous said...

Okay guys I'm a Scorpio and I love to mingle with others........

For you @ 9:13 I feel sorry for u, bec. I think even your own doesn't like you at all Ha!ha!ha!

Be careful when u cross my path okay????

You are not real '" SCORPIO'". SWcorpions are very loving and affectionate but if hurt them,

it's another story!!!!!!

For u Adam,

Life is great and full adventures so just enjoy while it last!!!!!

For the paps,

Respect and u can get a big smile from Adam!!!!

For the fans,

Keep on being nice to each other and enjoy this site!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Troll Infestation....Yuck!

Lizard Eyes

Rebecca said...

wow all three cuties out and about now that's three times the fun

Anonymous said...

The main thing is that ADAM feels Sauli cute! Drake was very cute too. But it´s today now.

I´m pleased that those three guys went to the movies together. To laugh and have some fun. I think it might be good and fresh that Sauli comes totally outside LA living/gay circles.

Sauli has his basic strength actually in Finland with his family and twinsister. He is stronger with Adam because of that. And because of his own job and money.

I remember the tweet "RAKASTAN" with the pic Sauli sitting in Adam´s lap. Adam tweeted it to Tommy with: "we love you" and Tommy tweeted back: "love you too".


Anonymous said...

Adam has turned us into couples' counselors, marriage counselors, astrologers, soap opera writers, matchmakers, psychologists! What an incredible man he is! I'm laughing out loud at all the fun I've had reading these posts! Adam, you're a genius.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you are so right 12.41 pm. And of course Adam doesn't care how we feel about Sauli. He will share with us very little bits and pieces but this is truly his private life. So whether Sauli lives of his money, isn't that cute is just fodder for us to shoot around on this website. In the end it doesn't make a difference. He is in Love, did we all forget what that is about? You don't give a shit about how others feel about your special one!

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

hey 12:02 kiss my ass! I'm all Scorpio and proud of it. I'm the bitchy kind.

The Dark Side said...

Adam this is called obsession. Of course we want to see pictures of you walking down the street, etc. This is what it is all about? If not for the paps we would be left out high and dry. Besides it comes with the territory of stardom. nice to your adoring fans and tolerate the intrusion into your life. We know not to step over the line. Well most of us do.

Adamluv said...

Love knowing that Tommy is out and about with Adam. OT - Saw Tommy last week here in LA perform with Isacc at Club MOSCOW (name of club - coincidence?- I think not LOL!) He was lead guitarist and it was evident how much he enjoyed that! He was rockin' out !!!!!! Also saw him before the show with Liz (Allison Irahetas fierce guitar player during GNT). My friend has told me for months that they are boyfriend/girlfriend since the tour but who knows? She is a total rocker chick!!!! Lead singer was Ravi Dahr and the entire set was kinda heavy "metalish" and fabulous. Think this is the music Tommy loves the most. Photos from the show over at BTW, looked like he had just had his hair trimmed/shaved and he looked hawt as always. Isacc seems to always be wearing a shirt when performing unlike at the GNT shows! His cute wife was also there. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

True, Adam is a genius and I love him for that. I personally only see Adam and support Adam. All other people who are in contact with him come out faded to me. As Paula Abdul said to Adam "My eyes are only transfixed on you. I don't even notice anything else. Just you." That it should be for all of us fans. As I watched Idol's result show last night with Haley being booted off, I thought to myself my goodness Idol is having two country contestants for the finale and how Adam was able to advance all the way to the finale with the demographic viewers of this show all from the south. What a genius talented artist Adam is and we should admire him for making himself known to us on a show that majority of its viewers are in favor of country music. Tommy, Sauli, Monte, etc. etc. etc. are all known to us because of Adam. Those who are avid followers of Adam's friends should be so grateful to Adam because they wouldn't have known them if they didn't know Adam. I'm only for Adam and nobody else.

glitzylady said...

You aren't the odd man out, or the odd woman, for that matter. I don't think he owes us anything either, least of all intrusion into his truly private life. It would be nice if the only time pictures were taken was at official appearances, but that isn't the way it is in LA. Those guys are everywhere! Have seen it with my own eyes, have had cameras pointed at me even (hilarious!) and then pointed back down again when they decided I wasn't anyone important or picture worthy. Quite amusing to me at the time, but I suppose it gets old.. Just depends on where you go in LA. I do think some celebs, or at least the ones who want to be celebs, welcome the paps because it keeps them out there in the gossip columns. I'm not a big fan of that "stuff' (using a nice word here..) because so much of it is meaningless garbage, but I do think the occasional picture of Adam looking fabulous is fine.

BUT that said....., I don't mind seeing pictures of Adam from time to time, in fact I pretty much love it (Bad me..LOL!!), as long has he is looking happy and is not being harassed. Fine line sometimes. We actually see very little of Adam out and about, when you think about it. I think most of the time he moves about without being bothered. I also like the fact that we are seeing Adam presented in a better light than we did for awhile, for instance the little blurb on TMZ (which I also am not a fan of, as they can be so mean and snarky..) which talked about "RockStar" Adam Lambert, with no mention of "gay", "Idol runner up", etc., and they also mentioned his "boyfriend", all with no snark or disrespect..I was happily shocked! I think as long as the paparazzi don't try to provoke him or say nasty things to him, the occasional picture is going to appear, and I don't think this is a bad thing.. I also think he may not mind it, really. If I was famous (not..), I would know it was going to happen from time to time. LA is rather unique, and New York City as well, in that there are paparazzi everywhere, just waiting for celebs. Its is a reality. Adam was aware of all this going into Idol, having lived on the edges of it for years. I would never want them intruding into his truly private times; ie: pointing cameras over his fence, taking pictures of him sitting by his pool (gulp!), taking pictures of him having a quiet dinner with friends, family, or Sauli for that matter. That IS intrusive and not okay in my book.. and all happening on private property. These pics in the street are harmless and welcome I think. The critical element to me, is that he is treated with respect. That seems to be Adam's current "rule" as well in dealing with the paps. Any hint of rudeness and he's finished with them. Should be the rule with all celebs. Guess that's another reason I admire Adam. He is who he is, and while he is generally nice and agreeable, he has boundaries that he does not want crossed, which makes perfect sense to me.

Anonymous said...

When the paps go away you go away.I know their pests but that only means people want to see you out and about.Adam is a superstar and as long as he is the paps will be around.I'd miss those everyday pictures if I couldn't sknow Iee them.He always looks soooooooooooo good.So enjoy your fame because I am.On another note any Geminis out there.

Anonymous said...

that is I'd miss those everyday pictures if i couldn't see them.

Anonymous said...

I would have given my eye teeth to have been able to sit behind these guys at this movie. I saw this film and it is hysterical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Would LOVED to have heard Adam's beautiful hearty laugh.
It's a MUST SEE. These gals are ex Groundlings Theatre in L.A. and SNL. Silly, intelligent humor and just crazy good fun!

Anonymous said...

I would sit in the back of the theater and throw carmel popcorn into the hair. make sure it sticks!

Anonymous said...

May 20, 2011, 11:19 AM - "Sauli isn't cute." In my opinion Sauli is very cute. He was even cuter when he was in Big Brother 2007. There are lots of vids from that time. He had longer hair and he was sooo cute. Nearly everybody who watched the program loved him in Finland 'cause he was so lovable. Look at some YouTube -videos, for example: Bubbly (2007), Lambski Bound to you, Jungle Drum etc. and tell me again Sauli is not cute! Well I admit, that's a matter of taste.

coloforadam said...

I agree, Dark Side but it is probably not the snapping camera's that are the bother or that Adam does not want fans to have lots of shots, it's that the paps lurk and block people and say taunting, dumb things that we don't always hear, "hey, hold his hand". They try to get stars riled and reacting and saying things that will hit TMZ slime or tabloids. That has got to get old. Adam is always friendly and accomodating to fans who take pictures and are polite and sincere. When we first saw those pictures from the parking garage, yah, they were cool and he looked great but he looked cornered and pushed and really irritated - like at that jerk who was so sarcastic, "hey, Adam we're your friends, man" - GIVE ME AN EVER LOVIN',FREAKIN' BREAK!! They were laying in wait like a pack of jackals!

Anonymous said...

anon 6:23 I like tall men that stand over 5'10 with nice legs, chest, hair, body and wallet. I could go on and on with this one.

Anonymous said...

6:11 AM So, isn't it nice that you don't have to compete with Adam from same guys?:)Your taste is so different from his. I like Sauli's tight butt and blue eyes. And I could also go and go on with this one.LOL

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:11 AM - Wallet? (Joke, I hope) 'cause "If I had you, then money, fame and fortune never could compete..."

Anonymous said...

@ 1:33,

You are alone and pathetic ha!ha!ha! You are not proud instead sorry for yourself because you don't have a brain and an ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yak!!!! Oh! no!! You are a bloody hell insecure!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Saw an OLD movie today with Steve McQueen, Sauli popped into my mind. Small, compact, blond hair,light blue eyes, a quite attractive miniature.

Anonymous said...

10:20 am

Congratulations to me, I've lived 75 years and yours was the first.....F U.....I've ever received! I consider it a rite of last I have arrived!.......JAK :-)

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the club . I've heard it many times, but then, I'm not as nice as you. CL