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Adam Lambert Talks 'The Voice', and Recording New Album in Studio

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, May 13, 2011

Posted at : Friday, May 13, 2011

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Anonymous said...

That gif is killing me!!!! YUM!

Adamluv said...

You tell 'um Adam! Agree about The Voice! Third show last week agreed with all the choices except for Blake S. Slipped a little in ratings and most think it's due to their switch to 10;00 PM! Too late for many people. NBC is trying to being it back at an earlier time. Check it out!!!! ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Spoiler alert - if you haven't seen AI yet and you don't want to know who was eliminated, don't read this. The article contains comparisons to Adam:

Anonymous said...

I wish people would quit telling Adam to get busy and get to work.
Creativity sometimes comes when you least expect it and often not at the time you are "trying".
Sometimes I get my best ideas when I'm brushing my teeth or doing the dishes..
Sometimes the universe decides. I remember Paul McCartney writing Yesterday, said he dreamt it.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam saying he loves the Voice is another way of saying that Idol really sucks now!
The judging is its downfall imo.

Anonymous said...

1:34pm....Agree with you wholeheartedly. Why does anyone think they have the right to tell him anything?

Anonymous said...

Why do some people assume that Adam is not working hard in the studio. Knowing from his interviews his great work ethic and how great he wants his sophmore album to be. Glad Adam set that person straight and he needs down time when he comes home like everyone who has a job. So proud of Adam!!!!

Anonymous said...

You just wait when it release people......

It's gonna be worth waiting for indeed.....

He is taking time to make it perfect for our taste... Just let him do that and leave him alone to rest and enjoy a bit of his success!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert ^____^cute:
wow adam so cute

Anonymous said...

@ Cassie thank you for that link. Really great article about the difference in the talent of Adam and Daughtry verses Durbin. No one can touch Adam's vocal ability and charisma for me!!!

Anonymous said...

Like all the other ARTS you can't create on a time clock. Adam's working all the time, the wheels are turning. First comes inspiration then comes perspiration!!

Watched The Voice just once, liked it and will tune in again.....unless it interferes with So You Thnk You Can Dance! I Love Dance!...JAK

Anonymous said...

To the people who think that people are being bossy, they are probably just joking around. And like Adam said, "it ain't THAT DEEP".


Anonymous said...

Under the "Blue Lips" pic,where I posted the URL and direct link to the faxo.tweeter idol of the month AGAIN,BR is Bucky Covington,a Country singer that I even like,& he just may catch up & pass Adam IF we don't vote more there.It's up to all of you!! He has a strong fan base,& is such a nice guy;has had some nice hits,etc.He was on Idol a few yrs ago( not sure which yr.),but I watched it.He also has a twin brother that may be in his to the person who couldn't figure out who BC was,now you know..BUT Bucky is getting closer to Adam now..Adam's fans have slowed way down voting for Idol of the month.I'm going there righr now & check it.Like I said before,Adam was about 340-350 points ahead of B.,nut not now..PLEASE VOTE there & for the q102 poll..still don't know why that %tage isn't moving more.

glitzylady said...

Okay..of course Adam has been working! He is a hard worker and wants to get his album out just as much as we do...

Now, onto the IMPORTANT part of this thread...the gif...:

To be the mic......All I'm sayin'.........

; )

Anonymous said...

Did you wonder what Adam has done to his hair? Monte answered that question:

Monterrific Monte Pittman
@ @citygirl36 I tried to talk him out of it, but he shaved the top part of his head to look like he was bald. he says "they'll catch on"

"@Monterrific are you serious? or are you joking?"

Monterrific Monte Pittman
"@ @mhobbs0430 ok. you REALLY think that he shaved the top part of his head? seriously? or are you messing with me?"

The funniest part is that someone actually believed him.


Anonymous said...

@ADMIN - @Anybody...
Why are there several May 12 and May 11 posts/threads missing, that were here yesterday, e.g. the post Adam commenting Am Idol Top 4 and the post of Aidan's (Liam's brother) gift from Adam etc. Wanted to read the comments, can't find them...HELP anybody?
What's up, Doc?

Anonymous said...

2:40pm thanks for the info about What BC stood for, now it seems so easy. Sorry I am not doing any work on the polls but to burned out on them but will get back in the grove again someday when my back settles down.

HK fan said...

@anon .3.10
yeh for me too. Yesterday all the may 12th posts and lots of comments from the 11h onwards. And for the last 2 days often when I've wanted to comment there's been a big advert or something with blogger on it several times, but all in chinese so couldn't read it right over the post comments box, with no way of getting rid of it.
So if you don't see much from me you'll know why. Thank goodness I can post at the moment, was getting panicky.

ot. Saw Justin Beiber last night. My ears are still ringing with all the girls screaming. My 9 year old had an absolute blast at her first concert.

Anonymous said...

@3:10 PM........did not see May 11 & 12 either...kept getting a message(pop-up) about blogger. blogging or something like that...I didn't click on it because you know that will just be trouble....

glitzylady said...

@Anon 3:10 PM and HK fan
This much I know: the entire Blogspot system was down for awhile, including this blog. The message we saw for awhile in place of the usual comment space was talking about that. Guessing those posts were lost as a result..unless they can be retrieved..not sure if admin can do anything other than repost the original blog topic..its possible they went to a spam folder (they told me that happens on occasion..) I'm sure they'll be working on that! I know, very frustrating! I couldn't say anything for a whole day...yikes! LOL!!

Anonymous said...

There were some problems earlier. I couldn't get on to Adam's twitter page, but it seems O.K. now. That is funny what Monte said about Adam shaving the top part of his hair. Those two must have a blast together! Can't wait to see the vids of the Russia concert. Please I hope someone will get it on camera. wonder if Sue is going over?

Hk fan said...

thanks for that re the Blogger info, thought it was an advert, couldn't read that it was giving me info as I don't read Chinese...
Thank goodness it all seems back to normal.

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady - always so helpful, thank you!
@HK fan, @Anons 3:41 and 3:49 - Thank you for the info as well, you're all so kind!
Funny when something like this happens, I always think it's me and my inadequate computer and IT skills...LOL!

Maybe Admin could also post some info for us all, when something like this happens (even afterwards, when the problem is over)???

LP said...

No-one knows more than Adam, about his new album, that it must be good. Of course if he recorded the phone book, I would think it was super. LOL Sauli said their days are routine, like everyone else.For Adam that means going to the recording studio, Sauli has still been doing the roadshow. I watch it even if I don't understand what they are talking about.Adam has impressed a lot of people about his work ethics, when he gets home each day, he must relax. Have a glass of wine, oops give Sauli a kiss first, and watch recorded programs. Then sometimes go out to dinner with friends. I hope this Russia concert doesn't make him lose his momentum. There is so much work to do for a CD even after all the songs are written and recorded. I have no idea what sligo lambert means, would someone splain.

Anonymous said...

It's true we panic right away!!!!! Imagine we can't log in or what my gosh this is my quiet moment and I don't wanna loose you guys!!!!!!

No more unexpected please whew!!!!!!!

Back to normal again thanks people!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Have faith in the Glambert. Don't mess with this creative genius. He will turn out an album which will transport us to another planet! The time has to be right for it's release, plus add promotional work, to hit the world. We can hardly wait or breathe thinking about it all!

Anonymous said...

Sorry,my hubby was wanting me to hurry & leave the house..& then I GOT BC wrong myself-lol!!I meant to say BC ,(not BR-lol!)for Bucky Covington on the tweeter faxo poll( he's doing very well,& #2 right now..If any of you don't remember him,google him.( same yr as Ace Young,& maybe Daughtry,but not positive about that)Adam is still losing ground in that poll.Bucky is just a little behind...about 200 points,& it doesn't take long to catch up when Adam's fans have slowed down so much( since the night before last.:( Come on,peeps,VOTE there!! URL is under the blue lip subject & under many more also.I'm also voting on the q102 poll,but we just can't seem to move it up any for Adam.Again,both links are under the"Blue Lips"subject.Please keep voting..every little bit counts.Thanks.

Anonymous said...

A lot of us who post here, don't twitter, so we can't vote on the tweeter faxo poll.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who assumed the blog problem was my fault! That's always my first thought "What the hell did I do now?"

I haven't much faith in my comp. skills...JAK

The Dark Side said...

I also like the Voice--it's different and fresh. There appears to be a whole lot of talent on this show. Can't wait for XFactor and seeing Simon and Paula together again. I was done with Idol weeks ago. It wasn't the contestants or who got booted, but the lack of judging and the constant pimping of just a few of the contestants. Hope these judges all get the boot.

Anonymous said...

I agree,,the judges are so awful on Idol ..don't get it..all they want to do is promote their own stuff..Jennifer crying over James was just too votes went to Haley

Anonymous said...

I can't stand the result night on Idol, too much drama and those poor kids are being manipulated just for higher rating. Next time, I will watch the Voice for a change.

Anonymous said...

I'm just gonna wait for X-Factor. Simon is really a good judge and business man.........

Can't wait for Adam to perform again........

coloforadam said...

Thanks, Anon 1:34pm - that needed to be said!!

Anonymous said...

does Delilah5 make comments anymore, does anyone know? I hope she didn't lose her job over the computer viruses and is out looking for a job somewhere.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was just my computer when I couldn't comment yesterday! It's good to hear that everyone had the same trouble.

Phew....back to Adam land!

Anonymous said...

I think after ten seasons, AI has had its time. The judges are terrible: Steven looks bored, out of it; JLO is there for the hair, the fashion, her new album; Randy, well,I can't figure him out. Too much overproduction, overdressing on the girls, with comments and criticisms all over the place. You don't have to win Idol to be a success as we have seen with Adam and Daughtry and Jennifer Hudson. The Voice is different, more challenging and all that audition nonsense has been eliminated that you see on Idol. These reality shows all focusing on music and dance are just getting to be too much. Everyone wants to get in to the entertainment business as if it is the only life out there. What happens to all the thousands who don't make? It's back to the "reality" of life, a job, school, family,etc. We all don't necessarily reach our dreams or goals. There is nothing wrong in trying, but sometimes you have to face the truth and go on to something else in life. So maybe these shows give us an outlet from the stress and frustration of every day living and let us dream a little about what could possibly be for a little bit every few hours each week.

Anonymous said...

Off topic - (continuation from a previous thread)

I just want to celebrate! Signing a petition can make a difference! The "kill gays" bill of Uganda has been shelved because of great worldwide response. The following is from Avaaz Facebook page...

"Great news—the anti-gay bill has has been shelved! Over 1.6 million of us signed the petition opposing it & we helped make the attack on gay rights in Uganda a major international news story—and it worked. The Speaker of the Ugandan Parliament blocked the bill from coming to a vote in Friday's emergency session. Today, we can join our friends in Uganda in celebration of a victory that could save thousands of lives."

Today is a good day!


Anonymous said...

Sister thanks for such an important news, if "Today is a good and hopeful day
for the people of Uganda by blocking this bill "and was made ​​valid
! Signing a petition may make a difference! Celebrate this deserved victory!

With 24 / 7 to keep active this beloved blog.
Glitzylady very grateful for their ongoing information and links!


Anonymous said...

You don't need to be on Twitter or Facebook to vote on the faxo polls. I don't vote using Twitter or Facebook. The poll asks if you are human and you need to type in the words they give you and then you can vote .... easy peasy AND from my experience, they don't ask if you're human every time you vote, preferably every 20 minutes because you're not allowed to vote more than that each time you vote, if you know what I mean.


Here's the link to the American Idol of the Month poll ......

glitzylady said...

I was so happy to hear that news! It proves that if enough people decide to speak up for justice for all human beings, things can happen. I am proud to say that I voted, and although I am but one vote, they add up. I doubt we have heard the last of this, but perhaps one step closer to treating all of humankind, no matter what their orientation, with equality, dignity, and respect. Not to mention value for human life. I would also like to see the same thing happen in the US by the way. We aren't there yet either.

@HH and @HK fan
You are welcome.. : )

Anonymous said...

@Sister - Glitzylady said it so eloquently, that I'll just "ditto that". :) I also voted, and it was amazing to watch the world-wide tally adding votes by the second. The power of the internet is an amazing thing. The power of the people can warm your heart, when channeled in a positive way.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

GORGEOUS photo of our Glam God. :D

Is it supposed to be a gif? When I click on it, Internet Explorer blocks it. :(

Anonymous said...

And The Voice follows Adam

» NBCTheVoice The Voice
We're blushing right now. #thevoice RT “@adamlambert: Started watching the Voice finally. What an awesome show!”

Ppl want Adam as a guest on The Voice

XtinaTeam #TeamXtina
"We think that Adam Lambert is an excellent choice. He's possibly the best male vocalist of our generation. Agree?"


Anonymous said...

@Sister! A mega hug and thank you to all of you who signed the Uganda gay appeal! Ronnie

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be GREAT to have Adam on The Voice?! I haven't watched it yet but it sounds like a real step up from lame old Idol. As for Adam and his new sounds like he's working his tail off to make it great. I CAN'T WAIT!

Anonymous said...

I think it would be possible to se Adam on the Voice. They asked who we wanted to appear as guests and they got loads of Adam Lambert suggestions. And obviously they thougt it was an "excellent choice".


Anonymous said...

Fans shouldn't act like they are Adam's superiors. You know, the watchmen at workplaces who stalk the employees to make sure they get their work done. It reduces effectiveness.

Anonymous said...

Adam should be a guest Judge on "The Voice" imo.

Who better than The Voice himself?

Adam has a way with people. I can see him embrace these singers in a way that makes them feel empowered,etc. He has killer people skills!

Anonymous said...

The voice is awesome! That's coming from someone that's never missed an episode of idol in 10 years. The voice is refreshing, exciting and has some real talent- love it and believe adam will be on it. Too bad it's on same night as DWTS, thier ratings would be even higher if it wasn't.

Anonymous said...


Left you a message on Pick U Up remix thread.JAK

Anonymous said...

@6:54 AM!!


I watch Adam pics during my day at work AND I also get my work done just fine! I could not afford to get sacked because of Adam. My life comes first of course!

I have an "Adam fifteen minutes" during the coffee time. So nobody gets hurt. Boss is strolling around with his papers coffee time or not. That´s why he is hanging so often by my door and sees me watching Adam pics.

Ok mama?


PS. Sorry. Got a bit pissed off...

Anonymous said...

I am glad that James is finally out. I find him irritating, so full of himself and always trying to imitate Adam. And I hate the judges cos they have been misleading all the contestants with so much undeserved praise! Adam is the best!

Anonymous said...

James reminded me of Bruce Springsteen, not so much of Adam. If Durbin has a glam rocker side, he didn't show it on Idols. Maybe it's not even allowed there.

Anonymous said...


I bet your boss is hanging around your office alot because he is secretly an Adam fan and wants to get a peek of him on your computer! LOL

And we all need a little diversion at work! It makes our toils so much easier. :)


Anonymous said...


So well said. And you hit it on the mark when you said, we have a long way to go in the U.S.! Each of us can play a part, big or small, in whatever way works for us individually, to make this world and kinder and gentler place.

@Adam Fix
Yes, I too, enjoyed watching that ticker measuring the numbers of people globally signing the petition. It was amazing and inspiring! It really touched me deeply to see so many care about people they don't know and may never meet. Lovely.

I'll join you in that great big thank you and mega hug! :)

Glad to know that you celebrated in the victory as well!

Answered you back on the other thread


Anonymous said...

Okay, now y'all have done it again. When everyone starts expressing their better selves and having one of our frequent "love fests" I get all misty eyed and choked up.

I warn you all no matter how "tough" you may think you are in your youth when you pass 70 you
"choke up" several times a day when you see or hear something touching! ready!.....JAK

tess4ADAM said...

I'm with you there ... JAK ... constantly 'misty eyed' over the smallest sweet gesture or just a kind word from someone ... shoulda seen me on Mother's Day reading my cards ... kids chuckled & said 'Aww Mom ... it's just a card" ... meant the WORLD to me ... Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...

Have to agree, JAK and Tess4ADAM. With age comes the realization of what truly is important in life, such as this life saving petition in Uganda that so many of us signed [myself included] to protect countless gays from torture and certain death. I also find myself more emotional as time goes on, identifying with pain and suffering in the world, as well as joy and happiness of others, maybe because we've lived long enough to see and experience so much and appreciate humanity As long as we can feel we're still alive! So happy, Sister that all that signed became a mighty army to make a difference. Things can change, even one person at a time, like more fans for Adam the more they see his sweet, talented self! funbunn40