Adam Lambert Wearing Braces Again!
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Saturday, May 14, 2011
Posted at : Saturday, May 14, 2011
If you look closer at the new pictures of Adam Lambert from last night, you'll notice that he's wearing Invisalign Clear Braces! Adam had braces on when he was in High School...but it looks like he got them on again!

Thanks to Aquariussue7 for noticing this!

Thanks to Aquariussue7 for noticing this!
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I see little spots. why would he need braces! he has a great smile.
Wow good catch. I didn't notice that when I was saving the pictures from the early post.
But why Adam? You have perfect teeth.....
Maybe this has something to do with his vocals?
those aren't braces. it's just the way his teeth and saliva are reflecting the light.
Yep,he is,but cause they're clear,they're very hard to see unless it's real close.My son wore those clear ones also.It doesn't look like he needs them to me either,but maybe his teeth have shifted some.Thanks to all who have voted for Adam for the idol of the mo(tweeter faxo poll)He's doing better there,but don't stop please.
Anon 9:31
Too funny...
Yep, he has braces. Teeth shift all the time, and he wants to keep that gorgeous smile. I'm sure there's a good reason. Sauli doesn't seem to mind. Any dentists or oral hygenists out there that can give us the scoop??
Did anyone notice the google ads on the right side of the page - all for Invisalign braces? Freaky.......
Heez just so gorgeous....
I don't know I need more proof I just can not tell
if it were invisilign the bottom edges of his teeth would be smoothed out. they're not
He doesn´t have braces.If he´d have them you wouldn´t need a magnifying glass and a close up to see them.
I had braces like those but they were BLACK. Not white.
I mean he may but I would need another photo because it just to hard to tell
You can get clear braces now that aren't invisilign..but just clear,& that looks like what Adam has.( Maybe somebody is playing a joke on us??ha!)Adam hasn't tweeted anything about this,has he?Who knows,but they look like the plain clear ones to me.
New poll: What is your favorite Adam Lambert fan pairing/relatioship? Please vote:
I think Adam forgot to wear his retainer so his teeth moved and he wants to make it straighter again.....
I had braces on and when I took them off, I was lazy and didn't wear my retainer and it shifted so fast!
Adam is SO CLOSE to David A now on the q102 poll-49.99%-Adam & 59.01%-for Archie!.darn! so close.I voted on the new poll for Adam & Sauli.
Too difficult to tell!
10:14 I think you got it right. We'll see. Adam is very transparent about such things.
Dentists have told me that teeth move all the time so it may be time for him to wear them for a little while.
Oh dear, poor Adam .... even his teeth aren't off limits!! Invisible braces, I think - teeth are constantly on the move - or it's the angle the photos were taken.
That new faxo poll .... I don't like the "Sadam" one. It doesn't have a nice ring to it even though it's a combination of Sauli and Adam. Not keen on the others either.
My son works for an orthodontist. My son also has braces just like these I believe...sort of the next best thing to invisalign if that's what they are. They are clear brackets. Since Adam now has some money, probably just perfecting what has shifted over the past few years? Lovin the lighter hair too Mr Change Up!
Don't care about the braces. I mean, good for him and/or whatever..... but the HAIR....I'm REALLY LOVING THE HAIR!!! I love seeing him go back to a more natural look. It LOOKS FANTASTIC!!!! I do apologize to Adam. Don't mean to be so shallow and all caught up in how he looks, but I just couldn't help but compliment and say how much I love, love his hair today : )
The pic looks doctored to me|! On other pics of same night the teeth don't look like that! js
As a dentist it is not usual to have the resin on each tooth like a bracket., for invisilign ,especially since he is more or less leveling and aligning. They do look like brackets but the placement is very low on the two front anteriors, buthe is probably wanting to bring the laterals down and the centrals up. This is the Hollywood look even across. Maybe he's bleaching and this is just reflective. Clear do not stay clear! They stain yellow!
A really LARGE full length version of one of the pics from The Hotel Cafe.
....and another really large picture from The Hotel Cafe pics....
well, teeth affect on voice and he's recording a new album..prolly not taking any chances on his singing voice.
maybe he's noticed his teeth are starting to grow to the way they were back then, and is fixing the situation. What's the big deal ?
Those are not junior high-braces ; he's hot as hell now ( with braces or without ), with a hot as hell boyfriend & blossoming career.
If he had health issues but wasn't taking care of them, then I'd be worried.
Maybe they are not braces but a new fashion accessory!
Hope he's not trying to look too perfect. I like people to just look real and Adam is gorgeous as he is
Sligo lambert ^_______^ cute:
adam so cute and handsome and great
Adam jogging (old but I haven't seen this particular one before):
Adam's teeth are really great, but not entirely perfect. I can see what he might want to be changing.. agree with @Anon 12:01 AM (dentist) that he could fine tune them a little if he wishes. But then again, until I really looked closely, they looked pretty perfect to me! The teeth on Adam's right side (left side from our perspective here..) are shorter that those on his left side (right side from our perspective), and the lateral incisors are uneven: one is slightly longer than the other. Usually the best and most "natural" look is to have the central incisors slightly longer than the laterals. Otherwise they look a little too perfect or even fake. (BTW, I am also in the dental field so look at a LOT of teeth on a daily basis!) I suppose if he wants to tweek them a little bit, go for it! As others have said, teeth do shift a little through the years. And since one of Adam's (many) best features is his beautiful smile, it doesn't hurt to maintain it. Could be a bite issue too, you never know.. and which is not always obvious. Can cause uneven wear or stress on the joints (TMJ's) Whatever his reasons, good for him!
You can also see in these pics Adam's color on the top is light brown, not blonde. Some people on twitter have tried to say it's blonde and also that he's trying to look like Sauli. That's just silly. He's been copying Adam's style, not the other way around.
Just light no braces!
Q102 poll Adam 50.16...David 49.84 lets keep the momentum going.. this is the last day!
Adam has the most beautiful perfect teeth. They are white, but not too white. On one of the Nokia performances I think he had them bleached and it looked fake, a bit too Liberace and I thought "Oh no Adam, don´t do this!"
This is one thing I don´t get about americans, they can´t let their teeth be a little uneven or their noses a bit too big or bent. The worst thing is when they put facades on their teeth and it looks like false teeth. WHO wants false teeth at the age of 25?
I think Patricia Arquette is great, keeping her teeth natural crooked (perhaps she´s fixed them now, I don´t know). Jennifer Grey had a great nose that gave her character. She fixed it and looked like everyone else and she was gone.
It´s not always a good thing to look "perfect" if your personality and character disappears and you look like every other bimbo on the red carpet.
When it comes to clothes, Adam and Sauli have had similar (casual)style way before they met.They both also like to change their hair style really often. One thing that is new about Sauli, is that he has started wearing rings. That is something I think he has gotten from Adam. And sometimes a little bit of makeup.:) But they are both truely original, who do their own thing.
Does it really matter if he has braces on? No
People saying "he's trying to look like Sauli" or vice versa sound like they're 5 years old. FFS! They might want to dress alike etc - so what? Its a common thing amongst close friends let alone couples. I cant believe how many "opinions" I hear about Adam in one day almost every day talked about like they are vitally important. Havent people got their own lives to scrutinise and obsess over.
That's what happens when you are really care for someone. You notice everything and you say something immediately especially with our Adams concern. Funny and silly!!!!!!!
What ever he does people will invade because he is the WWS...... Take it or leave it.......
He is an expensive wine that no one can't resist..... Just suck it up and enjoy this young, charismatic with a big sex appeal especially for women ha!ha!ha!
@6:32 -This is a Adam Lambert Blog and that's what we do...why are you here.......
Yeh.........SUCK IT UP!!!! AND ENJOY!!!!
It definitely looks like braces. They have braces made of monocrystalline sapphire material that are virtually invisible (translucent) You can google sapphire inspire ICE to learn more.
Wisdom teeth can crowd your teeth and push them out of allignment, having them removed can also cause teeth to "spread" or shift. I suspect it would most likely have something to do with this that he has opted for braces. When your teeth do not line up properly it can cause a lot of problems with "bite" or if teeth are shifting in odd angles it can cause sore spots and other problems. I am sure it is not only for cosmetic reasons, but even if it were, wouldn't we all if we had the means?
Keep voting on the Q102 top idol poll. Adam 50.23% and David A. 49.73%, very close .Let's just finish off this silly poll and have it done with. It ends tonight at midnight I think Eastern time.
Thank you! That (very unusual here) voice of reason.
My God people,WTF??? Whether he does or he doesn't,
WTF is the deal???
I know he is just quite the gorgeous human, but yup, STILL HUMAN. Looks like this is a hard fact to accept looking at all this BS...
I should be used to this kind of scrutiny, but I continue to be amazed by it.
As for myself, I am just satisfied to see that blinding smile on his face at this time in his life. I do not need to put that under a microscope, I am very content seeing it from a usual distance...
Looks like I may be the only one. :)
Party on Garth
It's weird that some fans are against this q102's poll although it's the only radio station that plays Aftermath remix. Adam's best performance last year outside GNT was also at the q102 Jingle Ball. At least I think so and the rocking performance boosted the album sales too.
You got it! Back in his Idol days I noticed the teeth were shorter on one was all those gorgeous close ups during the judging with him flashing those deadly sweet smiles. It stood out to me cause I have same thing.
Also noticed his profile was different (nose).
I questioned once if he had ever broken his nose.
Left profile has a slight bump on bridge.
So teeth look better left profile, nose looks better right profile (his left and right not ours)
Conclusion: He's perfectly gorgeous!
My credentials.....50 years of doing portraits
...................for my traveling money!! JAK
You have got to be kidding. This is news. I cannot wait untill his CD comes We are really getting scary here. Poor Adam he has zilcho privacy. I am sure if these are braces they are because he needs them for TMJ or something medical in his mouth. Fashion? What planet or space did that come from. Good Lord!
I'm a lazy voter, but I've been voting in the q102 poll. In this case I don't mind being called a fan with no life. I don't read the fan fic porn written about Adam. If I did, it would mean I had no sex life. xD
60 comments on adams teeth
I didn't know there was fan fic porn about Adam.
How gross! No, don't anybody tell me where to find it, I don't want to see it!
And after one quick peek at the urban dictionary I scurried away very quickly....never again.
I accept the fact that I'm a dinosaur.....went to charm school, white glove cotillion dances, never swore, smoked or drank till in my adult years was introduced to a margarita and pina colada on a cruise, smoked one cigarette in 1953,thought it was vile never tried again and didn't begin swearing till in my thirties when I had a car that stalled at red lights!
I'm making an attempt to live out of my century but sometimes I revert......def. a dinosaur! JAK
Teeth, what teeth? I am still glued to his eyes!
I suppose Adam will tweet about this after all this interest and speculation, my goodness..
Exactly, teeth? All I know is that Adam looks great...those eyes, the hair with the lighter hightlights. The poor guy has been scrutinized and criticized from his hair to his boots and everything in between!!! It must be a slow Adam day to have to write about his teeth and the possiblity of braces. Some people do need to get a life. Adam needs to appear on a talk show or on The Voice, just somewhere so there is really something substantial to talk/blog about. I guess those recent pictures of Adam out with Sauli will keep us busy for a while until the next sighting.
Adam's fans imagination have no boundaries. Adam hasn't tweeted for a couple of days and fans are getting restless on twitter. On a fake fb someone claims Adam has a daughter. I smell they are cooking up drama just to get Adam tweet something.
Okay. I think Adam is absolutely fricking gorgeous in every way. Period. And he doesn't need to change anything. Its his personal decision what he does with his teeth or anything else. I am particularly LOVING his decision with his new hair color/style.
That said, for those that wonder why we are discussing something so mundane and trivial (read: ridiculous and unimportant) as Adam's teeth (and who are being critical or incredulous about that discussion), as to whether he has braces or not, the need for them or not and possible reasons why he might chose to have them: why not? I really don't think anyone here is picking him apart, saying he needs or doesn't need braces, etc. Just a topic of discussion on a SLOW Adam news day/time period. As for his "privacy", if he smiles and has braces, people will notice. That isn't really private. His decision to do it his his business obviously. No one is discussing his sex life: now THAT is private, but braces: no. Many of us have had them (I did..), some of us work with them (I do..) , and so may have an opinion, and sometimes an educated one at that, many just for fun, like most comments. Sorry, just get a little tired of being thought of as a group as being petty, obsessed, crazy, over the top, silly, slightly dim-witted, (etc. etc.) Adam fans. We are all in this together, supporting Adam. Discussing his (possible) braces is harmless. (I WILL own the part about being silly tho..and I prefer to think of myself as "supportive", not "obsessive" BTW, just to clarify).
I join everyone here in hoping we have something of substance to discuss soon..For instance, a possible, hinted-at appearance on The Voice (by "The Voice" himself!) or maybe seeing Adam on the Idol Finale (no news yet..) or vids (Please!!) from the show in Russia. Until then..we're kinda stuck talking about Adam's teeth and hair and clothes (and Sauli's boots..) ..At least he gave us SOMETHING to talk about! Until then, teeth it is.... ; )
@Anon 9:48 AM
Not that I would EVER read any fan fic porn.....I would guess it MIGHT enhance whatever sex life one DOES have....not that I would know that firsthand....... ; ) (Well, I might have ACCIDENTALLY stumbled upon a couple..and read them for scientific purposes of course....)
Yes, I've noticed the little "bump" on his nose too..And a gorgeous nose it is! (That's for those who might want to say I'm being critical of it...) Like you, I have spent years looking closely at peoples faces because of my line of work, and in the case of dentistry, it is important to balance the end result of dental work with the rest of the face, so that it is in some sort of symmetry, even though in reality very few faces are perfectly symmetrical, as you know. That's why we perhaps see these aspects of Adam's face, even though they are minor and most might not catch them. They do all add up to one beautiful face indeed! No complaints from me!
By the way, you aren't a dinosaur..anyone who is a fan of Adam is a thoroughly modern and forward-thinking human. And look how far you've come on the computer! That Urban Dictionary does give a little TMI sometimes, but then again, its very useful to help decipher some of Adam's tweets. He does have quite the "thoroughly modern" vocabulary, now doesn't he???
I'll say! I have perfected a non-commital, non-judgemental face I use when my grandson is sharing every personal facet of his life. Believe me inside I'm fanning my flushing face but outside I'm smiling and saying, "really, how interesting!"
Where are these kids who don't communicate? Mine do nothing but communicate...endlessly and in detail! When he leaves my husband looks at me and says "Are you gonna laugh or faint?"
Sometimes it's a toss up!
But I won't do anything to jeopardize his goodbye hug and "Grandma, you're cool, I love you.".........................JAK *_* <3
NO Bad lighting. Braces go on the middle third of the tooth.
VOTED, VOTED AND VOTED (Q102 Ultimate Idol Bracket, American Idol of the month and Billboard Fan Favourite Award).
Adam! Your HAIR is awesome!
Some of the Adam fanfic is delicious. Don't be so quick to dismiss people :). Really, take a look if the spirit moves you. Doesn't strike me as a hurtful thing. It's kinda sexy. I have NEVER been one to read romance novels or anything like that, at all, ever, for whatever that's worth, but a year or so ago I read a few Adam fanfics, um, yeah, kinda hot!
In other news Rebecca Black is preggers.
Can't get anything past your fans Adam. We are all knowing!
@12:16 PM
Yep! As I said, not that I have really read any fan fic (wink wink...oh yes I have...not a lot, but some..!) I think the Adommy stuff sometimes fans the anti-Sauli thing (for those who can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality...or should I say, one fantasy based on pure fantasy and another fantasy based on current reality), if we can come up with some Saulibert fic........Its out there... or so I hear ; )
And didn't I hear the rumor that Adam is the father! LOL!!!
(Just a RUMOR folks: The things you hear on Twitter! )
Keep voting on q102 today as Adam is now ahead of David Archuleta as ultimate idol!
Well I don't want to leave anyone with the impression that I'm a fact my son in law is always teasing me about going into "business" Phone Sex !
When he and my daughter were first married he was flying all over the country and gone a week or two at a time. They spent their evenings on the phone.....she said "Mom, sometimes we fall asleep cause we run out of conversation"!
So, Mom to the rescue, I wrote her a script for the next night.....the bodice ripper type! He loved it and neither of them fell asleep.....then
the light daughter hasn't a literary bone in her body, so he finally laughed and said "your mom wrote this didn't she?
She fessed up and said "should I stop?" He said 'Hell no, keep her busy, call me every night!"
By the time he was transferred back to town permanently I'd probably written enough trash for 7 or 8 books. It's easy just use a lot of nouns with adjectives like heaving, quivering,
throbbing, etc. well that's enough I don't want to get axed by administration!
Soooooooo, though I may appear to be a mild old Granny I am actually a seething cauldron of pure
passion.........Honest......"Ronnie don't read this dear! "..............JAK ;-)
You, you grr naughty, naughty, Countess of Phone Sex!! I knew it, I knew it!!! Heaving breasts in tight dresses, sighs of passion...
Of course I rushed here to read your Jak-fiction!
Ronnie #) adagasm
Why do we care about Rebecca Black on an Adam fansite? They have no connection that I can see
maybe it's my age or maybe it's just me being weird but seriously do we really care if he is wearing braces or not. personally i don't and it's really none of my business. just saying
I don't care, but what do you want to talk about?
If all they did was show us a picture or video and we didn't respond there would be a big black blank. CL
Are you and Ronnie an exclusive or can an older guy be your friend too? I've been following you for quite awhile, you always make me laugh, your husband is a lucky guy!
Captain M
Shout out to 24/7 regarding these pictures at (onthemeaningofadamlambert)! @Uree - lol on your Rebecca Black comment!! ..... Adamluv
@Captain M! Wellcome on board. My God, no I'm not booked for @JAK though she is quite a hottie! Ronnie
How quick you are to toss me aside!
Captain M
Could it be that at last my dream has come true?
That my 5th grade crush Captain Marvel has come for me? Wait a minute I was 11 then so you'd have to be about 90 now! No hope of us flying off together........obviously you are not THAT
Captain M.
Anyway, welcome to our group, whatever age category you fall in it's nice to have another fella around. Just one question, obviously you are a music lover do you share our opinion that Adam is a real "find" for this generation? JAK
I knew there were more men lurking on this site!
Welcome Captain M! Ronnie, "you are not alone". :)
Welcome Capt. M! The more men the merrier! Need the male perspective on our glamgod! @ Uree, Don't shoot me, but who's Rebecca Black? The "natives are getting restless" waiting for the new cd and Adam on stage and we have to amuse ourselves with superficial banter. I'm just glad Adam is taking time to care for his beautiful teeth and hope he also is getting his annual physical! He needs to take good care of all of his moving parts! Ditto to Glitzylady as usual!! funbunn40
hmm i love Adam Lambert so much....:D he wears braces or no...doesn't matter for me...i love his great voice and his stunning perfomance...:)
@JAK dear-dearest! Did not toss you aside but made space to another Knight! Ronnie<3
3:01 youre an ass-hat.
12:56 that 13 year old twit who sings that lame ass Friday song. But now shes claiming she isnt pregnant. Apparently not even CNN cant confirm its sources before going public. That news ruined my morning...
Those look like braces to me, not a reflection of salava....and good for him in keeping up with dental hygene, after all, he does a lot of tongue diving and no telling what he has picked up along the way. Bravo Adam! @justadancingfool
I don't care about the (non)existence of braces. What I DO care about is that whoever is touching up these photos needs to learn that a touch up job should be *invisible*. Running a heavy blur across cheeks does NOT enhance anything! I would much rather have an original with natural flaws than one of these that I have to fix before doing a touch up of my own.
No need to reply to this because I never remember to check back, even if I could remember exactly where I left a comment...I'm just commenting in case the person who is doing these "adjustments" does read these particular comments. I'm not trying to be mean...just dropping a clue...
omg the hell what...if he has clear braces...obviously it is for a reason....get over it...he looks gorgeous as usual....Boy....we must be extremely bored to find Adam having clear braces on as news...and something to lose our minds about...Love yeah Adam...And Adam won the ultimate Idol Contest!!! Glams ...we did it.
Hello to Ronnie, Sister and funbunn40 and thank you for the welcome.
Yes, I think Adam is a remarkable singer. I am a widower, my late wife was a choir director so naturally we watched A.I. and the joy she felt when she first heard Adam sing filled me with joy. She was ill at that time but a fan and followed this blog. She would read me many of your entries, that's how I know some of you.
She and I really enjoyed your humor when you began commenting. My daughter and I lost her to
cancer a month ago and I found myself checking in to hear what you all were up to. My daughter is swept up in Adam and Sauli's romance and is wishing for a poster of the two of them!
Reading your chatter makes me feel close to my girl I lost so thank you.
JAK, sorry I'm not Captain Marvel, just a retired military man, who finds it amazing that women are so endlessly amusingly verbal!
@Capt.M! A warm hug for your loss! You are so wellcome to this Glamfamily. Your girl will always be with you here among us. You made me cry by the way. Ronnie
So sorry to hear of your loss, it must be so hard for you. But welcome out of lurkdom on this site. Its always lovely to see new posters.
Adam looks great to me..any kind of way,but do like the hair color & style now( it will prob be combed to the side again soon.I like that also)On these Pap pix w/no retouching,Adam's skin looks very good & healthy..also love the less make-up look on his face & glad he's happy & having fun while still working on that new album.Did anybody tweet to Adam about the ULTIMATE IDOL POLL ON Q102??just wondering.
*tears falling* I am so sorry to hear of your loss, but am happy that coming to this site holds tight your connection to someone you loved so dearly. We warmly welcome you and your daughter into the 24/7 family and hope to see you here often.
I am glad you "shared" with us and I hope our good thoughts for you and your daughter are a tiny comfort to you.
I congratulate you on being one of those husbands who shared with his wife her joy in "discovering" Adam. As a choir director his voice must have drawn her to him. That and the fact he's a "looker". His success must have made her happy as it has us.
Please drop in frequently and if you enjoy verbal women you know this is the place! JAK :-)
Thank God the are they, aren't they braces discussion has died out. Of course they are, the photos are clear as day. You can see the wire or whatever connecting as it goes from tooth to tooth across the in between spaces! What a ridiculous discussion!
Captain M - welcome to the Nut House!
I am SO glad you have come to join this group of verbally prolific ladies (and a couple of verbal men...with others probably lurking..). I too add my condolences for your recent loss. Your lovely lady obviously had very good taste in are a gem (I can tell already..) and we KNOW that Adam is as well. Adam has added so much joy to so many lives and it is wonderful that your wife was able to "meet" Adam and follow his career this past two years. It has truly been an adventure! I discovered this site about a year and a half ago and feel very much at home here. Many fabulous people. I have to say that my husband is also an Adam fan, something that is so special. Welcome! I hope you stick around to give us your thoughts on whatever Adam is up to: We do! (As you well know!)
He must have braces on his eyes too, because there is just a little drop of moisture under each pupil. Ergo...reflection from the camera.
@ Capt. M, So sorry for your loss. It's tough. I lost my husband 4 yrs ago, before Adam came on the scene and I know he would have supported my awe of Adam's talent and joined me! This site and going to Adam's concerts has been a great gift, connecting to many wonderful people in all parts of the world. It sure beats focusing on my loss and if anything, keeps my husband close by with others comments that he would have enjoyed. We're glad you're here and your daughter as well. We do have fun and get a little frisky at times with good humour. Adam lifts our spirits with his beautiful voice and makes us laugh too. Sometimes we get in an uproar over silly things, but for me, it beats crocheting and keeps "my oars in the water", reminding me to live and make the most of each day in a good way. Hope to see you and your daughter at Adams next concert. It is always fun and so many fans are now familiar to me and it's so gratifying to put a face to some that post here. It's all good and think your wife would be happy to know you share her connection to Adam's music. It's a nice way to keep her close. funbunn40
@ Urethra Franklin, Thanks for solving the mystery. Now I place her. Surprised that CNN didn't do their homework. Showbiz tonight on HLN doesn't always check their facts either. funbunn40
PLEASE PLEASE will someone tweet Adam and ask him if he's wearing braces on his teeth? I can't stand anymore idiotic specuation.
Hi folks! I'm not in any dental field, but after training and showing several dogs for years one of the very first things I notice about anyone (or any dog) is the "bite" and placement of the teeth. Recently I thought Adam's teeth were looking a little different in pictures as compared to a year or so ago. My joke on Twitter (at least I thought I was being funny) was that Adam was supposed to be wearing a retainer at night, but it interfered with his love life! I like to think that...-@RRRoro
When I was at school in the 70's my friend, who liked the Queen and especially Freddie Mercury, said that I have Freddie Mercury teeth, because my teeth are a bit protruding. School dentists never put braces on my teeth. I live in Scandinavia and in those days you would not get braces for a cosmetic problem. I did never ask for braces, not even as an adult, because I live in Scandinavia and like Eva said, it's not that important to have perfect looking teeth. Only a few years ago my dentist made me retainers I should wear at night, for a biting problem.
Furthermore, he's gorgeous! And Sauli's a doll!
Captain M,
It is so nice to "meet" you though under very sad circumstances. I am so sorry of your beloved's passing though I am very happy that your wife has now introduced you to us.
I was wondering if your she ever posted here? I know there are many who don't, though I wish they did. We are all one big happy family and all are welcome.
Come back often. We do love hearing from our guys! Your wife was a lucky woman to have you too. My heartfelt condolences.
Adam Lambert's teeth already look gorgeous. I guess he just wants to correct the alignment of his teeth or something. In any case, he still looks good to me. =)
nice post and lots of infromation about the provided treatment thanks
emergency dentist London
Adam has the most beautiful perfect teeth. They are white, but not too white. On one of the Nokia performances I think he had them bleached and it looked fake, a bit too Liberace and I thought "Oh no Adam, don´t do this!" This is one thing I don´t get about americans, they can´t let their teeth be a little uneven or their noses a bit too big or bent. The worst thing is when they put facades on their teeth and it looks like false teeth. WHO wants false teeth at the age of 25? I think Patricia Arquette is great, keeping her teeth natural crooked (perhaps she´s fixed them now, I don´t know). Jennifer Grey had a great nose that gave her character. She fixed it and looked like everyone else and she was gone. It´s not always a good thing to look "perfect" if your personality and character disappears and you look like every other bimbo on the red carpet. Eva
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