Adam Lambert's Name on Maxidrom Advertising Sign
Filed Under (tour news,Worldwide News ) by Admin on Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Posted at : Tuesday, May 24, 2011
@4evrmomof4: "So cool to see Adam Lambert's name on Maxidrom sign!!"

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The promo for the Maxidrom Festival
Couldn't get that link to open. Any advice? Love seeing Adam's name on here. Hop we get vids.
4 more days till we can see the performances.
Is Adam in that country yet?
Think he is going to Idols finals on Wednesday. Maybe flying out after that. Just a guess. This is way cool. His name seems to be dominating the billboard. Sure twitter fans will keep us updated.
I don't think that Adam is in Russia yet. Let's hope he doesn't miss the flight, because of the Idol finale..
How did i not know about this event?!!! So we get to see Adam's new performances this week!?!! YAY!!
Hope we will get video and Adam will rock the Russian Maxidrom. The stage is HUGE!
He is not taking his dancers. Hope he gets paid well for his performance, because it is prolly costly for them all to go. He was trying to get Sauli's passport OKed to go to. Thought that he and Sauli might go on to Finland for a few days, its not very far from Russia.
@12.00pm how do you know that adam has tried to get sauli's passport OKed to go?
Really hope Ryan Seacrest talks to Adam on the finale and says he is going to Russia to rock it. James Durbin is trashing Adam again, can not stand his arrogance. He does not even have a record contract yet. It might be wise to be kind to others that are in the business. Sorry had to vent before my blood pressure explodes!
prolly picked it up on twitter. Maybe just a rumor about his passport. It was on the internet about the dancers not going, possibly they are not all available. Why wouldn't Sauli go? I am sure Sauli wants Adam to meet his family, while they have the chance.
Speaking of dancers, did Brooke Wendle get married yet? I know she was engaged, but haven't heard anything else about her?????JAK
Hi JAK, only heard that she got engaged to someone in N.Y. after the tour.
@Anon 10:25 - thanks for the promo link. Really like the snippets from all the groups performing! Now this sounds like a festival I'd enjoy, not only just hearing Adam. BTW, dont know if this has been posted but "Suz" will not be in Moscow but will be in Quebec! Spoke to her Sun. nite at Montes show at the Viper Room in WeHo. She hasnt been around lately (last time talking with her was last week in Jan.) Says she's been busy working but she looks fantastic. Maybe just needed a rest from filming after all the months of going everywhere? Found it intetesting that Monte didnt mention the gig in Moscow ? Tommy wasnt there, had tweeted he had something else to do? Montes guitarist, Xander Smith, not only played with Monte but fronted his band RunRunRun in the act before Monte. Loved their music so much I bought their CD at the club! Something major was going down on Sunset Blvd. bc. driving to the club, first 1 police car flew by and then in a matter of 8 mins. FOUR unmarked police cars sped by with sirens blaring! Then about half an hour later while waiting for the club to open (7;30) another police car speeds by followed by 2 police buses (busses). Dont know their real names but they are used when multiple suspects are arrested. TWO! But about 5 mins. later there they go again, this time speeding in the opposite direction? We thought that was very funny! Just a typical Sun. nite in Hollywood! LOL! BTW Tanesha (from The Talk) was there and as always as fun and positive and one of the nicest most interesting fans I'v had the pleasure of meeting. Long post but thought some might enjoy the info. ... Adamluv
Sligo lambert ^____^ cute:
what this?
@May 24, 2011 12:07 PM ....
Where has JD been trashing Adam again?? What's he blaming Adam for now?? It sounds as though he's out of control, and it's becoming more and more beyond the pale!! :-(
Just to let you know, if you are wanting to follow someone's tweets for this event, here is one that I know will be there and will be tweeting out info as it happens. Bear in mind tho, that his event begins at around 2 PM local time there, so will be middle of the night US time..For instance, it will be 3 AM Pacific Daylight time here in the US (11 hour time difference..) . Not exactly my best time of day! But just in case you are interested, here is her twitter name:
Don't know how I missed this one, its beautiful, if you like Adam and Sauli.
Google Adam Lambert Chances Are.
A greek producer that worked with el divo is working with Adam. Said something like finishing up this magical track. It's over on adamtopia. Can't wait to hear what's on album #2!
Adam said he would be at the Idol finale on Wednesday, so I'm sure he's not in Russia yet. This is what he wrote during his Twitter party a couple days ago. We'll see.
OOOO, Adam's name looks great on the bill board.
So looking forward to hearing all about this concert and hopefully viewing video clips and photos. :=D
Thanks for sharing this. I don't know how I could have missed this one either!!! That was lovely. I love Chances Are by Johnny Mathis...and LOVE the love that is Adam and Sauli.
@1:22 Saw it on under news and info. It was an interview done I believe yesterday. Basically JD said Adam lost fans cause he didn't stay with rock and went with electro-pop. That JD will stay true to his fans and break down the barriers and get metal on the radio. Obviously JD has not listened to Adam's album. There was more can't remember but he is full of himself. Oh he said wait till the finale he'll show everyone what he can do, to that effect.
Durbin brought Adam up without being asked on this interview. He is stuck on Adam obviously. It´s all about beating Adam, be better than Adam. I know he has a disability, says what he thinks with no filter and he is an easy target for media who wants hits by mentioning Adam Lambert. I refuse to go to these sites with JD interviews and I wish all Glamberts would do the same.
@sister--2:07 pm
So glad you enjoyed it, I love Johnny Mathis too. Thought it showed the love between Adam and Sauli better than any other video.
Eva agree no hits and will ignore it. Watch Tom Jones sing I who have nothing. The song Haley sang. I remember my Mom having a huge thing for Tom Jones when I was a little girl. If there had been computers back then she would have been on it as much as I am with my Adam obsession!
I had heard that Brooke was getting married in June, but don't know what date.
I just got a little ick in my stomach upon hearing that JD is still out there spouting crap. I can't wait for this guy to go away, disability or not. I could't stand him from Day One and it hasn't changed. No class.
Yes, we will ignore the site and the JD vs. Adam bs. We are smart enough to know what part of this fandom want that drama and why, without the need to explain more, I hope. Of course I can explain it too, if someone wants that..
I had mentioned a week or 2 ago that Suz526 was not going to Moscow but I don't think anyone picked up on it.
I really hopes he makes it there, that volcanic ash cloud is all over the front page of the sky news website again causing travel disruptions in Europe...
Agree with Eva, just don't gp on any James Durbin interview links, don't give them the hits.
On q102 Philadelphia's request page WWFM and IIHY is listed. Also on that same station Max's 10 at 10 has the Aftermath Remix to vote on. The top 10 get played at 10 p.m. every night. They are very supportive of Adam on that station and can keep him on the airwaves a bit till next single.
Sign looks great with Adam's name on it, don't know of the other bands, I just think it's a great treat for Adam to be performing in Russia!
OMG! A Greek producer to work with Adam who has worked with el Devo?!!
I think they performed with Barbara Streisand on her tv special a while back. When I read @1:45 , on this news , I started to cry, this means Adam wil def have a magical sophmore album!!!!
Adam , if u go to AI finale, Please avoid all negative energy & that includes jd!!
Safe trip to Russia & kick those other bands asses, blow the Russian president's mind away, in fact, blow all of their minds away!!! Mwah!! K
As usual..jealous! Thanks for describing the things happening around the time of the concert in Hollywood! Busses yet! Must have been something pretty interesting..The imaginations runs wild!
Its fun that you talked to Suz and to Tanesha..I have a friend down there (another one..) who must have been standing very close to you..She was standing next to Suz and talked to Tanesha as well. Such a small Adam world. And yes, love Xander Smith and Run Run Run..Wish I had thought to buy a CD from him when in at Molly Malone's. There is always Amazon! Or the next time! Hoping...
I agree I will not go on to any site with JD interview. Can't stand to hear him spout off about Adam! He acts as though he knows everything about Adam....NOT!
JD mouth is one of the reasons he is not still on Idol. It is going to be his ruination. Just goes to show he can't handle it. In the music world there are highs & lows. Got to handle both.
JD will take himself down no need for any of us to do it.
Simon Sowell discovered El Divo that what I remembered and they are really great singers!!!!
The Greek producer is really impress of Adams voice yes, yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't wait to Rock with u Adam!!!!!!!!!!!!
Canada loves u so much Yesssssssssssss...
Simon Cowell sorry about my mistake again!!!!!
I need new computer soon!!!!!
Not sure if it is just rumor, but the internet said that Lauren may not be able to compete tonite.She lost her voice during rehearsal, and doctor said she shouldn't sing. If that happens then Hailey will compete. Could be just something to encourage people to tune in, wouldn't put it past them to cook up some rumor. I think back east gets the program before the west coast. Let us know any news about tonites program, NOT NOT NoT tomorrow nite.
Just to let you know..Lauren is singing so far, but people say she sounds hoarse.. Guess we'll see....
Yak AI is BORING!!!!!!!!!!!
Adam will go tomorrow just to see GAGA!!!!!
Country OMG what a F***
Very very boring, and yet I am still watching to see how F**king boring it is. Ha!Ha!Ha!
Adam wants to go , not just for Gaga, but Sauli said he wanted to go. Nothing wrong with country , you have a very closed mind. Everything doesn't begin and end with rock.
Actually, the Gaga fans are the most against rock in this fandom..
Lauren and Scotty both sang well. It will be a close race I think.
There wasn't much variety in the show tho, with all 6 songs being country and the same band with the same fiddle player.
both Lauren and Scotty were very good. I thought for sure scotty was going to win, now I am not so sure.Lauren has a ruptured vocal cord but the Dr. fixed it up.The judges gave their love to Lauren tonight big time.
JD is history, not even worth mentioning his name. talking about self righteousness!
JD looked kinda miffed (grumpy)in the audience.
Who knows with these contests -my favorite didn't win Dancing w/the Stars..
David A was in the audience and he is looking fine.8:20pm who won DWTS'S?
AdamLuv thanks for the recap of the night. I wish I lived in LA,I would go to all of Monte and Tommy's shows but there would also be warrants out for me for stalking Adam. lol Better stay here far away.
JD should be content with what he got and deserved. I just read on another site an Adam fan saying Adam shifted the votes against JD by praising Haley and she questioned why he did that. I was not happy and wanted to counter it but it's a very Adam-friendly site so didn't want to start a quarrel. The Adam fan went as far as to say it would be nice to have Adam sing with JD! Oooh! Ouch! Now you see why JD is still bearing a grudge, getting support even from an Adam fan.
-Lam my
Forget JD, and put a smile on your face and heart. Google-- Adam Lambert Chances are.
9:14pm sounds like two trolls at it, to
I say if an Adam fan wants to support other artist or karaoke singers, go to their sites & give em support .
It must be bloody boring in her fandom, because they keep coming here..
To paraphrase the last sentence in my above comment, this supposedly Adam fan did not exactly say she would like to see Adam sing with JD, rather, she would like to see them on tour together...Oooh! Ouch!
-Lam my
spoiler alert-
Heinz (football player) won DWTS.
I think he was great. I was surprised that Kirstie came 2nd and Chelsea and Mark were 3rd.
I really felt Chelsea was the superior dancer.
Maybe Kirstie got votes for effort and perserverence.
That must be it, anon 10.11.
Maybe I'm just being cynical but its seems pretty good timing that Lauren gets throat problems for the finale, just think of all the extra pimping from the judges, about how well she did to carry on etc, and all the sympathy votes for viewers....maybe just reading too many Idol blogs with all the conspiracy theories!
Not going to watch the top 2, I've had enough of them 2 singing the same each week.
Now trying to decide whether to watch the finale for a 2 second glimpse of Adam in the audience.
@ Adamluv,Thanks for the recap! I always enjoy hearing about your adventures, Monte, Suz and what's going on in Hollyweird! Did you hear anymore about who the police were chasing or why? I envy your being able to see Monte, Suz and other fans. I remember Tanisha from the View. She seems like so much fun! @ HK fan, I do remember you giving us info on Suz not going to Moscow, but going to Quebec. Hope that volcanic ash will settle and stop. Heard it was really bad in London. We had another bad tornado here in the US and hurricane season starts in June. Think we're all caught up with disasters worldwide and ready for some peace. @ JAK Brooke picked up her wedding dress last week and June seems like the time. Wonder if Adam and glamily will be there. @ 2:45PM Tom Jones was a patient of a MD for whom I worked years ago. He was a flirt and used to call me darlin' @ LP Beautiful video of Adam with one of my fave artists, Johnny Mathis.Danced to many of his songs in highschool a million years ago! funbunn40
I'm lost.... is this the AI site????????????
Don't tell me ADAM has to contend with voclanic ash yet again..........Hopefully the skies will
remain clear for RUSSIA! ......This man moves
the entire planet! Enjoy the time of your lives at the Maxidrome....The Master will blow you away!
Anon 11:43 PM They said in Finnish radio today that the volcanic ash has arrived to Finland but hasn't at least not yet disturb traffic. Russia is next to Finland.
AL and JD appear together anywhere? anytime? anyhow? NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO> Adam, my love, I pray that this will NEVER happen.
Ok I did my research on these bands/ singers, & the only one that appealed to me was zemfira.So, I am glad it's a festival of variety. Korn & the prodigy are way too classy for me, NOT! Good luck Adam, Monte, TJR, & Isaac !!!!
One more thing, Adam will take Hollywood to the stage in Russia !! That stage will need some color ( music) !!! Go get em Adam!!! Mwah!! K
That IMO was the worst ever pre-idol finale performances and songs performed in idol history. Never missed that show once BTW- will be watching for adam tonight, U2's performing also, along with haley singing her new single and I think gaga, so won't be so boring. Don't get me wrong, like lauren and scotty but those song choices were dreadful for a finale!
@10:14 you did say spoiler alert and i didn't pay attention. Ahh geez can't believe the best dancer didn't win- I guess idol isn't the only show that gets it wrong. Well, maybe the voice will get it right.
Hk @ 10:42 I agree with you about AI pushing Lauren with all their might to the top. Everyone anticipating that she would have a problem with her voice and that didn't happen. Then Iovine gives her a song about My Mother's Love? The tears from Lauren, the tears from her mother. the tears in the audience were a bit too much for me because we ALL love our mothers. I thought it was very staged since Scotty is going to have a fabulous career with or without the title of American Idol.
Johnny Mathis singing Chances Are, dance floor under a tiki roof beach bar, blue velvet sky with diamond stars and pearl moon making a pathway thru the still black water with white foamy waves and sound of the surf. Dancing with a 6'4" hunk of gorgeousness.
Y'all excuse me, I'm gonna go scare him with a big kiss...............JAK
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