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Claude Kelly Shares His Excitement About Working With Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Claude Kelly co-wrote Adam's first single "For Your Entertainment"!

Thanks Merrick for the tip!


Anonymous said...

Good to hear! Who wouldn't enjoy Adam's creative company in a studio. We love you Adam more & more each day! Ronnie

Anonymous said...

'For Your Entertainment' was my jam for months! I can't wait to hear what they've been creating.

Anonymous said...

Emanuel Kiriakou tweeted that same day:
Day 2 with @AdamLambert and @ClaudeKelly...we'll try to keep it clean today... #notgonnahappen

Anonymous said...

I love FYE and Can't let you go, both written by ClaudeKelly, he is so talented. Wonder what he will come up with Adam, must be something total different from what is in the market. Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

So excited to hear ... can't wait!!!!

Anonymous said...

This of the best videos of all time!

Anonymous said...

So exciting! What did they come up with. They tried to keep it clean the second day. What did they do the first day?


The Dark Side said...

FYE is one of the most powerful songs ever written, and did not get the recognition it deserved. Hoping this duo can repeat the epicness of FYE. This song will forever, in my opinion, be Adam's mantra.

Anonymous said...

Was it August that a possible single might be released? It's gonna be a l-o-n-g summer. Can't Adam be booked on some show to sing...please please RCA???? Maybe a performance of Can't Let You Go would keep us content for awhile. JAK

Anonymous said...

Check out Adam's latest tweets. The video from the girl in Egypt is so touching -- plus he's on a rant with GQ. He sure keeps it real! #realness!

Anonymous said...

JAK I agree with Adam being booked on a show. Think he said CLYG is a real hard song to sing live. Even if he went on Ellen and sang Aftermath and promoted it more for the Trevor project and talked about the GNL DVD it would be great and increase sales. I miss him so much too. So excited for his next single and new album.

Anonymous said...

Adam just got voted in GQ magazine as one of the 5 worst dress men of the month of April. Think it was the outfit he wore with Kesha. Go read his tweet, he gave it right back to GQ magazine. Go Adam, you are fearless and speak your mind. That's why we love you, and to me you are always one of the best dressed men!!!!

Anonymous said...

For all with twitter go trend" realness" Adam wants us to toward what GQ said about his outfit!

Anonymous said...

Adam has so much influence over people. He speaks or tweets one world and everyone listens. Why? Because he is REAL! Love him for his honesty and courage to atate the truth.

Anonymous said...

Someone on twitter suggested realness to be the name of a song on his next album or even the title. Thought that was very cool. BTW Claude Kelly is amazing.

Anonymous said...

OMG his answers to GQ are so funny... I don't think he took it to heart at all, it's all a game. They gave him some visibility, and he gave it back to them, by actually referring his followers to their list.

Anonymous said...

This was about supposed bad dressers for "the month," not "of all time." This'll blow over pretty quick. Adam took the bait and made this fun for a few days. I'd love to see GQ do an entire spread using Adam as a model and showcasing his amazing fearless, gutsy fashion sense, gorgeous body and all-round beauty. Strap on some balls, GQ. You could really capitalize on this.

coloforadam said...

We are playin' around with any little piece of news, photos, anything to keep the bubbles in the champagne but this is the REAL news - work on the album with the FYE-guy!! I don't know if I can stand it until Fall - NEED NEW ADAMUSIC...badly!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha GQ - are you crazy?

Bing said...

This is great because i love everything about FYE the song specially the excellent music video. Can't wait any longer for Adam's 2nd album and i'm running out of ways to contain my anxiety grrrrr. Thanks so much to @daydreamin, @Eva, @glitzylady, @Adamluv, @MGF, @Cassie and all the rest who keep on sharing many interesting links here. I do however end up watching his AIS8 performances and i don't mind it at all.

Good luck Adam and i hope that you can channel GQ's negative energy into some bad ass rock music, all for our entertainment :D

Anonymous said...

The FYE vid is one of my favorites. I wish he had done FYE on the GNT in US.

Anonymous said...


I've watched my AI Season 8 tapes so often I not only know all the song lyrics I also know all the judges comments, can quote them word for word. I'm beginning to question my sanity!

My husband questioned it a year ago. Now if he walks thru the room during Born to be Wild or Tracks of My Tears and says "are you watching that again????" I just say "would you like me to watch Mtv or VH1 instead?" He says "God no, at
least Adam can sing!".....................JAK

Bing said...

Oh JAK it's so nice to know that i'm not alone in this because i just couldn't help it. Right after AIS8 i couldn't put myself to sleep without watching his finale performances with KISS & QUEEN which went on for more than a year. It was a form of addiction that i didn't want cured and BETH served as my lullaby for so long.

I've never followed any artist nor celebrity in my entire life and little did i know that this would even happen to me. But here i am after 3 years, going strong as ever being a proud and invested Glambert!

Way back in 1998, i never understood a close friend of mine who became an avid fan of a Korean group. I used to question why her world stops when it's time for her idols and would sometimes deride her passion. And look what has become of me 13 years later. To top it all since she lives in Pennsylvania now, she would pamper me with Adam stuff that's why i have my DETAILS MAG & FYE CD. And to my surprise, she even bought the TAKE ONE CD thinking that i would love to have it too, toink! Failed to warn her on that one grrrr.

JAK i really want to thank you for sharing your colorful and exciting life with us. Reading your animated posts brings me so much pleasure and enriches my soul. I just want you to know :)

Anonymous said...


I live to serve........ :-) ........JAK !

P.S. My bedtime must is Come to Me Bend to Me,
.....the sweetness in his voice assures pleasant

Jose said...

Bing I live to serve........ :-) ........JAK ! P.S. My bedtime must is Come to Me Bend to Me, .....the sweetness in his voice assures pleasant .....dreams!