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Dan Choi Responds To Adam Lambert on Twitter

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, May 29, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, May 29, 2011

Dan Choi, former American infantry officer in the United States Army and a gay activist, was beaten and arrested in Moscow the same time Adam was performing at Maxidrom.

Adam and Dan were both on the Out Magazine cover in 2009. Thanks Anonymous for pointing that out!

Thanks Glitzylady for the tip!


Anonymous said...

Adam was on the cover of Out Magazine with this guy! :)

Anonymous said...

Poor guy....I hope he's alright.

Anonymous said...

I read that he has a terrible ringing in his ears. Hopefully it will not become chronic.

Anonymous said...

Cyndi Lauper is gay?

Anonymous said...

To: anon 9:25
No, she isn't, but her sister is. Cyndi is a gay rights activist.

Anonymous said...

I saw a news piece about this, realized it had happened the same day in Moscow, and knew Adam would be terribly upset when he heard. How ironic...

Anonymous said...

the cover of magazine can be photosopped. not sure about this, but just saying.

Anonymous said...

9:42am the magazine cover is the real deal.

Anonymous said...

yes Adam is the beautiful voice of the voiceless. that is why i love him so much.
glambert from Iran.

Anonymous said...

trolls, trolls, trolls. Please do not feed.

Anonymous said...

does anyone know where Adam is now? I heard his concert was great and he has many wonderful fans in Russia.

Anonymous said...

I salute both Don Choi and Adam Lambert. Each in their own way making a positive difference in this world. I send healing energy to Mr. Choi that he recovers quickly, both physically and on a spirit level. Two very strong, proud men! I salute you both!

@Glamert from Iran

I am glad you are here. :)


coloforadam said...

Wow, that choked me up more that anything I've heard lately - How beatiful of Dan C. to say it to Adam in that way, just as Adam was feeling the painful irony of that hour .... he was being cheered as Dan was being beaten down. THey both have unbelievable strength, courage and their special inspiration WILL reign in the future. "A Change is Gonna Come"

Anonymous said...

get some information about iran and after it come to me saying i´m a troll.

in iran, 2 young boys were hanged because they were gay. stoning to death penalties are very common in iran too.

Anonymous said...

"the cover of magazine can be photosopped. not sure about this, but just saying"
I happen to have that magazine, nothing was photoshopped.
I read somewhere, that Adam was meeting Dan Choi Sunday noon at the hotel he (Adam) was staying.

Anonymous said...

go to youtube and you´ll find some videos made by iranian ppl.

they will show you what´s happening in iran !

Anonymous said...

But this is about Russia though....

I didn't know Russia was so they have any gay rights law over there?

Anonymous said...

russia is not the best country for gay ppl.

alos animals right are minimal. :((

Anonymous said...

** also

Anonymous said...

@Anon 9:42 AM - here's a video of the OUT100 photoshoot. It shows they were all photographed together at the same time (not individually and then photoshoped together), so Adam and Dan Choi actually met.

Anonymous said...

so much animal abuse in russia as well; there´s not a proper animal protection law. :(

Anonymous said...

but let´s face the truth, adam will never go to any muslim country because gays are in danger there.

the second thing is that he is jewish, no problem if you´re living in western countries, but still some just might hate them..

Honey said...

This is very cool, for him to point out that he and Adam are fighting the same fight. All the best to Choi!

glitzylady said...

Oh for goodness sakes! Why would anyone think this OUT Magazine cover was photoshopped..I have the magazine as well.This is the issue that contains Adam's interview that resulted in an open letter from the editor to Adam. The cover may not be well known, the the interview and resulting editorial are very familiar to long term Adam Lambert fans, and had some lingering effects on Adam's career.

Here is the link to see the entire (scanned) Adam Lambert (short version of the) article, including pictures. It is indeed real.

And the entire expanded version, which contained far more information and insight into Adam's life than the brief synopsis that appeared on one page of the magazine of the November 2009 OUT interview, is here:. He was extremely open and very candid about his life, and this is the interview that the OUT editor wrote an editorial about Adam, and was extremely critical of some things..Likely had a bearing on the AMA performance.

This is the editorial by Aaron Hinklin, written as an open letter to Adam, in response to Adam's interview.

glitzylady said...

And while I'm at it, I also looked up the November 2009 OUT Magazine article about Dan Choi. He was "Newsmaker of the Year".

And if anyone didn't get a chance to read the thread here on 24/7 about Lt. Dan Choi and the situation in Moscow, here's the link to that thread..Or simply go to the Thread topics on the upper right on this page: either will take you there. More info re Dan Choi, etc..

Anonymous said...

i wish Adam didn't go to these homophobic countries like Malaysia. its not safe.
glambert from Iran

Anonymous said...

Dan Choi is a devout Christian.

Anonymous said...

Iran is not safe country either.

glitzylady said...

Pictures of Adam leaving his Moscow hotel today and posing with fans..He is such a sweetheart! (No news about where he might be going yet though..other than he was at the airport earlier waiting for a flight to somewhere...).

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

as long as iranian coverment is hanging people or stoning them to death , I can´t respect you.

Anonymous said...

The born again christians are not the most tolerant towards other religions. I know this, because I'm a christian myself, but very moderate.

Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert ^____^cute:
adam so handsome

Anonymous said...

I thought I share with you guys that Adam changed his Twitter avatar again:

I like it better than his last avatar. It shows of his rocker side more and I love his pout! :)

tess4ADAM said...

Umm ... just a thought here ... has any other gay celeb/activist celeb said anything about this UNconscionable treatment of a US citizen (Dan Choi) OTHER than ADAM?? Haven't heard/seen anyone else ... GLAAD ... LGBT community? NO?? Just ADAM ... the VOICE or as Dan Choi said ... **the VOICE of the Voiceless** .... I'm so DAMN PROUD OF ADAM!!! <3<3<3


Anonymous said...

for Dan Choi....Love and Light from all Glambrits in the UK...and thankyou for the Wonderful Words for our Beautiful Adam Lambert...

Russia ...China and Iran are the SHITHOLES of the WORLD.....Human Rights and Animal Rights dont exsist...PURE VILE EVIL NASTINESS
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

Thanks glitzylady for all the OUT's about 6 pages...very interesting....I feel bad that Adam was just starting out and got ambushed (sort of.) What do they say about Ricky Martin or Clay Akin who didn"t have the balls to come out.

Anonymous said...

tess4ADAM......I was wondering myself ...where is Chaz and GLAAD...having a dinner and hanging out with the safe "yuppie" they support LGBT don't see Prince Poppycock at those dinners.....

Anonymous said...

when Choi makes some progress...they will step in and take credit.....

Anonymous said...

I predict that Adam's role in the gay rights movement will grow over time. He is so sensitive to others and seems to understand that his fame may help the cause. Just want him to stay safe

Hk fan said...

@anon 10.38
Adam went to Malaysia, and performed there.

as to where he is, saw on twitter that he's been seen in London? don't know how true it is.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I think Chaz has done a lot to expand the understanding of transgenders. He has been VERY courageous and open.

Everyone plays their own role in the evolution of mankind and advocates in their own way. Let's not bash others, especially those of the gay community who are already the recipents of the hate, predjudice and inequality. Why all the hate? Hate IS the problem.

Maybe what I am reading here is more frustration, of feeling unempowered. We are all empowered to respect, encourage and advocate. Spewing remarks of "why didn't THEY do something!?" puts the responsibility on others. We should instead be first asking ourselves...WHY didn't I do something? What can I do to make the world a more tolerant and loving place? How can I be kinder and more accepting?

It all starts from inside ourselves.

I am so proud of Don Choi and Adam for the part they play in making this world a better place. Very proud indeed.



Anonymous said...

Yes, he was ambushed but didn't back down!
Balls of Steel opposed to no balls.

Lizard Eyes

Cheril said...

Don Choi could not have been more eloquent with his words. Bless him and Adam and every single person that leads the way to make the world a better and more loving place.

Anonymous said...

Sister, thank you for posting your comment. You made me take a better look at myself.

Anonymous said...

@ Sister, I so agree with your post. It's unfair to criticise people that we don't personally know and who have lives that may be very supportive of the lgbt community. They may privately do much. I also believe that we should remember that people living in Russia, Iran and other countries that have laws that we feel are unjust are like ourselves, wanting a peaceful life. The govt. is another matter and they deserve our disdain, not the people that have to live with the daily oppression and fear. The woman in Tripoli that was gang raped and ran into the hotel in Tripoli to tell CNN was incredibly brave. She was arrested, but because of wordwide publicity was able to escape. We all need to step up, no matter if it's signing petitions or speaking out because there is power in numbers. Each one of us makes up a whole and matters. Each one of us could have been born in a place without freedom and would be suffering. Voting in the US will also send a powerful message as well as supporting Adam,other artists and any issue that denies basic rights. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@Anon 6:12PM

By the fact that you responded makes me think that you liked what you saw in yourself. :)

I was really thinking out loud when I was writing that comment. I was thinking that I, myself, need to find an organization where I can do some advocacy work. The comments, of ALL kinds, on this site have really inspired me to do something that makes this world a kinder more tolerant place. Adam has inspired me in a big way, and now Don Choi has done the same. This site is more than a fansite for me. It truly educates me, motivates me, makes me laugh and cry and, most of all, inspires me. And I have to thank ALL those who comment here for that inspiration. :)


Anonymous said...


VERY well said! I hear your passion and love reading your perspective. :)


Anonymous said...

Here is a video by Don Choi BEFORE the arrest in Moscow and pics of those arrested in the jail cell, for those who are interested.

His reason for being in Moscow is to show solidarity. It's a good video clip.


Anonymous said...

It's DAN not Don!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@Anon 7:43

ooops...sorry...Dan. It was a brain fart. :)

The Dark Side said...

I concur totally with the person above who pointed out the irony of Dan Choi's arrest and Adam's adoration of fans at the same time. Solidarity comes in some strange forms. I also agree it isn't so much the Country as it is a mind set. There will continue to be conflicted thoughts during this generation. I applaud both Dan Choi and Adam Lambert for being real and living their lives as they were born to.

Anonymous said...

Courageous men fighting the "good fight" ... one bigot at a time. I applaud them both and am, once again, so proud to be an ADAM fan.

Peace - Love - Tolerance

Anonymous said...

Here's an interesting article -
Study Shows Vast Majority of Countries More Accepting of Homosexuality; Opposite in ex-Socialist Countries

I am not posting this to point fingers at countries or inflame discussion. I just thought it was an interesting study. It appears that in many parts of the world that acceptance for homosexuality is on the increase. Other countries are not changing as quickly. But, of course, there are people in ALL countries that are open to diversity, just not yet the majority.


Anonymous said...

Are you sure the warmongers didn't plan this? At least they will take advantage of this.