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Gay Activist Dan Choi Beaten in Moscow

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, May 28, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, May 28, 2011

"Army veteran and gay activist Dan Choi, Chicago activist Any Thayer were among at least 18 people who were mobbed at a gay pride parade in Moscow by police and a group of Neo-Nazis on Saturday."

Source: The Advocate


Anonymous said...

senseless hate -- it's heartbreaking

Anonymous said...

Was this just a coincidence or were they using
Adam's Concert as a "flag" to promote their march ???
Either way, very sad indeed.

Anonymous said...

What can we do about that????????????/

Pray for their soul and hopefully when the world ends, everything will be okay?????/ Yup that's the only way people.... Just live your life to the fullest and Rock for the remaining soul we have on earth.......

Rock baby Rock Yes!!!!!!!!!!!

Dinah-mite said...

Dan Choi is an American HERO! Do some homework and see what this man has gone through... Yes, prejudice
exists EVERYWHERE, even in our own back yards!
Do some research and GET ACTIVE!!!

Adam is doing his part just by living his life openly. You can be assured he has endured many haters. This fight is now entering a new level. The movement is moving forward for equal rights for ALL!

As Adam says "Freedom of Expression people, FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION".

glitzylady said...

It was supposed to be Gay Pride Day in Moscow. Longstanding. And the parade was cancelled (banned) by the city. I don't think it had anything to do with Adam being there. But it was definitely Ironic. And sad.

Anonymous said...

Where's Chaz and GLAAD?

Anonymous said...

This is so upsetting. I'm sure this has already ruined Adam's day.


glitzylady said...

Dan Choi's Tweets from Moscow today: including one to Adam..(read from the BOTTOM up to TOP..)(I am now following him on Twitter)

I just read all your cities to the arrestees and they were so inspired "to hear voices around the world registering their truth."

Tim Magomedov (My New #1 Transgender Man) with his certificate.

Translation please? The charge against the Russian Second-Class Citizens:

@ltdanchoi @BlairKanine @adamlambert ... Please join us at Charm 12a. I'm in dress blues at the #1 Russian Gay Club.

Retweet if you send your LOVE to Russia today. (include city, please...)

18 arrestees all released in record time. It was your RT's and undaunted advocacy. Never stop. Today, Ich Bin Ein wall-tearing Activist.

glitzylady said...

Dan Choi: Wikipedia

The Dark Side said...

Neo nazis are still active and will continue so throughout the world. The come and go with regularity everywhere. Can't be sure that Choi not arrested to bring him to safety. Russia is a Country trying to find itself in the 21st Century. Adam has a huge fan base there, which is all good. This will not take away from the concert he gave his Russian fans, if anything it will help solidify his fan base.

Anonymous said...

Adam set me free from homophobia.. I changed my opinion about gays and lesbian..amazing man, thank you!!)) привет из России :)

Anonymous said...

Oh,I wish this hadn't happened today( or any other day for that matter)but it's so heartbreaking for me & I know for Adam..I know the fans love him,but I hope he leaves the country( or already has)& comes home now.I just want him & the band & crew to come home safely.

Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert ^_____^cute:

Honey said...

I hate to say this, but it's better that the beaters were a neo nazi group, because it's realistic that they could have been the military or the police... Yes, Russia is still a that kind of country.

Anonymous said...

Honey, I don't know where you live, but there are neo-nazis all over Europe. In Russia they are a kind of militia and against the government, just like in the US also. I live in Finland and there was an attack against gaypride last year. The attackers were sentenced, but it was too mild, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

^^ agreed :-(

I live in Finland ( surprise surprise ), the neighbour country of Russia, and I just want you all to know that Finland isn't similar in intolerance and hate than Russia .

We have also suffered one attack last spring at Gay Pride parade towards the people marching, but that was the first - and hopefully only one of its kind.
It was taken seriously, the haters were punished and clear message was sent.
Finland doesn't tolerate hate and/or violence against others, esp. when not having done anything to ppl hating and attacking them.
And defenately nobody would ever be thrown behind bars for being gay and/or marching to raise awareness ( are you kidding me??? ).

Just wanted to tell you that BB and his BF Sauli can both be trusted in safe&loving lap of Finland, we'll keep extra good care of them <3333

If u don't believe me, search info abt Finland & security, this is one of the most safe places on earth :-).

I just wanted you all, who love Adam and are concerned about his safety, to know that there is nothing to worry about here :-) <33
If he wants it so, this will be his second home :-) <3

LP said...

Doesn't look like Adam would be able to go shopping in Russia. Hope he is on his way to see Sauli and meet his family. Then home again and draw a deep breath and relax.
I think if anyone attacked Adam it would start a 3rd world war, every country would be at his side, his fans are world wide and very dedicated and fierce.

Anonymous said...

Adam signed up as a gay activist. Don't know is this a good thing, since there are other things he can do better.

Anonymous said...

Gay activist Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

I am very sorry to hear about Lt. Dan Choi and others who were detained, I have seen him many times on news shows here in the U.S. and supported his position on Don't Ask Don't Tell.

I question him putting himself and others in harm's way in a country that had already banned the gay parade. To do so is to invite oposition,
was the cause of acceptance forwarded by these actions? Persecution exists everywhere and I hope he returns safely to our country and works to end the unfair laws that exist here.

We are no longer a shining beacon of equal rights and freedom. Come and work at home Lt.Choi...................................JAK

Adamluv said...

@Dinah-mite, you are so right about Lt. Dan Choi being a hero. Thanks to afterelton, I learned about this courageous man. In todays LA Times a long article about the many recent killings of black lesbians in South Africa, which BTW has marriage equality. So even in a more enlightened country, this horror goes on. very sad. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@Dina-mite & Glitzylady

Re: Dan Choi's tweets (He follows Adam, BTW), what do you make of his invite to Adam to join him at the gay bar in Moscow this evening? Is Dan already out of jail?

This has been a fascinating event to follow today. That Adam also found out about this after his performance (It was evidently going on while he was singing.)& tweeted about it is no small matter. I don't think Moscow law enforcement had counted on Adam's 1 million+ twitter followers network (& how fast his word travels all around the world).

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Adam supposed to go to South Africa.. :/

Anonymous said...

Couldn't the term be human activist? That's an inclusive term that would describe as well all the straight people who are eager to see divisions and labeling go away and join the LGBTQ
fellow world citizens.

I think the most effective march to see this happen is a march to your local voting location.
Change can't come about by just trying to WISH it away. Do Something!....................JAK

Anonymous said...

If something can go wrong, it will. :/

Anonymous said...

go to finland, meet the family visit for awhile then come home and finish your cd. lol bb

Anonymous said...

I'm glad there's also helping over country etc. borders..I am heterosexual but I doesn't matter, I'll still be everywhere where I possibly can defending human rights. Right to love and express that love is a human right.

What's right is right & what's wrong is wrong. Intolerance is great loss for us all, that's why I don't understand ppl defending it.
I guess different kinds of human rights etc. activists are kinda like us glamberts, we're bunch of ppl on a mission and we will love & support each other while focusing on it together.
We're Adam Activists! :-) ( among other things )

glitzylady said...

@Kentucky Fan
Yes, they released Dan Choi they did the other non-Russian arrestees. They were also allowed to keep their cell phones throughout the interrogation..I found that to be interesting in itself.

I would guess the tweet was a bit of an acknowledgement of Adam's presence in Moscow, and an invitation... They have met before at least once. They were on the cover of Out magazine, with some other influential gay and friends of the gay community in Nov. 2009.

OUT 100: People Who Made Our Year

Anonymous said...

Adam had a photo shoot scheduled in Moscow. I don't know if it was before or after the concert. But, I hope it is over by now - and he can get out of the country. And, no gay clubs in Moscow, BB. Please be safe.

Anonymous said...

Don't know what to think about this mr. Choi. Not a manchurian candidate, I hope..

Anonymous said...

Ok, I checked out he's an arabic linguist. Arabic and farsi gay linguists have faced a discharge from the US military. Why?

Anonymous said...

Hope Adam skips the bar and gets out of there.
This is a recipe for trouble imo.

Anonymous said...

JAK Sadly true. I wanted an opportunity to post about 2 HUGE ABC/major media hipocracies this past week nobody seemed to catch. On 5/22/11 ABC aired a Billboards Awards performance at 8:00 PM AT LEAST as racy as Adam's 10:55 PM AMA performance: One involving Britney Spears & Rhianna showing lots of female skin in racy outfits, and female on female affection (yes, including a kiss), while singing about sexy stuff like whips. Yes, it stirred up controversy (can be googled)about all the children that might be watching, etc.

BIG DIFFERENCE Do you think these 2 gals would ever get villainized or blacklisted off TV or the radio like Adam? Of course not. In fact on yesterday's Today show, where Rhianna got to give one of those summer concerts Adam never gets invited to do, Matt Lauer discussed the controversy with her. But, he ended up making light of it--in fact telling her he didnt think it was a big deal and saying "I watched it 11 times".

The point seems to be that if heterosexual men like it, to include heterosexual male media decision-makers AND viewers (and we all know they can be very fond of female on female sex) then it is FINE. However, put our sexy boy on TV and/or male on male sexual simulation (which, heaven forbid, females and gay men might enjoy)then all Hell breaks loose. It cannot be tolerated. Adam was so right when he said the very next day on CBS that he was up against 2 double standards: one against men as well as one against gay men doing what women have been able to do for a very long time.

There was also a blatant hipocracy going on re the AI finale on Wed PM of last week: Between 8-10 PM, Gaga engaged in fairly graphic man on woman simulated sex for a huge American TV viewing audience--AT LEAST as graphic as Adam's male on male simulation--but with hardly any clothes! (Adam was fully dressed in 3 piece suit as I recall LOL.) Where are all the "What about the children!!!" outcries? And I mean NOBODY has vilified or banned Gaga. Indeed she topped Oprah & became the new #1 on the Forbes top 100 list of celebrity movers & shakers this week.

Yet, maybe the most profound & newsworthy thing that happened at the AI finale, was Adam holding hands and looking adorably happy with his boyfriend on the AI Red Carpet. That may have actually been a ground-breaking media event. But, did the AI cameras catch Adam sitting w Sauli in audience to capitalize on history-making? Nope. This is especially poignant in that the greatest AI performer of all time, Adam Lambert, probably did not win AI because he was gay.

Kentucky Fan

coloforadam said...

Consciously participating in a hate crime - what the hell would lead someone to do that, especially when you actively hate people for the way they choose to love each other? How can that be even the slightest bit threatening? If I live to be 100, I will never understand how your own identity can be so unstable that you have to go out and eliminate everyone who isn't like you!!! That seems like TRUE evil.
I can't imagine how sickening and unnerving that must be for Adam and Monte et. al. to have that unfolding right around the corner when they are being cheered and loved and supported. Adam has probably experienced many of these kinds of things over the years but not in such a huge scale and with so many watching. I hope he knows that we all feel like LP .... they better not hurt him.

Anonymous said...

Re the Neo Nazis at today's Moscow Gay Pride event. I believe several people, to include Dan Choi, wrote in their news articles or tweeted that the Russian police went undercover dressed as Neo Nazis and collaborated with them to catch & bash the activists.

Re Adam: All he has to do is keep singing & being his beautiful, fierce self. This is making him into an incredible international role model, hero, & human rights activist that people can relate to on a personal (vs. political) level, whether he wants to be or not. He kinda reminds me (in his own way) of that extraordinary unarmed Chinese man who stood all alone in front of all those tanks & military men in that very famous photograph. I look forward to the day Adam finally gets the serious acknowledgement he deserves, i.e. when he is nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. I do not say that lightly.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

The notorious Omon riot police arrested the activists.

Anonymous said...



glitzylady said...

@Anon 3:56
Mr Choi was discharged from the Army simply because he was gay...period. It made no difference what his job was. Up until now, if you were gay, out you go...Changing, but slow transition. A little history from the Wikipedia article I posted further up on the thread..

Choi graduated from West Point in 2003 with degrees in Arabic and environmental engineering.[10] Choi served as an infantry officer in Iraq with the 10th Mountain Division[10] in 2006 and 2007. In June 2008, he transferred from active duty Army to the New York National Guard. Choi served as a National Guardsman with the 1st Battalion, 69th Infantry, based in Manhattan.[10]
Choi received a discharge letter following his coming out on The Rachel Maddow Show. In response, Choi penned an open letter to U.S. President Barack Obama and the United States Congress.[11] In the letter, Choi challenged the morality and wisdom of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, writing that the policy is "a slap in the face to me. It is a slap in the face to my soldiers, peers and leaders who have demonstrated that an infantry unit can be professional enough to accept diversity, to accept capable leaders, to accept skilled soldiers."
Despite his appeal and a Courage Campaign petition signed by almost 162,000 people,[12] on June 30, 2009, a panel of New York National Guard officers recommended that Choi be discharged from the military.[13] As of February 2010, Choi was serving again in his National Guard reserve unit, the discharge having not yet been "finalized".[14] On June 29, 2010, Choi's discharge was finalized.[1]
Choi is among 59 gay Arabic linguists, along with nine gay Farsi linguists, who have faced a discharge from the U.S. military from 2004 through 2009, according to the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network.[15]

There is much more if you want to read it in the above article.. At 1:07 PM

Anonymous said...

All I care about tonight is that Adam return home to safety. The mess over there makes me sad however I do not want Adam to be involved; he has enough of his own battle to fight. I admire his guts and grace; more than that I just want him to sing and entertaine.

Anonymous said...

I would totally understand if Adam chooses not to join Dan Choi at the Gayclub but I would also totally understand if he would.
Saying that Dan Choi shouldn't have gone to Russia is something I don't agree with, I am sure that when you are a member of a repressed group you feel solidarity with all members and international support can be enormously empowering. It takes heroes like Dan Choi who will make difference in the world. It is always the people who take it to the streets who are the spark that start the revolution. There is enough historical evidence for this.In my book Adam is a hero as well by going to Russia and not let himself be ruled by fear that something might happen to him. Fear is the biggest oppressor.

Lizard Eyes

glitzylady said...

@Lizard Eyes
I agree with you in your opinion of Dan Choi. He is known throughout the world, and lends his presence and "celebrity" name to gay communities world-wide in their quest for basic human rights. This is what he does. It is very brave, because puts himself in the position of possible harm and/or imprisonment. The fact that he is well-known and an American brings the attention of the world to the place he is participating, in Pride or other human rights causes. And with the world's attention upon him, there is probably less chance that the country, in this case Russia, would be likely to get too rough. It wouldn't look good.

He was also brave to announce to the world on a TV show that he is gay, and subsequently was discharged from military service because of his sexual orientation. He knows what he is doing. Things could go horribly wrong for him, but he is willing to take that chance for the bigger cause. Adam is courageous as well, but in different ways. He is also living his life as an openly gay man, and will bring change by example. Two very brave men who will help to change the world for the better.

On to another subject:
I would guess Adam is either in Finland now or on his way.. Sauli is there, and Adam will meet him..I saw a tweet from a friend of both of theirs a few hours ago: He is the owner(?)- manager of "Jenny Woo", the famous and trendy (not shady!! LOL!) bar- nightclub where Adam and Sauli met....there is a picture attached as well. So doubt Adam stayed in Moscow any longer than he had to.... probably caught the first flight out!

@adamlambert sauli is home!!! We missed him - hurry to Finland bitch.!!
5 hours ago

glitzylady said...

Oh, and I don't mean to say anything negative about the good people of Russia in my comment above. There are fabulous and lovely people in Russia and throughout the world who are open-minded and have no problem with the gay community. Russian fans greeted Adam with open arms. Just used it as an example because Dan Choi was there. The government and some people in the US are still in need of some enlightenment as well. Still lots to do.

Anonymous said...

I wrote several threads back that I was worried about Adam's safety in Russia and several of you chided me for it. I hope he is gone by now and in Finland with Sauli and his family.

Anonymous said...

When people say, what can we do? @JAK had it right. We can use our voting power to elect those to office who respect all people. We can open our hearts like our Russian friend @1:31. We can speak up like many on this thread have. We can challenge those in our lives when they make demeaning or degrading comments about another human being. We can write letters to the legislature. We can join advocacy groups. We can lives from our hearts so that others may follow our example.

I highly respect the courage of Mr. Choi for taking action against those who are oppressors, be it at home in the US or abroad. He lives by his strength of conviction. I truly respect him for that. Adam too lives by his convictions and models love and acceptance on a daily basis.

We can all do our part to make this world a better place for all. And from all the threads on this site I believe that we are a force to be reckoned with. As we stand by Adam, as true fans, we also stand by the right for every person on this planet to be true to themselves, to live their lives authentically. So, each and everyone of us is playing a part in making this world a better place to some degree.

It all begins within ourselves, within our hearts and then the actions begin to follow.

My total respect goes out to Mr. Choi and Adam, and all the others who live by their convictions and are committed to making this world and gentler, kinder, more accepting place for all.


Anonymous said...

The only positive thing abt this was that
they got a lot more publicity to the important issue when Mr. Choi and other were thrown to jail, than they otherwise would have.
So if the Russian police tried to shut them up, that wasn't a huge victory for them.

Anonymous said...

They raised awareness for the situation, and also effectively proved their point in the process.

Anonymous said...

I read in the news that the protesters were carrying signs that said "Russia is not Iran". The ultra Orthodox group is anti-gay in Russia. The orthodox extremists attack the protesters with the nationalists and neo-nazis.

glitzylady said...

I woke up this morning to see this on Twitter. It is Lt. Dan Choi's response to Adam's comment on twitter yesterday about the arrests. Such true words by both men:

@adamlambert Adam Lambert
So shocked that this happened today at the same hour and same city as I was performing in. #majordamperonthings
19 hours ago

in reply to ↑

Dan Choi
I salute you, @adamlambert for being a beautiful voice of the voiceless.
1 hour ago via web

Anonymous said...

Adam once said he was a singer and did not want to be a gay activist as such. unfortunately by default he has/is becoming this. It part of his make up and who he is and I admire him even more for making a stand and using his celebdom etc against the haters.I support him no matter what in this important fight.

Anonymous said...

its so sad and heartbreaking.
today two young boys were hang in Iran for being gay.very hateful world. its a mad world.
glambert from iran

Adamluv said...

I believe that he prefers to be addressed as Lt. Dan Choi. For those speakers of other languages, Lt. means lieutenant and refers to his military ranking. @glambert from Iran - a very big welcome to you to this site of devoted Adam lovers! Very sad news you posted above. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

......WHAT CENTURY!!! are some Countries in for FUCKS SAKES
...geeez........its VILE and SUCKS!!!!:(
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

@ glambert from Iran, So glad you are with us and am saddened at the senseless death of those two boys. It's a reminder of the cruel insanity that exists world wide and the potential of what these and other gays could have accomplished and now is forever lost. Lt. Dan Choi is a classic example of bravery for standing up for the many unfairly persecuted and Adam who represents love and acceptance for all, sharing his honesty, a vocal gifts and insight. What a loss it would be, never to have known only these two very special men. Think of the countless other gay and lesbians that have so much to offer the world that have no rights. Lt. Dan Choi had much to offer the military. Just the advantage of his linguistic abilities in this time of war when they are so needed, along with his brave soul have been tossed aside because of unreasonable fear. Of what?! The foolishness of the military powers that be boggles the mind. I salute all that stand up for oppression everywhere. Love the Russian glamberts for loving Adam, seeing the man and not a label. I think they warmed his heart and reminded him how appreciated he really is and how much love still exists in spite of those that try to instill hate and fear. They will lose. Love will always win. funbunn40