Kelly Clarkson VS Adam Lambert
Filed Under (American Idol,news ) by Admin on Sunday, May 22, 2011
Posted at : Sunday, May 22, 2011 wants to know who has American Idol's All-Time Best Performance.
The Final Voting Has Begun and It's Between Kelly Clarkson or Adam Lambert!
CLICK HERE to vote for Adam!

If you're curious, here is Kelly's performance:
The Final Voting Has Begun and It's Between Kelly Clarkson or Adam Lambert!
CLICK HERE to vote for Adam!

If you're curious, here is Kelly's performance:
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All these polls do is generate hate among fans. Where do these polls keep coming from? I wish they'd stop. They prove nothing.
No, I won't do this one. It's like asking a mom to decide who is her favorite child. I love them both. And Pink two. My three favorites of all time.
I think this poll is important becuase it's on TVline. It will get more attention.
I just voted.
Natural Woman is a great classic. This is the first time I heard Kelly sing it. She did a good job. Used to like Mary J Blige's version too.
Mad respect for Clarkson but I'm going to vote Adam anyways. My ultimate loyalty belongs to him.
This is so funny, because no one and I mean no one on earth, at least male could make Clarkson feel like a natural woman.
I have to say I saw this earlier today, took a look, and just sort of cringed at some (many..) of the comments...So if you vote, just vote and don't read the comments....A certain amount of Glambert bashing and some of the usual BS re: Adam. And many positive comments about Adam as well. I tend to believe that the comments sections of any of these polls are dominated by the same few people who go back over and over again to say things that are meant to antagonize. Just irritating but the reality of this type of thing.
I personally love both Adam Lambert and Kelly Clarkson, and she is my second favorite former Idol contestant. So voting is tough.. In a crunch tho, I'll vote for Adam.. I often am reminded of Adam's favorite phrase "comparing apples and oranges" and I think that applies in this case too. Hoping Adam "wins"..I do believe he has the potential to far surpass Kelly in the long run tho. Just my opinion.
My two favourites gosh no way to vote!!!!1
Why! Why! Why! Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm nop!!!!!
Sorry folks don't be dissapointed on me just saying!!!!!!1
Love them both!!!!! Bloody hell no!!!!! for war!!!
I just hope this one gets over with soon, and we can concentrate on Moscow, etc. Of course, another poll will turn up, and it will start all over again. Polls give me a stomach ache. The best "poll" we can win for Adam is to give him HUGE SALES when his cd comes out. The haters always point to his mediocre sales, and we have to CHANGE THAT!
kelly vs carrie for sure Kelly will win for me!!!! Love her
I hate all these polls. Do they really mean anything or make Adam a better person or performer? I agree with a previous statement about giving Adam's second cd huge sales when it comes out this fall. Those are the numbers that are important in the big picture. Everything else seems irrelevant and umimportant. I think Adam knows how his fans feel about him and his music. And by having a Twitter party to answer questions just proves that he cares just as much about them.
so sick of these polls too. I read some of the comments but you read the same stuff on every site anymore and to tell you the truth it gets boring. Didn't even vote. I like Kelly too and would never bash her!!
finally got to order my GNT dvd/cd and also preordered David Cook's new cd. I am so ready for Adam's new album but want him to take his time.
I am voting out of guilt & loyalty to Adam & I adore Kelly. Adam could care less about these polls.He never mentions them...except the fan one.
His career depends on sales not polls.
I agree also, hate these polls especially this one -my two faviorite artists!!! Of course voted for adam but honestly no one can top mad world so this was kind-of easy for me. Cd's are what's important, just finished watching billboard awards and its ALL about sales and getting radio play. That's what going to get adam to the top. Neil Diamond was the best performer on that show tonight.(showing my age I guess) Of course beiber won that billboard poll by a landslide they said. I don't know why I watch those award shows, I just get aggravated and fast-forward through all the rap and autotuning. Britney was clearly lipsyncing at the end also. geez
As much as I love Kelly Clarkson, of course I voted for Mad World. He's my #1!! :D
Yes, there are many polls but I vote for him in a heartbeat. It's good PR for him and hey, if everyone stopped voting for him, the haters would say that ha ha, his fans have finally seen the light and dropped him and his singing career is dead and we can't have that, can we?!?!
Sadly, there are so many nasty, nasty comments on these polls. :-(
^Oops! I meant ADAM is my #1!
Well, I voted for Adam. Don't really know Kelly Clarkson, know her name obviously, but I think the first time I really saw her in action was on this years Idol with that guy in the big hat, didn't really like that performance.
I voted for ADAM & left a comment too ... ADAM & Kelly ... Male & Female Cream of the Idol Crop ... hands down ... album sales be damned!! I'll NEVER stop voting on these polls ... it may not be important to some but to me ... EVERYTHING about ADAM is IMPORTANT ... gotta go watch the re-broadcast of ADAM's E! THS ... it's on @ 9AM EST so I'll just have time to brew a pot of coffee ... Light 'n Love to Glamberts Worldwide ... don't give up the VOTE ...
ADAM has 1M+ Twitter followers ... well show them that we ALL support ADAM ... not just a FEW of us ...
Buy Adams CDs and go to his concerts!!!!!!!!
More than a million of fans follows him in TWITTER but do they buy his collections no!!!!!
I'm sick and tired of this voting!!!!!
I watched and bought his stuffs so please do the same thing if you want Adam to be on top!!!!!
I'm not in Twitter but I do my share like u guys!!!
So wake up people!!!!!
I didn't begin watching AI until Season 6 so I'm only slightly familar with Kelly's voice. She's very good, but nothing "grabs" me about her.
If you want to compare her to Britney, Gaga, Beyonce, Kesha and Katy Perry then Kelly wins.
She has no "flash" which seems so important today. A contest between Kelly and Adele would be more fair.
But of course I voted for Adam, I don't think Mad World was his best song on Idol but it did have his special "magic" in full force.
The previous is my complete unbiased opinion.JAK
Neil Diamond is & Bono certainly didn't have polls
to make them iconic. The audience went wild for
them & their music. Those were the good old days!
Read those comments, more harm than good.
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