People Magazine’s Most Beautiful People (New Outtake!)
Filed Under (photoshoot picture ) by Admin on Saturday, May 7, 2011
Posted at : Saturday, May 07, 2011

Video from last year: (Making of the photo shoot)
Thanks to Adamholic and Adam Lambert Help!
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Keep voting for the q102 poll til midnight Sunday( the 9th).We can win it for Adam,even IF the Clay fans are"power voting"somehow.Every time I post the URL for the faxo tweeter idol of the month,another new post pushes it down again( sometimes very quickly)It's under the "First Train Home" video now..& also under the interview from the UK..Please keep voting( every 20 mins.I like numbered polls MUCH better than percentage ones.I remember this video shoot with the feathers,birds,etc...very pretty Adam!
Gorgeous man
What is Adam's fascination with feathers?
Feathers become him. EVERYTHING becomes him. He is breath-takingly gorgeous.
He's so gorgeous!! I love him!
Feathers, because he is a bird of PARADISE! Sexy gorgeous man.
The feather pic is stunningly beautiful.
Wow. I like this even betterer!!!
I just watched the Top 36 (chair) result video and Simon said...strange things happen. Well, hardly did he know he was never more accurate. Look at what we are all doing every day...sure it's strange, to me anyway.
Bird of Paradise is the most beautiful species of birds...interesting response. May I also add Nightingale. Nightingale means night songstress but it's the male bird that sings.
-lam my
What a great picture the first one is. Can not stop staring at it. Adam you are so beautiful. Would have been a great cover for the FYE album or glamnation dvd/cd!
Keep voting for Adam on q102 top idol poll until Sunday at Midnight. Adam has to win. Tomorrow being Adam Lambert Day and all.
I vote for Adam every day on this Ultimate Idol poll. Not only should he win this, the title should be properly bestowed on him because in truth, this Ultimate Idol title fits no one else on the poll.
-lam my
his is a stunning, strutting peacock in full bloom. God, he is beautiful! Please keep voting q102
Looks soooooo much like Bill Kaulitz at Dsquared...........
WOW! I lovvvvve this picture of Adam! He really does take your breath away. Last year he was all in white and this year all in black! Look at that chiseled jaw line.....those eyes, lips, well everything. All that beauty and the man can sing like no other! He's got it all.
Oh, I thought the gorgeous picture of Adam with the black feathers was for this year's People Magazine Most Beautiful People. Now I realize after watching the making of the video shoot that it was all from last year. Well, he's beautiful no matter what year it is LOL!
I love the first photo.
I can't wait for Adam's second album, he is not very visible at the moment. One of my friends asked me "what happened with your Adam Lambert, he disappeared after his first album". Adam, you better have a one of a kind second album to make up for your long silence and absence.
Just read on twitter that Adam was dancing on the stage tonight with Prince!! I saw one pic, but had a bunch of people on the stage and was blurry...hope to find something!
@ Anon. 8:32PM
«feathers... bird of Paradise...»
I love «his» feathers too, but no feathers are needed for me to call him my «Sexotic Singing Bird»!!! Lol
LambertDay is trending in the US!
Adam on stage somewhere:
It's 3:30AM ET on the east coast,& I'm voting for Adam on the q201 poll,& also for the idol the of the mo.Bucky C is only 255 votes behind Adam now,& that's NOT that far behind..Adam beat him last mo.,but @ this point,I believe he was ahead by quite a bit more than this mo.If everybody would just put in some more votes every day( & we could get Adam about 700-800 votes ahead,that would be great.)Please bookmark this URL if you haven't already.I bet Adam will get his mom a very thoughtful gift today.Happy Mother's Day to all you moms!! URL for idol of the month:
Cassie, I answered on other post, but will repost here:
Here is the fly on the wall interview:
Daydreamin - wow! How did you find it?!? Thank you! And thanks for reposting, I didn't see it in the other thread, that's so thoughtfull of you.
Isn't he toooo cute in this interview?
Cassie, I googled it! I am happy to help! Yes, he is adorable as always. I have a few fav interviews where I think he is especially adorable :)
Clearer pics of Adam on stage at Prince concert tonight:
and a closeup:
Anon 12:50 Happy Mother's Day to you and all you BEAUTIFUL MOMS here!
Love the 1st picture. Adam is too beautiful to look at.The eyes, the lips and the feather!!!
Thanks @daydreamin for that pic of Adam on stage with Prince. Just saw the buzz and wanted to see for myself. Emo hair!!! Yeah!
That first picture is awesome! I like it even better than the one that was used. Quick question: Do you think he colored his chest hair to match his dark hair?
Happy Adam Lambert Day and Happy Mother's Day to us!!
I also like this picture better. I didn't see any resemblance to Bill Kaulitz, although I've seen Bill's runway pic too. The feathers are similar style, but the men look different. Same thing, if men have the same fashion haircut, but still they look like different people. My point is, Bill doesn't own this style and to be exact Adam has been wearing black feathers on stage before Bill K.
I vote every minute for Adam at the ultimate idol, so far he's leading clay, poor clay fans.they have no idea who's they're facing!!!
And they reckon Adam will loose the feathers, glitter and camp! ...Ha! Don't ever think so!
He is the most beautiful, intelligent, talented man I have ever met.
Look at the outfit Adam is wearing in 2004 when he performed A Change Is Gonna Come. Maybe you can also see some similarity to the feather creation Bill K was wearing on the runway show years later, in 2010. :)
Perfection, pure perfection.
Breathtaklingly stunning beyond description. Adam puts other so called 'men' to shame
and way out of his league.
I hope this first pic will stay up all day for Mother's Day( & for all others who love it,too.)It makes a great "gift card".Happy Mother's Day to Adam's Mom,also,& to all you mothers out there.Let's keep voting on the Q102 poll & the idol of the mo.polls..I think Adam can win both( of course,remember that the Q102 ends @ 12 midnight)& the idol poll needs more votes every day to keep Adam ahead.BC's fans are strong voters,& he's in second place now.I'd love it if Adam could have had a single for"Soaked"..His vocals shine so much in that beautiful song.A video would have been nice,too.the URL for idol of the @ 12:50am.Are those black feathers the same ones on the cover of the Glamnation Tour CD/DVD?It looks like they are..the backgound lighting is different & Adam's hair,too.Anyway,it IS a gorgeous pic of a gorgeous guy!!
Adam strutting his stuff!
HELLO, GAWGEOUS!!!! What an absolutely stunning (first one) picture. He is in a league of his own as he is with his vocal talent. Thank goodness for AI season 8 and the platform it gave to Adam for all of us to see and hear this dynamic performer. I know he is working on his second album so it has been a while since we have heard from Adam, but the blogs and pictures on this site help keep all of his fans up to date on the latest happenings. Happy Mother's Day to his mom Leila. We all know how close he is to her and the unconditional love and support he has received from her his entire life. Enjoy the day.
@ 3:33am,it looks like Adam may have shaved his chest hair,& it was growing out a little then.It could have been colored.sorta looks like it,doesn't it?He's still very handsome with or w/o chest hair-lol!He doesn't wear many shirts cut like this;not lately,anyway.
A very very very happy and sweeeeeeeeeet ADAM'S DAY, everybody, specially uncle Sauli!!! Be very happy with him today uncle Sauli, more than always! Have fun, fun, fun!!!!! (When is uncle Sauli's Day? Do my aunts in Finland know? Meaw???)
Happy MOTHER'S DAY, aunt Leila!!!
Happy Mother's Day, aunts and other mommy ladies from Glamily in Paradise!
Happy Mothers Day, mommy aunts in 24/7 Admin.!
(When is Aunts Day? Does anybody know? Meaw?)
Double Happy Mother's Day to my «grandmas» aunts!
Happy Mother's Day to you, mommy Fan4fun!!!! Errrrr... pleeeeeeese forgive me if I acted as a «matricida» the other day, aunt Doc Vet said I had a «bad rocker's day at old times, destroying everything in my room (including my mommy) under influence...» I love you so much, mommy, do you forgive me? Meaw? MEAW????? Happy Mother's day, mommy, I mean it!
LambertDay still trending worldwide!
Just voted 50 times. Seems like Adam's gained a little? I'll be back later for more. VOTE!
HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to ALL Mothers & Grandmothers, etc. WORLDWIDE!! Have a LOVELY & LOVING DAY!!
Happy #adamlambert DAY to ALL Glamberts, etc. WORLDWIDE especially to the KING of GLAM ROCK =
ADAM LAMBERT ... We All Love You!!
I will repeat to all a very HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all us moms in the U.S. and all over the world!!!Also Happy Adam Lambert Day, so cool it is trending worldwide. Hope Adam has a great day with Leila and it will be Scarlett's first Mother's Day with Riff!Love everyone on this site, our love for Adam keeps us connected to each other. Keep voting everyone on the
q102 idol poll.
Ugly Duckling (Adam's term for himself)grows into breathtakingly beautiful Swan.
I believe these photos were taken by Don Flood. They are my absolute favorites, capturing Adam as the magnificent work of art that he has become through his own efforts--our exotic singing bird, as Fan4Fun likes to say :).
Indybeck's YouTube video of Adam singing Soaked at the Louisville GNT concert is one of my favorites for similar reasons. When the lighting goes down, you can see the structure of Adam's face still looking very much like the teenage Adam who was singing at his high school graduation. When the lights come up on his face as he sings, he transforms into that magnificent swan right before your very eyes.
Love Adam. Love his story. He's the most beautiful human being I have ever seen.
Kentucky Fan
Something we can do for Adam Lambert Day. Buy another copy of his Glamnation Live DVD/CD and give it as a gift. Also download Aftermath remix off of ITunes if you already haven't. This way we support Adam in the best possible way.
OMG stunning as always. Love him strutting his stuff at prince and if you look closely he helps an older lady on to the stage. How sweet!
I am wearing out my refresh button on the Q102 vote. I Clay gets thru well I just couldn't bear it.
Happy Mother's Day indeed. I am one happy mama gazing at this most beautiful boy I have ever seen other than my own beautiful boys!
I know this is an old picture. But, holy geez! This one just takes my breath away.
Vote for Adam at Ultimate Idol Poll...Adam 54%, Clay Aiken 45%. Increase the lead.
-lam my
Happy Mother's Day to the mom's out there, Happy Adam Lambert Day to Adam and to us.
Out of town for the weekend, no wifi but my phone keeps me connected. Loving the Adam at Price pics and Adam was thrilled to meet Prince! He's a fanboy, just like we are!
Just voted a bunch more times on the Ultimate idol poll. I assume that the numbers change at some point even though they DON"T change while we're voting. The bars stay the same but register the votes after the fact?????
Happy Mothers Day and Happy Lambert Day! Hope everyone is enjoying themselves today. I came across some brand new pictures of Adam today:
He took his mom AND Sauli to see a Prince concert at The Forum last night. Love to see the emo hair again. Out of all of the hairstyles Adam has had over the years, the emo one is the most flattering in my opinion.
Also is it just me or did Adam lose weight? And before the trolls come out and say I'm talking smack about Adam, I'm not!!! I think he looks hot and I love him no matter what size he is!!!!!
-Que hermosa fecha, la escogida para celebrar, "El Día de ADAM LAMBERT" madre e hijo unidos en su gran día!! Felicidades...
-Felicidades a todas las madres del Mundo y que reciban en este día un caudal inmenso de Paz, Amor y Sabiduría, para que se proyecte sobre toda la humanidad......
Un especial saludo Fan4fun, me alegra que este
de vuelta con el especial y querido Icono!
He knows his eyes are killer and he plays them up as such!! I love every part of Adam and his soul is simply beautiful. A very kind hearted man!
- «What a beautiful time (day) this one chosen to celebrate The ADAM LAMBERT Day, mother and son united in «their» great day. Congratulations...
- Congratulations to all Mothers around the world, may you all receive in this day a huge torrent of Peace, Love and Wisdom to project over the whole humanity...
Special greetings to Fan4fun, it makes me happy that you are back with the special and beloved Icon.» HH
Translated by Fan4fun
@ HH: Thank you HH querida, I saw your «Hola!» to me a couple of days ago.
He is such a swan! The first pic is breathtaking. How is it possible, that a boy can look like that?! If I was Sauli, I would faint many times during the day. Sanni
That haircut is good for Adam, multifuncional.
In the LA times today, article about the current trend of wearing feathers in your hair. New trend? I think not. Last year at Fantasy Springs, Adam was rockin' that look!!!!!!! This picture is pure beauty. .... Adamluv
Beautiful but bummin' I too thought this was from THIS year and Adam had made the 'People" Beautiful list again.
From the video it does look like it's from LAST year...
Anyone have any info???
Calling All glamberts...Vote for Adam at the Ultimate Idol Poll...Adam 55%, Clay Aiken 44%. Increase the lead.
-lam my
Happy Mothers Day to all mothers, grandmothers out there in our Glamily....hope all of you had a lovely day. I gifted a couple of GNT DVD/CD's and also mentioned today is Adam Lambert Day. People were so surprised to hear about Adam Lambert Day. Any chance to promote Adam and I do!
So much fun to see Adam dancing on stage at the Prince concert! I am so bummed I missed seeing Adam there by 1 day! Yes, Leila is beautiful and Sauli so cute! Lucky Sauli.
Wow finally saw the video and i'm speechless. This beautiful human being simply takes my breath away too. I'M FASCINATED!
He looks exceptionally resplendent in those black feathers and i couldn't take my eyes off him,i was literally ogling. What a wondrous sight. Adam is just unbelievably ravishing.
I hope they never stop taking these amazing, artistic photos of Adam - it's another of the things for which he was just born!! I'm with you, Bing, I am drop-jawed, breathless!!
I wouldn't be surprised anymore should i find out that even female celebrities are jealous of him because he could put some of them to shame. I was stunned with the first part of the video. I've never seen him extraordinarily gorgeous and astounding in a photo shoot. Gosh, this one is simply marvelous because the make-up blended so well with his outfit and he was astonishing in this video. Not that he isn't most of the time but this is definitely for bookmarking! I give up because all the adjectives in the dictionary won't be enough to describe Adam, i'm not exaggerating and my eyes aren't cheating me. So i better contain myself LOL!
@coloforadam whoever will produce Adam's coffee table book with his photos will certainly have a windfall. I'm certain that Glamberts all over the world would die to have a copy of that. In the last chart i saw if my memory serves me well, there were about 32 other countries where he is popular plus his Twitter followers. Please someone make this happen because i'm dreaming of the day when i could just sit back, relax in my easy chair and hold that book close to my heart after staring at his awe-inspiring photos. That's how crazy i am with our Diamond Boy. For me he is a treasure and i'm forever thankful that he came into my life when i needed him most.
Coffeetable book, oh yes!!! Beautiful post as usual, HH! Thankyou from we mothers and to Fanforfun for translation! funbunn40
Oops error above, meant Fan4fun! funbunn40
Guys, stop that rubbish about comparing him to Bill Kaulitz. Lambert wore his hair like this years before Bill and also wore the black feather outfit months before Bill's outfit at the fashion show. In fact it is clear that Desquared "stole" the look for Bill's hair, feather outfit and later the spiked jacket from Lambert (who wore a jacket like that at the AMA way before Bill did).
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