Possibility of Adam Lambert To Perform on The Voice?
Filed Under (twitter ) by Admin on Saturday, May 14, 2011
Posted at : Saturday, May 14, 2011
NBC's Official Xtina Team account on Twitter tweeted and asked the fans which guest performer they wish to see on the show and many people requested for Adam Lambert. Xtina Team called Adam "possibly the best male vocalist of our generation".
Do you want to see Adam on The Voice? Maybe a duet with Christina Aguilera?

Do you want to see Adam on The Voice? Maybe a duet with Christina Aguilera?

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Oh,I HOPE Adam can sing on "The Voice"!!that's awesome!!
Off Topic!
Looks like Adam has changed his hair a bit and it looks great! A little lighter on top! Wow! Pictures below..He and Sauli were at Hotel Cafe last night watching Adam's good friend (and co-writer of Aftermath..) Ferras and these pics were taken there! We knew he had done SOMETHING..and here it is :
In these days of "rapping" (that is Not Singing!) and all that Electronic back-up, Please consider having the REAL SINGER ADAM LAMBERT perform !!
Kelowna Fan since Day l of the Adam sighting
@glitzylady OMG OMG!!!! Big Kiss to ya!!<3<3!!
Thank you for the pic link!
Awesome pics of the boys.
I love Adam´s hair!! Love the "gold" in front.
Okay, back to the topic: I saw this last night and tweeted @XtinaTeam that I thought Adam would be amazing and perfect on the show, since he IS "The Voice"! Who else would be more perfect than Adam? No one. I also suggested that it would be awesome if he and Christina sang a duet together. That would be the collaboration of the decade in my mind. Two beautiful and powerful voices on the same stage...Unbelievable! Seriously hoping this will happen, at least the part about Adam appearing and singing..It seems like it could definitely happen if scheduling could work out...So, we'll see. And everyone with a twitter account, send a little tweet to @XtinaTeam with your support for asking Adam to be on the show!
@Ronnie 11:13 AM
I agree! I love it too! And back atcha! Muah! (We do get excited, don't we!!!)
@glitzylady <3<3<3
Just tweeted @Xtina Team and asked Adam to perform on the show!
Now that´s what I call IMPORTANT beside the polls and votings!!
Thanks dear!!
OMG! To see Adam perform live on NBC's Voice would really be a dream come true. I'm sure Adam would love the opportunity to be on the Voice just to meet Xtina! How he admires her! Can you imagine if they sang a duet together...our TV's would explode! HaHa! Please, please let this happen!!!.
I finally opened a twitter account to follow Adam (of course) and I will try what you suggest to tweet Xtina's team to request Adam as a guest performer. Hope this works!
Oh please please Hope this happens. Adam on the voice showing what a perfect voice sounds like!!!It would be great exposure for him.If he gets on wonder if he will sing aftermath again. I would love to hear sleepwalker, the way he sings it live is incredible! Gotta get my twitter account opened today for sure.
Sent also a plea to @Xtina Team for Adam by twitter. It would be so wonderful to get him there to perform!!!!
Found this a while ago:
Maybe the link has been here earlier but anyway.
O.K. hope I don't sound stupid, but we're all friends here. How do I put my picture on twitter or do some of you just sign up without one?
@ Glitzylady, As usual, we're on the same wave length. I also sent them a few tweets and also said would love to hear Adam and Xtina sing her song,"You Lost Me", a beautiful, poignant, powerful ballad that would combust the tv screen!This looks pretty promising! It would also make Adam's wish of a duet come true! Is anyone still waiting for their Charity H2O pic? Still haven't received mine. funbunn40
Have watched "The Voice" and love it. Think they may bury AI! Adam being on The Voice would be awesome! A duet with XTina would be even better! Soooo hope this happens -- but if not, then just Adam being on The Voice and singing with his glorious VOICE would be perfection!! I hope - I hope!
O.K. talked me into tweeting for adam to be on the voice. No idea WHAT I'm doing but will try! I have a twitter account just because of adam, but still don't really know how to send them in the right places. Geez , when is this computer stuff going to come to me?? Everyone else knows how!
Don't know what I am doing either @1:38,I need help from my kids for sure. Adam is the only reason why I would get a twitter account or even be on my computer for lengths of time, lost to my family lol!
@2:27 thanks I feel better, the sad thing is I'm actually pretty smart according to the IQ tests. maybe they need to re-examine them LOL
Does anyone else have this feelin that ADAM is going to be on the VOICE? I do- I know it- the show is awesome BTW. It ends june 26th he will be on- I think around june 7th. Just sayin what I'm hearing. I think alot of us are in adam withdrawal symtoms ( I am) I think glee went out the window I was hoping for DWTS, (but that was ABC) so now I really think NBC might capitolized on BB's fan base and ratings- Fingers crossed. anyone have this feelin?
I'm back after 2 weeks of cryin about my goober (cat) thanks for your love!
Adam Lambert performing on The Voice, would absolutely wonderful. He is so taltented, I love that show.
I'd like to see Adam singing "crazy" with Cee Lo. That could be awesome!!
If Adam appears on THE VOICE, the ratings will go through the roof. He is the most talented vocalist in the music industtry today, and would be an excellent choice for Christina to bring him along to help her with her team. Either doing a solo or singing with Christina would be the icing on the cake for the show. Hope this happens, but I guess we just have to wait and see.
1:38 and 2:27 P.M.
Please don't assume "Everyone else knows how!"
There are many of us who rely on family helpers or just are grateful for the little we know.
Personally I think I've reached my "peak" of skill unless I go somewhere and take a class.
Which I really don't see myself doing, considering my age and physical condition and since my grandson gave me a Laptops For Dummies book and I didn't "get" it maybe my mental condition too.
However lately I have been able to learn a bit of Finnish!!!!!! lol.........JAK
Still haven't received my Charity Water photo either. Had given up hope and then saw a couple of weeks ago someone mentioned they had just received their photo. So I guess we can continue to hope.
We've had so many of these tantalizing promises that he will perform, that turn out to be rumors!! Let this one be TRUE!! Keep us informed and for Christine Agulara to say that about him, he must be walking on air...he seems to love and respect her voice above all others!! WOW!!!!
Didn't know the Voice had guest performers, but Adam would certainly fit the bill of "the voice" as he has the most important one in music today.
Glad to see you back, Brownie, and I hope you are feeling better after your loss.
You say you've heard that Adam might be on the Voice June 7th???? For real??? Hope you have reliable sources! LOL! So hope this is true!
xxxoxoxxo to you Brownie for this great news!
OMG! How cool would that be if Adam sang on that show. I don't care if it's with Christina or not. I just need to see him perform again. Hope this happens! Fingers crossed!
Maybe he'll FINALLY get his fantasy duet!!!
I don't know if THE VOICE will have guest performers, but each judge did bring on someone last week to help with the contestants in preparing for the duet sing offs. So Adam could come on with Christina and help her with her team. Just to see Adam would be wonderful and to get his comments and feedback on the contestants would be beneficial for them. So even if he does not perform, at least we would get a chance to see and hear him as a coach. He did an excellent job on AI so we know what to expect from him.
wow! that will be a blast if adam will perform at the VOICE but AI will not be happy with him though.
Hey peeps - I just opened a new Twitter account so I could gush away about Adam - come find me! @AdamFix1. I honestly don't get on Twitter that often, but do try to pop over there from time-to-time...
- Adam Fix
Awesome! What great feedback from both the fans and Christina. Adam is so very loved!
12:40 wrote: "I also sent them a few tweets and also said would love to hear Adam and Xtina sing her song,"You Lost Me", a beautiful, poignant, powerful ballad that would combust the tv screen!"
YES! That would be epic. Great song. Imagine Adam singing that! It's both tender and powerful at the same time. Wow. And he's always wanted to sing with her. I'd hope he can do one of his own songs too though.
Haven't received my Charity Water pics (2) either, and neither have several friends...Guess they are just trickling in, a few at a time from what I can determine...someday..... : )
I think some of you remember me telling about giving my Charity Water photo to the sweet young manucurist when I was in getting a perm....My daughter had dared me to wear the framed photo in as a necklace....I can never resist a dare.
ANYWAY.....went in again Friday and there was Adam in a very sparkley frame sitting on her table and she was bending every client's ear about how wonderful Ah-dum was and she kept FYE
playing constantly. I think she's enlisting a lot of fluffy white haired retirees to Adam's
Army! Hope they are buying his cd. However it's hard to find them here in our area.....JAK
Who are "Team" Christina? Is they the PR people around Aguilera? The producers of the show?
Adam has been sending shout-outs to Christina A for QUITE awhile now, saying again and again that he'd love to sing with her, and this is the first time I've heard of any energy coming back to him from her direction, so let's all put the word out... Idol is dead, the Voice is THE new singing competition, they're willing to put on older singers with more experience who aren't always camera-perfect.
Would LOVE to see Adam go on that show and RIP THE PLACE UP!!
Here's hoping...
"You Lost Me" is a beautiful song for a duet but so is her new one "BOUND TO YOU" ... I think she & ADAM would make it an EPIC performance ... but I'll settle for ANYTHING from ADAM on TV ... Still waiting for Behind the Scenes on VH1 in June too. TWO TV appearances would set me up just right while I wait for the FALL to get here with ADAM's new album .... Please Universe!! Make it happen ...
Light 'n Love
I agree that "Bound To You" is another perfect duet song for Adam and Xtina. It is my absolute favorite song on the Burlesque soundtrack (which I own and love: I do actually play other music, in addition to Adam's!) and Adam is also a very big fan of that song, a very big plus. I think a duet of that song would just about melt every TV tuned into THE VOICE that night..no lie, and could probably be released on iTunes as a single. (Dreaming here!) I know I'd buy it..Of course, since we are envisioning here, I think Adam should also sing something of his own the show, but I'm sure he would be thrilled to sing with Xtina, one of his personal dreams and desires. I just sent another tweet, this time to @NBCTheVoice to suggest they should consider Adam to be a guess performer on their show..there would be none better-er! LOL!!
OMG, this HAS to happen!!! All you twitter peeps, please tweet to Adam's MILLION + followers to tweet to Christina & The Voice and MAKE this happen!! This is a PERFECT OPPORTUNITY.. Look at what she said about him!!! It's SOO important for Adam to be seen ON American PRIME TIME tv.... NOT just AI... THIS would be incredible!!!
I can't believe this thread hasn't exploded... Please, let's make this happen!!!
@ Glitzylady,Poor Adam probably got writers cramp and took a break. My guess is he gets a stack at a time and signs at his convenience. Lane probably needs to get after him!lol Bound to You is also one of my faves and an excellent choice for a duet. Hope it happens! @ Adamfix, Will look for you on twitter!Glad you joined.It's not that time consuming and source for quick news. I follow the band and dancers from GNT too and got one from Monte last week. funbunn40
Yes, and add to that the pictures, magazines, etc. that he receives on a daily basis from fans wanting them signed.. Surely a very daunting task...But I'd rather have the "real thing" and not some rubber stamp signature..they'll get to us eventually! At some point a nice surprise will arrive in the mail!
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