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Sauli Koskinen Talks 'Adam Lambert' In New Interview

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, May 13, 2011

Posted at : Friday, May 13, 2011

Sauli Koskinen recently did an interview with Radio Aalto and among other things, he mentioned Adam:

From @ghosst_ :

-Prince was “super awesome, our spots were right next to stage, actually we got to go to dance onstage too!” Sauli was there too? :o

-”i can say I’m very happy right now” :’) (listening this again)

-”Tell me something nice about Adam” “I don’t want to talk about it. Let’s say we might go jogging together and we are very similar, we think similarly about things and.. yeah we are just very similar.”

-What’s the next event you’re going? “well probably the AI final, we’ve talked about going if Haley’s there, she’s our mutual favorite and we want her to win. I want to go anyway tho”

-”life is very normal here, it is not just like party after party. we have normal weekday routines too. it’s of course kinda weird to me, i didn’t know half of a year ago that i’d be here now. but that’s how life works sometimes”

-”i don’t know how that works (paps), they have some kind of system.. let’s say if i’m somewhere for example with adam, i dont know they have some kind of line that they use…. blabla” “idk finland is so little country and now when i’m here and my life is like this.. it’s difficult to think through all that myself how they’re so interested and blaze over us.. my life here is so normal. this is just the situation”

-”Are u planning on coming Finland somewhere during the summer?” Sauli: “i don’t know (sneaky voice), we don’t have any plans. at least i’m coming to visit.” “let’s have a barbecue, i want to see your place, haven’t been there yet. we can talk about the dates after this interview.” Ellen: “yeah let’s not tell everybody on the radio” Sauli: “maybe it’s not clever. lol we can tell everybody here that ellen’s gonna have a big barbecue party where Sauli and Adam are going to go too, just leave the date open haha”

-oh i left this out. Ellen talking at the beginning about how Adam is confessing his love in public and talking about finnish boy in interviews (Sauli is giggling kinda awkwardly in the background during all this) etc but Sauli is still so quiet, why? “I don’t know, it’s just that.. everybody keep asking and i don’t want to talk about private stuff, i pretty much revealed my whole life when i was in big brother and i kinda want to get rid of that.. i don’t want to reveal it again. but yeah i can say i’m very happy right now”

Translation Credit: @ghosst_

Thanks to ghosst and adamholic!


Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert ^_______^ cute: adam so cute and sweet

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert ^_____^ cute: :lol:

Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert ^____^cute:

Honey said...

Yay for Sauli wanting to keep things normal, and feeling that his relationship is just normal. No gold digging here!

And Adam & Sauli at Idol final would be excellent, I want to see them in the audience! (Even in the audience, showing to the AI audience that a former contestant was there *with his boyfriend* would be a great "F**k You" to the "no gays here!" AI producers.)

LP said...

So glad they can try to keep it all normal. I am sure, like the rest of us, they put their slax on one leg at a time LOL. By the way Sauli is very fluent in English, this was translated because he was speaking to Finnish interviewer.

Anonymous said...

I admire Sauli so much for not wanting to talk about his private life.

Yet, Sauli can't hide his love for Adam. The pic Adam shared with Sauli sitting on his lap with his arms around him. Awkward "giggling" when hearing someone say that Adam is publicly expressing his love for him.

He expressed how very happy he is now -- all of this actually shows more than anything he could SAY about his relationship with Adam.

Sauli has to miss his twin sister/best friend and family and he is making sacrifices in his personal life so he can be with Adam.

JAK -- you said it once before -- "Love will find a way".

I hope they both attend the AI finale regardless of who is the top two.

Adam and Sauli will probably steal a little "thunder" from the show - cuz evrybody will be watching them! -- Ha ha !!


Anonymous said...

If I understand correctly, this is part 2 of a two-part radio interview, and this is the first part:

LP said...

Adam seems so proud of Sauli, but he has always been open about everything in his life, you can read him like a book. When he is with Sauli, he looks like the cat that swallowed the canary, he won't tell but that little yellow feather is still on his lips LOL, LOL.

The Dark Side said...

Ah love, it's so sweet. Sauli doesn't wish to put a hex on this relationship. They are happy together that's what counts.

Anonymous said...

How nicely said LP. That is how Adam exactly looks when talking about Sauli or they are being seen together in public :)

Anonymous said...

Sauli's voice were very soft and kind. He is a wonderful man. And so is Adam. I'm so happy they have found each other.

The interview is here:

Anonymous said...

Sauli is European and we Europeans are culturally more saved items in the exposition of our personal lives.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that there are the paps. Without them we'd know nothing about Adam and Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I guess Adam would be more eager than Sauli to talk about their relationship in public.

Anonymous said...

Adam wants to go flirt with Haley while Sauli is with him. sly one!

Anonymous said...

Adam sending winks to women on twitter. busted!

Anonymous said...

omg...they jog together. so cute!

Anonymous said...

Adam is a playa. Drake figured it out!

Anonymous said...

So cute that Sauli is amazed at how interested people are in the two of them. He is dating an international superstar, that's why!
Not to mention they're both gorgeous...

Anonymous said...

A romance always renews me....anybody's romance,
since they are a kind of miracle.

Adam and Sauli began theirs walking down a dark street in a beautiful ancient city far away.

Mine was also storybook....eyes met across a crowded dance floor and we walked right into each others arms...........big sigh here!...JAK

Anonymous said...

If anyone had any doubts about Sauli's character, this interview should put it to rest. Thankyou for posting! He seems like such a decent, intelligent, sensible guy, respectful and committed to Adam with regard for personal privacy. They both seem protective of their special relationship and proud to be with one another. Sauli is a wonderful gift to Adam, filling that empty space that's really hard to fill with someone you can trust and is in the relationship for the right reason.I think they have a great friendship bond that is the right foundation for things to come. They do have similiarities and much in common. Sauli seems physically fit and probably gets Adam out jogging and is a good influence! Europeans are more private with personal feelings, as I discovered with my daughters ex boyfriend who is Swedish and lives in Sao Paulo. We had wonderful conversations and 30 yrs later I still talk to him on Skype. He was very fit, as was his family. We Americans sometimes get too comfortable and inactive. The interview said they were going to call Sauli "Super Sauli". I would call him "Sweetheart Sauli"! Disagree that Adam is a player. When you're single you have fun, meet people and mingle. Drake wasn't the love of Adam's life and no one knows the boundaries of their relationship. Adam also said that the GNT and time apart wasn't fair to either party. Sounded like a pretty mature and sensible decision with no fault of either party. Adam is a people person, warm and friendly. I think he would be very upfront and honest in a relationship. What you see is what you get. He has demonstrated how thoughtful and considerate he is when with Sauli. He also has to network, while out for his career and Sauli also seems pretty savvy and considerate. Love seeing them happy and together and wish them well and hope people will let them be and live their life without trying to start any bs between them. They deserve happiness like all of us. funbunn40

Hk fan said...

love sauli...

Now a question, does anyone know why when I copy and paste a link on here sometimes it works, sometimes it says not found or whatever (even though its the exact same link), or sometimes it just brings you straight back to a link for the page on 24/7 it comes from?

Anonymous said...

Just look at the picture and Adam's smile and eyes. This pap has caught a beautiful moment of sensitive and true love.

Rebecca said...

aw so cute

Anonymous said...

I doubt that Adam and Sauli will go AI finale.
Maybe Sauli himself. Finale falls on May 26th and Adam has concert in Moscow on May 28th.

LP said...

I was wondering if they would do the Moscow thing and then Sauli take Adam over to Finland to meet his family.

Anonymous said...

They can always go to AI and then leave the next morning for Moscow. Wonder if Sauli will go along?

I imagine that Sauli is living with Adam now. After only a brief meeting, a couple of visits and a short vacay, they move in together. I'm happy for them - it seems to be working out!

Nice post funbunn 2:33

Anonymous said...

Hk fan

Sorry I'm no help, I don't even know what "paste"
means!........glitzylady could probably answer your question if you can find her..............JAK

Anonymous said...

Yes, very very happy for Adam and Sauli. With so much of sad things going on around the world, this a bright happy beam of love shining through. May they always be together for each other to lean on and to cherish; beautiful photo of Adam and Sauli.
-lam my

Anonymous said...

I heart funbunn40. Raise your hand if you are with me...! :)

I have nothing but respect for Sauli - he seems to be an upstanding guy, and a lot of fun. Plus, quite a little cutie (although I'm not into blondes). Anybody that Adam loves is all good, in my book.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@7:34 PM
They are both so easy persons, sweet and considerate. I'm sure they'll have no problems living together.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:46 AM I know that Sauli is a easy person live with, you could see that when he was in big brother house. However he has told that there is one thing that can make him pissed off and it's if his housemate is a messy person. I wonder is Adam? Sauli likes to clear house and arrange places, he says that he enjoys it and after that it feels good.

Anonymous said...

What is 'Sligo lambert ^_____^' all about??

Anonymous said...

When two persons want a beautiful, meaningful relationship they have to accept each other's strengths as well as weaknesses; only then will it work. Moreover, Adam lives in a luxurious rented house which should provide services such as cleaning, tidying, catering etc. I do sense the person's concern in above comment.
-lam my

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:10 AM Well Sauli likes to clean, decorate and repair by himself.

Anonymous said...

they can go to ai finale and still go to Moscow. it's 4 days away for heavens sake, people.

Anonymous said...

Re: Above Photo

It has a soundtrack....The Look of Love

The Look of Love is in your eyes
The look your heart can't disguise.
The look of love is saying so much more
Than just words could ever say
And what my heart has heard
Well it takes my breath away............etc.

Written by Burt Bacharach and Hal David in the mushy love song 1960's. Mature members may remember it by Dionne Warwicke or Dusty Springfield..........younger may remember Diana Krall reviving it a few years ago.

Do your ears a favor Google it and picture Adam
looking at Sauli.......BINGO..........JAK <3

Anonymous said...

Don't worry dear anonymous, they will work it out; maybe clean together till their hearts' content, better than cleaning by oneself...true love conquers all.
-lam my

Anonymous said...

Thats right Iam my;)

Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous, I think you are quite close to Sauli and knows him well. Are you one of his friends?
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Thanks 7:34PM and Adamfix!Think we're pretty much in agreement about Adam's attributes! @JAK, Burt Bacharrat and Dionne Warwick had several great collaborations and Look of Love was also one of my faves! Burt could write, but singing wasn't his strong funbunn40