Where Are They Now? 'Idol' Runner-Ups
Filed Under (American Idol ) by Admin on Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Posted at : Wednesday, May 25, 2011

As American Idol Season 10 is coming to a close, ETOnline compiled a list of Runner Ups. They mentioned that Adam is arguably the most famous runner-up.
From ETOnline:
"Arguably the most famous runner-up, Season 8 rocker Adam Lambert, released his debut album, For Your Entertainment, in November 2009. Since then he was nominated for a Best Male Pop Vocal Performance Grammy and has performed on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Late Show with David Letterman" and Dancing with the Stars."
Source: ETOnline
If you're curious, these are the two finalists: Lauren Alaina and Scotty McCreery.

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Um, when did he perform on DWTS? I know his music has been used, but he was never there (unless I went unconsious and missed it somehow!). Another glitch, they never mention winning MMA award for best video, performing on Ellen (more than once), and many other accomplishments. I'm not complaining that he is given this mention, I just hate it when supposed media people can't get their facts straight.
Oops, pretty redundant: "MMA award" sorry 'bout that!
Where was a mention of a 6 month world wide tour?
@V - no, you werent unconscious! LOL! He was on SYTYCD, not DWST! And what about mentioning his world wide sold out tour! If I didnt know much about him, I'd think he really hasnt done much after reading that short blurb. Sorry but not impressed! ... Adamluv
Anon: 1;59 - posting at same time!
Oprah, The View, The Talk, mentoring the Season 8 Idols....? BaBa WaWa's 10 Most...?
I think that guy will win. Just like how Kris won.
I'm not interested in watching though. I didn't even saw one episode of Season 10.
Adam just tweeted he is going to AI finale. Yeah!!!
2:14 Doesn't matter who wins, "that guy" will be really big in country music because of his deep voice and personality, but that girl will do ok too.
Lauren deserved to win, she's the more talented of the two. I've already found out who won...
@Anon 2:34 PM
Wait a minute, how would you know that....The show hasn't even started yet...You must be psychic. Or know Ryan Seacrest...Either way..shhhhh!
If they need any original material when they get to Nashville, I have a trunk full of country music lyrics. My brain entertains itself in quiet moments...................JAK
As we have seen, you do not have to win AI to be a success in the music industry. Adam is the perfect example of that. Where is last season's winner, Lee Dewyze? He wasn't even invited to perform at the finale tonight. And if you look back at some of the other winners, their careers didn't really take off to sustain them as major artists. I think both Scotty and Lauren will do fairly well, but they have given up their teen years for all the presssure and stress that comes with the business. There are a lot of people out there who love country artists and their music, but will these two young people capture an audience? Time will tell.
Haven't been watching AI really and I haven't heard Scotty sing at all yet. I watched Lauren sing one song from last night, when she was supposed to be sick. I think her voice sounded nice. I don't like the song choices much. Why don't they sing songs like Anytime You Need a Friend. It's my all time favourite by Mariah Carey.
Show is taped at about 3:00 pm isn't it. It all has to programmed for the exact timing for TV/
Not much of a fan of this show since Simon and Paula left. Will watch tonight and hope it's interesting. I feel certain who ever wins and whoever doesn't will both have good careers in Country Music. They are young and talented kids.
Just saw and article on MSN where one guy predicts that Lauren will win and then says; "never thought I would compare Scotty McCreery to Adam Lambert, but this could be another case where the runner-up.." ok, forgot the rest verbatim, but basically, Scotty will probably do better career-wise than Lauren. I agree. Can't wait for tonight!
Wait - @Adamluv: he was on SYTYCD and I MISSED IT?!?! What the heck is wrong with me? Better adjust my Adam radar NOW!! lol
Seriously, any of us fans have more info and knowledge about Adam than the folks writing these news articles!
Just in case anyone is interested, there is a Live Stream on AI.com.. Click on the Red Carpet tab..There are three views off to the side but dragging the curser across the main screen will give you a 360 view..I don't plan to sit and wait, and it isn't the best cam, mostly blurry and noisy, at least for now, but here it is anyway...By the way, knowing Adam he will be arriving at the last minute..LOL!! But he could surprise us. ; )
I'm pretty sure someone will win the Idol crown tonight. That's a 'for sure'. Whether the most talented (actually they're both about equal for me....although I have a soft spot for Lauren (love her accent)...Scotty sounds too much like every deep-voiced country crooner...I could close my eyes and ???).
Having that said,there's only one reason I'm watching Idol tonight.....hopefully to get a glimpse of Adam F. Lambert!!!
***** suffering from Adam withdrawals*****
And this, ladies & gentlemen, is how the media manipulates information. They mention that David A. (will) perform in Indonesia (not saying when?) but they OMIT to mention that Adam Lambert has had a worldwide sold out tour on four continents and in 16 countries!!!!
Their article should have been titled "where are idol winners now?".
I just have to say again "I LOVE ADAM LAMBERT"!!
205 baba wawa!!!!! Crack me up!!!
Hey guys when did adam perform on SYTYCD? I've watched every episode of that and never saw him??? now I'm confused. When was adam on??? Are we just talking his music or him in his beautiful self- I know i wouldn't of missed that?
The episode that ADAM was on SYTYCD was right after the AMAs ... ADAM wore a silver suit with spats over his boots ... a black star on his left eye & that black thing that his blonde keyboardist Lisa wore on her head at the AMAs ... nobody could figure out what it was ... on his left shoulder ... he sang WWFM. Then when he was on his promo tour he was on SYTYCD in Australia & sang WWFM again ... I think they are on Ytube ... check it out ...
@anon 8.58
he sang on the final of SYTYCD, season 6 i think
Here's the SYTYCD video a year ago last March:
I remember that performance, much as I love him I spent the whole song trying to figure out the black mass or mess on the shoulder of his beautiful suit and the spats he must have swiped from my Uncle Clay's attic!..............JAK
@12:59 Thanks for the link- Now I totally remember and yes I saw it. How could I forget that big black thing on his shoulder lol. That seemed like ages ago didn't it?
I always thought the mass on his shoulder looked like one of the fireworks we lit on July 4th when I was a kid way back when Moses was a baby. It was a black pellet you set on the road, lit with a match and it appeared that the road was pooping this long curling black yuckky thing. We loved it. All us kids giggled with our hands over our mouths so our parents wouldn't catch on to what we were thinking.
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