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Adam Lambert Confirms NO Collaboration with Christina Aguilera

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, June 3, 2011

Posted at : Friday, June 03, 2011

So it's official: There is no collaboration in the works with Christina Aguilera. Although Adam does want to work with her someday.


Anonymous said...

I wanted to share this video with everyone. It's a fan video for Katy Perry's new single "Last Friday Night". The only reason I'm linking the video in this thread is because there are some clips from Adam's "Whataya Want From Me" and "For Your Entertainment". It's a pretty cool video.

HK fan said...

I wonder why Adam wouldn't tweet this out himself though, he's normally quick to dispel rumours?

Anonymous said...

Too bad. I was looking forward to it.

The Dark Side said...


Anonymous said...

Maybe in the future, but glad Adam straightened it out. Just want him to have an amazingly great album 2 with lots of hits and releases to the radio. Hope Adam does get invited to sing on the Voice, great exposure before the next album.

Anonymous said...

Thia is still getting 3-5 votes for every 1-2,or so,that Adam is getting for the Idol of the Month.URL is under the last topic( second corrected one after the one with typo)/hubby is rushing me off pc now,but will vote one more time now.):

Anonymous said...

Adam is too busy with sanging and cuddling to text us. Lucky guy.. haha

Anonymous said...

I still wonder why no tweet from Adam directly? Maybe he was replying to Sia's text to him asking him if there was a collab in the works.


Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam is in Finland meeting Sauli's family and wants it to be private. If he is, he will take pictures that we will see at a later date. Remember the tweet for him to get there soon. He is always quiet when it is real personal for him. I think he wants to protect Sauli's family.
Of course this is assuming on my part, maybe some of you had the same thought.

Anonymous said...

busy and it's ok. folks ar least Adam is really concentrating with his 2nd album. It's going to be born to be wild indeed!!!!!!

Rock on and it will be great yes!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thia is still gaining on Adam for the Idol of the mo.Somebody asked how does she think she deserves to get this hign( # 2) & maybe to #1.It doesn't matter if she does or not.She must have tons of teens,tweens,etc voting for her now..& you know how many always vote for Taylor Swift( tho not a former Idol),same principle,I guess. url again is:

Anonymous said...

For some of us stalkers, the xtina/adam thing was huge. But for Adam, it was one of a zillion rumors. He should have to deal with that stuff. He needs to be concentrating on Sauli and music, particularly Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Concentrating on Sauli?????? Concentrating on his music. Period!

Anonymous said...

Oh so we don't allow Adam a personal life? No wonder Adam loves his fans so much. They try to dictate his life. He should cater only to us, tweet us all day long and let us in on every personal move he makes. Adam, I love you this big. I must control you.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Sauli should more concentrate on Adam and help him out with things since Sauli is anonymous and not well known so Adam can concentrate more on his music.

Anonymous said...

He had better be concentrating on Sauli, he said himself that Sauli has inspired him with his new album. It is obvious that the album is first, thats work and business. Sauli isn't exactly 2nd, I don't think he would want to live without Sauli at this point. His happiness and creativity is coming from Sauli. What a wonderful time in his life to be creating an album and also being so deeply in love. He has the world at his feet, and he is loving every minute of it.

Anonymous said...

Just turned on the radio as I sat down at the computer and I heard WWFM which I haven't heard in soooo long! It brought a smile to my face, made me feel happy and I sang along as I came into this blog site to read this tweet from Adam about the "non collab". I do know what I want: a spectacular second album with great singles and another Grammy nomination with a win this time around. This waiting for the second album is like waiting for the birth of a baby. In a sense this is Adam's "baby", his creation and he is taking his time working with the best people in the business to get exactly what he wants.

Anonymous said...

Good I don't want to hear anyone else sing when I'm listening to Adam. I only want him solo -- ever

Anonymous said...

Adam was seen at a Starbucks in London? that's true I better get there Pronto!

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:39 wonderful comment.
Sauli has called the radio station in Finland and said he doesn't know yet when he's coming back. So they are prob still in London, home of several hundred Starbucks, haha

Uranus said...

It's funny how Perez and Justjared are BOTH reporting that they are dueting tonight. They are so late to the game. Reporting old news.

Anonymous said...

Yes 7:22. Unlike other "artists," Adam doesn't need anyone. Can you imagine him singing with a rapper????? Who else--ever Bruno Mars---has that voice. I mention Bruno and even Jason Mraz because they do offer a lot vocally. But none are in Adam's class.

The thing that bothers me a bit is Time For Miracles never got played because DJs and other thought it was too cheezy. Yet Brian May said it would be a huge hit. Even the great Freddie wouldn't make it in today's artificial electronic pop world where even if you have a good voice, you cover it up with noise.

Sorry for off topic, but I often wonder whether teens would recognize a good voice since they're in love with people like Kesha.

Anonymous said...

pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee enough of those trying hard singers that don't know how to sing live hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!

Anonymous said...

@ 7:54 i think your a little bit off Adele is doing huge right now and she does not cover it up with noise . Her voice is amazing!

Anonymous said...

I heard "WWFM" in CVS yesterday,of all was great!What's the URL to see the fan video of Katy Perry's new single w/scenes from WWFM & IIHY in them??( first poster on this link( 4:04pm)I looked on you tube,but couldn't find it.Keep voting for Adam for Idol of the mo.,please..url @ anom 6:08pm

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the "little birdie" tweet has been put to rest. People shouldn't make up things when they know they aren't true.

American Idol of the Month poll - well, Thia's fans continue to vote much more than Adam's fans. There are occasions when 8-9 votes are put through in the space of 20 minutes and I've seen 10 votes go through in 20 minutes. She came from behind to easily win the Best American Idol 10 Season poll and they vote 'round the clock so it's not surprising she's doing well in this poll. C'mon Glamberts, isn't Adam the American Idol of EVERY month?!

Anonymous said...

7:54--You're right. Adele is doing great, and I'm optimistic this will be a new direction. Also Sia and even xtina and others. Bruno also carries it off with his voice, and Mraz is brilliant. Also some of the groups like Mumford & Sons do it right. It's all mixed up right now, but electronic pop still dominates Billboard. Fergie has a beautiful voice but hate with BEPs are doing now.

Look at what JLo did. She can sing but resorted to the same crap, and it's huge. It's all about the dance beat and screw the voice. Yes, there are exceptions, and I sincerely hope they will become the rule.

Anonymous said...

Way OT..
I was looking at those old cute videos of Finnish BB series and the one at night where Sauli is cuddling the other guy in their sleep.
I have always wondered, why did they not each have their own bed - in this one there were 3 to a bed.
I used to put my leg up like that over my boyfriend and he hated it :(

Anonymous said...

That's the link to comment above. Sauli starts after about 2 minutes

Anonymous said...

Little birdies just shit on your head most of the time...

Lizard Eyes.

Anonymous said...

LMAO 9:51 ain't that the truth

Anonymous said...

I was driving around L.A. today like usual and I was listening to FYE for about the zillionth time, when for just a second I switched to KBIG a popular radio station in L.A. area and I heard the majic of Monte's guitar playing the first few notes of WWFM! I was so shocked because I haven't heard WWFM on the radio in sooooo long. I was grinning from ear to ear! Yay Adam!


Anonymous said...

@Lizard Eyes;

Best comment EVER!!!! (For tonight at least!)


Honey said...

Smart for Adam to let Sia address the rumor. This way there is no risk that his tweet would be interpret as bitter. Because fate it, if nether Adam or Christina would have addressed it, it would have generated fan hate. :(

Also, please don't hate the radio station! It doesn't help, it just makes the fans off-putting, and we don't want radio stations hate Adam's fans, that would hurt his future radio plays

Anonymous said...

Well that's one rumor that's been scorched.

@9:27PM I think it's odd that nearly every time I vote for Adam, there's been 4 votes added for Thia Megia, whereas the number of votes for the other contestants varies.

Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert^______^:

Anonymous said...

Thia Megia's fans are like it's been said by somebody-little girls,tweens,teens,& maybe some older voters,too.Right now, Adam is a little over 200 votes ahead of her,but that can change any min.I'm in the E time zone..Maybe some of the younger ones have slowed down now since it's 4:25am here,but the ones on the west coast,etc could still be voting since it's just need to keep a watch on the Idol of the Month from now on..Of course,Adam is the ONLY one that this title belongs to,right?The votes should be correct since no bot voting can be used there.In the other polls,yes,some are rigged & there IS bot voting.

Anonymous said...

Why Adam doesn't use his twitter but instead is texting to Sia? It would have been so easy for Adam to tweet that the rumour is not true.

Anonymous said...

OT, but here is an interview translation,
little bit from Sauli's Radio Interview the other day (from Adamquotedaily website (


"I believe in faith, i believe this is just my destiny. First of all the way i met this person i'm with.. it's quite a coincidence that we've met in Jenny Woo at Helsinki.."
"Why are you still avoiding to say that person's name, btw?"
"The name of his? Well I can say it but.. i just really don't like to talk about us.. about my life with him.. *laughs* omg i did it again, avoided the name!
Well I can say "Adam" but.."
"And we all respect that a lot you know" awwww

More translation:

This is what I managed to hear:
Sauli doesn't have an apartment in Helsinki anymore!
He live's pretty normal life in L.A. sports, culture, everyday stuff. When he is alone in L.A. he is pretty alone because it takes time to get to know people and build networks. He works and lives normal life.
About AI finale: Pretty much the best show he has ever seen! AND THE F**KING PHONE RINGING AGAIN something about being on the red carpet and all the folks shouting and stearing... and it is distracting when big crowds are stearing...
He believes in destiny and he thinks it is amazing that he met Adam in Jenny Woo in the first place. He doesn't want to talk about his relationship!
Sauli didn't know Adam was in Finland when he went to Jenny Woo! Adam knocked his back! Then they smiled! Smiling


Anonymous said...

@daydreamin Sauli seems so wonderful. To ad he said after Adam tapped him on the back and he turned around they smiled at each other and have been smiling ever since! So sweet. OT I have been hearing WWFM played more on the radio the past week or so. Get so excited when it comes on.

Anonymous said...

1:29 AM

The American Idol of the Year poll .... the captcha system mightn't be foolproof.

Further, how long have these monthly polls been in existence? This year? Many years? I vote vote vote day and night for Adam but realistically, they're a waste of time.

Anonymous said...

Whoops, I meant American Idol of the Month poll.

Anonymous said...

It looks like Thia's many,many,fans have started voting heavily again..Please,let's keep Adam @ #1 in the Idol of the mo.cause that's what he IS to us!!!URL is @ anom,6:08PM.VOTE,VOTE,VOTE!!!

Anonymous said...

These polls might be important to some poeple, but I don't think there really is any significance to them as far as Adam's career is involved. The most important numbers involve sales of albums/cds, the digital market,etc. So when his new album comes out in the fall, that's when all of his fans have to buy it and ask to have that first single played on the radio(but not in an annoying way). Adam's management should get him on those tv talk shows and interviews to let people know he is back, but never really left for those of us who follow his career and daily activities.

Anonymous said...

6:17 am - ditto. The radio play and the sales are what matters. Adam knows this - it's why he didn't make a generic rock album as his first outing. The pop scene moves so fast nowadays that when his next album comes out, he will need all the exposure he can get. I think the American media is enamored with him - amazing visibility with Oprah and Ellen, for instance. He deserves it all.

glitzylady said...

@daydreamin 1:56 AM
And remember, the rest of Sauli's radio interview is posted here on 24/7. Here's the link for those who might have missed it the first time around: Its a long one! (Or just go back a few pages...)

glitzylady said...

So, Adam is off to somewhere else..This from Twitter an hour or so ago:

Adam Lambert
Farewell London!

Anonymous said...

@June 4, 2011 5:46 AM

Yes, I am VOTE VOTE VOTING for ADAM. It's something I can do to support him apart from buying his music and attending his concerts.

All polls are important because they keep Adam in the spotlight.

Anonymous said...

No they don't. Only fans read the results. The general public don't know these silly polls even exist. So they do nothing to further his career.
Plus, it is time Adam leaves Idol behind. It was what he wanted it to be, a platform to getting wide exposure and a recording contract.
Now it's a drawback, he is considered by some music critics, with scorn, as a contestant on a reality show and not taken seriously.

At long last the gay adjective is dying out and now let's let American Idol runner up die out too. Those are two adjectives he needs dumped.
We can keep Grammy nominated Adam Lambert.

Let him grow up and away from the Glam label too. he did that with some success but also some ridicule. It marked him as stagey and showy, another two troubling adjectives. He's learning, I hope, and the new album will be very important as a step forward to general acceptance if he's as smart as I think he is.

I don't think of myself so much as a fan, but as an interested observer. I've supported myself over 40 years in the music business and I've never seen a young man with so much potential.
However, in my opinion, after Idol he should have headed straight for the New York stage. That's where he belongs.

Successful recording artists have a distinctive sound. A few lines of lyrics and you say, "that's Lady Gaga, that's Taylor Smith, that's Bruno Mars" or in my generation "that's
Dean Martin, that's Sinatra". Well you get the idea.

Since Adam can sing anything-----he does and has so many voices, that if he isn't singing one of his songs, he would not be instantly recognizable. He changes his voice with each song, because you see he's a singing stage actor!
He would successfully go from one production after another, but that's not his goal. At least not at present. I am interested in his career. Let's just call me OBSERVER.

Anonymous said...

I have been hearing WWFM played on the radio a lot lately. Wonder why the resurgence now?

Anonymous said...


WOW.................I agree! Stick around and

put your 2 cents in often. Adam is a stage

performer, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed

he can make it as a recording artist as well.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with OBSERVER also. Adam is perfect for the Broadway stage, but that is not his goal. And yes, his GNT was a success probably moreso internationally and it might have been too glam, too glittery, too showy for many in the American audience who saw him as the gay AI runner up. But he is learning the business and finding out where he wants to be musically. Today's recording artists in many instances are auto-tuned, more style than substance. They really don't sing that well and most can't perform live without all kinds of pyrotechnics, skimpy costumes, lip-synching,gyrating dancers, suggestive moves, etc. to cover their lack of a true talent. Adam seems to be taking his time with this second album working with top notch collaborators and hoping to make it something special. Then he needs his management/record company to promote it and him since those sale numbers and the digital market will determine its success. I,too, am interested in his career and only wish the best for Adam Lambert who to me is the best vocal talent in the music industry today. He is articulate, self-confident, smart, stylish and owns the stage when he performs. Only time will tell if his music will give Adam a lifelong recording career in the industry that is so difficult to define nowadays.

Anonymous said...

To some extent, I think that the success of Adele esp. with her second album, does prove that you can a viable career in the music industry based strictly on your voice. That girl can sing! No over the top vids for her either, just sitting in a chair belting out ROLLING IN THE DEEP. I hope this can happen for Adam also. He is such an impressive vocal talent and has this ability to connect to the audience. He is in a league of his own and hopefully his second album will prove that to the listening audience. I want so much for him to get another Grammy nomination and to win this time. I want him to be around for a long time as a top notch recording artist and then he can move to the Broadway stage. I want Adam to have everything he has ever dreamed of since he sang his first notes and knew that music was his life's goal.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 2:29 PM "Observer"
I agree with what you say..Adam is a performer..not simply a singer. You have excellent points and I don't disagree with any of them, for the most part. He is, as so many have said before, unique and in a class by himself, and has so much more to offer than many who are "singers" of sorts. I have great hopes that his second album will be the one that lifts him out of the Idol domaine and into the higher status of true World Class Star (.To quote the L. Gaga song: He's on the edge of Glory... ). I also think that he will branch out into other areas, most of which involve performing in front of a live audience in some capacity, on a regular basis, quite likely Broadway.. eventually. I think that will be very hard for him to resist at one point or another, given the right project.

I would guess that this very long hiatus between tours/live performances is almost as hard for him as it is for us, his fans. He was born to perform on the stage...and sing. He has said many times that his energy comes from his audience, that "electricity", that synergy that we all have felt when in his presence, during various live performances, both Glam Nation and otherwise. He must miss that terribly at times (I do..). I'm sure his Russian concert felt so good to him. Seems like it will be at least next year, probably next spring/summer before a new tour is put together, a desperately long stretch of time: a year from now. (The longest I have personally gone between his live performances up until now is 6 months, not to mention the last one I attended was his LA Club Nokia show in Dec..six months ago! And nothing for me, or most of us, as far as we know, on the horizon until next year! Except Quebec in July..) He has learned so much, seen so much, and gained a better appreciation for what he needs to do to be successful, in the last year. He has already said Glam is pretty much out this time, something I won't really miss either, but I loved the GNT and his excitement of being able to do things his way. His new "rock persona" at the Moscow concert was really exciting tho, and I hope a hint of things to come.

He got off to a rather rough start after Idol in some ways, and it's a testament to his strength and talent as a singer/performer/human being that he survived all the negativity at one point. He is a rare and wonderful artist, and I think he will be wildly successful. it just remains to be seen in which areas of entertainment/performing he will find his biggest successes, and hopefully, his biggest personal joy. I truly hope his dreams come true, whatever they may be. Idol must be thanked for giving him that platform to step up into the limelight, and it can now be largely left behind. I personally feel that they (his management) could have done more to lift him up at times, because they know his talent and potential, but as the saying goes, it is what it is.

I do have to agree that his Idol connection has made him fair game to those music critics who dismiss him because of his emergence into the biz from a reality show...Although not sure why that is any weirder or less credible that Justin Beiber who basically was discovered on you tube. Oh, well.....

(Have to continue below..sorry)

glitzylady said...

(Continued from 5:34 PM)

Lastly, I have to say that we each have our own ways of supporting Adam, and if some do that by voting in every poll that comes along, its fine with me. Not everyone has the ability to buy multiple albums (or even one) or attend multiple live concerts. Adam will one day soon get to that place where we maybe don't feel the need to do that so much (vote in polls), but why not, for now. We're all supporting him however we can because we believe in him and he is worthy of our respect and admiration. Looking forward to the day when I can stop answering the questions "Who is he?" and "Why do you like him?" and "Why have you been to 9 of his concerts?" (Although I think I'll always have to try to answer THAT LAST one!) : )

I really do appreciate your [Observer's] comments and connection to the music industry. That makes your knowledge and opinions that much more valuable. And perhaps also makes you a little more able to be realistic about Adam and his career. Thanks!

tess4ADAM said...

I agree that ADAM is too good to have to compete with anyone on these dumb polls ... but ... I still VOTE because I can't bear to see him lose to some kid that just appeared on the show for a couple weeks. ADAM has always said his purpose for going on AI was because he was 'bored' with being an 'extra' on the stage ... for one reason or another in spite of the fact that his was the BEST male voice in these stage productions ADAM was NEVER a headliner just a member of the cast. WHY?? They all knew he was the BEST vocalist in the cast ... why was he only an understudy ... well ... ADAM says HE wants a recording career not a stage career and who can blame him ... at least NOW the name ADAM LAMBERT is recognized all over the WORLD!

ADAM loves his fans & as a result of that love he created the Glam Nation tour. He wanted to give us something to SEE ... HEAR .. and FEEL. His showmanship & stage experience is why Glam Nation came to be ... the glitz ... the Glam ... all meant FUN for us .. his way of saying ... 'I'm a FREAK but THANX for LOVING ME' ... now THIS is for YOU"!! ADAM likes to play dressup & ENTERTAIN & he did all of that & more for us. I don't think his next album will be like FYE except that ADAM will be singing on it. I don't expect it to sound anything like FYE altho' I LOVE what ADAM did with his first album. Don't know what to expect .. but whatever it is ... I KNOW it will be SPECTACULAR because ADAM WILL BE SINGING!!

So bring it on ADAM, dear ... take your time .. if you must ... but please don't keep us waiting TOO long ... I know I can't wait to see what else you have for ME to 'satisfy' MY musical appetite with!! (Hope this wasn't too wordy .. sorry .. IJLASM)


Anonymous said...

Just watched GNT again, I clapped, gave the man a standing O!, I cried, sang every song along with Adam, & I could not take my eyes off of him. As I looked at the audience, young & old, man & woman, everyone had their eyes fixated on Adam. Adam is really someone special! Broadway or in the recording studio, he is who he is.
I just love to hear his singing voice, & he is so wonderful at interviews.
Just a lil sidenote, Adam has a very beautiful nose! Mwah!! K

Adamluv said...

BTW - a year ago today, the GNT began in Wilkesbarre, PA. Doesnt seem possible that an entire year has passed! Having to wait another year, possibly, for another tour is very hard. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Comments from OBSERVER certainly sparked some interesting reactions from anon 4:37 and those which follow. It is amazing how this one person, Adam Lambert, can inspire such passion and devotion in people as expressed in their blogs. All of them were intelligent, honest, and introspective in their reactions. They appreciated FYE and his GNT persona and now look forward to his "rock persona" as seen in Moscow. Whatever it is that Adam decides for his second album, I can't wait until the fall and know this will be the one to thrust him into superstardom.

Anonymous said...

OBSERVER hit on a point my BFF from Jr.High days has been telling me since I forced her to watch Idol. She was a pianist from the age of 10 and by 20 shared a teaching studio with a voice teacher and they were very successful in our area for 35 years. So I respected her opinion. It pretty much echoed what OBSERVER said. While
Adam's voice is superb he does not have a specific "sound".

After I read OBSERVER I spent about 3 lovely hours listening to Adam......many Adams, trying to isolate a common sound in the wide variety of material I have. Trying to be objective (not easy). Even songs put in a category of sorts are not, IIHY, SFW, MA,
Fever. Nor are Soaked, Broken Open or A Loaded Smile.

The closest I could come to an "Adam sound" similarity was the Upright performances,
Come Home and I Can't Make You Love Me. That may be cause they both make me cry!

Now personally , I love having lots of Adams to chose from, but I have been given something to occupy my mind for the present. Is it necessary to be instantly recognizable.....Johnny Mathis,
Kenny Rogers, Dolly Parton, Luther Vandross, Aretha????????????

I do love a new topic introduced, thanks OBSERVER. This will give our brains some exercise..... mine loves to exercise! The rest of my body.....not so much.....just my daily bed dancing!........JAK


I seem to recall in a long ago interview Adam saying he could always get a job singing, but his acting skills were not as good. Maybe that's
why he was understudy instead of leads.....JAK


I appreciate that Adam's beautiful nose is attached to his beautiful self! RRRUFFFF!..JAK :)

Anonymous said...

There is a huge difference between stage acting and movie,tv acting. Stage actors have to project and exaggerate. I think that may have been what Adam meant, as he has acted on stage since the age of 10, but not on the screen. I do agree, Observer with your comments. Adam most definitely is a theatrical performer. His role as Joshua in the Ten Commandments was very well performed with great reviews. His GNT was stunning and theatrical, but it was HIS creation, which is key for him, unlike performing another writers work. Adam seems to have matured and gained a lot of professional wisdom in the past year. He has been exposed to some of the best pros in the business and this is a business. I think it was important for Adam to express the glitter and glam side of his personality, but now I think he's been there, done that and he's more secure, realizing his voice is what should be the primary focus and while the glitter was fun, sometimes it was too much, almost making him a caricature of himself.(for me the over exaggerated eye glitter, Bindi's).Each performance on Idol he became the character in the song, which was what connected him to the audience as well as his powerful, beautiful voice. He's a man of many voices, emotions and has magnificent stage presence, which has been reiterated time and again. Adam is fascinating to hear and watch. He has a visceral, instinctive understanding of whatever he sings, with an inate ability to successfully change up a song. WLL is a classic example. He's done a rock version, slow, sensuous version as well as an impromtu Reggae version. He's a brilliant musician with his vocal chords his instrument. I very much agree with the above thoughtful comments. I've become frustrated and impatient with media and lack of the American public to recognize and embrace his remarkable talent. I think this new album will be well done. I hope it will be aggressively marketed and accepted. I love the look he had in Moscow and think it gives him more credibility for mainstream acceptance. He has the voice and stage presence. He's so likable, honest and open. I've never felt this personally connected to any performer. I've enjoyed many, watched, listened and never gave up personal life time for any of them until Adam. He has a powerful aura/energy about him that seems almost other worldly. He is worth every second in the joy, positive energy and beauty that he exudes. He certainly is an unusual phenomenon and loving representation of humanity in it's best, truest form. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

If he ever reads a thread, it should be the last 1/4 of this one. What fabulous, well thought out statements you all made. They leave nothing else to say...


Anonymous said...

I can agree with Observer om most things, but not this:
" he should have headed straight for the New York stage. That's where he belongs."
That´s unthinkable for me. He would be lost for everyone except Broadway audience, and that would be a crime!

..and this:
"Since Adam can sing anything-----he does and has so many voices, that if he isn't singing one of his songs, he would not be instantly recognizable"

What is "one of Adams songs"? As you say, he sings everything and what I find so amazing with his voice is that I instantly recognize it. It can be Brigadoon or Fever or the Prayer, as soon as he opens his mouth and sounds come out I KNOW it´s Adam, his tone his timbre, it´s Adam and noone else has his voice and I don´t just HEAR his voice I FEEL it and that´s what makes it stand out. I have trouble recognizing Madonna, if I haven´t heard the song before, same with Gaga, but all her songs sounds the same so I know it´s Gaga, not because of her voice but of the song.

Thank you Glitzy and funbunn for your posts. You say everything so perfectly so why am I ranting here?


Anonymous said...

Thank you Observer! And @JAK, @glitzylady, @tess4ADAM, @Mwah!! K, @Adamluv, @funnbunn40 and @V!! Very enjoyable and inspiring thread! Love these moments with you! Ronnie

Anonymous said...

And love @Eva your critique as the essential spice! Ronnie

Anonymous said...


Adam doesnt have a unique recording voice/sound. Mmmm!! I would recognise his voice anywhere now with any song is he singing - I feel his voice is very distinctive. I love the fact that he his not fitting into the expected mould and the great potential that he has to break the usual pattern of doing things interests me even more. There have been other recording artists who have played around with sounds and have become hugely successful - David Bowie comes to mind. Adam is a breath of fresh air in the dull factory money making music industry of today.

Adele has a great voice but even after a few songs I have found it samey. What inspires me about Adam is that he can play around with many different vocal ranges and styles!

coloforadam said...

Wow, loved reading all these savy, heartfelt takes on Adam's amazingly unique talent. We really are the BEST, BRIGHTEST fans around and all the trolls and snarks, only make us stronger. Just adding one little thought that has followed me around since witnessing the Idol finale. I don't think there are too many singers out there who want to set their voices up next to his and I will be surprised if it happens anytime soon. And if one of them did have the courage to duet with him, he is so sweet and respectful of others, he would probably hold back to some degree. Personally, I don't care if it ever happens and I bet it will be a cold day in hell before someone else gives him some long dead song of theirs that they thought they didn't want anymore!!! i.e., Fever, WWFM, Soaked!!

Anonymous said...


Until and if OBSERVER drops in again, I think what he (I'm assuming a HE) meant is if you turned on the radio in the middle of "Yesterday"
"Boot Scootin Boogie" "Sway" "Imagine" or a song completely new to you,
would your ear and brain say "that's Adam"!
Since you wouldn't connect them with Adam, but you would know by the "sound" that it was him.
No one could fool any of us on any song we've EVER heard Adam sing! An Adam Song.

That's what I got from his statement and I was just kidding about "Boot Scootin Boogie" we would know with certitude that THAT ONE wasn't our Adam!.................JAK

Anonymous said...


You have afforded us a wonderful respite from discussing what time what airline arrives in Sweden, Norway, Poland, Botswana, Nepal, etc.
Dogging Adam's every footstep is a little neurotic even for dedicated Glamberts.

I have never seen a live performance of Adam's and probably never will.:-(
However, those who have all rave at the difference between a recording and Adam in the flesh!!!!! So, I assume you feel his talent would be best showcased on the stage. That's probably true. His stardom might come quicker that way but fewer people would be able to hear for one! I'm selfishly glad he has chosen his present course.....recording....JAK

Anonymous said...


YES! Don´t you think Adam has a very special tone that is Adam? If he sang Yesterday I would know it was him and not Paul McCartney. If Madonna sang Yesterday I wouldn´t know it was her. Adams voice is very special, I FEEL it. It makes me feel good and it doesn´t matter what he sings, even Boot Scootin Boogie :-). Was it Angelina Kalahari who described Adams voice as "Blue Velvet"?
I agree that Adam belongs on a stage, but putting him on Broadway is such a waste. There are thousands of very good singers on musical theaters that never reaches outside of the theater. Do we want Adam there? He´s been there and has he stayed, we would not know him. He is more than just the voice. He changes people, he opens minds, he makes people feel good about themselves. He makes a diffrence. I want to hear his music. I want to hear him sing, but not Broadway musicals, please!!


Anonymous said...

I wish he would sing Yesterday, I would melt
into a large puddle with a Happy Face on it!


Anonymous said...

Look read all the comments I generally agree with everything said here. But no no no no no to BROADWAY!!! Look I know if he choose that direction he would be a legend on broadway, but his true destiny is being a world icon, a megastar not seen since mj. If we went broadway I feel it would limit his potential, and he would just get bored. Their are other good singers adeles good, taylor swift is good, obviousley not in the class of Adam. What makes adam so generational is that he is a breathe of fresh air, a draw back from the 70's.

In this day in age of auto tuning era, he is a draw back from the 70's where music was sang with such raw emotion. This guy is it, the real deal he is a mix of elvis presley, micheal jackson, freddie mercury, robert plant, david bowie. He is a truley remarkble talent, heard people saying he has the greatest voice in 70 years. Right now he is not as current and relevant as he should be, I disagree with people saying that he aint a world wide superstar yet, he has truley made the transistion from his days on idol to a global worldwide superstar. Yet he is not as relevant in america. According to sony they consider him in the same caliber as micheal jackson and elvis presley.

Adam well be iconic, the big problem is AMERICAN IDOL!, music critis, public still have this relaity syndrome with him. Adam out of all the winners and contenstants in the history of any idol show adam is the most relevant, he is the true exception. But I guess the music community still associate him as a reality star, when the true reality is he is a global world wide super "star".

Yes Adam could be bigger then any artist of all time, im talking about the beatles, mj, elvis, freddie etc But to do that he needs authentic, brilliant vs catchy music written for him like Bohemian Rhapsody. Or a music theatre production written just for him. In terms of the genre he could really excell in Rock, it seems that needs to happen with a band i.e Freddie had queen, John Morrison had Doors, Beatles, Rolling Stones e.t.c. I dont even know what being a solo pop artist means anymore. People always say why he wasent discovred before idol, especially when you see his you tube videos before idol are incredible, best talent ever. Well the reality is hardly anyone gets discovered these days unless you have a large following, labels just werent willing to take a chance on Adam. So it took the biggest show in the world to expose in once in a life time talent. So with his next album, less campy more about his voice I beleive it is going to expand his fanbase significantly, many beleive it well give him micheal jackson like status. This is down to his fans, such diversed fans. Anyway sorry for going on lol.