Pop singer Sir Ari Mentions Adam Lambert In New Article
Filed Under (article ) by Admin on Saturday, June 25, 2011
Posted at : Saturday, June 25, 2011

Pop singer Sir Ari writes about overcoming the fear that he’s ghettoizing his career by writing music that speaks to the LGBT political and social struggle. Here is the Adam mention:
I’ve been trying to convince industry big-wigs for over 15 years that housewives and teenage girls couldn’t care less how gay a pop star is. The huge platform of American Idol proved that to be true with Adam Lambert. And his concert I went to in New York was the most exciting and brazenly flamboyant pop show I’ve seen since Boy George. Even white gay rapper Cazwell got over a million hits on YouTube with a video filled with go-go boys from the NYC gay scene.
Source: thedailybeast (Read the whole article at source.)
Thanks to Mindchnger!
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Yes Sir Ari, hats off to you! Lots of women don't care how Gay a pop star is. Adam is adored by women of all ages because he is spicy, sexy and good looking without arrogance and his voice just transports us to places where we had never been before.
Lizard Eyes
Lizard Eyes, you could not have expressed my feelings better.
Sooo bored with so much music and performance these days. I tend to indie rock but am completely and totally ROCKED by the FORCE, that is Adam Lambert. Seeing him in person was like seeing someone from another planet he transcends all to be just a stellar human being. There is no one like Adam Lambert in person. No one!
AND, his humility like you said, is so rare and so wonderful.
It is a part of who he is. His love of family, friends, his loved one and his fans that adds to the richness of this creative soul.
Just an amazing artist.
We straight women just love men. Who cares if they are gay or straight. A gorgeous, kind, creative man is sex on fire!
Bless you Sir Ari. You are so correct. I read the whole article, and it is true, young people and women understand society. Let people be who they are, and we would have a better world.
Adam's love and understanding is helping to pave the way to a more united people.
Sir Ari, you got that right! He sure nailed it about Adam. The concert experience was unbelievable. Never, I mean NEVER have I wanted to tell my family more during GNT, "Fend for yourselves...I'm off to another Adam concert. I'm taking the money I need and I'll be back as soon as I can!" Unfortunately, I could only go to one (tried to get tickets for a 2nd but sold out too quickly). Hubby would surely have divorced me and kids would have had Dr's waiting to take me away the moment I stepped foot back at home lol!)
Proud member of club weird and schemer of concerts to come,
P.S. @P.A.S., you are of course right about letting people be who they are. It's a darn shame others think they know what's good for everyone else.
Actually, I didn't find the concerts "brazenly flamboyant" or anything like Boy George.
Not that there is anything wrong with that, it's just now how I saw it. I find Adam's features quite masculine and his movements quite fierce.
(I meant "not how I saw it") - too much wine...
Here is another interesting comment from JD- the guy from the night Adam surprised everyone and sang "Mad World" on Father's Day: (from Adamquotedaily website)
More from JD from SF Father's Day
Hey friends:
I'm JD, the guy from the piece. Thank you for posting this page, and alerting me! I hadn't even seen the original article yet: the paper version comes out tomorrow.
Frankly, I was a little disappointed: when I contacted my friend over at the San Diego Reader and e-mailed him a thumbnail of the story, I said several things in the note I would've preferred he hadn't printed (i.e., my dislike of television, and the fact that I thought maybe people-- other than non-hardcore fans such as yourselves, that is-- may not know who he is anymore). Made me sound a little, uh. . . snippy, maybe? That silly rivalry crap between creative humans that always seems to make the papers?
Just the opposite. Adam was warm, friendly, open, and presented such a loving presence about him. No ego, just an all-around great guy. When I asked him if he wanted to sing, I sorta figured he'd probably say no: like singing at a little podunk bar was not as cool as what he was used to. And I totally would've understood. But he responded: "Sure!"
And I wasn't exaggerating about folks' reactions. They were stunned. I said his name, and the place got quiet, like they thought I was putting them on. He walked up, and men and women alike were standing there with their mouths hanging open, like they still couldn't believe what they were seeing. I started playing "Mad World," and, taking the mic, he said: "Slow it down a little bit." I did. "A little more." And he friggin' NAILED it: every high note right on the money. Finished, and the place erupted like it was U2 at the Coliseum.
Anyway, registering and logging in here, I was bracing myself for his fans'--YOUR-- reactions to this non-TV watching, I-wonder-if-people-still-know-who-he-is musician. But everyone here at the site was very cool, and your responses to the article were sincere.
One last thing, as a testament to Adam, the human. After he got done singing, this one really drunk guy started harassing him: hugging him, talking loud in his face, etc. At one point, he was hugging him from the back, definitely without his permission. Gay or not, SO not appropriate. If it were me, I think I woulda clocked the guy, and I'm Mr. Staunch Non-Violence by trade. Adam told him to back off, but didn't react as harshly as he certainly had the right to. A minute or two later, he waved a goodbye to everyone, and was gone.
Though I'm friends with his dad and stepmom, I may never see him again. But it was enough to meet him once to know that he's more than just a talented musician. He's a class guy, and I wish him the deepest blessings in his future creative endeavors. Just know there's one more Adam fan in the world tonight.
Peace and love to you.
JD Boucharde
I read this article on another site and it is so heartwarming. It is about our classy man, Adam Lambert.
I wish this was on Entertainment Tonight, so others could read just how nice our BB is.
Also wanted to put this out there from Alisan Porter about the location of that BBQ:
alisanporter Alisan Porter
@adamlambert. Our god son is beyond. Thank you or hosting love u!!!
20 Jun
She doesn't exactly say it was at Adam's house even though he hosted it...??
@P.A.S. I know, right??!! All those naysayers will some day find out. He's just so nice (and I mean that in EVERY possible way!)
It won't always be easy for Adam to be as normal as he truly wants to be. The fame thing is so crazy and unfortunate for him and us all.
If he could just go out and do his life, and if everyone could just be cool, then we would all be doing him and humanity a favor.
Let's commit to Adam as an artist instead of some stupid pop artist. He is a true artist and here to stay for the long run.
As Adam said once in an interview: Sexy is sexy, no matter your sexuality. He is sexy, talented, beautiful and exiting. He's the whole package.
OT: Adam is at 27 % on the Fuse Heartbreaker pole http://fuse.tv/music/polls/battle-of-the-fans-heartbreakers/poll-752.html?poll752=again&scrollTo=poll752
I know we prob all love MJ and miss him and the respect for him is great, but we worked hard to get Adam Fans to this point then it just seems we gave up..only 3 days left.. Is anybody voting here?
I don't find Adam's shows to be flamboyant. Nonetheless, I think Ari Gold's accounts of the homophobia in the entertainment world both illuminating and disheartening. His accounts also make me realize that Adam's successes are shocking.
I have voted a few times yesterday, every 10 votes only increase 0.01%, need mega fanbase to catch up, but I'll try a few more! :)
I've been voting a lot, too. And the results don't seem to move.
Words of great wisdom at long last! How ADAM has changed the viewpoint of the world! He has won hearts everywhere with his magnetic personality and vocal brilliance! He chose to stand true to himself and what he believe's in, no matter what. He could have taken an easier route to please the media, but he chose honesty and straightforwardness,standing proud, and that takes one hell of a lot of guts especially in the industry! It was a risk, but one he was prepared to take with gusto! Plus, RCA/19 knew all along a star was born and yet not knowing which way things could turn! Adam is not one to hold back being 'out the box'. They must be estatic, and yet just wait until the next album is released and watch it take the entire world off this planet! Adam is a Superstar! I have watched him entertain many times and there is no one who could even stand in his shadow when it comes to professionalism, vocals and performance.
Total respect and love for Adam always!
Very well said folks!!!! Yah baby!!! Ready to rock hard in his 2nd ALBUM!!!! Gosh I have goosebumps!!!!
Can't wait!!! You can call GLAMBERTS crazy but it's worth it baby!!!!! Yes! Yes! Yes! indeed
@10:54 you are so right! I love the way you put it: "A gorgeous, kind, creative man is sex on fire!" Yes!
I was fortunate to see two of Adam's Glam Nation concerts and also the American Idol tour of season 8 finalists at which he stole the show. There is no performer like him--can hardly wait for his next tour but I am afraid it will be in a huge venue--not the intimate setting in which Glam Nation was performed.
Adam deserves all the praise he is getting, he is like a rosebud, slowly opening up to the sun, and what a glorious thing to see him in full bloom. I have heard people say he smells nice too, lol
He has gone underground for the last few days, wonder if he popped up in Finland to experience the mid-summer festival, which, from what I read about is something to behold. The whole country rejoicing that winter is gone and summer is here. I think those Finns know how to party, and enjoy life.
Being somewhat of a nerd, I decided to look up the word "flamboyant" in the dictionary. (I know that some people use that word as a "dis" so I wanted to see what it technically means.) Here's what I found in Webster's:
1) Characterized by waving curves suggesting flames. (Doesn't apply to our Adam.)
2) Ornate. Resplendent. (Getting closer...)
3) Given to dashing display. SHOWY. (BINGO!)
Adam is definitely given to dashing display. He is definitely SHOWY (both vocally and visually) when the song he is performing calls for that.
Yes, Adam knows how to be a showy peacock (flamboyant in the best sense of the word). But what makes him even more phenomenal as a performer is the fact that he also knows how to deliver a tender or haunting song in the most subtle, nuanced way. Enter the chameleon factor!
What a talented man Adam Lambert is! Long live the career of our fantastic peacock-chameleon hybrid artist!
krismidas :)
is there a video of Adam singing Mad World at the bar on father's day ? just wishing...agree totally with anon 4:11..he is so sexy..talented and the whole package..a beautiful man..cannot get enough
Another Follow -up to the Seattle Space Needle with the Rainbow Flag..now up and flying..From Twitter
@KING5Seattle KING 5 News
Rainbow Flag now flying on top of Space Needle http://yfrog.com/kfqxydj #SeattlePride #SeattleOutProud
By the way, Seattle has one of the largest Pride Fests in the country and approx. 300,000 are expected to be along the parade route today, running from downtown to the Seattle Center, according to a radio announcement. And its a gorgeous day. All good.
anon 8:35 look up athe meaning of the surname Lambert
the meaning
"housewives and teenage girls couldn’t care less how gay a pop star is"
That is so true, when an exciting performer like Adam comes along, we're there. Adam is fun and makes us feel sexy.
How beautiful flying flag up to the Needle! I know you have a wonderful day there. Hopefully the weather is nice!
We had Our colourful Oslo Pride Parade yesterday! And at the moment we have a BBQ in a big park. Happy folk, good food, beer, music, joy. So funny and nice that we are having pride-joy at the same day in different corners of the world!!
Yes, I've been voting on the Fuse poll everyday. Yesterday eve I voted 1hr straight and the number went up from 23.80 to 28.28. Had to quit then. I know MJ fans will win and I respect that but I don't want to see Adam fans lose by such a big %. It's all out of respect for Adam btw.
The comments by JD are so appreciated. It's heartwarming to hear how Adam made such an amazing impression on JD. Adam's loving spirit and kindness is something we fans are well aware of and why we love him so much but I feel such satisfaction when I hear about someone (not previously an Adam fan) expressing such respect for Adam.
Oh, yes the JD story is so special and warm. Adam melts hearts where ever he goes. He does not act like a rockstar even though he is a ROCKGOD!
I try to vote as often I can, but other fans are rushing now.
If you want to do some busy work with voting,it's slow today. Vote for Adam on Faxo twitter wall contest.com He is under idol of the month and a whole bunch of other categories. Love the JD story.Seems everyone who meets Adam loves him. Not just because of his amazing talent but because of the person he is!
@ krismidas
How nice to "meet" a fellow nerd! I only bought my computer 2 years ago.....for music.....for research.....and for ADAM!
After the reality soaked in that I wasn't going to be a famous painter and sculptor or an author of novels and poetry or a world renowned Egyptologist.....I became a kindergarten teacher and lived happily ever after.
But....love love research! Family history has intriqued me most recently...so far I'm back to the year 1230.
That wouldn't have been a good era for Adam but he would have been right at home in the flamboyant 17th and 18th centuries! What a fashion setter he would have been....a rival for Beau Brummel!....................JAK
Agree with an earlier post, Adam is dashing! He has that certain something that makes him come alive on stage. I was not familar with Ari Gold, but truly enjoyed his article in The Daily Beast. Also appreciate the nice things JD Bouchard had to say about Adam. What a proud moment for Adam's Dad, when the crowd stood up and cheered. As any parent will tell you, nothing makes them prouder than their children.
JAK keep at it and you'll find you're related to an apostle. haha
Everyone who took the time to vote for the person Adam was against is now voting for MJ. Still a lot of people not wanting to see him succeed. Shame.
JAK research the Lamberts and you will find a count..I did..hurry up album and new song..losing it..love Adam
Wow..."$850,000 to get a song to the radio." I had no idea it cost that much.
Sir Ari - great article - very informative. Must disagree with you - I've seen flamboyant gay boys/men - Adam is definitely not flamboyant - glam yes, flamboyant no.
Not so long ago we were all discussing a different JD and in not so glowing terms. Thank god that subject got dropped.
@daydreamin, thank you so much for posting JD's story!
Adam is an amazing human being!!! Adam is MAGICAL!!!!!
Mwah!! K
@ 12:23 pm
I rather doubt I'll find an apostle in my family tree, but who knows.....after all it does mean someone sent out to teach.....coincidence or ordained?
I learned that thru research!............JAK
@ 12:28 PM
Can't do much with just Lambert...would need his mother's family name...her parents...also his dad's mother's family name, when they first came to this country, from where, birth registries, property deeds, etc. etc.
Neil is an inquisitive sort he has probably done some research or then again he may not give a sh**!.....lots of people don't. I find it facinating! A history book all my own!....JAK
OT - Just heard that there was some gun fire at the SF Pride Parade yesterday. Some people got hurt. i know Raja/Sutan was there. Hope he's OK.
JAK, nice to "meet" you too! I always enjoy your posts. (Usually I am just a lurker here.)
"Ghettoizing"? That more closely describes what Chris Brown just did on BET. What up with those pants? Looks like some sort of disease growth.
Anon 2:51, yes, there were 5 people shot and one of those died. Sad.
Mwah!!K you are most welcome!
anon 9:04, I don't know of any video of that Father's Day performance. Wow, would I have loved to have been there!
Interesting article, but does anyone actually know who Sir Ari is?
For anyone interested, this is the link to Sir Ari's website and his biography. He's been in the biz for a long time, although I've never heard his music before...not that it matters.
"Ghettoizing" means to isolate.
Thanks for that alternate meaning of "ghettoizing". Where I come from, it's means just what you think I meant.
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