Unconfirmed: First Single in August, Album in November
Filed Under (album news ) by Admin on Saturday, June 25, 2011
Posted at : Saturday, June 25, 2011
MonsterFMGroup from Twitter released some (unconfirmed) information about the new single and album. These release dates are not officially confirmed yet. Adam himself have said earlier this year that he plans to release new music before the end of the year.

Source: MonsterFMGroup
Thanks HK Fan for the tip!

Source: MonsterFMGroup
Thanks HK Fan for the tip!
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Adam, Adam please make it soon!!!! I can't wait any longer my gosh I'm getting crazy here with my computer waiting for more news!!!!! Miss u a lot!!!
While I'm waiting, I watch other favourite and it was Freddie Mercury. You are gonna be Iconic like him indeed!!!!!
I really hope this is true. The timeline seems right and Adam has been working really hard. Just so excited to hear the new single on the radio and see the video. I know this album is going to be awesome from the tweets that people he worked with have put out. I believe in Adam and there will probably be a lot of promo staring this summer!
I agree the timeline seems right. Looks like we'll be listening to the new song in a month or two. So excited to hear what Adam is planning.
WoW! That's good if it is true. I am waiting for a looooooong time too!!!! Adam on TV also coming soon, HARRAY!!!
I plan on having as much fun with this new album as I did with the first. Singles, videos, international releases, a tour and a glam box or maybe a leather box? I am ready.
Been listening to FYE album so long and love it. So it's hard to imagine what the new songs will sound like. I mean I know they will be out of this world. It's almost like having one child for a long time then giving birth to the next and seeing what they will look like or be like. Does that sound weird- maybe but just trying to explain what I am feeling.
I really hope this is true.. New Single in just 2 months sounds pretty exciting.. Can't wait for confirmation!! Best part is that even if it isn't true we would get a single before or around October anyways.. Can't wait!!
Cannot wait, I am so anxious for some new music from Adam!
I want it to be sooner than that. Can't wait!! Patience is not my strong suit!!
So excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KLM
It's exciting but I'm going to wait for the official advice. 'Rome wasn't built in a day' and I don't want Adam to rush his new music just to please his BSC impatient fans.
I this point I don't care whether anybody thinks I am BSC. I am dealing with a lot of crap in my life right now and Adam pulls me through this in many ways. The idea of listening to new songs,watching tv performances and listening to interviews helps me keeping focused on the positive!
Lizard Eyes
Great if this is true! Just a few months and then new music, can't wait! August is also the time when Sauli starts his new job in LA, so maybe he'll stay in Finland until then while Adam must be really busy finishing his album. If I remember right, Adam said somewhere that he won't release a single until the whole album in finished. I wonder could it be done in a few months, I very much hope so!
Lizard eyes, I hope your life pulls together very soon. You are much loved here!
@Lizard Eyes
I understand the "lot of crap in ones life". I have been there and still am dealing with some, just a lighter load. Adam was my escape from reality. It gave me time away from home, even though I was in the house, if you know what I mean. I will pray for you, because stress is nasty.
I think Sauli is arriving any day now, not August.
Bands used to just release singles and I think this would be a good idea. No pressure to do a complete album first, but I guess that's not how it's done now.
Lizard Eyes, virtual hugs to you. Adam keeps me on the positive side of life too. Not a day goes by without some Adam related stuff. He's such a positive force for so many people (I hope he knows that)! :)
@ Lizard Eyes, u r not alone and we are not BSC!!!!
We r just being in love with this young mans voice indeed. I'm proud to be one of his crazy fans and love him forever like Freddie Mercury...... No one can top that Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!
@Lizard Eyes!!!
A BIG HUG to you!!!<3<3
It´s getting better! Things tend to!
Oh, its so nice seeing my name at the top of the page....it hasn't happened very often, makes me feel all warm and gooey inside. Lets hope the leaks are true. Can't wait.
Great news! It seems that most artists are now releasing their first single(and a video) before the album officially comes out. I don't think anything has been more anticipated than Adam's second album. We all know it is going to be spectacular and will be make him a superstar in the music business. Can't wait.
Besides the weather heating up, the rumors about the release of Adam's first single are also sending temperatures up there to the sizzling point. Let's hope this is true. We have been waiting for anything new from or about Adam and this may be the best news so far. Turned on the radio early this morning and heard the acoustic version of WWFM. What a way to start the day. Beautiful, sunny day here on the east coast and this news about the release of the first single makes it all the better.
Along with the release of the first single and then the second album in November, it will be interesting to see what "look" Adam will now have. I think the glam, glitter persona was fine for the FYE album and GNT tour, but now it's on to the next phase of his career. I like the t-shirt, leather jacket style with the latest hair style he has had. Nothing too outrageous, just a subtle rocker look(if that's possible). Whatever it is, I am looking forward to the music, the videos, the tv appearances and the interviews.
Can't wait!! Personally @7.21 I would like him to retain a bit of a glam thing or unique style - not just rocker jeans and tshirt thing - well he still looks good in these of course! Oh heck whatever he wears he will wear it well and look sexy.
So just watched my favourite interviews with adam lambert on the justin collins show uncut part 1 and part 2. Justin collins funny UK guy.
Recommended watch if you haven't already. very funny, naughty and interesting.
oops haven't got link but just google adam lambet justin collins interview part 1 uncut.
@Lizard Eyes Adam does really help when we are in a not so great place. Happy he can make you feel better.I am thinking of you and sending you positive thoughts, I wonder if Adam realizes the positive ways he touches our lives.@7:14 Wow you heard the acoustic version of WWFM on the radio. What station and city was it. I am happy when they play the original one which is about twice a day.It is so exciting to anticipate his new single and album, tv appearances, etc.
@Loulou. Thanks for the interview tip! I'd never seen that before, it was hilarious (parts 1 & 2)! Adam was very happy and relaxed. ;)
At 8:39am: The acoustic version of WWFM was from a NYC radio station, 102.7. Every Sunday morning from 7 to 8, they do an entire acoustic show and that is where I heard Adam's song. I have heard it played on that station several other times in the past. It was a nice way to start the day by hearing it. I have also heard the original on the same station several times within the past two weeks after not hearing it for a while. It's all good whether acoustic or the original version. I can tell it is WWFM from the first note that Monte plays on the guitar and it makes me feel good, puts a smile on my face to listen to Adam sing. I think that will be Adam's "keynote" song no matter what he does in the rest of his career.
Wow, now that I've come out of the anonymous closet, I feel powerful!!!
Lizard Eyes - I'm sending you good vibes. Been there, done that.
I cannot wait for a new single in August. What I'm really looking forward to is the reunion of Adam and Ricky Minor on the Jay Leno Show. I'm sure it will bring me to tears because of the mutual respect between them.
Loving Hugs
Hoping the single comes out about the same time as the VH1 BTM video. Adam has been so quiet lately, I am wondering if he is just busy getting this album finished? So whatever it takes, I am anticipating something special.
@ Loving Hugs
I look forward to that too, Jay and Adam had such a clever exchange on the "plucking" show
I watch it when I need a laugh!
Right now I'm entertaining myself making an imaginary list of "covers" for Adam to use as possible encores on next tour. How's that for living in the future?
It's fun, I recommend it. It's a long list and ranges from Elvis...Hunk a Hunk of Burning Love to Guns & Roses...Sweet Child of Mine to current favorite, Queen's ... Don't Stop Me Now.
That's a winner! I have to amuse myself somehow!
I seems like Adam will be much better promoted this time around. I think RCA/Sony knows they have a gem on their hands. I pray that we see a LOT of Adam as the promotion heats up!
I certainly hope that Adam is much better promoted with this second album. It seems that the record company/managment dropped the ball on FYE and perhaps releasing another single after IIHY.(yes,now RCA knows they have a gem on their hands: it is a diamond that shines so bright named Adam Lambert). There were so many other good choices from that album. We keep on hearing song after song from Gaga, Rihanna, Pink, Katy Perry and nothing else from Adam's album. Maybe they were looking for quality rather than quantity, but let's hope this doesn't happen again. We need the late night talk shows, Ellen, The Talk, the View...all of them plus print interviews so that we do see and hear lots from Adam. Releasing the first single in late August is the best news I have heard in regard to the album. I can't wait.
I hope that Adam's new album will be more rock than pop rock, but whatever I'm sure I'll love it. Also hoping it is not overproduced. I wanna hear Adam's beautiful voice without all the overly done electronics.
Cannot wait! I know it will be great!
Adam had ot make 5 or 6 singles and music videos to get enough popularity so sell nis new sinlge or music video release.
My friend at work wanted to married David Cook.
And she doesn't have any idea and doesn't care about David's new CD release. And belive me, David had even more fans than Adam!!!
Right now I'm listening to the latest Liam McEwan .. ADAM LAMBERT HOUR .. from NZ ... this kid REALLY loves ADAM& he plays EVERYTHING ADAM ever sang that has been recorded or ADAM has covered ... what a JOYFUL hour of listening pleasure ... this will keep me CALM until ADAM's next release ... here it is:
I know Glamberts want to support Adam.
However, it is doesn't mean that US Music Industry or Canadian or Australia will give Adam noms for 2011.
He didn't release any song this year!
Do you think Adam will have as many fans as he had on this year?
Could anyone translate for me anon 7:37 and 8:10's comments?
P.A.S Okay, this is mean that AMERICAN MUSIC INDUSTRY WILL FORGET ADAM FORVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Anon.8:10 PM
In a word ... **YES** ... why would ADAM NOT have as many fans as he did previously since they keep adding to his followers everyday? FANS don't disappear just b/cuz they don't hear NEW music or b/cuz of no personal appearances on TV ... ADAM has a concert on July 19 in Quebec, Canada ... and WE are all waiting for vids on Ytube from that concert .. plus ... ADAM has a TV special on VH1 on Aug. 10th ... Behind the Music ... once again to the DELIGHT of ALL his FANS ... can't WAIT to see him on TV once again on a RELEVANT "MUSIC" SPECIAL!! WHY would you question his fanbase?? Don't you realize how HUGE .. ADAM .. already IS??
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