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RCA Ed Comments on The Adam Lambert / Christina Aguilera Duet

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, June 3, 2011

Posted at : Friday, June 03, 2011


Anonymous said...

I hope this rumor will be real. We'll find out sooner or later. Maybe later.

OTT, I loved Adam's interview with Cosmo magazine in Russia. I loved this part of his interview so much. Especially the last part of his interview which I have it in caps:

"There is something cool about my experience over the past year touring is that no matter what country I go to no matter what language people speak there is something very the same about everybody is that they love music. They know lyrics to the songs and they know who I am so they meet each other through me. Whether be online or at the concert. It [music] brings people together. So I think there is something kind of the same about all the different countries and people as opposed to something different and I think THE MORE WE FOCUS ON HOW WE ARE ALIKE THE BETTER OFF WE ARE, IN GENERAL." ~Adam Lambert

Anonymous said...

Adam said that above so beautifully!!!
Thanks for that part of the interview!!


Anonymous said...

How is it possibble, that without rehearsing his "speech" Adam finds just the right words in an interview!! Amazing!!!


Anonymous said...

@Anon 9:51

I wholeheartedly agree! Adam is a wise old soul. Clearly evolved. He makes a difference in this world, not only through is music, but by who he is as a person. He inspires me daily.

@ Ronnie He always does have the right words, doesn't he? I think these words were perfect in that moment, in that time. He was making a point in a very classy way.


Anonymous said...

hmmm,beginning to believe a teensy tiny bit now.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a very beautiful person ! Great things will come his way!!
Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam is WISE and TALENTED with killer impeccable voice. Love Xtina and I listened to her interviews. I haven't heard her to make on the spot clever statements about different subjects. That partial posted interview quote by @9:21 came to Adam naturally.

Some might think that Xtina might overshadow Adam if there will be a duet song. I totally think the other way around. Adam can overshadow her. But he won't. Adam is classy, smart, intelligent, wise and musically talented. So #XtinaAdamDuet it'll be one epic piece of music of 21st century.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 10:40

I have to agree that I think Adam would overshadow Xtina, though not intentionally. I don't say that because I am an Adam fan, but because I believe his clarity of diction when he sings outweighs Xtina. The words as he sings them are just so clear and precise. I don't get that so much from Xtina's vocals. That being said, I think they are both professional enough that they would adapt to the other so it would blend beautifully. They are both powerful singers with unbelievable range. *fingers crossed*


Anonymous said...

I ditto that Sister! Somehow, I think, Adam being so classy and intelligent and polite, would not try to outdo Xtina because of his tremendous respect for her. I think he would take the high pun intended!


Anonymous said...

Thank you 9 51 am for the great quote.
I think Adam might be ready for politics someday.

Anonymous said...

@Ronnie: Yes, Adam is a fabulous interview--I love this whole wonderful side of him, also.

I looked at Adam's TheView interview again. Adam's observations & responses were and still are beyond perfect! He articulated the dual double standard problem very clearly. I am so proud of him for not apologizing for his 10:55 PM AMA performance, which I loved.(He never has, btw.)He did nothing wrong; it's a matter of taste. He was also very funny. And--looked drop-dead gorgeous. All 4 women were clearly Adamized.

This is still very fresh, especially in light of recent media (especially ABC) hipocracy re: how women (i.e. Britney, Rihanna, Gaga over past few weeks) can do what he did at AMAs with even less clothing (Adam was wearing 3 piece suit! LOL) without any repercussions from major media decision-makers. Joy Behar's observations--that the backlash Adam got from AMAs was homophobic & that heterosexual males (viewers & decision-makers) adore female on female action--were spot on. (BTW Why wouldnt we females enjoy a little male on male action?:) I heard Matt Lauer on Today Show talking to Rihanna last wk about the criticism she & Britney were getting for their pre-10 PM Billboards Awards performance. Not only did Matt say he did not think it was a big deal, but admitted that he himself had re-watched it "11 times"! proving Adam & Joy points perfectly.

A while back when Adam hit 1 million followers I tweeted, since he had more followers than Donald Trump & Sarah Palin combined--and was a much betterer person--that maybe HE should run for President. It got several retweets. However, somebody reminded me that Adam is too young to run for President. :)

I would love to see Joy Behar have Adam on her 10PM CNN HLN show for 1 solid hour. I think they would be fun together. She also "gets" & follows Adam. (I think she'd be very pleased re: her ratings, as well.)

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

The first time I heard Adam interviewed I was impressed with how articulate he was........the second time, I was amazed and now that I've stalked him for two years.......I send compliments to the public school system in California!!!!!

Wish I could say the same about my state!..JAK

Anonymous said...

Adam and way....never happen

Neil and politics....more than likely....I would

think MSNBC might be a fit! I'm a Neil fan as

well as a Glambert!!!!JAK

Anonymous said...

@2:06 Yes, San Diego has the best public schools in whole State of California. Even its universities are the best in the state. It's much harder to get into CSUSD than it is for UCI, honestly. When Adam's mom on THS mentioned that they moved to San Diego because of its schools, she really researched about it before moving to SD. Also, it is not a cheap city to live in. Although it is considered one of the conservative city in CA. I feel so sad every time Adam mentions that he didn't fit in during his Jr. High and High School years. If he lived in Santa Monica or Beverly Hills and went to schools in these cities he could have been more free to be himself.

Anonymous said...

In addition to the good school system that San Diego has, I also believe that Adam's parents contributed a great deal to the way both their sons turned out. Adam is very articulate and smart. Just listen to or read his in-depth interviews. I don't really know any other music artist(except for Gaga perhaps) who does such great, self-assured interviews. Most of the other singers interviewed are inarticulate, not very intelligent and can't put two or three words together without using "like" or "you know what I'm sayin' " constantly. Also, I suppose Adam being in musical theater and appearing on stage helped develop his voice and his ability to speak clearly and intelligently to an audience or an interviewer. This combination of talent, charisma, intelligence, self-confidence and stage presence has put Adam Lambert in a league of his own in the music industry today.

Anonymous said...

Xtina and Andrea Bocelli sang a duet beautifully on the UK's Parkinson show a few years back. I saw and heard another side to Xtina's voice and I liked it. Their voices blended brilliantly, and I would love to hear Adam and Xtina sing a duet together but more importantly to me, I really love Adam singing solo.

Anonymous said...

Adam's parents and Neil are all intelligent and articulate beings. I think his school choices were excellent. He had superb teachers and highly developing school activities. He would have felt different being gay no matter where he went to school. He found his niche in highschool and did have some close friends through his activities. Danielle Stori, his highschool best friend still is very close to him. I think all in his life shaped who he is today, the pain as well as the gain. Adam grew from all of his life experiences and learned to be compassionate , caring and accepting of others. As a result he's an amazing, highly evolved human being that is loved by millions. It all was good. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Adam is a natural as far as his ability to speak so articulately compared to most. I think that is one of the many reason he is so mesmerizing to all of us. Looks, charm and an unbelievable voice...what I wouldn't give to just have one of those let alone all three! You wait and see, mark my words, Adam will be very famous...just give the rest of the world time to see that. Then we will all be Glamberts.
