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Sia Furler Says Adam Lambert is NOT working with Christina Aguilera

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, June 3, 2011

Posted at : Friday, June 03, 2011

Sia Furler is an Australian pop singer and songwriter. She is currently working with Adam for his sophomore album.


Anonymous said...

I think most of us figured it out that Adam and Christina were not working together. CA is on THE VOICE and mentoring there. AL is in London as far as we know working on his new album and spending some time there. So many artists are collaborating nowadays, that in the future the two of them recording a duet might be a possibility.

Anonymous said...

okay. I guess that means no then.

Anonymous said...

Thought this would be the case, Bugger, Still maybe the seed has been planted.

Anonymous said...

I wish Adam would work with Miss Iraheta on a new song. a great combination.

Anonymous said...

Another possibility:
"I´m working with both of them separately"
perhaps on the same song. They don´t have to be in a studio together to do a duet.
Just speculating.


The Dark Side said...

No surprise here, but nice to have confirmation all the same. Agree with Eva, something could happen in the future, but sounds like Xtina has her hands full at the moment.

Adamluv said...

TOTALLY OT ALERT - this past Mon. Old Navy stores started selling It Gets Better T-shirts with some of the proceeds going to the Trevor Project. Not the first chain store to do this but the largest one. But initially only to be sold in large cities. One step at a time. Also the San Francisco Giants baseball team just released their It Gets Better video ( first pro sports team to do this). Good news on both fronts!!!!... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Sia is amazing and Adam has said before how much he is in awe of her ability to write and sing amazing songs. Their collaboration can only result in a mega hit!

Adam has to be shaking his head again at how fast false RUMORS ignite twitterville and the media!

The Xtina and Adam duet will happen. I think Sia will be involved with both of them together -- once the timing is right.

THE VOICE has acknowledged (at least Xtina's team) that they received a massive response from Adam's fanbase to have him perform live on this show. This will showcase Adam's talent on this mega stage too. Adam needs to have this continued exposure while he is finalizing his album.

When Adam said he is making his "dream album" and something he would want to listen - he is letting his fans know how hard he is working cuz he is such a perfectionist when it comes to his music!!


Anonymous said...

Don't know what to think. Being cynical, I almost feel someone is setting Adam up. Already disappointment in his new album because some of promised collaborations did not take place. At the same time RCA Ed seemed to imply it was a possibility. In this day and time, people can work together from studies all over the world. They do not have to be in the same physical location.

Agree with 2:41, if the DVD and accoustic releases are any indication of Adam's editing abilities, the new album will be fantastic.

Anonymous said...

OT but please write Home Depot to let them know how much you appreciate their stand for the LGBT community including the Trevor Project and against the various "family" groups asking them to not support and saying they are aligned with the devil.

Anonymous said...

I think Xtina is still interested,& we can still see the duet happen,& also maybe see Adam sing on "The Voice"..For now,we need to just remember how hard Adam is working on the new album...Whoever said that Thia Megia's fans( top 10 on Idol) vote hard weren't kidding!!Wow!!In the Idol of the Month poll,she's moved up to the #2 spot, past Bucky C.Just now,she had 356 votes to Bucky's 353..although Adam has 598 right now,her fans just may have more voting power,but I hope not.VOTE IF YOU WANT TO!! url is http;//

Anonymous said...

SORRY,FANS,I had a typo in the url for Idol of the month.Maybe most of you have it bookmarked by now,but here it is again: VOTE PLEASE!!!!can every 20 bots there.

Anonymous said...

Can't understand her fans thinking she deserves that title ... she wasn't on the show long enough to be idol of any sort ... talk about DELUSIONAL ... this kid needs to finish high school first ... come on.

Anonymous said...

Aww... I was actually looking forward to a Glambert/Xtina duet. But it will happen someday. Now Adam can focus on doing a Glambert/Allison Iraheta duet for their albums.

Anonymous said...

Within past 15 minutes, Sia tweeted she got a text from Adam confirming that NO collaboration although he reiterated he would love one.

LP said...

Not a good idea for Adam to do a duet with Allison Iraheta.She is too young only 18, She needs to be 21. A lot of venues that Adam performs at is 21 and over. Even on the gnt she couldn't always perform because of her age, and she had turned 18 by then.

Anonymous said...

Adam needs a much bigger name than Allison.
I think he will chose what is best for himself. He is one smart cookie, and will have a great sophomore album. Let's leave him alone ,and let him work on what he knows, better than any of us.

Adamluv said...

OT - Anon 3;02, did you also read that the American Family Association presented the chairperson of Home Depot, Frank Blake, with a petition signed by 1 and 1/2 million people pledging to stop shopping there if they didnt stop their pro gay stance. To his credit, he basically told them to take a hike and that they would be continuing their support of diversity! Makes one wonder how one hugh corporation can not be swayed by 1 and 1/2 million folks but ABC was shaking in their boots over a mere 1500 homophobes??? Support Home Depot! ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...


GREAT point!!

Anonymous said...

Allison is good for a 19 year old. I think she could do a blues song with Adam with some rock thrown in. She is talented and Adam has always been in her corner. I think a duet would be great on her album. I like Allison.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam don't collab with Kesha. I just don't like her music. Kesha wants to work with him. Please God NOOOOO!

Anonymous said...

I'm off to spend money at the Home Depot!

Why does Adam need to collaborate with anybody - I want an album of just him, like all the other big stars have done.

Anonymous said...

If Adam sang a duet with someone it would be for a dvd not his album. Or he might do it for fun on a show, but the album is his baby with only his name on it. He collaborates with writers and singers, as he said himself, you can get more ideas as you work on the words and music. It is the best way to get a really good song done. He has been in the business long enuff to know the best way to write a song.All the big stars collaborate.

Anonymous said...

Let's see. How do I put this. If Adam collaborates with anyone, it has to be with an established, respected singer who will mutually benefit from singing with Adam. Adam is loyal to friends like Allison Iraheta, but he needs to look forward and up. He is a STAR in the making and the more connections he makes with top people, the better. It's just good career strategy.

Anonymous said...

I'm not concerned with whom Adam collaborates, as long as the collaboration produces the very best song/s for him.

Anonymous said...

@8:38 i agree with you and I have to wonder if christina A doesn't jump on collaborating with adam for maybe the same reasons we don't want him collaborating with allison. CA has to know adam wants to sing with her, he's been sayin it for two years now, if she wanted to- she can definetly make it happen- what's holding her back? Just a thought- it's a cut throat business

Anonymous said...

anyways I meant to say also, I really don't want adam collaborating with anyone unless it will get him to the stardom he deserves faster!

Anonymous said...

I was one of those who tweeted for Adam to sing on THE VOICE! I hope they received our message loud and clear.

Good for Home Depot to take a stance! I WILL continue to shop there!

@adamluv, thanks for the info on the SF Giants!


Anonymous said...

Is there a petition to sign or link to Home Depot supporting their decision to support diversity? Think I'll go and get some more flowers to plant and some lightbulbs! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

11:19, you and I are on the same wavelength. To put it bluntly, rising artists need to collaborate with those ABOVE them in star status. It has to be in the "higher" star's best interest as well to collaborate with a rising star. Hence, Adam needs to seek a pairing with Christina, not Allison. Allison would love to do a duet with Adam, I'm sure, but that would probably not do Adam any good. He's higher on the totem pole than Allison. It's a game of dominoes.

LP said...

Sounds like some people are mixing up collaborating and singing a duet. Collaborating is sitting down with well known writers and pooling their ideas for a song.They are not planning a duet together.
Duets are different, needs to be with a big star, to possibly help both their careers. :)

Anonymous said...

Darn and I was getting Psyched! Maybe in the future.