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Adam Lambert Grants Fan's Wish on Twitter

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, July 2, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, July 02, 2011


Magiclady said...

Wow, Adam you are always so accommodating to your fans. You made this guys day!
I cannot get enough of you and am sooo ready for your next album...

Anonymous said...

Thought Adam might be too busy with new arrival to check his twitter haha

Anonymous said...

That was a nice surprised from Adam!!!! You made one of your die hard fans happy today!!!!

We love u indeed!!!!

Anonymous said...

God, I wish I understood how to use twitter, then again maybe it's a blessing I don't know how lol

Anonymous said...

I have to catch on to twitter too!!

Anonymous said...

I've forgotten, has Adam ever contacted Liam the flea who plays Adam's music on his weekly radio show?...............JAK

Anonymous said...

What an awesome treat for that fan! Another great example of what a nice guy Adam is.

Anonymous said...

Lucky young man, he has hair like Adam. I wish I knew how to use twitter, but it could be a draw back, cause I would be on it all the time. I wouldn't want to miss a thing going on in twitterland.

Happy July 4th everyone, and don't eat, or drink to much. Be safe.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Lucky fan! Adam is so sweet and wonder we all love him so much!


Anonymous said...

Making people happy, what an awesome job!

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

Twitter is easy and I have computerphobia. You can just create an account and follow Adam and nobody else if you want - I just log on each day from my computer - I don't have phone capability yet! You don't have to tweet if you don't want - I don't really. I just follow a few people including Adam and many of Adam associated fanclubs etc. I love the egyptian glamberts - it's great to be able to support such adam fans through twitter!

Every Adam fan should join up!!

Adam is such a sweetheart to take time to do this - he really is - and that is why we love him.

glitzylady said...

First of all, thanks admins for the picture of Adam at the top of the thread...One of my favorites.. : )

That young guy was sooo excited, he's still responding to fans congrats to him. I just happened to log onto twitter right after Adam tweeted, and so I actually tweeted him right after Adam responded to him and he was just so excited..he said he just couldn't believe it..

Some Adam friends and I were talking by email tonight, and we were discussing the fact that we Adam fans are such a close knit group and when one of us has a stroke of good luck, we are all happy for them (and maybe just a little jealous too). One just never knows when that might happen. I have no delusions that it will ever happen to me... but who knows.

Those who aren't on twitter: its easy, fun and yes, slightly addictive. I started out following only Adam and now I follow over 300 Adam fans and sites, and a few unrelated things.. you absolutely never know who you might connect with or talk to. Or you can just "lurk" Adam does, most of the time. Pretty sure he keeps tabs on his fans that way, and jumps in occasionally and thrills the heck out of some unsuspecting fan.

glitzylady said...

Adam's latest Tweet, speaking of Twitter:

@adamlambert Adam Lambert
Stare at this

It's one of those pictures that you have to stare at and eventually you see an image, that is if you one of those people who can do that. I'm terrible at it so wasn't sure what I was seeing..I think I got it..but I won't say what it is..will keep the mystery going. : )

Anonymous said...

And then Adam retweeted Sauli's tweet (Hollywood Sunset). I may be a bit silly, but I think that was kind of sweet. Happy Sunday to every Adam fan!

Anonymous said...

Didn´t Adam retweet someone saying it is a 3D?
I stared till my eyes popped out and didn´t see anything :D


Anonymous said...

Love the photo. :-)

Lucky Glambert who received Adam's tweet.

As per Adam's instructions, I stared at what he told us to stare at and I've seen a few images so far but maybe that's due to my over-active imagination ... :-D

I follow Adam on Twitter and a few others but I rarely tweet and my Twitter page is set to "private". I prefer to read than tweet.

Anonymous said...

For all the Glamberts that aren't on twitter yet,here's what you need to do:
(1) Set up an email account (if you do not have one already)
(2) Go to to set on up.
(3) After your email is set up, go to and set up an account.
(4) Once you are signed in, go to and just click on the Follow button.
(5) Just start following as many Glamberts as you can find.

See all you "newbies" in twitterverse.

laurieb said...

I am also on twitter, since Oct but didnt really understand how it worked until the last month or so, now I find it addicting. I love it.. I am actually just starting to become more " vocal" on twitter.I of course follow Adam, but have met so many wonderful people through twitter..I also follow a few other artists and entertainment shows (mostly for any news of Adam) It is a wealth of information as there is always links provided. I still dont know how to twitlonger or take a screen shot of particular tweets, I think its called capped the tweet? but it is interesting and comical at times.

laurieb said...

Oh also if u join twitter, add Adam first, he will then become your twitter Godfather lol

Anonymous said...


Well, I stared and stared and stared at that pic. Nothing. Maybe I need an "additional substance" to help see what I am supposed to see. LOL.

Maybe Admin can post the picture and we can all try to figure out what it is that he is seeing. It could keep us busy for days! Ha!


glitzylady said...

Haha! Funny you should use that word "substance" (s)...I used the same one when talking to some friends last night about the picture.. : ) I found myself staring at the screen for 5 minutes or so, and laughing because I could imagine fans all over the world intently staring into their computer screens, and having their loved ones asking them what the heck they're doing...As usual, Adam speaks, we listen..He must be one of those lucky people that can just look at this type of illusion and see it..My son has that ability: he just briefly glances at one of those pictures and says "oh, yeah, its a picture of a hippopotamus, walking through the water, with lions and zebras along the bank, and Mt. Kilimanjaro in the distance". He could be kidding for all I know because I can very seldom see anything at all. Oh, and just to be clear, I'm sure that isn't what the picture Adam tweeted is about..I have a bit of an impression of what it is,but that's about it. Guess I'll have to give it another try...Back to staring.....

Anonymous said...

Dear Friends....I had been on this site from the start, have made comments before, i have always signed in as Anon. My name is Donna, last Sunday my Dear brother Tommy went to Heaven, as his loved ones stood by his bed side, the room and our hearts were filled with the beautiful voice of Adam singing the Prayer.

Anonymous said...

Donna So very sorry for the loss of your brother Tommy.What a lovely gesture to play Adam's the Prayer. Hopefully it made your brother's journey to Heaven easier with the sound of beauty. My deepest sympathy to you and your family.

URANUS said...

Donna, I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. I offer my condolences. I'm sure your brother was happy to have you and your family during his last moment.

glitzylady said...

I too am so sorry to hear news of your brother's passing. Adam's rendition of "The Prayer" is so beautiful and it is so special that his voice was used. I have tears in my eyes thinking of your loss. You will be in my thoughts. And thank you for sharing your name with us.

In honor of your brother...Adam singing "The Prayer"

The Prayer with Adam Lambert and Noa Dori (video)

The Prayer with Adam Lambert and Illysia Pierce (this one features Adam more..) Audio only

tess4ADAM said...

Donna ... My thoughts & prayers are with you & your family at this time of your loss of your dear brother ... I will pray that you all find the strength to endure in your hour of sorrow. So pleased that ADAM was 'there' for Tommy so he could sing him Home into the Loving Arms of GOD!
Bless You All ... tess4ADAM

The Dark Side said...

Donna, my condolences to you and your family. I am sure Tommy was special and will be missed greatly. The Prayer song is beautiful and a perfect tribute to your loving brother.

Adamluv said...

@Donna, my sincere condolences at the loss of your brother. Hearing our Adams voice must have been comforting. Hope you will continue to comment under "your name". .... Adamluv

Anonymous said...


My sincerest condolences to you and your family. The loss of a loved one is so difficult, but to be there with your brother, Tommy, in his time of passing must have given him great strength and tremendous comfort. Strength to you and your family during this difficult time.


Anonymous said...

Donna, I am so sad for your loss. I lost a brother when he was only 24. I am happy to know you now as Donna. I hope you will continue using your tag so we can put a name to your post which also helps communicate with you on a more personal level. Either way, thank you for sharing and thanks to Adam for his beautiful and comforting song at a time when you really needed it.

Tour glamsister,

Hk fan said...

so sorry to hear about the loss of your brother. Hugs to you.

Anonymous said...

Welcome Donna, please stay here as Donna from now on. So sorry to hear of your sad loss. Please know we all feel for you.
Jadam NZ

Anonymous said...

I am sorry for the loss of your brother. It is never easy on the family left behind. I pray for you and your brother. Adam's prayer is so beautifully sung.

Welcome to the site and please comment using your name, it does unite us with each other and Adam.

Bless you

Anonymous said...

@ Donna, So sorry for the loss of your brother, Tommy and thanks for using your tag. It seems to connect us in a more personal, caring way. Adam singing The Prayer was a beautiful way to always remember your precious brother and I hope was a great comfort. I wish you and your family peace and the comfort of beautiful memories of Tommy that will always be with you. Hugs, funbunn4o

Anonymous said...

@ Donna, So sorry for the loss of your brother, Tommy. As you can see, your in our prayers. I too don't use my name often, I'm so glad you did this time. My heart goes out to you and your family.


Aud said...

Dear Donna,
Please accept my condolences and deepest sympathy on the loss of your brother. I'm sure he enjoyed Adam's beautiful voice on his way to Heaven.

Hugs to you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Friends,
My heart is swollen with pain due to the passing of my brother, I adore him. Tommy was full of hope and faith,knowing he would beat the cancer, he was only 50.
I shared the heartfelt words from everyone above to my family. To each and everyone of you, I will use Adam's words,"Tell someone that they are Beautiful!
Thank you all for thinking of me and my family.
May life be kind to you all!
Hugs right back to all!
Love, Donna

Anonymous said...

@Daydreamin, So sorry that you had also lost your brother at only 24. I hope that altho' you didn't have quantity time, you had quality time with happy memories. funbunn40