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Sauli Koskinen Tweets Picture of him and Danelle Stori

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, July 06, 2011


Anonymous said...

Adam's friends have really embraced Sauli well and they seem to like him a lot. That's so nice! I would guess that Adam's friends are protective of Adam and if they like Sauli, that's a very good sign (and he is adorable). And as Sauli has said himself, it's important to get to know each others friends. It looks like they had fun when this pic was taken, any idea when it was taken? 4th July?

Anonymous said...

Have Adam and Danelle been friends for a long time?

Anonymous said...

Sauli and Danelle seems to have fun together what I have seen pictures of them.

Anonymous said...

Never think of a hat can be wear like this, very cute of them. Now where is shirtless Adam?
Adam and Danelle are very close friend since high school, kind of like brother and sister, I think.

Anonymous said...

Adam's friends really seem to like Sauli a lot. Alison Porter wrote in her blog that she has never met a sweeter or more kind man than Sauli. Sasha wrote that Sauli is her friend and she'll protect him like a lion.

Danielle went to school with Adam, so they've known each other a long time. There have been many pics where Danielle and Sauli are fooling around together.

Anonymous said...

Sauli get's along well with women. He has a twin sister with whom they are very close so I think he understands women better than many other man. I think he is very happy that Danelle has become his friend.

Anonymous said...

I think the pic is from the 4th July barbeque party Adam and Sauli had for their friends.

Anonymous said...

Hey Adam

I'll have cheese on my burger....Thanks

Anonymous said...

Here's a relatively new Adam & Sauli fan video. Walking on sunshine:

And here's a video that shows the funny but also the sensitive side of Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha,
Sauli has picked up Adam's expressions

Anonymous said...

I wonder who took this picture? ;)

Anonymous said...

@4:34 - Thanks for:

He is soooo sweet. Lucky Adam.

Sauli's dad, mom and sisters can be seen at 0:17-0:19.

Anonymous said...

Danelle looks like one of the Olsen Twins here. lol

donnaw said...

She's MUCH prettier than the Olsen twins!

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:39 that Sauli's expression is familiar, he has been practising it for many years;)

Anonymous said...

@5:43AM. You're welcome! I agree, he is such a sweetie! Glad Adam and he met each other, both seem to be kind by nature. :)

Anonymous said...

Sauli is adorbs. These two really seem to click.

Anonymous said...

Hey Adam you know how much we love to see you in the picture instead of always taking them. Especially if shirts are coming off and tongues are coming out. ha ha steph

Anonymous said...

Sauli looking like a drunk clown as usual. Adam must get tired of that crap, he's not a party animal anymore. Enjoy your free ride while it lasts Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it is time again to close this thread for discussion. This is the only public forum where the Adommy crays can write anymore.

Their today's fic: "those girls on Twitter were right, Sauli really is a famewhore hired by the label with David Cook's money in order to deflect attention from Adam's down-low love with Tommy....."

Anonymous said...

8:54 AM

Tabloid reporter

Anonymous said...

I would like to say that I don't agree with the rude tone or content of anon @8:54's post. How do you know he's drunk? And also, how do you know what Adam's gets tired of in his personal relationships?
Having said that, I have to say that I still just don't understand the obsession with Sauli. I understand the obsession with Adam(I'm guilty as charged over that But that's because I've watched him on Idol and have seen him perform live 3 times. I was surprised and impressed by his vocal talent the second I heard it. And, even though I don't know him personally, he seems like a caring human being, based on the countless interviews I've seen of him. On the other hand, the only thing I know of Sauli is that he is Adam's boyfriend. That is not good enough to warrant my obsession or any of the humorously obsessive comments I've read here about Sauli,IMO. Has he done anything professionally that should warrant my obsession? Other than being on a reality show? If that's all that's required, then I need to run out and join or start Snookie's fan club. I would not even know he existed if not for Adam.
Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest. - Abby

Anonymous said...

Abby I didn't know that Adam existed before he met Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Adam & Sauli are two very positive people. It's sad to see conversation turn so negative here so often. Adam's other friends aren't treated this rudely and there are posts of them here all the time. There's a difference between saying your opinion and being rude or insulting. And @Abby, there's also a difference between obsession and being happy for other people. Everybody, just skip the news you don't like. I do it all the time.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam took this picture, look at how careful he placed his bf, no nipple was showed. Clever boy. It looked like its cold and windy outside and its July4. Almost everyone drink and party and had a good time.

Anonymous said...

Abby - Adam's music is not the only thing why people love him. It's also his adorable personality that makes him so beloved. Sauli has the same sweet and kind personality and their love story is just so fascinating that it makes many of us a fan of them both.

Anonymous said...

Well then, anon 10:10, you must feel as if you owe Sauli a huge debt of gratitude.
Because, although I don't think it's worthy of obsessive fandom, I do have to admit one thing about Sauli. He DOES have good taste. - Abby

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't it be the other way around? I didn't know that Sauli existed before he met Adam? What do we really know about Sauli? Fill me in. How is he supporting himself when he is here in the States? If Adam is happy, then we are all happy. And if it is Sauli for now, then so be it. Only time will tell where this relationship will go and if it will last. Once Adam releases his first single and then his new album, his time will be consumed with interviews,photo shoots, tv shows, other appearances, etc and then eventually his next tour. I guess we will have to wait and see how Sauli fits into all of this for the next year at least.

Anonymous said...

@10:10 AM I didn't either know anything about Adam before he met Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:54.Tommy is NOT Adam's boyfriend.Sauli is.Tommy is straight.Adommy was all just for your entertainment, per Adam's words.I know this concept is painful for you to admit but that's the way it is.So don't hate.Appreciate. ;) Afterall it's not Sauli's fault you refuse to accept the reality.

anon. 10:21 How is it anyone's business how Sauli is supporting himself?Surely he is not relying on your money so why should you care?

I just love all the "concern" towards their relationship.Too bad Adam forgot to ask a permission to date Sauli.

Yea, Sauli!!Thank you for introducing me Adam.Adam gained himself a new fan. :)

Anonymous said...

@10:21AM. It may come as a surprise to you, but Sauli actually had fans of his own before he met Adam. Now many of those fans have become Adam's fans too. Sauli has supported himself before and continues to do so in the US (and it's really non of our business anyway). Of course nobody knows what the future holds, but how many times has Adam said publicly that he's in love? Not many.

Anonymous said...

Abby professionally he is actually doing the same as Adam. He makes people feel good and happy. I have watched his and Katri's Tutka because of that.

Anonymous said...

Anon @10:15, I understand what you're saying. If Adam's happy with Sauli, then I'm happy for Adam. It's just that some(not all) of the comments go beyond that and are a little over the top. Some seem intrusive almost. Or maybe I just don't feel strongly enough about their situation to comment on it.

Here's an example from anon @10:18: "their love story is just so fascinating that it makes many of us a fan of them both". What? Do you know details that I don't? To me, he's just Adam's boyfriend and not my business. To me, he's no different than Drake or Cheeks. I was also happy for Adam then. - Abby

Anonymous said...

@10:21 Why are YOU worried about how Sauli is supporting himself. Are you afraid that he'll starve or something. (He is working for a Finnish radio station and for a Finnish tabloid being stationed in LA).

Instead of being sorry that Adam and Sauli maybe have to be apart a lot during the next tour, it seems like you'd wish that it would break their relationship. You are mean.

Anonymous said...

Abby: What is over the top is ridiculous negative comments that these Sauli threads gets.So what if it makes someone a fan of both?!So what if it makes some people overjoyed or very happy?Isn´t that a good thing?Being happy? Why is it that someone always feels the need to bring happy people down?

Anonymous said...

Sauli isn't just anybody. He is famous and beloved in his own country just because he is so incredibly kind and sweet.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 10:48 AM. You are so right.

Anonymous said...

You're welcome anon. 10:54. :) I don't understand this whole thing, really.Sauli hasn't done anything to deserve all the crap he is getting.Only thing he did was to fall in love with Adam and can you blame him?I certainly can't. ;)

Anonymous said...

TO 8.54
Adam and his friends must be very stoopid because they don´t see that Sauli is a drunken framewhore. And they actually know him in person! Some of them have even defended Sauli on Twitter. They obviously have no brain!
Glad someone is clever like you and sees Sauli for what he really is even if not ever meeting him.
Adam must be happy to have fans like you!

Anonymous said...

Mean people are always unhappy and they can't stand seeing happy people around them. I think that's the explanation for their behavior here too.

LP said...

There was a comment that Adam might have taken the pic, I bet he is wearing a silly hat just the same as Sauli, and stuck his tongue out right back at Sauli lol. Adam has not grown out of having fun at a party, and I hope he never does. Let the boys enjoy themselves , while they are both young enough to . Love them both, Peace and Love, and Thank you Finland for producing Sauli for us, (and Adam)

Anonymous said...

Ladies, everybody love Adam, most of us love Sauli. However, this is still AdamLambert 24/7news blog. It is nice to talk about Sauli sometimes. But it seems that Sauli's name mention in any news about Adam. Just create the new AdamSauli 24/7news blog.
Meanwhile, when we talk about boy-girl relationship, I always impressed if boy can cover all of their expenses. This way girl has enough time to relax, to take care about house needs, and, wich the most important part about her beauty and intellectual life. This is personal decision and between two people who are in love. AND THIS IS NOBODY'S BUSINESS!
Why most of us want to know if Sauli works, how much money Adam spends to help Sauli.
This is there life. I don't care if Sauli works or not. He can find job any time he wants to.
Please, leave them alone.
I think Adam mentioned about this in his tweet.

@anon 10:39 AM Where did you get the idea that Adam scheduled his next tour? Also, may be Adam will take Sauli for this tour.


Anonymous said...

Anon @10:48, in my FIRST response @ 10:01 on this thread, in the first sentence I stated that I disagreed with the rude tone of a poster that was calling Sauli a name in reference to being drunk. That type of posting IMO has one purpose only - to provoke anger. I do not agree with that what so ever.
I am just stating that I don't know who Sauli is and why SOME people here SEEM a little obsessed with him and his romance with Adam. I was totally unaware of his fame in Finland or anywhere else. That's why I was asking what he did professionally. I know he was on "Big Brother", but I've never watched that show and don't know what it's about. Does anyone know what he did before that? Was he a college student?

Anonymous said...

forgot to sign my name to my post @ 11:17. - Abby

Anonymous said...

@admin thank you for posting Sauli tweet Picture of himself and Danelle Stori ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ cause both are relevant in Adam's life.

I myself only discover who Adam Lambert *sigh* (he's so precious) was a month today via YouTube. Since then,I've brought & listen to his album FYE , GNL and others music from AI through iTunes.I personal like everything or anyone connected to Adam either in line of work or on a personal level.

Furthermore, I've also gotten to know Sauli through discovering Adam and both of them seem so genuine & down to earth. I hope this is the beginning of a long term relationship for these adorable couple (Kudos to them)I'll say!

Just my 2 cent @10:01 AM & @8:54 AM -_- everyone to their own opinion.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:31, this is anon 8:54 - you make a stupid assumption I must be an Adommy crazy just cuz I don't like Sauli - Tommy and Adam are just friends to me. FYI theres plenty of fans besides me who just don't like to see Adam with this loser. I don't like him because all I see is a shallow party boy with no real job, no ambition, no talent (unless you think getting drunk is a talent) and not very intelligent. Adam deserves much better than this. No way will this last and they sure as hell will never get married.

Anonymous said...

Anon.11:27: You think you can get this thread locked by trolling here?

Exit this way------->

Anonymous said...

SAD AL. I can't believe I actually agree with you on some things. LOL. But I don't think we need a separate Sauli 24/7 blog, if news of Adam's other friends (like Sasha or Danielle or whoever) can be posted here, so can Sauli news too. And it's not for us to decide what is considered newsworthy here, admin will take care of that. This thread is also starting to get insulting, again. More work for the admins.

And Abby, maybe you should take a look at Adam-fan sites from the past half year. Lots of Sauli information to be found online if you really are interested.

Anonymous said...

I'm amazed at all the comments and judgements about Sauli from people here who have never met him. It is Adam's choice who he falls in love with and none of anybody else's business. Sheesh!

ps. A few years back, a few people might have seen Adam as a shallow party boy with no "real job".

The Dark Side said...

Actually enjoyed seeing pict of Sauli and Danielle, and for those that didn't well there are others sites. Adam is flying so far under the radar these days, that any news via any method is interesting. Cannot wait for him to resurface, but if getting his album and new single out is what's keeping him so busy, it is all good. Being one of those people who have no personal knowledge of Adam's life, like almost everyone else, I hope he is happy.

Anonymous said...

I´ve seen many cuddly pictures of Sauli and Danielle. They seem to like each other a lot.:)

Btw I think it tells us a lot that Finnish Adam fans respect and like Sauli. They must know him the best!

The ones who believe in Adommy and hate on Sauli are obviously troubled and need their fantasy for some reason. I just hope they would keep it to themselves and not come here to hate.

A happy Adam is the most important thing!

Anonymous said...

11:45 AM

Anonymous said...

Twitter party on May 22:

G_Menchaca @adamlambert
have you ever struggled with not believing in yourself?

everyday. Constant battle. But I feel like I'm on an upswing. Being in love and creative in the studio feed my soul.

does sauli inspire you? :)


Thank you Sauli for inpiring Adam and feeding his soul!

Anonymous said...

This is the last post about Sauli from me.
First of all, I do not understand anon @11:45's(not The Dark Side's, the one above it)comment. The only truly rude and negative comments on this thread were the ones from the poster @8:54. My comments are simply addressing the over the top(just my opinion) comments about Sauli. I went out of my way to make sure that they did not come across as rude. When I posted them, I was unaware that there were people here who knew and were fans of Sauli before he even met Adam. That explains some of it.
Once again, I do not think my posts have been rude, unless one thinks a different opinion equals rudeness. Because that was simply all I stated. Because I had never heard of him, I didn't understand all of the fawning going on. That's all. - Abby

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:34 everyone who doesn't like Sauli doesn't' make them a troll. I was posting here before anyone in the US ever heard of Sauli and I will express my opinion like everyone else. This is supposed to be an ADAM LAMBERT news blog not the Sauli fan club only for people who love Sauli and want to gush over him like he's some perfect angel sent from heaven. I am a true fan but that does not mean I am required to like every guy he dates.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:14 PM If you are a fan of Adam shouldn't you be happy that there are a lot's of people who likes and respect Sauli especially in Finland where people know him best?

Anonymous said...

I think we should all fall back a few yards and allow Adam to decide who he wants to be with, who inspires him and who makes him happy.

Adam is very smart about people. He keeps his friends close and shows them how much they mean to him. I think he could spot a "famewhore" a mile away and have nothing to do with that person.

let's get on to another topic.

The Wall Expert said...

@Abby I don't think it's that strange that people are seemigly obsessing over Adam's relationship with Sauli. I think that Adam's fandom would be interested in Adam's relationship and his bf just the same regardless of who the bf actually is. I don't think the bf needs to be an amazing talented famous professional of some sort for people to find him interesting. It's interesting enough that he's dating Adam.

Having said that, of course the fact that Sauli seems like a likeable person and is cute (matter of opinion but many think so) also helps.

Anonymous said...

the man and woman that hold the heart of the Glambert. they seem to get along well and probably trade stories.

Anonymous said...

In a previous comment I was just asking about Sauli because I really did not know much about him at all. This is not beeing rude, just interested. Of course, Adam's life is his own and he can do whatever he wants and have a relationship with someone he cares for and loves. I have always wished the best for Adam in life, love and his career. Enough said!

Anonymous said...

"It's interesting enough that he's dating Adam."
Well said!

Anonymous said...

I think Danielle lived with Adam. She always has his back and will be there through it all. she loves her lamb.

Anonymous said...

ADMIN please, I beg you to close this thread. I guessed when you put that pic there that when there is day time in America there will be hate post against Sauli. The first comments did not insult him, but now that I came to see if my feeling was right I can say OMG this hatred! I hope you don't put anything about Sauli here because there are so many who hate this relationship. I can inform Sauli through his blog and ask, but does he have any right to say that he does not want his name and pics used here? Do you think it could be possible? It's always the same thing when there's something about him. And to those who hate him without knowing him I would say: I shame you. You don't trust Adam is wise enough to choose his partners. If he is in love, as he has said, it's he`s choice, even if that was a Santa Claus (We say in Finland "ukko mustilainen", but I can't translate it). If there will be still Sauli -news, I say don't read, ignore. Let Adam live his life in privacy. But if somebody is interested in Sauli too, you can't tell them not to be. Somebody said that Adam is not a party animal anymore. How come I've seen him partying and holding always some drink. Sauli does not pour drinks to his mouth. And what about that Lady Gaga accident (birthday party)? Sauli wasn't even in LA then. He came to Gaga -concert later. Adam was partying by himself. Abby asked about Sauli's job. That's not your business (you're not Adam's mom). But before BB he was two years in a clothing store selling clothes (no, he has not been studying in the university) and after BB he has done many kind's of mostly media-jobs. He has earned his living. And his father has a firm where he has been working too. Some wise man has said: "The price of hating other human beings is loving oneself less." And Adam Lambert (a wise man too) has said: "Love overcomes hate". You Sauli-haters sound like you where some jealous mothers, who don't want to get rid of their children and want to arrange their marriages and relationships although they are grown-ups.

The Wall Expert said...

About the negative comments. I've seen only a few negative comments about Sauli in this thread and I think that people are getting too worked up over them. I personally don't appreciate them (and I doubt that Adam would either) but this isn't a "We love Adam & Sauli" blog or an official Adam site (to my knowledge) which you could expect Adam to read.

So no need to disable commenting because of a few negative posts that Adam and Sauli will most likely never know of.

Anonymous said...

Ok then, love this pic, but these comments D:
It's not our business to judge them.. "If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all" I thought that fan pages were for fun.. Peace and love to every1!

Anonymous said...

1:14 PM Of course you don't have to like Adam's bf. It only matters that Adam likes him. I didn't like Drake, but 'cause I did not know him, I could not hate him. I just did not like his looks, but he must have been a nice man cause Adam dated him so long time. And there must be something in Sauli that interests Adam 'cause they've been dating for eight months. Calling him "a drunk clown, loser and famewhore" etc. is also an insult towards Adam (only if he knew what people think about his dear one - well some have informed him I know). In this site there are also news about Adam-related people. Those who don't want to read them are not forced to do that.

There are no angels on the earth, but there are different people who love each other for different reasons. I'm a Finn and starting to think that it would be easier for Sauli (and many Americans who want to control their Rock God's life) if they broke up because he will not survive in that jungle being from a small country (here are haters too, but most hate him because of his orientation). So, let's hope that Adam will be single again, and gets rid of this burden!

I don't want to come to this site anymore, because I'm so disappointed how mean people can be. The fact is that you may just praise Adam and his music/talent/looks/boots, but there are no boundaries when insulting people near him. I know, this is not your loss, but have a nice life you all!