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Adam Lambert: No Marriage in the NEAR future

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, August 02, 2011


Anonymous said...

Yeah! Adam shoot it down. Never trust anything unless it's from him directly. Haven't we learnt that before? F**K those tabloids! he is very serious with his BF!

Anonymous said...

Adam is so FIERCE! Just love him! He doesn't hide and doesn't take sh*t from anybody! Go Adam!


Anonymous said...

Sauli's tweet:

saulikoskinen1 saulikoskinen
Marriage! not yet! stupid question! good answer. hahah! ;) yay!

LOL! Love these boys!

glitzylady said...

And Sauli's response! He is just so sweet...And I'm thinking Adam is PISSED. GO ADAM!!!!! And while we're at it, GO SAULI!!!! Glad they have each other...

@saulikoskinen1 saulikoskinen
Marriage! not yet! stupid question! good answer. hahah! ;) yay!
6 minutes ago

Anonymous said...

EEK! I hope everyone won't be afraid to interview him after this outburst. Don't build bridges Adam.

Anonymous said...

hmmm,that may be burn bridges

Anonymous said...

Can't they just let them do what they want. They are 29 and 26, they can choose if they want to marry each other or not ! F*****g tabloïds. Who wants to kick them (tabloïds)with me ?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Whoa!!!! Adam is really pissed! You go Adam! Tell 'em like it is!


Anonymous said...

Adam with his last tweet basically tells everybody that he likes to keep his relationship private and don't mess with him. This is to us fans too. Let's only focus on Adam as an artist and his music only. His private life is his business people.

LP said...

No way can they make commitments to each other yet, Adam doesn't even know what next year will bring. He will prolly go on world wide tour again, where does that leave Sauli. Which is why I have said before, wish he could have a job with Sony to be able to travel with Adam.

LP said...

Speaking of Sauli, doesn't his job with Radio Aalto start this month?

Anonymous said...

Hope that perass won't make a big deal about this on his stupid site!

Anonymous said...

August 2, 2011 3:49 PM
Personnally, i don't really give a damn about his relationship. If he is happy, if he makes great shows with great songs, his private life has to be private. I don't really understand why some fans are so obsessed with Adam's relationship with Sauli. But, unfortunately, I can understand why tabloïds are doing this. They just want to make money, this is their jobs.

Anonymous said...

I support their relationship and can´t stand it all if I will see that somebody is mocking Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Ladies are obsessed with the relationship, because they want Adam and his fine ass. He should know that by now. Keep dressing sexy Lambert, because that fuels the fire.

Anonymous said...

damn that little frisky minx is on a rant! get it tiger!

Anonymous said...

saulikoskinen1 saulikoskinen
Now I am sooooo sad because I just found the perfect white wedding dress ;)

Oh God.. :DDD

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! That REALLY pissed Adam off. I can understand why. This type of thing will spread like wildfire and appears that he is dissing Sauli and their relationship. When I first read that comment, I didn't think it sounded like something Adam would say. Since when does Adam make definitive statements like that about his future and his love life.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I GET the response... GO ADAM (don't F--- with him) yeah baby!!
so I guess I can figure out the jist of the question... but DOES anyone have any info on the actual original?? What said , where printed ?? Was it a question, or a stated report?? curious...


Anonymous said...

@Sister, so very glad you're back. you were definitely missed.

it's fascinating to discover how stupid some media writers can be. how the heck they could leave out the word "near" is just unbelievable. you'd think a writer wouldn't do that. and good for adam and sauli for responding the way they did.


Anonymous said...

he probably won't get married, because he loves playing the field. why marry one when you can have many? duh

Anonymous said...

Way to go Adam! Tell em how it is!

Anonymous said...

Don't you get tired of people prying into every aspect of Adams personal life, and MANY do!
Wished people would support him with his music and leave the heck of him alone! RESPECT!

Anonymous said...

August 2, 2011 4:32 PM Sauli and Adam are still dating. Why is it so hard for You to believe it?

HK fan said...

its from a written interview in the US magazine.


and of course that is the 'one quote' that is being picked up by several other news sources.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't worry about Adam burning bridges with the media. They LOVE feisty celebs who attract attention. They tend to ignore boring ones.

Anonymous said...

HERE WE GO AGAIN I told you guys just wait until Adam say it in his own words. Don't let the tabloid fools you!!!! Adam read all the anomosity in every sites of his fans that's why he has spoken again indeed.

Remember the issue with base man TJR?????

So don't piss him off he!he! The Rock God ROARS once again. Dirty tabloids and some annoying fans who doesn't listen and learn..

Adam Mitchel is fierce !!!!! Yah that's what I'm talking about baby!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why Adam is so upset about this"marriage" question? I remember somebody asked him about this previously and it wasn't make him so mad.
Also, I thought that tabloids are the stupid magazines you can see in the stores with disscusing gossips about celebrities. So far, I saw just few comments on the line about Adam's interview and it doesn't seem that anybody take it very to seriously to start any gossips about this "mariage" question/answer.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert doesn´t want to marry Sauli" was yesterday´s headline in the Finnish newspaper, Ilta Sanomat. the same newspaper where Sauli writes his blog

It sounds a little bit like sauli asked Adam to marry him and Adam kind of refused.. :O

No wonder they´re annoyed.

The Dark Side said...

Think Sauli's fans in Finland had a melt down over this story. Adam and Sauli quick to set the record straight. Adam pissed and Sauli funny. They are both keeping it real. LMAO Go get em tiger, and protect your cub.

Anonymous said...

Tabloids are fool of shits indeed!!!!

From now own guys just listen to Adam not the tabloids ok??????

Anonymous said...

Adam Mitchel Lambert is a European blood people!!! Fierce!!!! Royalty blood!!! So don't pissed him off

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sauli tweeted:
Now I am sooooo sad because I just found the perfect white wedding dress ;)

Soooo, is he mocking the very idea of them getting married? Not very funny to me.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If they want to interview the Rock God, make sure with sense ha!ha!ha!

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, but the story about Adam not marrying Sauli on a Finnish tabloid, the one that Sauli also works for, was written with humour and I don't think anyone here got upset about it. :)

Anonymous said...

@ 5:35,

Please lighten up!!!! Don't be a kill joy!!!!

Anonymous said...

It is 3:40 AM here (Wednesday) in Finland right now. The article was published Tuesday at 9:35 PM.

Urethra_Franklin said...

5:35...dear god...cry me a river honey and get over it

Im so glad I have a sense of humor!

I love it when Adam slams his gavel down. WOOTS!

Anonymous said...

I don´t see any humor on it if it´s written like this; Adam will not marry sauli. :(
Like Adam said " Please Don't f--- w me tabloids!!! I can see he was annoyed.

Anonymous said...


It really is good to be back! I have missed the love, chaos, obsession and often GREAT humor!

And I absolutely LOVE Sauli's response about the wedding dress. These two are just so fierce and funny! LOL


Anonymous said...

Doesn't Sauli need to marry Adam to get a green card though? Cuz if he can't get one he'll have to move back to Finland. :(

Anonymous said...

Never been crazy about Sauli but I think he has great sence of humor :D

Anonymous said...

I don't like to see Adam get pissed! Adam has given plenty of warnings not to pry, tabloids or fans. But once Sauli comes into the pic, he's fairgame for all !

Anonymous said...

The last time I heard from ADAMs interview that he would love to live in Europe someday. "I heard it from him". It was an old interview when he was promoting his album. He also mentioned that he love architectures.....

Adam and his boyfriend can live happily and quitely someday when everything is calm down.

Don't crusify me on this folks?????

Anonymous said...

Same thing was in UStabloids as well


It doesn't matter so much for Adam, but Sauli can loose his face! That's why Adam got so angry. He is very protective.

Anonymous said...

@ anon 6:08 pm,

I saw that interview too in youtube.

Don't worry about it Adam and his BF will be fine. LOL!!!


Magiclady said...

You go guy!

Anonymous said...

Oh! Adam such a protector that's why your crazy adores you so much indeed!!!


Anonymous said...

oops! I forgot the fans???? Sorry about that my keyboard is messing me up yak!!!


Anonymous said...

@ 5:51 PM

Sauli's visa is indefinite - it's the kind they give to the "Hollywood Foreign Press". He's safe as long as he works for media.

Marriage wouldn't help him to stay cause the Federal law doesn't accept same sex marriages.

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling Adam takes marriage seriously and wants to take his time to decide if/when he's at the right place in his life to tie the knot.

But did anyone else notice? When Adam was being interviewed backstage in St. Agathe, the interviewer asked Adam if he has any fears. And Adam replied that he USED TO (note past tense) worry that he'd never find someone special to grow old with. Guess he's not worried about that anymore!

Anonymous said...

@anon 6:17 PM Unfortunately, 5:51 PM absolutely correct. Sauli can stay in US for some particular time. I don't remember the limits. And if Sauli will not marry and can't get the green card he has to leave to country. This is the law. And this is doesn't matter where he is working. Even if he is professor in Berkly he will be departed.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:37
Press visa differs from the normal work visas.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is used to media bullshit and misinterpretations - there relationship seems strong - but of course Adam must get upset over this kind of stuff. Adam is being protector and this is what we love about him.

Way to go boys!!!


Anonymous said...

There's xenophobia in this fandom. Not everyone likes Sauli, because he's not American or should he be German?

Anonymous said...

@ 7:17 PM

I doubt that many of us suffer from "a fear of people from other countries" I know I don't, in fact the way things are going in this country I'm looking around for a safe haven.

Are there any?..............JAK

Bing said...

Gotta love this couple sooooooooo much. They have each others back. Excellent job in dissing that irresponsible type of journalism in tabloids. Love how they both handled it.

@Sister - another one here who is so excited that you are finally back from your hiatus. Please never leave us again, once in enough :D We just love your company and i also learn a lot from your posts. Thanks for coming back Sister!

@Cindy - i'm really glad to see a post from you because it's been a long time. I'm really missing you guys! Hope everything is okay with you. Stay well and kind regards!

Anonymous said...

@JAK Actually, none of us from THIS COUNTRY!!!
Only native american. There are many generations or not so many generations like my family, but non of us have to have the problem with people who move or want to move in US. Yes, there is illegal way to move here, but this is another story.
So, when we welcome people from different countries, we have to remember, that may be this person is from the country where is my great great great grandparents from.
How can I fear of somebody who can be my cousin by my great grandfather side?:)

glitzylady said...

Wow! I followed this all day today, on Twitter, and although it was crazy, it ended up being rather fun, finally, and had a lot to do with how Sauli handled the situation. Sauli is so darn funny! I love his sense of humor, with his "white wedding dress" joke! Much light hearted teasing and hilarity ensued. Just remember, he won Big Brother Finland a few years ago, and it takes a certain amount of humor and "people skills" to outlast everyone else. People liked him there and I like him now. I think he is quite a perfect match for Adam..and apparrently Adam thinks so too, and vice versa. Time will tell what the long term outcome will be for them. I wish them love, peace, and happiness. Oh, and GO ADAM!

Adam had every right to be madder than hell. I am guessing that he was not referring to the question that was ASKED, so much as the fact that when his answer was reported, the most relevant and important part was left out, which changed the meaning completely. It went from "I don't see myself getting married in the near future" to "I don't see myself getting married". HUGE difference in meaning. And then the false story was picked up EVERYWHERE and will may never die completely. Just ridiculous and very maddening. I would hope Adam's management will demand a public apology on that one. He also told them he didn't discuss his private life. And woe is to he poor interviewer who asks anything like THAT again. Adam will probably tell them ahead of time he will not answer questions about his private life, including his boyfriend. Good for him.

For the record, I think Sauli is a wonderful, sweet, caring partner for Adam, and I won't put up with any crap said about him. Go ahead and say it, but I don't have to agree with you. Adam and Sauli are in love, they have said so, they're happy, and no one has any reason to say otherwise. Adommy crays are delusional and I hope they finally give up on their BS.

@Anon 5:35 PM
"Is Sauli mocking marriage" because of his wedding dress treat? Oh, please! Its a JOKE! Humor... Sauli is funny and was defusing the situation, in fact it was hilarious!

@Anon 5:13 PM
Adam was probably alerted by family or friends, about the s***storm that story was causing, that was being repeated in every entertainment column, blog, tabloid, all over the world. I doubt he was worried about his fans initially,other than not wanting us to wonder what the heck was going on, but was hoping to prevent even more media confusion, the media storm that could erupt. And most important of all, I bet he didn't want it to reflect negatively on the guy he loves. "Oh, he must not love Sauli or want to marry him.." Didn't I read a little of that BS here?

Although none of us knows Adam and Sauli personally, I think most of us have become acquainted with Adam, and to a lesser degree, Sauli, enough that the thought that Adam would say "I don't see myself getting married" strikes me as very unlike him. He has deep relationships, and although we don't know how his relationship with Sauli will turn out (they probably don't either at this point..yet) I personally feel that marriage and kids are more than likely to defininitely in Adam's future at some point. He has said he doesn't want to have kids until his career is established and he has time to be with them as a parent who is "present" in every way.

Just another day in the life of Adam Lambert and his fans. As Adam says: "Whoa" !!!

Anonymous said...

I guess we all worry that we might end up alone or die alone as we age. Adam probably has had a few relationships that really hurt him in the past. Now that he is on his way to fame and fortune, that makes it more difficult to trust another person and to fall in love with that person. Is it for all the right reasons? Fame, fortune and success make people do crazy things supposedly in the name of love. Half of the marriages today end up in divorce. It seems that many same sex partnerships have lasted for decades raising families but without all the benefits others get through marriage. Adam is in love now, extremely happy and more mature and reflective it seems to me. Let us focus on his music, the talent and leave him and his personal life alone.

glitzylady said...

@ Anlon 7:17 PM
I love Sauli as a great partner for Adam and I am definitely not afraid of people who aren't from my country! My ancestors are all European as far as I know..just like Sauli's and Adam's. That just makes no sense. If Sauli was from Africa or Asia, it would make no difference to me either, and if anyone does have a problem with that, I'm sorry. (Not really.) This amazing Adam Lambert fandom is worldwide, everyone is welcome to flail along with the rest of us, including Sauli, because I'm pretty sure he "flails" too. It must have been stellar for Sauli to watch Adam on stage at Ste. Agathe..He must have been bursting with pride, also just like the rest of us, but more so, because they have that bond of love between them.

Okay, I think I'm done. For now. : )

Anonymous said...


I haven't read your post yet, but it's almost a novella! I think I will pour a glass of wine first... or maybe I just go party in the Magic Forest! ;)


Thank you! *big smile*


Let me know what country you decide to move to. I just may come and visit. (And besides, we need to have that pool party!) No xenophobia here! I love other countries and cultures!


Anonymous said...

These boys are just adorable!! They support each other so well, a perfect match. I feel like Adam was a little annoyed when they misquoted him in that interview, so he tweeted to correct it. Then Sauli tweets his hilarious tweets as to say, hey, things are great, we are fine and happy. Sauli surely knows how to handle the pressure from media, he has experienced that before.

I understand that Sauli has a "media visa" as he is working for the foreign media. Someone said that as long as he continues to for finnish media, it's ok.

Sauli's new blog is ready and it's from New York. I hope they are having the time of their lives in NYC. :)

Anonymous said...

I think it's really rude that there are people presuming Adam and Sauli will marry and promoting it for all its worth. It puts both Adam and Sauli in an embarrassing situation.

To those who have an unhealthy obsession with Adam's love life, get a love life of your own and let Adam and Sauli enjoy theirs without your unnecessary input.

Anonymous said...

I must say I felt very relieved to read the new and correct version of the answer. That's better news to hear. So glad they are dating - they seem like a good match.

Anonymous said...

I think it follows normally that when you adore someone (like we do Adam), you hope for the best for them in their love life.

I hope I also find someone soon. Being alone kinda sucks.

Anonymous said...


Yes, there are too many motherhen matchmakers on Adam's websites.


People can be lonely in marriage as well as being lonely on one's own but I hope you find that special someone soon.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:18 PM

You are so right, anyone moving to the US from England, Ireland, Scotland, Austria or Slovakia might possibly be a relative of mine!....JAK

Anonymous said...

5:45, I don´t see any humor on this Finnish tabloid article, either. And I don´t aggree with 5:37 saying it is "written with humor and don´t think anyone here got upset about it". It´s just ýour opinion and tells about your sense of humor.
The most important thing were to know, what exactly was the question of the US magazine and, first of all, what exactly was Adam`s original answer.

Anonymous said...

@ Sister

I am seriously considering Alpnachstad a village on Lake Lucerne in looks like The Sound of Music country...has the world's steepest cog wheel railway from the top of Mt. Pilatus, the view is a doozy! Last time I was there the train stopped halfway down the mountain(probably to rest or cool it's brakes) and there was a hut and goats eating wild flowers in a field looking into the window at me...I asked them if they knew Heidi and the Alm Uncle, but no response. It's a heavenly place and only a short distance away for magical weekends in Venice!!!!Come with me......JAK

Anonymous said...

Of course we hope for the best for Adam in his love life and every other aspect of his life but it shouldn't be to the point of obsession.

Anonymous said...


Sounds spectacular! But do I have to wear one of those outfits from the Sound of Music, made from curtains?


Anonymous said...

Thank GOD for Sauli and his wonderful sense of humor. Adam will never stand for anyone making a mockery of his relationsihp with Sauli.

I love the fact that BOTH OF OUR BOYS made it crystal clear that marriage is in the "not yet NEAR future" phase --- sure is telling to me.

Neither said they would NEVER marry. I bet both of them at some point have thought about marriage already especially when the law passed in New York.

Adam's new song Outlaws of Love gives us even more insight into how compassionate he is and desires to be able to grow old with someone he deeply loves and not be alone.

Sauli loves the little things in life which equates to how geniune and sweet his disposition is. A bike ride, love of nature such as the squirrel siting on a window ledge or the LA sunset.

Sending a tweet about the most perfect wedding dress -- never taking himself too seriously. He and Adam could not be more perfectly matched.

It is their destiny to be together for life. Sauli said he believes in love at first sight.

Wishing them both all the happiness in the world!


Anonymous said...

As said marriage wouldn't help Sauli to stay in USA because Federal law doesn't accept same sex marriage.

Ronnie said...

Geez, love Adam´s fierce and Sauli´s humour!!!<3

@Sister!! Great you are back!!!

We all come from AFRICA! So we are all relatives!!!!

Anonymous said...

@ Sister

Oh, you mean a dirndl.....not for everyday wear, just maybe for festivals.....I pretty much just wear a fleece sweatsuit daily.....much more practical than a muumuu (too breezy you know).
Smart looking ski clothes are the norm and comfy.

Anonymous said...

anon 5:35,
Sauli's response is funny because he'd never wear a dress.

Anonymous said...

I love it when Adam gets fierce and Sauli's sense of humour is priceless. I imagine that Sauli got Adam calm down and laugh.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for Twitter.
Great job, Adam and Sauli. :)

Anonymous said...

"People can be lonely in marriage as well as being lonely on one's own...."

So true!

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli handled this "marriage-gate" in the best possible way. Adam was fierce and protective, and Sauli's tweets revealed a man with a great sense of humor. I think these to are going to be together for a long time. And they're gonna bring us a lot of joy and laughter too. It really must have been fate that brought them together.

Anonymous said...

There's a lot of attention to Adam and Sauli's relationship. Sometimes too much, I agree. But there are also fans who seem to be on a mission brainwashing young 13-15 year old clueless girls to believe to the Adam and Tommy romance. You know it's on the level of brainwashing, when the girls have such a strong denial and if some of these girls starts questioning their truth or want to leave the gang, the programmers try to prevent it. On twitter, one a girl said she's been reading like 10,000 adommy fanfics and the programmer replied to her that Adam and Tommy would highly approve. So, reading and writing these fanfics is their major task. Just think about it.

HK fan said...

Heidi was my most favourite book when I was a child, my second son is named after the Alm Uncle. And last year I read all 3 books to my youngest, not new copies, but my childhood copies, looking in not too bad condition considering they're more than 35 years old.
And I'm off to Europe next week, will be spending 1 night in Venice before driving to Vienna, maybe I will drive by that village you mentioned!

Anonymous said...

@ HK lucky girl!

Childrens's classics never get old to me. I re-read them over and over...especially my favorite Little Women. I have it practically memorized and for 65 years I never get past the pages of Beth dying without crying. You may have noticed I've mentioned my daughters and grandson by name
....Amy, Beth and Jamie!!!!! How fanatic is that?

I don't know if you are familiar with the Bauer Grunewald Hotel in Venice, just a short walk from St Mark's, but if you have lunch at the terrace on the Grand Canal tiny birds will come and steal the spaghetti off your plate and dip into your sugar bowl! My daughter's and I put a napkin over the sugar and made the birds their own plate (bread plate) and cut up spaghetti for them to snatch and fly away with. They were then polite and left our plates alone!

Adventures that are "saved up" never leave you!
Bon Voyage and give my regards to Vienna my grandfather walked many of it's cobblestoned streets!......<3...JAK

Anonymous said...

I loved Adam's tweet....


Adam's feeling.......
.....aggravation, consternation, indignation.
About this...........
.....reputation, devastation, situation.
He handled it with...
.....justification,sophistication,no hesitation.
I, for one, feel great elation!............JAK

Anonymous said...

Hi @Ronnie! :)


Anonymous said...

No need for marriage
Nor horse-drawn carriage
Love is all that matter
Tying the knot, the latter
The minimal fuss the better

-Lam my

Anonymous said...

“Now I am sooooo sad because I just found the perfect white wedding dress” Hilarious!!

Boys, let’s go French! The 17th century French! Put the King Louis wigs on and have fun... dancing minuets! Let the ..Berts and media play boring medieval songs... the marriage tunes... of their obsessions...

Btw, I’m with Eminem on this one. We should all have equal rights to choose (or not!) to be miserable. Oui Monsieur! Actually, I think we have a chance of being miserable both inside and outside of a marriage... Except for my ladies here who are equally happy... inside, with their husbands, and out(on virtual)side, with our lover boy. :-))

Now, let’s play (by all means, a pop version of) a ‘Volta’... to celebrate the 21st century Renaissance... Men!


Don’t fuss. I’m just (poorly) playing a literate ..Bert. :-))

Anonymous said...

How can anyone who has made comments about Sauli really know what they are saying? Do you know Sauli personally? Have you met him, talked to him? How do you know that he and Adam are perfect for each other? Is marriage in their future? Green cards, visas,etc. BLAH,BLAH, BLAH! It's all speculation, misinformation, wishful thinking, anticipation. It is whatever each person wants it to be without much regard to the reality of the truth. WE all do want the best for Adam in his life, but a previous commment about this not becoming an obsession is so true. Hopefully each one of us who comments here is just as caring and involved in the lives of the people around us trying to make this world a better place for all of us.

Anonymous said...

HK Fan, I am going to travel WITH you (vicariously)! Have a blast! I am sooooo jealous!


Anonymous said...

Anon 3:27, wow, that sounds like something Adam would say! Adam, are you lurking here?

HK fan said...

I shall indeed. My mother in law is from Vienna, and despite being with my husband for 31 years this will be my first trip there.

Anonymous said...

To anon at 5:41: I posted the comments at 3:27 and was flattered by your remark that it sounds like something Adam would say. I suppose because he has told us so much about himself in interviews, Q and A sessions,etc. maybe I do know enough about him to make those comments. But I obviously don't know him or Sauli personally and can only express my opinions wanting the best for Adam in his life, love and career. I am a dedicated fan, not an obsessed one. When I read comments on this blog, I am happy and sad, aggravated and elated, angry and excited. And I feel all these emotions because this person named Adam Lambert has stirred something inside me to then sit at the computer and express my thoughts. He made me want to listen to music again, to put a little glitz and glam into my life and to continue to live each day with more understanding, acceptance, and respect for the people around me. I was a fan from the first note he sang on AI and will continue to be for the most talented vocalist in the music industry today.

Anonymous said...

@HK fan

Safe travels! Sounds like a marvelous adventure.


HK fan said...

@Sister and daydreamin,
thanks for the good travel wishes.
It should be good, but what am I going to do without Adam and you all here for 10 days?????