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Adam Lambert Soundcheck at Ste-Agathe "For Your Entertainment" 7/29/11

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, August 02, 2011


Anonymous said...

He sounded awesome at sound check!

Anonymous said...

His sound checks are always pretty awesome. I noticed he's even wearing the tail during sound check -- he's so precious!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could go to a noisy screaming crowds and generally no lasers, all things I can't handle...Just me listening to Adam and watching him wander around, mic in hand
"working it out". Tee shirt, baggy shorts and even barefeet would be fine with me...bliss!
In fact I'd like to wear the same!...minus the tail..he does seem attached to it!.......JAK

Anonymous said...

I very recently got into a Colby Caillat soundcheck when the gatekeeper walked right by me. You are right cool to be there when hardly anyone's there! (too bad they chased me out later but at least I was able to hear a couple of songs-including her latest release!)


Anonymous said...

OMG..He has such a rich, beautiful voice, totally in control. Incredible every time. No one else's voice can match it. No one's.

Anonymous said...

I was walking through the Puyallup fair grounds (GNT) and heard him do his sound check from quite a distance away. It literally stopped me in my tracks and my mouth fell open. I was paralyzed and then I screamed, "It's Adam!". It was like the angels were calling me. LOL Truly, the sound was heavenly. I was momentarily embarassed, but then I remembered that my hair was spiked pink with bronze glitter, so I don't think anyone was surprised by my unbridled exhuberance. HA!


lily said...

adam, as always, sounds fantastic.

Anonymous said...

Love FYE..Love GNT...will miss tour will be different...but that's OK...Adam likes to change..mix it up...
GNT is like.....Iconic...I think..

Anonymous said...

I mean "first time out" was amazing..everything and his vocals...OMG

Anonymous said...

Good morning to all from Canada....... This is my breakfast ha!ha!. I have 1 week off this week and happy to mingle with you guys.. Love the sound checks no screaming except me he!he!

Oops! Gotta go my 15 year old daughter is screaming too,. LOL!!!


Anonymous said...

I love this vid!

Anonymous said...

GNT was indeed iconic, but the next tour will also be iconic. We'll treasure it just as much. And so on, and so on......

Anonymous said...

@ Sister

Hair spiked pink with bronze glitter? Hmmmmmmmmm
not at all as I pictured you. I was leaning toward a small demure woman with tree bark brown hair pulled tightly into a bun....wearing a calf length gray skirt, high neck, long sleeve white blouse and pearls!

See, ya just never know!!!!!............JAK

Anonymous said...


OMG! I am dying. LOL!!!!!! Yes, that would be me...a pearl clutcher in pumps. HAHAHAHAAA! Oh, you made my day JAK! Thank you!


The Dark Side said...

A show within a show. Gotta love that. And my favorite FYE of the entire album. Doesn't get much better...unless, of course, I had been there, which I wasn't. Maybe next time. Always wanted to visit Quebec. btw JAK and Sister, thanks for the chuckle. Love you ppl.

Fan4fun said...

Oh, Lord!!!
I really missed you fellows in Paradise! Almost as much as I missed my sweet Adam!
What a waste of days in my life without fucking Internet! When I think I made to live 48 years without it... how was it? Anybody here experienced the same? lol

glitzylady said...

@Sister 11:33 PM
Just coming back here to read your post since I said pretty much the same thing about Adam's sound check in Puyallup in the more recent Soundcheck thread (and you pointed that out to me there, that you had said the same things here!). Its funny that we both had the same words for it. It was indeed as if his voice was coming from the Heavens and he sounded like an angel. It was truly a magical experience. Once in a lifetime really.

Somehow I have never envisioned you as a Pearlclutcher..LOL!!

Anonymous said...

I was as one of the Glamnation Concerts at the Shooting Star Casino in Mennoman Minn. and Adam and the band did a sound check, the doors were closed and locked in the auditorium and I was standing out side the door. I heard this amazing voice, and it was Adam doing a sound check. So clear and refreshing voice, I coun't believe what I was hearing, Adam Lambert's live voice. I wanted to go inside the door, and talk to Adam. Hearing him sing is something else. Nothing like it. It made me so happy. Adam is a man that is very blessed. A gift to us. Love you Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam sings like an angel..I just love it too..cannot wait for album #2