MTV's 6 Best Photos From VH1's 'Do Something Awards'
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Friday, August 19, 2011
Posted at : Friday, August 19, 2011

From MTV:
"If you don't print out this photo of Adam Lambert giving someone the side-eye (e__e) on the red carpet and make your own magnet out of it, then I guess we're not on the same creative level. But guys, this side-eye. SO GOOD."
Source: MTV
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Such a sweetheart!
Yeah, I'd liked to have this picture on a magnet on my refrigerator! Gorgeous man with a beautiful voice!!!
lol, thanks for the picture and funny caption MTV!!
Love the boy, hate the eyeliner, his eyes look terribly tired and squinty and he looks bored and dejected. Not his usual pretty or sultry face. Cheer up Honey!
Nope. Looks too made up. Adam doesn't need to color his eyebrows that dark and as often as his hair. I'll take the Moscow avi over this one.
I think he looks great for TV! I like the eye liner. This is our Glam God people, he's not gona show up looking like everyone else. Thought he and Sauli looked perfect together. Also thought Jane Lynch did a great job.
Agree with anon 12:46 too much eyeliner and Adam looks tired and bored like he is thinking "Lets get over this red carpet thing ASAP".
Adam has no arm candy in the red carpet so he is sour.
Aw, come on. He was just caught "in a moment." I don't think he's bored or sad or anything. Probably one second later he was smiling like crazy. Kinda agree about the heavy eyebrows, but hey, it's Adam, and he always changes it up. Love the "side look." Wonder what he's lookin' at? Love ya, BB!
I don't mine Adam putting makeup because that's his style. I just didn't like his makeup from DSA.
Go to The SOURCE and check out the pic of Will Farrell and Beiber. Looks to me like the Beibs went to a fortune teller who told him "something big is about to come your way soon." He thinks he's going to get a grownup penis but not sure when. Knowing he should be prepared for the BIG moment, he now wears pants to fit the occasion.
The VH1 blog voted the 5 best dressed at the Do Something Awards....4 were female and l male!
To quote them "Glambert can do no wrong in our book. His sense of style is entirely his own and we wouldn't want to see him dressed any other way than this."
I guess he know what he's doing!<3 <3 <3 JAK
OT: Does anyone know if google realtime is going to be coming back? 3:14 lol!!
I also saw on the VH-1 blog where they said that Adam was on the top-5 best dressed list with the rest women.I agree!!Tara won a DSA award for "Style" & wore that multicolor awful outfit..she could have looked sooooo much better in a pretty She was on the worst dressed list..ironic,yes? Tess4Adam,how R U feeling?better,I hope.Vote for Adam & Allison here-
Like I said on another thread,I think it was VERY hot on that blue carpet,& Adam's outfit was heavy,it looked like.Sauli was sleeveless,without a jacket in one pic I saw, before both got inside.Adam was just ready to get into the AIR,& was maybe wondering,"I wonder if that's all the interviews & pix"...."Let's get OFF this HOT blue carpet now!!" lol!
I liked Adams look at DSA, (perhaps minus the eye crease eyeliner...) but this photo I dont really like... there were heaps more gorgeous photos from that day!!
oh come on, who in the hell looks good in direct sunlight pass the age of 16?
@ 6:51 PM
So my age I avoid it like
a vampire!.........JAK
He looks like Sher with makeup!!!!!!!HA-HA-HA
Actually, Sher is very sexy, isn't she?:)
@anon 7;06 - do you mean Cher?
Adam should've had this look for Ru Paul show in L.A. a while ago and his look from that show for DSAwards. I like his black leather look on Ru Paul much better than this one. The heavy eyebrow line and that extra line between his eyes and eyebrow just doesn't look good to me. Outfit and hair do was fine but the new stylist didn't do a good job with his make up.
Let's not pick him apart - he's fun and lovely and side-eyes are hot. Making fridge magnet now.
8:18 got you beat, I have been making my magnets all day and they are now available on ebay. LOL
the black line in the crease is hot.
there is plenty of arm candy he can choose from. all sorts of flavors:)~~~~
his brows look heavy. the liner is weighing his pretty peepers down.
he needs a piece of cherry candy:)
Is Syb./Sid back with us?
@7:16 PM Yes, I meant Cher:)
@9:21 PM Absolutely agree with you.
I know Adam is big boy and he doesn't care about sombeodies critics.
And I know that somebody will not like my comments.
Does it mean that I am troll and I don't like Adam?
9:40 according to me yes.
@9:40 PM Have news for you.
ACCORDING to some articles, Adam's look at DS Award was discribed as troll's appearance:)
Mmmmmmm, the look on Adam's face screams "devilish" or should that be delicious. :D
I used to wear eyeliner in the crease of my eyelids way back when it was in fashion. BB is retrending it! :D
Even though we are Adam fans, there are times when we will not particularly like the way he looks. Do you like the way you look everyday? Comments and criticism about his hair, his eyemakeup, his style of fashion ,etc. will always be there because he cannot please every single fan or critic each time we see him at some show or socializing with friends at a club. Adam likes to change it up and I am sure that in looking back, he,too, may not be satisfied with the choices he made on certain occasions. I wish I could change my appearance, my style as much as he does. It is just impossible and impractical for the everyday individual. Keep us guessing Adam and talking and interested in everything that you do. I will never get tired of seeing pictures or vids of him no matter how he looks.
I think Adam looks gorgeous, he's always changing his look so this eye makeup is no exception. Inside when he was presenting he award he looked fantastic. This photo is taken under harsh sun light and therefore it looks heavier than in did once he got inside.
Why does every one on this site need to pick at him for his appearance, in the same way as when he grew a moustache and beard. Do Adam a favour and leave the poor guy alone. Concentrate on his talents and artistry and try loving him for who he is rather than nit picking over his appearance. His always changing it up as he says and good-luck to him, that's what makes him so unique and special, he enjoys surprising people and if they don't like it, that's their problem not Adam's.
Wouldn´t it be a nice if we could keep just ONE thread free from this nitpicking.It´s the same complaints on every thread with a picture of Adam. People have a strong urge to air their opinions of foundation, guyliner, boots and hair and this man is changing people´s lives. Im with Sister who said that she is more into his soul than his foundation (perhaps not her exact words)but that´s how I feel too.
If you are a fan of AL there must be something about him that you love. I´m sure it´s not just hair an make up. After almost 2 years I´m still in awe over this very special man with a very special voice and how he dresses or does his make up doesn´t change that.
@Eva! Thank you! Adam does not deserve this bashing but our love.
The makeup is for the show - he looked incredible there.
It's normal to disagrre and agree here bec. we are family right???? So if someone doesn't like his makeup,hair style, boots clothes etc. it's okay and don't get upset it's just an opinion. The next day then we move on to the next topic.....
@Eva Hi, darling. I am still Glamaddictive person who crazy about Adam.
However, I think you remember how many times I put myself in big trouble when I made negative comments about Adam's makeup, hair style, etc. I remember I even made comments about some performances on GNT:) OMG, I found my self in the BIG TROUBLE after this. Nobody can stop some of Adam's fans who like to share their own opinion. Even if this comment is negative it is still means that any Adam's appearance very important for most of us.
Unfortunately I lost my ability to make the comments on this blog very often. But I enjoy to read them.
Have a fun, ladies. Our Golden Boy is gonna be Diamond Boy sooner or later.
One more thing. This is about Adam's evil nature.
All of us love Adam's angel voice and angel heart.
However, Adam deff has demonic or evilish sexuality. ANd this is the reason why all ladies crazy about his body and eyes and lips and something ELSE:):):):)
Maybe it's just me but no matter how many different looks/styles ADAM chooses to wear ... I think they are ALL unique & different & all ADAM!! I LOVE ADAM UNconditionally & with that goes an ACCeptance of whatever HE feels makes HIM happy **NOT ME**!! So when I sit here & read all the critiques/criticism about his make-up .. hairdo .. style of clothes .. etc. I fail to see them even when they are pointed out & torn to shreds. Yes! I agree everyone is entitled to their opinion but as an ADAM fansite I am appalled at some of the things that are said here. Ok! So you don't like his "Choice of the Monment"! So what? That doesn't "minimize" his Talent .. Charisma .. Beauty .. Caring Soul or (and this may be last but by no means 'least') PHENommenal VOICE!!! As I said I LOVE ADAM UNconditionally whether I agree or disagree with his choices which are .. after all .. HIS to make ... IT IS ADAM's LIFE ... not ours!!! And THIS is JMHO ...
I completely agree with your "JMHO". I have yet to figure out why some need to find nitpicky little flaws to criticize about Adam. To what purpose does that serve exactly?
Can you imagine a new person comes to this site, a potential fan, just check these posts out and sees some of the things that are written here on occasion? They would say - What the hell kind of fans are these?
I too am appalled, each and every time this happens. I continue to ask myself WHY? Why does anyone feel the need to critique every minute detail? What purpose does it serve for that person? I wish Kentucky Fan was here right now to explain this phenomena. I know that people will tend to put someone else down to make themselves feel better, or to feel more important, but I would doubt that doing it on a fan site would serve the same purpose.
Besides appalling to me, I am truly puzzled by it.
Adam is all about acceptance and love and then some of this so-called fans are non-accepting of his choices and show little love, screaming "I have a right to MY opinion". But to what purpose?
Again...that type of behavior is something that I just can't wrap my head around.
I am in complete agreement with you tess4ADAM! COMPLETE agreement.
@Sister ...
Guess I got on my soapbox a little but as a shut-in I only WISH I had the ability to see ADAM in PERSON ... whether at a concert or as just a lucky passer-by on the streets of LA. I wouldn't criticize his appearance but would only watch his Graceful moves (walking) or his Sunny Smile or if I were fortunate enough to actually speak to him that Mischievous Twinkle in his Beautiful eyes & his Joyous laughter when something pleases him. Those are the attributes of a well rounded exhuberant young STAR & NOT to be forgotten in lieu of how WE think he should LOOK. That is shallow & UNbecoming a TRUE Glambert. Thank you for agreeing. Hope I wasn't too harsh ... didn't mean to be! Love 'n Light
@Anon 4:26 PM ...
Thank you again for your concern ... have no fear .. I'm still VOTING everywhere I'm needed.
As for my health .. I'm new to this Type 2 Diabetes so I guess it's going to take awhile for me to come to terms with diet, meds & exercise & everything else that is a LARGE pain in the 'derriere'. Gotta get used to it & I have ADAM & his Gorgeous-ness & my BFF JESUS (also MY Beautiful blue-eyed hubby of almost 50 years)to help me through. Thanx again for caring .. Love 'n Light
tess4ADAM .. (my tag says it all)
@tess4ADAM, as I said on another thread, your comments are never "mean"!!!!! Nor harsh! Just keep saying what's in your heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!... @sister - agree completely with what you said. ... Adamluv
Don't ever apologize for the love and RESPECT that you have for Adam. You are clearly all about love. :) I hope you get a handle on your meds and are able to control your diet, meds and exercise. Tough changes. But somehow I think you a strong woman and will be completely successful with these life changes. I only wish you the best.
Well, at least we know there are the 3 of us in agreement here. LOL.
I liked Adams look at DSA, (perhaps minus the eye crease eyeliner...) but this photo I dont really like... there were heaps more gorgeous photos from that day!!
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