Sam Sparro will present the “Equality Idol Award” to Adam Lambert
Filed Under (news ) by Admin on Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Posted at : Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Los Angeles (August 9, 2011) Two-time Emmy Award winner Kathy Griffin, Grammy-nominated recording artist Sam Sparro, and American Idol runner up Adam Lambert will be among the guests attending the Equality California event on Saturday, August 13th at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. Kathy Griffin will present the “Equality Advocate Award” to Facebook for its work in changing the landscape of social media online, including its stand out work with LGBT youth. Sam Sparro will present the “Equality Idol Award” to singer and songwriter Adam Lambert for being an exemplary role model for the LGBT community. Also receiving an award is New York Assemblyman Daniel O’Donnell (brother of Rosie O’Donnell) who has been instrumental in securing marriage equality in New York earlier this year.
Source: gayusathemovie
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Great! I can share this at our next PFLAG meeting. Then it will be put into the minutes..I just get a kick out of seeing his name in our minutes. I know you guys understand. Wish I could be there. He is such a gift, in so many ways.
Is this event going to be televised or shown later? anyone know?
Good news! but Id prefer to in describing Adam...
Good news! but Id prefer Grammy nominated, to Idol runner up in describing Adam
Not sure if this has been posted, its an edited video of OOL, and highlights of the Ste Agathe concert, such a smiley, happy Adam, love the bit with the 'fairy'.
I'm off on my hols tonight, really going to miss this blog and everyone...especially Adam. My son is taking his laptop so maybe able to sneak the odd five minutes here and there, if not see you in 10 days.
I was about to ask same thing,Televised? I hope it is. On MJs some one stated Adam's Album will be dropped before X Mus, why delayed? I hope its just a rummer....indigo
apparently Adam is currently at the movies watch Planet of the Apes...
poptrashmike Mike Wass
OMG Adam Lambert is sitting next to me at the movies!!
poptrashmike Mike Wass
How am I supposed to concentrate on these fucking apes now?Lol
Yeah and Sam Sparro wrote the song "Black and Gold" with the line "when the apes climbed down from the trees and started talking".
Lizard Eyes
Adam really likes Sam Sparro and I am glad he is the one presenting this award to him.I think it's Voodoo. Voodoo. Voodoo, Voodoo.
Adam is Grammy Nominated too. Why they still refer to him as American Idol Runner Up? That was more than 2 years ago. He is a successful recording singer/songwriter.
Have fun HK fan! We will miss you! Happy Birthday this month!
With Adam's new management, I'm sure he'll be promoted as the unique grammy-nominated superstar withi an amazing voice that he is. 19 Management was always going to promote themselves first.
Direct Management Group is internationally oriented and has no interest in promoting American Idol like 19 did. This is a move that will promote Adam in a bigger perspective.
'Black and Gold, Black and Gold'.....Sam Sparro
is an Aussie!
Agreed, DMG is a great move for Adam. 19 lead the way but now it's time to unleash Adam like
never before. It's going to be AWESOME!
Thanks HK fan...nice video
all packed, off in an hour, already stressed....HATE flying.
I am so proud of Adam. He did this not through politics and power, but but vulnerability and courage to listen to and follow his heart.
To anyone who has reasoned that
Adam will burn in hell for being imperfect (who of us isn't?), I'd like to encourage you to watch his interviews and get to know his heart. His heart is childlike, loving, humble, nonjudgemental, forgiving, joyful, and truly charitable. You may, like so many of us, see a beautiful soul.
I am a Christian, too, and these are smallest and simplest attributes, but the hardest to come by.
Homosexuality (right or wrong) should not trump the above attributes! So heartbreaking to see this beautiful soul and so many others turned away in such a way without knowing anything else about them.
"Why do you see the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye but fail to notice the plank in your own eye?" (Jesus)
Okay, I'm done. I just had to speak out.
It's happened again. Christina Aguilera's performance on the UK X Factor deemed inappropriate on a "family show" .... 2,868 complaints ....
First of all, I am thrilled that Adam is getting this award. It is well-deserved! Wish it was being televised, but maybe we'll get some video of it somehow anyway. As for Christina's performance, I guess when you're an established star, you can do what you want and it won't hurt your career. That performance aside, she's a terrific singer and a perfect match for Adam's voice. I hope they will do a duet together sometime.
Yeah, Gaga shows her bare bottom everywhere she wants.
Well I doubt Adam is going to want to show his bare bottom any time soon. Besides everyone has seen Gaga's ass so often, no one notices any more. Not an insult, a fact.
True :)
So this won't be televised at all? Even on Logo?
@Anon. 5:57AM & Anon. 6:14AM ...
Thank you for your Beautiful posts ... wish everyone had a heart like yours. You are blessed to be able to see ADAM in such a lovely way ... I feel the same way & am also a Christian ... Love 'n Light
ADAM tweeted ...
@adamlambert .. excited for Equality Awards this Saturday -check out -
For more info for attendance to the After party go to this site ...
wish I lived in Los Angeles ... sounds like a fun time for Glamberts ...
Thank you, Tess, and when I said these are the smallest and simplest attributes, I sure didn't mean they are the least important. They are the MOST important.
Indigo @ 10:03
Fall begins this year on September 23 and ends on December 22. So I guess whoever started that 'rummer' or rumor is right. Adam's new album will be released before Christmas.
I hope Adam never does a duet with Xtina. She's a "my way or the highway" diva with zero personality.
I didn't have this opinion of her until I watched The Voice this year. It was sickening the way she put each of the men down anytime she could. You could tell CeeLo and Blake didn't care for it much at all.
Yes, she has a great voice, but does Adam need all that Drama in his life? I don't think so.
I personally don't care if Adam ever duets with anyone. His solo voice is all I need!
I agree with you about Christina.
Gaga collaborated with Adam, but in my opinion, she was all about herself. I didn't care for her responses to Oprah when asked about Adam. She seemed to be all about herself. Adam doesn't need that sort of thing. Plus, Christina's not as likeable to the public anymore. I haven't heard Adam mention her for a long time.
I'd love to see Adam perform with Katie Perry. She's been a friend to Adam. That would be so fun (and pleasing to the eye for everyone :).
@5:05 I must agree with you. I'm @11:56
I much prefer to hear Adam's solo voice. At this point I don't think a duet with anyone would further his career.
@6:15 While I think Katie Perry is adorable and has a fantastic body, she doesn't have the vocal chops to keep up with our boy and we know he would never deliberately try to outshine her so that would be a lose lose for him unless he wanted to go autotune with her. IMO YUK
AHHHHHHHHH!!... that's less than a mile from where I live. Talk about frustrating, knowing the Glam God is going to be SOOOOOO near the air I breathe, and no way to see him, LOL... :)
If ADAM were to duet with anyone I would prefer ADELE or Jessie J ... better yet an Honest duet w/Alisan Porter ... saw them together in the TEN COMMANDMENTS: THE MOVIE on DVD ... Both their voices are PHENOMENAL ... not something 'impromptu' like on GNT in LA ... a REAL track on a CD .... but I'd much Rather hear ADAM **SOLO ** ... JMO
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