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Adam Lambert Retweets Lady Gaga Tweet about Bullying

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, September 25, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, September 25, 2011


Anonymous said...

horrible!! Is he the boy who took his own life?

Anonymous said...

It's really sad to see young kids taking their own lives because of bullying.....

You were at peace now my child and your spirit remains in our hearts......

For the rest of us, just be strong and hold on your faith.... We are all one but different .......


tess4ADAM said...

Yes ... because he came out as 'gay' & was bullied heartlessly by some of his schoolmates. It happened right here in Buffalo NY .... kids are mean & nasty because they are taught to be that way. We are all born innocent but the world won't let us remain that way. The parents who taught their kids intolerence should be held accountable for every senseless death that is the result of horrendous bullying & the kids who drove this poor boy to suicide should be dealt with also ... but FIRST make the parents/adults the ones to blame. GOD rest his innocent soul. RIP Jamey ...


Anonymous said...

So sad to read of another incident where a young teen commits suicide because he came out as gay and then faced harrassment and bullying from the students around him. What has happened to so many of the young people in our society?? They have become so uncivil, intolerant and cruel. Those who tormented him should be held accountable and made to pay in some way. They have to learn that they cannot get away with this kind of horrible behavior. I suppose more has to be done in school with programs and counselling. Parents have to be brought into this and learn about the problems and how to deal with them. It has been said that it does get better, but what does the kid do in the meantime if the harrassment continues and there is nowhere to turn or no one to help. Many teens don't have the strength to hold on or just to walk away. This is so sad and I don't know how or when it will end.

Anonymous said...

Teach Anti-Bulling 101! This is got to stop. In this day and age you would think this world would be a better place but it's not. Horrible! And, parents of these bullying kids should be accountable indeed! They should also take the Anti-Bulling 101 course.

Anonymous said...

You can feel the pain in this boy's voice, although he says he is getting better. There is still so much progress to be made.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately bullying has no specific age category, 14 or 40 it's going on every day ,teens and adults are uncivil, ignorant and cruel. Just watch the news on TV or read the newspapers or watch political rallies. Civility bailed out years ago. Every child who "can't take it anymore" makes all decent people's heart's break.

Anonymous said...

Truth be told, bullying goes on right here on 24/7.

We didn't rely on the schools to teach our kids morals and manners, we taught them from the day they could walk and talk what was right and what was wrong behavior. We didn't hand over our parental duties to a teacher, babysitter, nanny or our mothers. We raised three sons who respected themselves, their elders, their neighbors and their friends. We taught them they were responsible for their actions and that improper actions come with consequences. We never spanked any of them...all it took was a look and they knew they were behaving badly and stopped. We did this with love, laughter and by example. Our sons are now grown men who are teaching their own children how to behave and to treat others as they themselves want to be treated.

It is not up to any teacher to teach any child how to behave. It is up to the parents!!! It is, however, the DUTY of the teacher to report ANY inappropriate behavior by ANY child no matter the age to the school and to the parents of ALL the children involved.

Anon before but no more.

No H8

Anonymous said...

@ No H8

You are absolutely right, I never got spanked but "THE LOOK" from my mother or father would stop me in my tracks. I remember it well and perfected it to use on my children and grandchild!

Anonymous said...

The bullied teenager is defenceless mentally to cope with the atrocities hurled at him day in day out. It will be an enormous, positive step forward if parents, teachers, guardians 'arm' this vulnerable teenager with self-belief and strength to ward off his perceived undefeatable enemy, the bully; through parental love, concern and yes monitoring without too much prying into their privacy. Accountability on the part of the culprits is highly effective and important; they should be counselled, monitored and brought back to the right path. As much as the bullied victims who are the sufferers, the bullies too need a lot of love, concern and monitoring before they eventually progress on to more wayward behaviour, even crime. Both teenagers, the bullied as well as the bully need undivided attention to help them venture through this teenage cross-section of their lives. RIP to the teenager in the video, such an unwarranted and untimely death of a perfectly beautiful human being.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

This is horrible! A beautiful young man persecuted because he 'was born that way' At times like this was 'anybody listening' and did
'anybody care'? OMG how the world has to change and it start with each one of us standing up for what we believe and being strong and assertive with those around us. I commend you Adam Lambert for bringing light to a subject that has been 'voodoo' for far too long.

daydreamin said...

No H8, AMEN! All too often the buck gets passed to teachers instead of parents!!! We heard this young man's story on the news a few days ago and it absolutely, once again, broke my heart. It is so scary that a parent could think their child was ok when there was so much bullying going on! Some kids just don't even feel like they can talk to their parents about this. I find this heartbreaking. I have been working on changing one of my own siblings feelings toward gays and it is NOT easy! I keep trying and will never give up! If I do it with love, I am hoping I will eventually prevail.

Anonymous said...

So sad..Is he the one who was on "Ellen"?I saw that,& he seemed better then,but I guess those classamtes,etc made it impossible to go on.RIP,Jamey.Adamfan711

Anonymous said...

Bullies have to have a victim to satisfy their mean streak. It's not always a gay or suspected gay child who is that victim. My grandson was bullied when he entered a private middle school as the new kid. The school bully said on the first day of school " I don't like your name, I'm gonnna call you Barney!" Such a silly thing and you would think easy to be ignored. But it wasn't. Within a week my grandson was miserable. Bullies always seem to attract followers who delight in joining in. By the time my grandson spoke up he wanted out of the school. We told him to stand up to the bully. He didn't know how, he'd never dealt with harrassment. "Don't choose Barney for your team" "Hey, Barney drank out of that water fountain" "Barney, where's Andy and Opie and Aunt Bea?" Just ridiculous junk like that, nothing threatening, just relentless. My daughter's talk with the teacher who tried to help only made it worse. So she went to the headmaster and he said "Yes, I'm aware of it, I've spoken to the boy and his parents several times, he chooses someone to pick on each year." My daughter is no shrinking violet, she said "that's it, you speak to them and it goes on year after year?" "How many kids have left the school because of this kid?" You need these tuitions and yet instead of getting rid of the bully, you lose the victims?" "Well when I bring my son to school Monday, if the bully is still here you've lost the tuition of a well behaved boy, because I'll take him out of school."I guess he got his courage up and the bully was gone. My grandson stayed on and graduated from the school and was voted Most Popular Student. He was one of the on call students who showed new kids of all ages around the school and "shadowed" them their first week, went to all their classes with them to ease them into the new school. The "shadow" program had been his idea and the school still uses it 5 years after he graduated. He's a kind
young man getting his Master's degree and works with the Make a Wish Foundation. I'm sure some of his compassion comes from that experience he had to go through, but is a blot on his school day memories. Parents need to be active in being aware of their children's problems. It's not easy being a kid.

Anonymous said...

Of course, it should be up to the parents to teach their children respect, tolerance and acceptance. But too often, parents are not aware of the problem, don't care or can't be bothered because they are dealing with their own issues. Often children who bully or harass others may come from an environment where that type of behavior is accepted or even encouraged. So then the child brings that behavior to the school where the teachers and administration must deal with it. Teachers often become the parent, counselor, friend, mentor to many of their students who do not have one yet alone two parents to provide the gudiance and understanding that they need. NJ just passed some very strong anti-bullying and harassment legislation which hopefully will begin to address this problem in the school districts. Something has to be done. We cannot lose another child/teen to suicide because of the way he or she is treated by classmates.

Anonymous said...

What happen to the teenager who shot the gay student in the classroom in US? Did he walk away from the crime? I saw this on CNN and I hope he will pay the price for whatever excuses they have. There are marathon concerts for starving, disaster effort or Aid. I hope there will be one for bully awareness (any kind)in the future in memory of those kids who end their lives . There are something terrible wrong in our society particularly in the young generation.

Anonymous said...

People like Adam and Lady Gaga will change the world.

Anonymous said...

I agree parents are the ones who need instill morals and values in the child. It is shocking to know how many parents are absolutely unaware or blind to their child's behavior.Schools are public places that need to have tough rules about bullying and can't turn the other way. If I need to pay more taxes so every school can have a bullying counselor I will be happy to do so.
Like Gaga said it is a Hate Crime and should be illegal with ramifications for the Bully and no half ass shit either.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

Unfortuntely, some adults, teachers, parents, principals, etc. allow the bullies to be the boss of them. They allow the bullies to be in control. It seems easier to them than trying to fight with the bully. It's so sad. The bullies must not be allowed to be in charge. There is a lot of coverage about the victims, and rightly so, but far less coverage on the psychology of the bully and what motivates them and what will get them to STOP.

Anonymous said...

The internet has made it way too easy for bullies. They can make a fake profile so people won't know it is them making these nasty mean comments. Kids that would never say these things to your face have no inhabitions on network sites like facebook. Some are not even children, but the parents of these mean kids. Even on here people say mean nasty things, which they would probably never say to your face. I am a christian, but I believe in tolerance and no hate. We teach love and everyone is important. Just because a religion doesn't believe in the gay life style, does not mean they teach you to hate gays. God created us all and does not make mistakes. I have many gay friends and so do my children. I feel so sorry for these children that are being bullied. It is not right!! I pray for the others out there like Jamey, that they will find that one true friend to help them through these awkward years! May Jamey rest in peace and his haters be tormented and prosecuted for the pain they have caused.

Anonymous said...

I can't watch the video. I tried and hearing his voice immediately just tore me up inside.

Anonymous said...

Very difficult, heart goes out to Jamey's parents, & thank you 24/7 for giving Jamey a very special thread on this site!
You are in our thoughts & prayers,

Adamluv said...

Anon: 6:39 - that tragic incident happened here in So. Cal. in Feb. of 2008. The killer told other kids the nite before that he was going to get a gun and kill Larry King. He did just that the next day when he took a seat behind Larry in a classroom full of other students and shot him twice in the head. The killer was 14 at the time and Larry was 12 or 13. The jury, earlier this month, was deadlocked on their verdict with 7 favoring a manslaughter conviction and 5 pushing for a first or second degree murder. The defense used the "gay panic" defense. Larry was gay and had been harrassed by the killer for sometime. He finally started fighting back, according to other students by telling the killer he loved him and saying "Hey baby" as the killer passed by him in the hallways. According to the defense, this so humiliated him that he just snapped. I wonder if a female could use that excuse for murdering someone just for making unwanted sexual advances? Yeah right! The prosecutors in this case are still deciding rather to retrial this case. I could write so much more about this travesty but will close now as it angers me to the depth of my soul. There was no justice for Larry nor his family. May this precious child R.I.P. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

NOH8 Why can't people get it?Where is all this hate and intolerance coming from?It's passed down from generation to generation.To see these young people taking their lives is so sad.Who knows what they could have contributed to our society.Well we'll never know now.People have the right to live however they want.with whomever they want.I,m so glad their are role models out there like Adam.

Anonymous said...

This slaughter of innocent children is so painful, I'm at a loss for words. I'm also angry at the parents that condone their child's bullying behavior. Most times that bullying behavior is learned at home. Compassion and respect needs to be taught at an early age and kids mimic their parents behavior. They pick up catty remarks as well as racial and homophobic slurs. Every time I hear you can "pray gay away" I'm amazed and sad at the ignorance.I hope there will be such a spotlight on these senseless deaths that more individuals will see how important it is to get involved and stand up for these children. funbunn40