Adam Lambert with other Project Runway judges
Filed Under (pictures,tv appearances ) by Admin on Friday, September 16, 2011
Posted at : Friday, September 16, 2011
PHOTO: Here I am with next week's #ProjectRunway guest judge @adamlambert. I LOVE him.

Nina Garcia on WhoSay

Thanks glitzylady for the tips!

Nina Garcia on WhoSay

Thanks glitzylady for the tips!
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We love him too! Is it the medges I see?
talking about Adam's new album! :)
What a great picture of Adam with Nina. He reaaaaallly looks so good. Who wouldn't fall in love with him? What a wonderful idea to put the super talented, stylish singer with the other judges on Project Runway. I've been watching the last few episodes and can't wait to see this one with Adam. It should be very interesting and fun.
IMO for AIS11 to beat XFactor they should have Adam as a fourth judge. Don't you think?
What's not to LOVE, Nina!! We LOVE him too! Such a gorgeous man with the winning smile ... and, of course, he's got some talent too. :-)
He's so damn beautiful!!! My excitement has been raised 100x after the TV clips and pictures this couple days. Adam needs to be seen everywhere. Everybody want him!!!! <3<3<3
Notice they don't always showcase the upcoming judge(s), so this is really cool. Guess they know Adam has a fan base that will watch him on any show. Me being one of that fanbase. Love what Nina had to say about Adam. I echo her words.
1950sRocker said... Nina - Now you know why all of Adam's fans LOVE him so much. So beautiful both on the inside and the outside.
@ 1:37 PM,
In my opinion American Idol is done!!!!
When Simon said we found the World Wide Star that's it AI was finnished!!!!
X Factor is more interesting to watch this season because it's new in America.....
Adam is going to be very busy anyways and no time for just sitting as a permanent judge indeed.
Adam and Nina look so good together.
Contrary to other people, I don´t want to see Adam on every show or everyday. He´s the best fantasy I've ever had, and fantasies need anticipation. We have a say in Spanish that goes something like this: "Good perfumes come in small bottles".
@ 1950sRocker
Are you a fan of 50's rock or did you actually experience it? decade!......JAK
@2:33 XFactor previews are very interesting but not the contestants. The ones they mentioned on press conference I looked them up on youtube. They aren't that good. XFactor is all about Simon. I won't watch it.
But having Adam on AIS11 it'll be good for his new album. It'll be a battle between two Adams. Levine on The Voice and Lambert on AI. Who is a better judge? Great ratings for AI and win/win situation for Lambert. Once he is done with the show he can have his tour until December. Adam is gorgeous, articulate, and definitely on the spot with his critiques. I think Adam as a fourth judge on AIS11 should happen.
@ 2:51PM,
Adam can be a guest of course but not a sitting judge permanently..... You only do that when your career is not really active anymore......
Adam will go further in his career so your dream will not come true yet!!!! So forget about it this time he!he!
Sorry . . but I think sometimes Adam looks better then the women!!!! Looks and style wise
Didn't Adam say he wanted to focus on his music career? Let's admit it AI is done, over with, zilch, nothing left, & yea I can see XFactor not having anyone special just all show for Simon , which I might glimpse at if not working. There is no other star like the one we found on AIs8! I still don't feel anything special about gaga or beiber , or swift or whoever, I guess cuz they're all products of society.
Adam Lambert is the real deal, pure natural gifted talent, the biggest & brightest STAR! Adam is MAGICAL!!!!
& there's nobody out there like Adam! MWAH!! K
@3:00 just imagine for all the buzz it's gonna create all around the world. These shows are thirsty not only for talent but drama as well. Having Adam again on the show for a whole season it'll be more epic than season 8. I like this dream of mine!
@ 3:08,
Adam is not for drama/fake just like that!!!!
Just keep on dreaming for now my dear!!!! Someday but not now!!!!! He is a smart guy and just wait when the time is right?????
OK I brought myself down to reality and I can't wait to watch him on PR on Thurs. Hope Lifetime channel can handle all the Glamberts viewers!
@3:08, I truly get what ur saying, remember that Adam has been the only AI contestant to go back to AI & mentor! & for Elvis week! The only fucking idol!! Excuse me please.What does that tell us? Producers & execs, know that Adam knows what he's doing, they trust him! They know Adam is a star! Adam is frakking fantastic!! Oh I just got goosebumps. ok off to twitterland! MWAH!! K
To answer the question concerning 1950sRocker - Yes actually a Rocker in the 1950s. Now 71 and still rocking at Concerts such as Adam (saw 7 times) GaGa, Jovi, Perry, Spears, TSO, Muse ......... It's my life and I'm a livin' it as best I can :)
@3:29 and he is the only Idol Alumn being a guest judge on three different shows in 2 months this year. JLO's singles did well because of AI exposure. Levin's Move Like Jagger did well because of The Voice. Adam's one time performance won't help the show or his album as much as if he is on the show for the whole season. What does he get to loose? Nothing, IMO. Except creating tons of buzz which it'll be good for the show and Adam. To promote his new album he has to show up at so many different day/night time shows from Today, GMA, View, Talk, Leno, Connan, Letterman, etc. etc. On AI he just sits there looking gorgeous every week and give his well thought out on the spot critiques to the contestants. Remember on all the other shows the first question they will ask him it'll be about AI. So why not him being as one of the judges of AI this coming season?
I can't wait ..I can't wait..I can't wait to see amazing,, beautiful , aritcualte,,Adam on Project Runway..omg ,,he just gets better and better..magicalindeed...don't know how much more I cant take..he is looking so gorgeous on this show as always
that is magical indeed
Here's some more pics from project runway
And for anyone interested, Pennyroyal have extended their Adam peace pendant offer until oct 1st, but they have also said they will donate 30% of any pennyroyal items to the Trevor project till then as well.
Adam is so much more than a singer. He is a personality. Is there anyone Adam has met who doesn't love him? Oh maybe a couple, but they are few.
I think Adam looks even more beautiful since he has had Sauli in his life. There is an extra special something in his eyes. May be it's happiness and love.
I think the main focus now for Adam will be on his second album once the first single is released next month. He will have to make the rounds on all the talk shows(daytime and night), do radio interviews, print interviews,etc. Acting as a judge on a show such as AI or even the XFactor for the season is too demanding timewise. I don't think Adam wants that now so early in his music career. These guest appearances are fine; they let the public see who Adam Lambert really is as a performer and as a person. He is so talented in addition to being articulate, smart, witty and self-confident. Everyone who has worked with Adam seems to love him and mentions what a truly nice person he is. And that can't be said for too many performers in the music industry who are well known for their diva-like attitudes and demands. I'll take Adam Lambert in these little bits and pieces on any show at any time because I have been a fan since his first appearance on AI. This man just fascinates me with anything I read, see or hear about him. He seems to be very happy and in a good place in his life right now.
Adam indeed gracing the show with not only his amazing fashion sense and darling charmisa... but exposing those medges too!
Nina has been affected by the glitter explosion.
Adam conquers yet again.
Agreed, Adam always outshines the women and he
makes men look totally ungroomed and yuck.
Adam may not be a judge on AI this season as some have suggested he might, but he could appear as a guest performer with his new single and to promote the album when it comes out. Or he could perform on the XFactor. These would be two opportunities for him in front of a large viewer audience. He seems to be in demand from his appearances as a judge on several fashion shows and then mentoring teens interested in pursuing music. He is not only talented but a very intelligent and well spoken individual who has a first hand point of view concerning music and performing. Anyone who has the opportunity would be foolish not to listen to Adam and any advice that he has to give.
Oh great! Adam on tv next Thursday night on the same day that I have my annual doctor appointment for blood pressure and stuff. This will absolutely throw off all my numbers.
We have all waited so long for this. What am I to do to keep calm?
XFACTOR looks like a must timing wise and what better-er platform to present a new single.
Adam will become a huge celebritity worldwide,
one that will be on everyone's lips. He will be a legend, sought after by all. Go for it ADAM!
@I don't care about XFACTOR contestants, I can't wait to see Simon!!! OMG, he is the best of the best ( except Freddie and Adam:)
Simon is smart and sexy and hot. He is the man to die for. Sorry, forgot to mention Hugh Jackman! Just got new TV and watch Xmen-Wolverin.I don't know how come Hollywood could reject Jackman as the Bond for the next movie. He is one of the sexiest men I ever saw in my life. And I saw quite a few:):):)
Gonna watch GNT and Wembly tonight on my new 60"TV tonight when all my family follow a sleep FINALLY!!!!
How come I prefer men with perfect body and without earrings and tattoos? Sorry, Adam, but this is the curse:(
A I isn't dead yet,but I do want to watch X- Factor out of curiousity..Yes,I want to see Simon and Paula back together.On the Idol of the mo.,thanks to some voting from more glamberts last night,Adam had been 100plus votes ahead of Bucky C.,but not now.I think Bucky's fans are trying to pass Adam again..they are only 68-70 votes behind now.The contest has been extended to prob thru the weekend.The url is-- ( vote IF you want to.)Thanks.
Adam looks so charming and the camera is focusing on him. But when I study that wise judge look expression on his face, it conveys the real task master he is. No nonsence now, I know exactly what you are doing; give me your best! I think I will shiver if I had to do an audition in front of Adam; I really mean that. LOL! :)
-Lam my
HAL I can't wait to see Simon too and especially back with Paula. I really don't understand the format of XFACTOR yet so I have to watch from the very begininng or I'll be lost.
Anon 5:53, I am here laughing at your comment. There is NO other choice. You need to reschedule. False numbers are no good to you anyway. Reschedule!!!
HAL, I agree with you 100% about Hugh Jackman. What a handsome guy and what a bod!
That 1st photo has to be one of my favorite photos of Adam, if not my absolute favorite photos of him ever. It is sooooo drop dead gorgeous .... and it's a lovely photo of Nina too.
Big thanks @4:42 PM for posting those 3 links .... yummos!
Adam looks absolutely gorgeous, so photogenic and so lovable. I see a lot of extra happy faces in that photo. Must be the Adam Lambert CHARM working again teehee :) Adam is simply perfect for PR and i'm counting on 24/7 for a video of his episode. Thank you in advance Admin :-D
@MGF - it's sooo nice to see a post from you once in a while. You stay well :)
@Adam fix - this is your turf girl being our resident fashionista! Hope to hear from you soon specially after his PR episode :) I also miss my boss Cindy, Venzi, Melissa from Toronto, glamnut, Chezza-Sheberts, k/c, Hollandfan, Kentucky fan, MS4ever, ZZ, judy's dancin, Anna hellman, AG, laurieb, Sister, Ronnie, V, PRS and many many more. Excuse me for my senior moments if i failed to include you in the roll call :( Hey GGDGal this used to be your assignment LOL. Help me out here with the ones i missed. We need to be ready for the new single in a few weeks time. But before that there are so many other events to look forward to. Hope all of you guys are well and it would really be nice if you could check in every now and then. Many of us here miss you guys!
Love thru Adam,
Just set my dvr for PR, I'm finding that this program is an hour & a half long. Yea! & also , I'm kinda surprised because usually the designers would be designing a fashion style for the guest judge, & the winner would have their design worn by the guest judge for a special event. I guess in this case , it may not happen, it's for the rock band. Oh well, at least they'll have Adam's input on how a rockstar should dress. Looking forward to it , 1 & 1/2 hour long!
Mwah!! K
Hi Bing, AG here. I'm here everyday but don't post too often. And sometimes forget to tag. Thanks for the shoutout. I'll bet a lot of the usuals are here mostly reading and just waiting for something new which I know is finally happening. I'm so looking forward to next week along with everyone.
I love the PR pictures of Adam. His eyes are just perfect. And I'm sure he will be spot on as a judge.
@ Bing,
you're right, so may familiar names missing. Wish they'd all come back. Evebn JAKS been very quiet lately, miss her posts too, she always makes me smile.
AG, glad to see you're still here.
@HAL sometimes I think I liked you better when you were S AL.
@anon 8:08PM Do you miss my trollish comments, dear?:)
I still pretty sarcastic person just try to come down sometimes:)
Nina's latest tweet: Ha!
ninagarcia: Thank you so much for all your comments! You guys are amazing! Can I be considered a Glambert now? xoxo
@ HK fan
My silence is over, I've been busy partying with MRI...CAT SCAN...ULTRA SOUND technicians this past week but try as hard as they could they couldn't find any major boo boos so I'm good to go for awhile....unless a gator invades my pool!
Glad to see you back Jak. And glad the tests were all good.
Women disgust Adam Lambert. he says a woman has nothing to offer him. He prefers twinkies.
@Bing Sep17, 4:21 AM -
Thank you for your kind and funny shout out - right now I’m so tired I barely remember my own name…LOL!
The long list of names/tags “MIA” you have in your post brings back many memories of enthusiastic, passionate, heartfelt and humoristic posts & posters!!! I still hope Glambrit Isle of Wight UK comes back someday SOON… Where are Irene Rose, PassionN2010, CT, FF, Parisian Girl and many more. Like Bing said, please check in every now and then, you are missed…
Bing, you are our very valuable Oriental Pearl, like Fan4fun calls you!
Special shout out and warmest hugs to Fan4fun - so hoping to hear from You and, of course, from Icon, too!
GGD Gal, logging off…
@ Bing, I miss the familiar posters that we haven't seen in awhile too and hope they're still checking in, even if not commenting. Maggie Longfellow is another and always look for MassGlamFan. Sanni and the Finnish fans too that shared great, positive info about Finland and Sauli. Always like hearing from the male fans too and their points of view! Hope all will be back when Adam's CD and tour gets in gear! This is such a great site, except when we had that bad spell of the trolls that may have driven some very good people away, but as Adam says, "Love overcomes hate..." The picture of Adam and Nina is exceptionally beautiful. He is without a doubt the best looking man in the universe! funbunn40
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