Adam Lambert's Latest Music Recommendation!
Filed Under (twitter ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Posted at : Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Click here to purchase The Canyons - "The Canyons" album on iTunes!
Watch them perform one of their songs "Black Moon"
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very nice harmonies!
They are very good and I just downloaded their album on iTunes, it was only $5.99. I hope it is as good as that song they just did.Suz526 sure gets around and she does a good job. I wonder if they hire her? Does anyone know how many people Molly Malones holds? I guess I better look it up I have too many questions. So glad our guys had a good time at BM .
9:33 Yes, very nice harmonies. OT, my daughter has a very good song of Cassidy Haley on her iPod called Whiskey in Churches and I am going to download that one too.Maybe some wouldn't like it but I do.Adam really does have talented friends.
Very nice. Adam always supports his friends in their endeavors. I think Randy Jackson is also a supporter or promoter. funbunn40
@Anon 9:41 PM
Molly Malones holds 200 standing room only: with tables and chairs set up, less. Its a great and intimate venue in Hollywood.
Suz526 videos Alisan Porter and The Canyons for the same reasons she followed Adam all over the world last year and on the Idol tour: she feels they deserve to be seen and heard! She has some other favorites as well, of course, including Monte Pittman.
If you go to the Canyon's twitter page( above in Adam's tweet),then click on to their new website,you can hear the whole album( for now,anyway)It really sounds great.I could hear some of the harmonies better there,I think.I haven't had time to listen to all the songs yet,but the ones that I have sound very good.
Wow I love the Canyon sound. Alisan was always my favorite kind of artist. I am so happy to see Adam's friendship with Alisan remains strong as ever!
10:26 Alisan Porter is Riff Cherry's Godmother. Adam is his Godfather...of course they are friends. Maybe you're thinking of Allison Iriheta from American Idol.
Was fortunate enuf to be at the Canyons Album Launch Party last nite in LA. It was held at the W Hotel in the outdoor lounge area. Great fun sitting outside looking at palm trees and other So. Cal. foliage while seeing/hearing them perform their set. Great as usual! From the stage, they acknowledged many people in attendance (I, however, was not one of them LOL) such as, Randy Jackson (AI judge) who is the producer of this new album and a big fan. Seen him before at one of their other shows. Spoke with him and asked if there was any possibility of the Canyons performing on Idol next year. Of course he couldnt say yes or no but at least I put the bug in his head (if it wasnt already there!) He does seem to be a very nice friendly man and was very easy to talk with. I figure if Steven T. and Jennifer L. could pimp themselves all season long, Randy should have the opportunity to do the same! Alisan also introduced Lisa, one of the twin Australian young women from the pop-rock group the Veronicas. Stood in line a couple weeks ago to see them at the Viper Room but unfortunately tickets had already sold out. Also talked with her and she appeared genuinely moved by all the good things we had to say about her and her sister.
Continuing - Part 2. Alisan also acknowledged her godson in attendance! Said nothing about Scarlett and Lee Cherry, only about their son! After the set, they were standing alone with Riff being held by his daddy so we approached them and commented on the cute kid, which he is BTW with darker hair than what appears in pictures. My friend asked if they might pose for a picture and they very kindly and with no hesitation said "Of course". The picture is darlin' of the 3 of them. I had never seen Scarlett before in person and didnt realize what an attractive woman she is. She was wearing a head bandana with a hat as well, funky long earrings and a drop dead gorgeous long dress! Very chic and fashionable. They all appeared to be very comfortable in this scenario, as if it was a get together at one of their homes and we were just lucky enuf to be included! Bought the CD and got all but 2 of the band members signatures. Randy too. I realize that's no big deal but it was just fun speaking with them all as they signed. Know this is long but hope it will be of interest to maybe 1 or 2 of you? ... Adamluv
Adamluv, you sure are living the life. I think more than a few of us are interested and maybe a little jealous.
Adamluv, I love hearing these reviews from you, keep them coming, so interesting!! You are so right about Randy should be able to pimp himself this time around. I downloaded The Canyons album yesterday and it is quite good. I wish Alisan all the luck in the world, she deserves it.
Adamluv, So glad you were there and shared the experience with us! I can guarantee more than a few are very interested! I can live vicariously thru you! I'll be watching to see if the seed you planted in Randy's ear germinates! I hope you run into Adam at one of your adventures! I envy you! Gee, someone's got to do it! You can be our celeb spotter in residence! :) funbunn40
Yes, I LOVE hearing about your opportunities and adventures in LA! You're sort of our "Hollywood Reporter" so keep them coming! They are definitely of interest to me...Always! And the longer the better... : )
Hollywood is coming north this weekend and I'll be attending a "House Party" in the Seattle area with Xander Smith of the band "RunRunRun", a friend of Monte Pittman's who occasionally plays with Monte and Tommy, and opened for them at Monte's Molly Malone show in Dec...among other things..His band will be touring around the US soon, but he will be honoring some commitments from his band's Kickstarter fund-raiser. Saw him in Dec. on my LA GNT excellent adventure and he and his band are great! In fact Adamluv was there too! Such a small world we share as Adam Lambert fans!
That would be awesome to see Alisan and the Canyons on Idol! You just never know! They are sooo good live and I wish them the best. Hope to hear them in person again some time...Alisan's voice is really something...I doubt a recording could do it complete justice. I plan to buy the album because its the next best thing to live....especially since I don't live in LA! (bummer...)
@funnbunn40 @glitzlady and @ANON - Thanks for the positive comments on my experience. Never know how peeps are going to respond so I appreciate the feedback. Especially enjoyed seeing up close Mr. Riff. He certainly appears to take all the action around him in stride. @Glitz, Xander Smith and RunRunRun are great musicians - so happy you will be able to see them again in person. ... Adamluv
Thanx all you Wonderful posters on this site ... my eyes & ears to the outside world that is ADAM related ... LOVE reading them all even if I am a little today's music-ally challenged. Even so ... I still love reading about all of it ... so keep it coming ...
Thanks Adamluv, you are a love! Loved hearing of your experiences with Adam's good friend, Randy, Rif, Scarlet etc. I heard all of San Diego practically is without power. I wonder how Eber is handling that??
Hey @Adamluv i know i know i'm sooooooooo late in this thread and i just read it now LOL. WOW i'm so jealous already! Thanks so much for sharing another wonderful adventure of yours. Awww i love babies and seeing Riff must be a blast. Babies kind of recharge me in many ways, i just adore them.
And ditto on your new assignment, as our resident Hollywood Reporter \o/
Thanks for this one again Adamluv and hope there's more to come teehee!
Love thru Adam,
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